{ # Naming conventions for new files. Supported values are: # UpperCamel, lowerCamel, lower_underscode, lower-hyphen fileNamingConventions: { *.js = UpperCamel , *.css = UpperCamel , *.* = UpperCamel } # # The plug-in tries to do its best to reconstruct configuration of a Tapestry5 project. # # This is done with a static code analysis and is possible because Tapestry5 # employs convention over configuration approach. # # But it's sometimes impossible to do so just from static code analysis, # and some hints are needed for proper work. # # List of fully-qualified class names of additional tapestry modules , tapestryModules: { //com.anjlab.services.ConditionalModule: { // // # Custom service bindings / discovery rules per tapestry module // // services: { // // com.anjlab.services.ServiceIntf: { // implClass: com.anjlab.services.ServiceImpl // } // // , 'DAO Services': { // discovery: 'intf-impl-pattern', // intfClass: 'com.anjlab.services.dao.(.*)', // implClass: 'com.anjlab.services.dao.impl.$1Impl' // } // } //} } # Implementation details begin # TODO Implement support for Additional JavaScript modules # Additional JavaScript modules (since Tapestry 5.4) , javaScriptModules: { //'my/module': 'path/to/js' // T5.4 Contributions to ModuleManager from JavaScriptModule // From JavaScriptModule#setupBaseModules() underscore = '${tapestry.asset.root}/underscore-shim.js' , jquery = '${tapestry.asset.root}/jquery-shim.js' , 'bootstrap/transition' = '${tapestry.bootstrap-root}/js/transition.js' , 'bootstrap/affix' = '${tapestry.bootstrap-root}/js/affix.js' , 'bootstrap/alert' = '${tapestry.bootstrap-root}/js/alert.js' , 'bootstrap/button' = '${tapestry.bootstrap-root}/js/button.js' , 'bootstrap/carousel' = '${tapestry.bootstrap-root}/js/carousel.js' , 'bootstrap/collapse' = '${tapestry.bootstrap-root}/js/collapse.js' , 'bootstrap/dropdown' = '${tapestry.bootstrap-root}/js/dropdown.js' , 'bootstrap/modal' = '${tapestry.bootstrap-root}/js/modal.js' , 'bootstrap/scrollspy' = '${tapestry.bootstrap-root}/js/scrollspy.js' , 'bootstrap/tab' = '${tapestry.bootstrap-root}/js/tab.js' , 'bootstrap/tooltip' = '${tapestry.bootstrap-root}/js/tooltip.js' , 'bootstrap/popover' = '${tapestry.bootstrap-root}/js/popover.js' // From JavaScriptModule#setupFoundationFramework' , 't5/core/dom' = 'classpath:org/apache/tapestry5/t5-core-dom-${tapestry.javascript-infrastructure-provider}.js' // TODO From JavaScriptModule#setupApplicationCatalogModules // (i.e., "t5/core/messages/") } # Implementation details end # Additional tapestry symbols with resolved values , symbols: { //ApplicationDefaults: { // // my.symbol-key: "symbol value" // // , my.another-key: 2 // //} } }