<h1 align="center">envfetch</h1>
<h5 align="center">Lightweight cross-platform CLI tool for working with environment variables</h5>
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# Features
- [x] Print all environment variables
- [x] Get value of variable by name
    - [x] Show similar variables if given variable not found
- [x] Set variable (temporary and permanent)
- [x] Delete variable (temporary and permanent)
- [x] Load variables from dotenv-style file (temporary and permanent)
- [ ] Set and delete multiple variables at once
# Get started
## Installing
### Arch Linux
[envfetch](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/envfetch) is available as a package in the [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org). You can install it with an [AUR helper](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/AUR_helpers) (e.g. `paru`):
$ paru -S envfetch
### Other platforms
You can install envfetch from Cargo (needs Rust installed):
$ cargo install envfetch
Also, you can install it from source (needs Rust installed):
$ cargo install --git https://github.com/ankddev/envfetch envfetch
Or, get binary from [GitHub Actions (needs GutHub account)](https://github.com/ankddev/envfetch/actions/) or [releases](https://github.com/ankddev/envfetch/releases/)
## Using
To run envfetch, run `envfetch <COMMAND> <ARGS>` in your terminal.
You can run `envfetch help` to see help message or `envfetch --version` to see program's version.
### Global flags
- `--exit-on-error`/`-e` - exit on any error

### Command list
#### Set
Set environment variable and run process.

`envfetch set <KEY> <VALUE> [PROCESS]`, where:
- `KEY` - name of environment variable
- `VALUE` - value of environment variable
- `PROCESS` - name of process which you want to run (optional if --global is used)

- `--help`/`-h` - show help message
- `--global`/`-g` - set variable permanently in system environment
  - On Windows: stores in registry
  - On Unix: stores in shell config (.bashrc, .zshrc, or config.fish)

For example:
$ envfetch set MY_VAR "Hello" "npm run"  # temporary for process
$ envfetch set MY_VAR "Hello" --global   # permanent system-wide

#### Print
Print all environment variables

`envfetch print`

- `--help`/`-h` - show help message

For example:
$ envfetch print
SHELL = "powershell"
windir = "C:\\Windows"
SystemDrive = "C:"
SystemRoot = "C:\\Windows"
It will print all environment variables in format `VAR = "VALUE"`.
#### Get
Get value of environment variable

`envfetch get <KEY>`, where:
- `KEY` - name of environment variable

- `--help`/`-h` - show help message
- `--no-similar-names`/`-s` - disable showing similar variables if variable not

For example:
$ envfetch get MY_VAR
It will print value of specified variable.
#### Delete
Delete variable and start process.

`envfetch delete <KEY> [PROCESS]`, where:
- `KEY` - name of environment variable
- `PROCESS` - name of command to run (optional if --global is used)

- `--help`/`-h` - show help message
- `--global`/`-g` - delete variable permanently from system environment

For example:
$ envfetch delete MY_VAR "npm run"  # temporary for process
$ envfetch delete MY_VAR --global   # permanent system-wide

#### Load
Load environment variables from dotenv-style file and run process.

`envfetch load [PROCESS]`, where:
- `PROCESS` - name of process which you want to run (optional if --global is used)

- `--help`/`-h` - show help message
- `--file <FILE>`/`-f <FILE>` - relative or absolute path to file to read variables from. Note that it must be in .env format.
By default, program loads variables from `.env` file in current directory.
- `--global`/`-g` - load variables permanently into system environment

For example:
$ envfetch load "npm run"                    # temporary for process
$ envfetch load --global                     # permanent system-wide
$ envfetch load --global --file .env.prod    # permanent from specific file

> [!NOTE]
> When using `--global` flag:
> - On Windows, variables are stored in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment
> - On Unix-like systems, variables are stored in shell configuration files (.bashrc, .zshrc, or config.fish)
> Without `--global` flag, variables are only set for the current process run
# Building from source
- Install Rust. If it already installed, update with
$ rustup update
- Fork this project using button `Fork` on the top of this page
- Clone your fork (replace `<YOUR_USERNAME>` with your username on GitHub):
$ git clone https://github.com/<YOUR_USERNAME>/envfetch.git
- Go to directory, where you cloned envfetch:
$ cd envfetch
- Run program using Cargo (replace `<COMMAND>` and `<ARGS>` to your command and args):
$ cargo run -- <COMMAND> <ARGS>
# See Also

- [codewars-api-rs](https://github.com/ankddev/codewars-api-rs) - Rust library for Codewars API
- [conemu-progressbar-go](https://github.com/ankddev/conemu-progressbar-go) - Progress bar for ConEmu for Go
- [terminal-go](https://github.com/ankddev/terminal-go) - Go library for working with ANSI/VT terminal sequences
- [zapret-discord-youtube](https://github.com/ankddev/zapret-discord-youtube) - Zapret build for Windows for fixing Discord and YouTube in Russia or othher services
# Contributing
- Read [section above to build envfetch from source](#building-from-source)
- Create new branch
- Made your changes
- Test that everything works correctly
- Format and lint code with
$ cargo fmt
$ cargo clippy --fix
- Run tests with
$ cargo test
- Push changes
- Open pull request