[AjPlus Captcha Official Website](https://captcha.anji-plus.com/) ============ [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Apache%202-4EB1BA.svg)](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html)[![Total Lines](https://tokei.rs/b1/github/anji-plus/captcha?category=lines)](https://github.com/anji-plus/captcha) > AjPlus Captcha [![Stargazers over time](https://starchart.cc/anji-plus/captcha.svg)](https://starchart.cc/anji-plus/captcha) [![Stargazers over time](https://whnb.wang/img/anji-plus/captcha?e=604800)](https://whnb.wang/anji-plus/captcha?e=604800) [![EN doc](https://img.shields.io/badge/document-English-blue.svg)](README.md)[![CN doc](https://img.shields.io/badge/文档-中文版-blue.svg)](README_CN.md) # 1. Online Demo ###   1.1 [Have a try](https://captcha.anji-plus.com/ "链接") ###   1.2 [Document](https://captcha.anji-plus.com/#/doc "doc") ###   1.3 Wechat/H5 demo(based on uni-app)    see also [gitee]( https://gitee.com/anji-plus/captcha "码云") ![Wechat](https://captcha.anji-plus.com/static/8cm.jpg "")  ![h5](https://images.gitee.com/uploads/images/2020/0429/174246_c33e3fa3_1728982.png "h5.png")     Wechat Demo             # 2. Design Details ###   2.1 UI Component    support Android、iOS、Futter、Uni-App、ReactNative、Vue、Angular、Html、Php。 | blockPuzzle | clickWord | | --- | --- | |![blockPuzzle](https://captcha.anji-plus.com/static/blockPuzzle.png "滑动拼图") |![clickWord](https://captcha.anji-plus.com/static/clickWord.png "点选文字")| | 1-1 | 1-2 | ###   2.2 Concept Related | concept | desc | | ------------ | ------------ | | Captcha Type | blockPuzzle, clickWord| | Check | user action: drag block or click workds,then check if it was human did| | Verify | bind user action with backend service. call captchaService.verification in backend service to prevent invalid access ,for example,directly call it | ###   2.3 Main Features CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. CAPTCHA determines whether the user is real or a spam robot. CAPTCHAs stretch or manipulate letters and numbers, and rely on human ability to determine which symbols they are. Ajplus Captcha , an open source toolset for users,its main Features are as follows: - Easy to integrate ui Component in your apps,support varies frontend UI, - Support Integrate with Android、iOS、Futter、Uni-App、ReactNative、Vue、Angular、Html、Php - No dependencies lib in core source,Easy to include in your backend service - Core api is simple and Open to Extend,all instance initialized by JAVA SPI,Easy to add your custom Implement to form a new Captcha type。 - Support security feature # 3. How to Integrate ![Sequence Diagram](https://captcha.anji-plus.com/static/shixu.png "时序图") # 4. SourceCode Structure ![输入图片说明](https://images.gitee.com/uploads/images/2021/0207/112335_bd789fff_1600789.png "屏幕截图.png") # 5. Dev & Run ####   - start backend service import source code into Eclipse or Intellij, start StartApplication class in package service/springboot。[online images](https://gitee.com/anji-plus/AJ-Captcha-Images) - start frontend ui open source files in view/vue with your IDE like Visual Code, ```js npm install npm run dev DONE Compiled successfully in 29587ms 12:06:38 I Your application is running here: http://localhost:8081 ``` # 6. Work Plan [issues](https://gitee.com/anji-plus/captcha/issues) # 7. Connect Us [Wechat group] (https://captcha.anji-plus.com/static/weixin.png) | Wechat | qq | | --- | --- | ||| #### Thank you, JetBrains, for your support ##### JetBrains:[https://www.jetbrains.com/?from=AJ-Captcha](https://www.jetbrains.com/?from=AJ-Captcha "链接")
### Have a try & enjoy it !!! ☺