{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "%load_ext autoreload\n", "%autoreload 2" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import os\n", "import collections\n", "from tf.volumes import collect" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "GH_BASE = os.path.expanduser('~/github')\n", "ORG = 'pthu'\n", "REPO = 'patristics'\n", "RELATIVE = 'tf'\n", "VERSION = '1.0'\n", "KIND = 'patristics'\n", "\n", "REPO_PATH = f'{GH_BASE}/{ORG}/{REPO}'\n", "START_PATH = f'{REPO_PATH}/{RELATIVE}/{VERSION}/{KIND}'\n", "\n", "REPO_COMBINE = 'pilot'\n", "COMBINE_PATH = f'{GH_BASE}/{ORG}/{REPO_COMBINE}/combined/tf/{VERSION}'" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "def collectTfSources():\n", " tfSources = collections.defaultdict(list)\n", "\n", " lPrefix = len(START_PATH) + 1\n", "\n", " for (dirPath, dirs, files) in os.walk(START_PATH):\n", " if dirPath.endswith('/.tf'):\n", " continue\n", " pathComps = dirPath[lPrefix:].split('/', maxsplit=1)\n", " main = pathComps[0]\n", " sub = pathComps[1] if len(pathComps) == 2 else ''\n", " if 'otype.tf' in files:\n", " tfSources[main].append(sub)\n", "\n", " return tfSources" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 12, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "['>, Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam I Ad Timotheum',\n", " 'Athanasius - Oratio Ii Contra Arianos',\n", " 'Athanasius - Oratio I Contra Arianos',\n", " 'Athanasius - Oratio Quarta Contra Arianos [Sp]',\n", " 'Athanasius - Oratio Iii Contra Arianos',\n", " 'Athanasius Of Alexandria - De Decretis Nicaenae Synodi (Chapters 41 And 42)',\n", " 'Athenagoras - Legatio Sive Supplicatio Pro Christianis',\n", " 'Athenagoras - 1_De Resurrectione',\n", " 'Athenagoras - Supplication Pro Christianis',\n", " 'Athenagoras - De Resurrectione',\n", " 'Basil, Saint, Bishop Of Caesarea - De Legendis Gentilium Libris',\n", " 'Basil, Saint, Bishop Of Caesarea - Epistulae',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam I Ad Thessalonicenses',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Matthaeum',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Juda',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Petri Ii',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Petri I',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Ii Ad Timotheum',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Joannis I',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Marcum',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Prooemium Pseudo-Oecumenii In Apocalypsin Commentarii',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - 1_Commentarius In Apocalypsin',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Ad Philippenses',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Ii Ad Thessalonicenses',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Ad Colossenses',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Ii Ad Corinthios',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Catenam In Evangelium Sancti Lucae',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam I Ad Corinthios',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Acta',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Commentarius In Apocalypsin',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Joannem',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Joannis Iii',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Lucam',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Jacobi',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Ad Galatas',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Joannis Ii',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Catenam In Evangelium',\n", " 'Catenae (Novum Testamentum) - Catena In Epistulam Ad Philemonem',\n", " 'Chronicon Paschale - Chronicon Paschale',\n", " 'Clemens Romanus - Epistula I Ad Corinthios',\n", " 'Clemens Romanus - Epistula Ii Ad Corinthios',\n", " 'Clement Of Alexandria - Eclogae Propheticae',\n", " 'Clement Of Alexandria - Quis Dives Salvetur',\n", " 'Clement Of Alexandria - Excerpta Ex Theodoto',\n", " 'Clement Of Alexandria - Protrepticus',\n", " 'Clement Of Alexandria - Paedagogus',\n", " 'Clement Of Alexandria - Stromata',\n", " 'Clement Of Alexandria - Quis Dis Salvetur',\n", " 'Clement Of Alexandria - Exhortation To Endurance Or To The Newly Baptized',\n", " 'Clement Of Alexandria - 1_Protrepticus',\n", " 'Cyrillus Alexandrinus - In Xii Prophetas',\n", " 'Didymus Alexandrinus - Mensurae Marmorum Ac Lignorum',\n", " 'Didymus Alexandrinus - Mensuris Marmorum',\n", " 'Dionysius Corinthius - Fragmenta',\n", " 'Epiphanius - Panarion (Adversus Haereses)',\n", " 'Epiphanius - Anacephalaeosis [Sp]',\n", " 'Epiphanius - Ancoratus',\n", " 'Eusebius - Historia Ecclesiastica',\n", " 'Eusebius - De Ecclesiastica Theologia',\n", " 'Eusebius - De Laudibus Constantini',\n", " 'Eusebius - Vita Constantini',\n", " 'Eusebius - De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)',\n", " 'Eusebius - Praeperatio Evangelica',\n", " 'Eusebius - 1_Historia Ecclesiastica',\n", " 'Eusebius - Demonstratio Evangelica',\n", " 'Eusebius - Onomasticon',\n", " 'Eusebius - Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum',\n", " 'Eusebius - De Theophania (Fragmenta)',\n", " 'Eusebius Of Caesarea - Historia Ecclesiastica',\n", " 'Evagrius, Scholasticus - Historia Ecclesiastica',\n", " 'Gelasius - Historia Ecclesiastica',\n", " 'Gregorius Nazianzenus - De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)',\n", " 'Gregorius Nazianzenus - De Filio (Orat 30)',\n", " 'Gregorius Nazianzenus - De Theologia (Orat 28)',\n", " 'Gregorius Nazianzenus - Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)',\n", " 'Gregorius Nazianzenus - Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)',\n", " 'Gregorius Nazianzenus - De Filio (Orat 29)',\n", " 'Hegemonius - Acta Archelai',\n", " 'Hippolytus - 1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium',\n", " 'Hippolytus - Refutatio Omnium Haeresium',\n", " 'Ignatius Antiochenus - Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)',\n", " 'Ignatius Antiochenus - Ad Magnesios (Epist 2)',\n", " 'Ignatius Antiochenus - Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)',\n", " 'Ignatius Antiochenus - Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)',\n", " 'Ignatius Antiochenus - Ad Ephesios (Epist 1)',\n", " 'Ignatius Antiochenus - Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)',\n", " 'Ignatius Antiochenus - Ad Romanos (Epist 4)',\n", " 'Irenaeus - Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses',\n", " 'Justin Martyr - Apology Ii',\n", " 'Justinus Martyr - Dialogus Cum Tryphone',\n", " 'Justinus Martyr - Apologia',\n", " 'Justinus Martyr - Apologia Secunda',\n", " 'Libanius - Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx',\n", " 'Marcus Diaconus - Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis',\n", " 'Methodius - Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum',\n", " 'Methodius - De Martyribus (Fragmenta)',\n", " 'Methodius - Fragmenta In Job (In Catenis)',\n", " 'Methodius - Fragmenta Incerta [Sp]',\n", " 'Methodius - De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)',\n", " 'Methodius - De Libero Arbitrio',\n", " 'Methodius - Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)',\n", " 'Origen - Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)',\n", " 'Origen - Adnotationes In Judices',\n", " 'Origen - Adnotationes In Numeros',\n", " 'Origen - Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)',\n", " 'Origen - Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]',\n", " 'Origen - Scholia In Canticum Canticorum',\n", " 'Origen - Adnotationes In Exodum',\n", " 'Origen - Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]',\n", " 'Origen - Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)',\n", " 'Origen - Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)',\n", " 'Origen - Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)',\n", " 'Origen - The Philocalia Of Origen',\n", " 'Origen - Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)',\n", " 'Origen - Scholia In Matthaeum',\n", " 'Origen - Adnotationes In Genesim',\n", " 'Origen - Fragmenta In Ezechielem',\n", " 'Origen - Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 12-17)',\n", " 'Origenes - Fragmentum In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Cantico Canticorum)',\n", " 'Origenes - Selecta In Exodum',\n", " 'Origenes - Contra Celsum',\n", " 'Origenes - Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis',\n", " 'Origenes - Fragmenta In Lucam (In Catenis)',\n", " 'Origenes - Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)',\n", " 'Origenes - In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)',\n", " 'Origenes - Selecta In Judices',\n", " 'Origenes - Homiliae In Lucam',\n", " 'Origenes - Selecta In Numeros',\n", " 'Origenes - Selecta In Deuteronomium',\n", " 'Origenes - Epistula Ad Africanum',\n", " 'Origenes - Selecta In Job',\n", " 'Origenes - De Engastrimytho',\n", " 'Origenes - In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)',\n", " 'Origenes - Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 10-11)',\n", " 'Origenes - Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)',\n", " 'Origenes - De Oratione',\n", " 'Origenes - Exhortatio Ad Martyrium',\n", " 'Origenes - Selecta In Genesim',\n", " 'Origenes - Selecta In Leviticum',\n", " 'Origenes - Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)',\n", " 'Origenes - Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)',\n", " 'Origenes - Selecta In Jesum Nave',\n", " 'Origenes - Fragmenta In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Samuelis Et Regnorum)',\n", " 'Origenes - Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)',\n", " 'Philostorgius - Historia Ecclesiastica (Fragmenta Ap Photium)',\n", " 'Pinytus - De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium',\n", " 'Polycarp - Epistula Ad Philippenses',\n", " 'Pseudo-Justinus Martyr - Epistula Ad Diognetum',\n", " 'Pseudo-Menander, Gregory Nazianzus - Sententiae = (Carmen Morale Xxx)',\n", " 'Seniores Apud Irenaeum - Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum',\n", " 'Socrates, Scholasticus - Historia Ecclesiastica',\n", " 'Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias - Historia Ecclesiastica',\n", " 'Tatianus - Oratio Ad Graecos',\n", " 'Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus - Historia Ecclesiastica',\n", " 'Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus - Historia Religiosa',\n", " 'Theodoretus - Historia Ecclesiastica',\n", " 'Theophylacti - In Cyrilli In Xii Prophetas']" ] }, "execution_count": 12, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "locations = []\n", "for (main, subs) in sorted(collectTfSources().items()):\n", " for sub in subs:\n", " locations.append((f\"{main} - {sub}\", f\"{START_PATH}/{main}/{sub}\"))\n", "[loc[0] for loc in locations]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 14, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | | 1.20s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.04s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.36s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.02s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam I Ad Corinthios\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam I Ad Corinthios\n", " | 0.01s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam I Ad Corinthios\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam I Ad Corinthios\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam I Ad Corinthios\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam I Ad Corinthios\n", " | 0.20s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam I Ad Corinthios\n", " | 0.01s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam I Ad Corinthios\n", " | 0.02s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios\n", " | 0.15s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios\n", " | 0.08s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios\n", " | 0.09s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios\n", " | 0.09s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios\n", " | 0.09s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios\n", " | 0.09s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios\n", " | 0.09s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.33s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.01s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.39s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.12s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios\n", " | 0.09s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.07s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.03s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.04s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.04s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.00s T line from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.04s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.04s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.00s T page from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.04s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.16s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.01s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.16s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.02s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.05s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, section, page\n", " | | 0.01s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, section, page, line\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.03s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Supplementum Et Varietas Lectionis Ad Commentarium Chrysostomi In Evangelium Sancti Matthaei\n", " | 0.05s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.58s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.27s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.28s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.33s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.27s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.27s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.28s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | | 0.01s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 1.61s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.05s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 1.64s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.06s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.40s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.02s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.01s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.27s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.01s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.00s T quote from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Acta\n", " | 0.04s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 1.58s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.24s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.35s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.33s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.32s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.33s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T verse from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.32s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | | 0.01s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 4.77s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.04s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 6.67s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.20s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.38s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, verse\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, verse\n", " | 0.03s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T comment from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Agathius from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Apostolos from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Basil from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Caesarius from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Chrysologus from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Chrysoremonos from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Chrysostom from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Chysoreithrologus from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Clement from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Cyril from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#D from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Didymus from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Diodorus from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Euthalius from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Gennadius from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Isidore from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Maximus from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Methodius from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Monachus from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Nyssa from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Oecumenius from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Origen from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Patara from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Photius from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Same from 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Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.21s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis)\n", " | 0.02s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Commentarius In Apocalypsin\n", " | 0.29s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Commentarius In Apocalypsin\n", " | 0.19s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Commentarius In Apocalypsin\n", " | 0.21s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Commentarius In Apocalypsin\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Commentarius In Apocalypsin\n", " | 0.20s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Commentarius In Apocalypsin\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Commentarius In Apocalypsin\n", " | 0.22s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Commentarius In Apocalypsin\n", " | 0.25s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Commentarius In Apocalypsin\n", " | 0.24s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Commentarius In Apocalypsin\n", " | | 0.01s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.80s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.04s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 1.07s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.04s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.30s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.02s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Commentarius In Apocalypsin\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Commentarius In Apocalypsin\n", " | 0.01s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Commentarius In Apocalypsin\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Commentarius In Apocalypsin\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Commentarius In Apocalypsin\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Commentarius In Apocalypsin\n", " | 0.17s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Commentarius In Apocalypsin\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Commentarius In Apocalypsin\n", " | 0.02s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Joannem\n", " | 0.24s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Joannem\n", " | 0.15s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Joannem\n", " | 0.18s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Joannem\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Joannem\n", " | 0.17s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Joannem\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Joannem\n", " | 0.18s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Joannem\n", " | 0.17s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Joannem\n", " | 0.16s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Joannem\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.61s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.03s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.92s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.28s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Joannem\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Joannem\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Joannem\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Joannem\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Joannem\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Joannem\n", " | 0.14s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Joannem\n", " | 0.01s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Joannem\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Iii\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Iii\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Iii\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Iii\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Iii\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Iii\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Iii\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Iii\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Iii\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Iii\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.01s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Iii\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Iii\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Iii\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Iii\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Iii\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Iii\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Iii\n", " | 0.02s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)\n", " | 0.24s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)\n", " | 0.11s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)\n", " | 0.12s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)\n", " | 0.12s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)\n", " | 0.12s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)\n", " | 0.12s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)\n", " | 0.11s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.50s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.02s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.64s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.02s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.16s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)\n", " | 0.09s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Vaticanus)\n", " | 0.04s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.58s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.35s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.44s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.41s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.35s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.35s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.33s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | | 0.01s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 1.43s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.06s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 1.86s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.06s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.51s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.02s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.00s T div from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.01s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.28s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.01s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.00s T quote from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos\n", " | 0.01s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Lucam\n", " | 0.17s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Lucam\n", " | 0.11s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Lucam\n", " | 0.12s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Lucam\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Lucam\n", " | 0.12s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Lucam\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Lucam\n", " | 0.13s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Lucam\n", " | 0.13s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Lucam\n", " | 0.13s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Lucam\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.47s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.02s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.54s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.02s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.17s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Lucam\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Lucam\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Lucam\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Lucam\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Lucam\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Lucam\n", " | 0.09s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Lucam\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Lucam\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.02s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.05s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.05s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.00s T quote from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Titum\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Jacobi\n", " | 0.04s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Jacobi\n", " | 0.02s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Jacobi\n", " | 0.03s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Jacobi\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Jacobi\n", " | 0.03s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Jacobi\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Jacobi\n", " | 0.03s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Jacobi\n", " | 0.04s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Jacobi\n", " | 0.03s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Jacobi\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.11s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.20s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.04s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Jacobi\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Jacobi\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Jacobi\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Jacobi\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Jacobi\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Jacobi\n", " | 0.03s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Jacobi\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Jacobi\n", " | 0.01s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Galatas\n", " | 0.11s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Galatas\n", " | 0.07s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Galatas\n", " | 0.08s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Galatas\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Galatas\n", " | 0.08s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Galatas\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Galatas\n", " | 0.07s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Galatas\n", " | 0.07s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Galatas\n", " | 0.06s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Galatas\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.28s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.01s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.30s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.11s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Galatas\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Galatas\n", " | 0.00s T lb from 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Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Ii\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.01s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Ii\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Ii\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Joannis Ii\n", " | 0.00s T p from 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__rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Philemonem\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Philemonem\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Philemonem\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Philemonem\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Philemonem\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Philemonem\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Catenae (Novum Testamentum)/Catena In Epistulam Ad Philemonem\n", " | 0.08s T otype from 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Propheticae\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Eclogae Propheticae\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.05s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.05s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.02s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section, subsection\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Eclogae Propheticae\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Eclogae Propheticae\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Eclogae Propheticae\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Eclogae Propheticae\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Eclogae Propheticae\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Eclogae Propheticae\n", " | 0.00s T q from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Eclogae Propheticae\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Quis Dives Salvetur\n", " | 0.04s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Quis Dives Salvetur\n", " | 0.02s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Quis Dives Salvetur\n", " | 0.02s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Quis Dives Salvetur\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from 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0.02s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Quis Dives Salvetur\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Quis Dives Salvetur\n", " | 0.00s T q from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Quis Dives Salvetur\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Excerpta Ex Theodoto\n", " | 0.03s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Excerpta Ex Theodoto\n", " | 0.02s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Excerpta Ex Theodoto\n", " | 0.02s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Excerpta Ex Theodoto\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Excerpta Ex Theodoto\n", " | 0.02s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Excerpta Ex 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otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.02s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.48s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.02s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.09s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.01s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter, section, subsection\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Stromata\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Stromata\n", " | 0.00s T gap from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Stromata\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Stromata\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Stromata\n", " | 0.00s T pb from 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Alexandria/Quis Dis Salvetur\n", " | 0.02s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Quis Dis Salvetur\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Quis Dis Salvetur\n", " | 0.02s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Quis Dis Salvetur\n", " | 0.02s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Quis Dis Salvetur\n", " | 0.02s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Quis Dis Salvetur\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.08s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.10s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, 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Alexandria/Exhortation To Endurance Or To The Newly Baptized\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/Exhortation To Endurance Or To The Newly Baptized\n", " | 0.01s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/1_Protrepticus\n", " | 0.10s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/1_Protrepticus\n", " | 0.06s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/1_Protrepticus\n", " | 0.06s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/1_Protrepticus\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/1_Protrepticus\n", " | 0.06s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/1_Protrepticus\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/1_Protrepticus\n", " | 0.00s T section from 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otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section, subsection\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/1_Protrepticus\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/1_Protrepticus\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/1_Protrepticus\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/1_Protrepticus\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/1_Protrepticus\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/1_Protrepticus\n", " | 0.06s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/1_Protrepticus\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Clement Of Alexandria/1_Protrepticus\n", " | 0.09s T otype from 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0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensurae Marmorum Ac Lignorum\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensurae Marmorum Ac Lignorum\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensurae Marmorum Ac Lignorum\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensurae Marmorum Ac Lignorum\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensurae Marmorum Ac Lignorum\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensurae Marmorum Ac Lignorum\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensurae Marmorum Ac Lignorum\n", " | 0.00s T sic from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensurae Marmorum Ac Lignorum\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensuris Marmorum\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensuris Marmorum\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensuris Marmorum\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensuris Marmorum\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensuris Marmorum\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensuris Marmorum\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensuris Marmorum\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensuris Marmorum\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensuris Marmorum\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensuris Marmorum\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.00s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensuris Marmorum\n", " | 0.00s T gap from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensuris Marmorum\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensuris Marmorum\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensuris Marmorum\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensuris Marmorum\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Didymus Alexandrinus/Mensuris Marmorum\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Dionysius Corinthius/Fragmenta\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Dionysius Corinthius/Fragmenta\n", " | 0.00s T fragment from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Dionysius Corinthius/Fragmenta\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Dionysius Corinthius/Fragmenta\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Dionysius Corinthius/Fragmenta\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Dionysius Corinthius/Fragmenta\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Dionysius Corinthius/Fragmenta\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Dionysius Corinthius/Fragmenta\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Dionysius Corinthius/Fragmenta\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Dionysius Corinthius/Fragmenta\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.01s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, fragment\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, fragment\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Dionysius Corinthius/Fragmenta\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Dionysius Corinthius/Fragmenta\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Dionysius Corinthius/Fragmenta\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Dionysius Corinthius/Fragmenta\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Dionysius Corinthius/Fragmenta\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Dionysius Corinthius/Fragmenta\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Dionysius Corinthius/Fragmenta\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Dionysius Corinthius/Fragmenta\n", " | 0.05s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 1.04s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.49s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.56s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.54s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.01s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.00s T haeresis from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.53s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.49s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.52s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | | 0.02s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 3.36s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.07s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 3.36s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.17s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.66s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, haeresis, chapter\n", " | | 0.04s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, haeresis, chapter, section\n", " | 0.02s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.01s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.00s T milestone from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.02s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.01s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.37s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.01s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Panarion (Adversus Haereses)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T haeresis from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.05s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.04s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, haeresis, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, haeresis, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T milestone from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Anacephalaeosis [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.00s T letter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.00s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, letter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, letter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.00s T milestone from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Epiphanius/Ancoratus\n", " | 0.03s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.36s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.27s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.25s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.24s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.25s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.26s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.24s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 1.36s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.04s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 1.24s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.35s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.18s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.10s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.03s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.04s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.04s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.04s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.04s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.04s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.24s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.01s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.36s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.04s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.00s T hi from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-altnumbering from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-ms from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.03s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.00s T quote from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Ecclesiastica Theologia\n", " | 0.01s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Laudibus Constantini\n", " | 0.10s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Laudibus Constantini\n", " | 0.04s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Laudibus Constantini\n", " | 0.05s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Laudibus Constantini\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Laudibus Constantini\n", " | 0.05s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Laudibus Constantini\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Laudibus Constantini\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Laudibus Constantini\n", " | 0.05s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Laudibus Constantini\n", " | 0.05s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Laudibus Constantini\n", " | 0.05s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Laudibus Constantini\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.30s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.01s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.32s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.05s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Laudibus Constantini\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Laudibus Constantini\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Laudibus Constantini\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Laudibus Constantini\n", " | 0.00s T l from 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~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.09s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.10s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.10s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.10s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.10s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.09s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.64s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.02s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.63s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.11s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.01s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.01s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.07s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Vita Constantini\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | 0.03s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | 0.02s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | 0.02s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | 0.02s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | 0.02s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | 0.02s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | 0.02s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.08s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.08s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.02s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Martyribus Palaestinae (Recensio Brevior)\n", " | 0.06s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 1.47s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.53s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.60s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.54s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.01s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.61s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.54s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.56s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | | 0.02s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 4.70s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.09s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 5.44s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.28s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 1.03s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.05s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.03s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.02s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.01s T milestone-pageseg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-stephnumbering from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-vignumbering from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.01s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.47s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Praeperatio Evangelica\n", " | 0.03s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.50s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.25s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.29s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.27s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.27s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.28s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.24s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | | 0.01s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 1.92s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.04s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 1.79s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.09s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.41s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.02s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.20s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.01s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/1_Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.05s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 1.08s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.33s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.38s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.36s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.37s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.36s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.34s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | | 0.01s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 2.91s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.06s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 3.82s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.16s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.66s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.03s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.02s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T foreign from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.01s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-altnumbering from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-fabrnumbering from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-fabrsection from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.27s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.01s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Demonstratio Evangelica\n", " | 0.01s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.07s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.03s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.04s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.04s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.04s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.04s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.03s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.19s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.01s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.20s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.02s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.05s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, section\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.00s T div from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.00s T foreign from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.03s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Onomasticon\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.05s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.02s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.03s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.03s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.03s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.03s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.03s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.16s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.16s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.03s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/Constantini Imperatoris Oratio Ad Coetum Sanctorum\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.04s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T fragment from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.02s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.02s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.02s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.02s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.02s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.02s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.12s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.12s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, fragment\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, fragment\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T gap from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-altnumbering from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-mspage from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.02s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius/De Theophania (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.03s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.50s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.21s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.24s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.24s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.25s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.25s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.23s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | | 0.01s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 1.52s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.04s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 1.67s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.06s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.32s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T argument from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T div2 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T div3 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T num from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.19s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Eusebius Of Caesarea/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.01s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.24s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.11s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.13s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.13s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.13s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.13s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.12s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.80s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.02s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.81s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.21s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T div from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T gap from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T milestone from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T num from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.11s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T q from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Evagrius, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.02s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.28s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.11s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.13s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.12s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.12s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.12s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.12s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.79s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.02s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.91s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.23s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.01s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.09s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.01s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gelasius/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)\n", " | 0.02s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)\n", " | 0.02s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)\n", " | 0.02s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)\n", " | 0.02s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)\n", " | 0.02s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)\n", " | 0.02s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.05s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.06s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.02s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Spiritu Sancto (Orat 31)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 30)\n", " | 0.02s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 30)\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 30)\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 30)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 30)\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 30)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 30)\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 30)\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 30)\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 30)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.04s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.04s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 30)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 30)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 30)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 30)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 30)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 30)\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 30)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 30)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Theologia (Orat 28)\n", " | 0.02s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Theologia (Orat 28)\n", " | 0.02s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Theologia (Orat 28)\n", " | 0.02s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Theologia (Orat 28)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Theologia (Orat 28)\n", " | 0.02s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Theologia (Orat 28)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Theologia (Orat 28)\n", " | 0.02s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Theologia (Orat 28)\n", " | 0.02s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Theologia (Orat 28)\n", " | 0.02s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Theologia (Orat 28)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.07s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.08s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Theologia (Orat 28)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Theologia (Orat 28)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Theologia (Orat 28)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Theologia (Orat 28)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Theologia (Orat 28)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Theologia (Orat 28)\n", " | 0.02s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Theologia (Orat 28)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Theologia (Orat 28)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.02s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.02s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)\n", " | 0.01s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Adversus Eunomianos (Orat 27)\n", " | 0.01s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.10s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.04s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.04s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.04s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.04s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.05s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.04s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.20s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.01s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.22s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.05s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.03s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.00s T sp from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.00s T speaker from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/Christus Patiens [Dub] (Fort Auctore Constantino Manasse)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 29)\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 29)\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 29)\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 29)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 29)\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 29)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 29)\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 29)\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 29)\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 29)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.04s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.04s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 29)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 29)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 29)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 29)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 29)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 29)\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 29)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Gregorius Nazianzenus/De Filio (Orat 29)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hegemonius/Acta Archelai\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hegemonius/Acta Archelai\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hegemonius/Acta Archelai\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hegemonius/Acta Archelai\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hegemonius/Acta Archelai\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hegemonius/Acta Archelai\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hegemonius/Acta Archelai\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hegemonius/Acta Archelai\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hegemonius/Acta Archelai\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hegemonius/Acta Archelai\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.02s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.02s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hegemonius/Acta Archelai\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hegemonius/Acta Archelai\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hegemonius/Acta Archelai\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hegemonius/Acta Archelai\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hegemonius/Acta Archelai\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hegemonius/Acta Archelai\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hegemonius/Acta Archelai\n", " | 0.02s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.48s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.16s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.17s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.16s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.17s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.17s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.16s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | | 0.01s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 1.50s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.03s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 1.46s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.06s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.23s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.01s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-altpage1 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-altpage2 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.01s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.13s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/1_Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.02s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.30s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.17s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.17s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.16s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.17s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.16s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.16s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | | 0.01s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.78s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.02s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.97s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.21s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T milestone from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.12s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Hippolytus/Refutatio Omnium Haeresium\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.01s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)\n", " | 0.00s T q from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Philadelphios (Epist 5)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Magnesios (Epist 2)\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Magnesios (Epist 2)\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Magnesios (Epist 2)\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Magnesios (Epist 2)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Magnesios (Epist 2)\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Magnesios (Epist 2)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Magnesios (Epist 2)\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Magnesios (Epist 2)\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Magnesios (Epist 2)\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Magnesios (Epist 2)\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Magnesios (Epist 2)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.01s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Magnesios (Epist 2)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Magnesios (Epist 2)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Magnesios (Epist 2)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Magnesios (Epist 2)\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Magnesios (Epist 2)\n", " | 0.00s T q from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Magnesios (Epist 2)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.01s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | 0.00s T q from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Trallianos (Epist 3)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.02s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)\n", " | 0.00s T q from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Smyrnaeos (Epist 6)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Ephesios (Epist 1)\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Ephesios (Epist 1)\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Ephesios (Epist 1)\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Ephesios (Epist 1)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Ephesios (Epist 1)\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Ephesios (Epist 1)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Ephesios (Epist 1)\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Ephesios (Epist 1)\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Ephesios (Epist 1)\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Ephesios (Epist 1)\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Ephesios (Epist 1)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.02s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.02s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Ephesios (Epist 1)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Ephesios (Epist 1)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Ephesios (Epist 1)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Ephesios (Epist 1)\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Ephesios (Epist 1)\n", " | 0.00s T q from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Ephesios (Epist 1)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.01s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)\n", " | 0.00s T q from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Polycarpum (Epist 7)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Romanos (Epist 4)\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Romanos (Epist 4)\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Romanos (Epist 4)\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Romanos (Epist 4)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Romanos (Epist 4)\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Romanos (Epist 4)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Romanos (Epist 4)\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Romanos (Epist 4)\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Romanos (Epist 4)\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Romanos (Epist 4)\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Romanos (Epist 4)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.01s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Romanos (Epist 4)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Romanos (Epist 4)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Romanos (Epist 4)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Romanos (Epist 4)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Romanos (Epist 4)\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Romanos (Epist 4)\n", " | 0.00s T q from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Ignatius Antiochenus/Ad Romanos (Epist 4)\n", " | 0.01s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.10s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.05s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.05s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.05s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.05s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.06s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.05s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.31s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.01s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.36s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.02s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.08s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.00s T gap from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.04s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Irenaeus/Libros Quinque Adversus Haereses\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justin Martyr/Apology Ii\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justin Martyr/Apology Ii\n", " | 0.00s T altsection from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justin Martyr/Apology Ii\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justin Martyr/Apology Ii\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justin Martyr/Apology Ii\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justin Martyr/Apology Ii\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justin Martyr/Apology Ii\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justin Martyr/Apology Ii\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justin Martyr/Apology Ii\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justin Martyr/Apology Ii\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justin Martyr/Apology Ii\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.02s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.03s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, altsection\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, altsection\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justin Martyr/Apology Ii\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justin Martyr/Apology Ii\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justin Martyr/Apology Ii\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justin Martyr/Apology Ii\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justin Martyr/Apology Ii\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justin Martyr/Apology Ii\n", " | 0.02s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Dialogus Cum Tryphone\n", " | 0.16s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Dialogus Cum Tryphone\n", " | 0.12s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Dialogus Cum Tryphone\n", " | 0.13s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Dialogus Cum Tryphone\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Dialogus Cum Tryphone\n", " | 0.14s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Dialogus Cum Tryphone\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Dialogus Cum Tryphone\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Dialogus Cum Tryphone\n", " | 0.15s T lemma from 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~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Dialogus Cum Tryphone\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Dialogus Cum Tryphone\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Dialogus Cum Tryphone\n", " | 0.11s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Dialogus Cum Tryphone\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Dialogus Cum Tryphone\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | 0.04s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | 0.03s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | 0.04s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | 0.03s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | 0.04s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | 0.03s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | 0.04s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.14s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.13s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.04s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | 0.00s T bibl from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | 0.03s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia Secunda\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia Secunda\n", " | 0.00s T altsection from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia Secunda\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia Secunda\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia Secunda\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia Secunda\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia Secunda\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia Secunda\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia Secunda\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia Secunda\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia Secunda\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.02s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.03s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, altsection\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, altsection\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia Secunda\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia Secunda\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia Secunda\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia Secunda\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia Secunda\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Justinus Martyr/Apologia Secunda\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.02s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.02s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.02s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.02s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.02s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.02s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.07s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.15s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.02s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Libanius/Libanius Opera Orationes Xiii-Xxx\n", " | 0.01s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | 0.08s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | 0.05s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | 0.06s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | 0.00s T paragraph from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | 0.05s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | 0.06s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | 0.06s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | 0.06s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.22s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.01s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.25s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.06s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, paragraph\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, paragraph\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | 0.04s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Marcus Diaconus/Vita Porphyrii Episcopi Gazensis\n", " | 0.01s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.13s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.06s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.07s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.08s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.08s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.08s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.07s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.44s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.01s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.52s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.09s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.00s T milestone from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.01s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.05s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Symposium Sive Convivium Decem Virginum\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Martyribus (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Martyribus (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T fragment from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Martyribus (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Martyribus (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Martyribus (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Martyribus (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Martyribus (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Martyribus (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Martyribus (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Martyribus (Fragmenta)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.00s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, fragment\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, fragment\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Martyribus (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Martyribus (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Martyribus (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Martyribus (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Martyribus (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Martyribus (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Martyribus (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta In Job (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta In Job (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T fragment from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta In Job (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta In Job (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta In Job (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta In Job (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta In Job (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta In Job (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta In Job (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta In Job (In Catenis)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.01s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, fragment\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, fragment\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta In Job (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta In Job (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta In Job (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta In Job (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta In Job (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta In Job (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta In Job (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta Incerta [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta Incerta [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T fragment from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta Incerta [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta Incerta [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta Incerta [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta Incerta [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta Incerta [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta Incerta [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta Incerta [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta Incerta [Sp]\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.00s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, fragment\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, fragment\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta Incerta [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta Incerta [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta Incerta [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta Incerta [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta Incerta [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta Incerta [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Fragmenta Incerta [Sp]\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.02s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.02s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Creatis (Fragmenta Ap Photium Bibl Cod 235)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.05s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.02s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.03s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.02s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.03s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.03s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.02s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.14s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.15s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.04s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.01s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.02s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/De Libero Arbitrio\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.01s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Methodius/Adversus Porphyrium (Fragmenta)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.03s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.04s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:1.31 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:14.19 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:20.10 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:20.13 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:20.5 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:20.8 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:22.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:23.12 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:23.13 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:23.14 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:23.3 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:24.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:27.15 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:27.17 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:27.18 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:27.19 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:27.26 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:3.18 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:3.27-3.28 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:33.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg005:4.12 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Deuteronomium (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Judices\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.00s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg008:15.19 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg008:20.21 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.00s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg004:11.7 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg004:12.1-12.15 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg004:14.36 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg004:22.2 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg004:22.4 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg004:23.7 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg004:24.17 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg004:24.7 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.06s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.04s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.04s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.04s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.04s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.04s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.04s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.18s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.01s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.21s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.06s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.04s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Expositio In Proverbia (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.12s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.02s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.02s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.02s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.02s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.02s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.02s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.28s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.69s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:13.2 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:13.3 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:13.5-13.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:15.1 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:150.3 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:16.4 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:17.12 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:17.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:17.8 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:22.3 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:22.4 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:23.10 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:23.2 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:23.3 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:23.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:23.9 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:27.1 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:27.2 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:27.5 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:27.7 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.1 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.11 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.12 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.13 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.14 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.15 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.16 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.17 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.21 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.22 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.23 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.24 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.25 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.3 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.4 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.5 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.7 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.8 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:36.9 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:41.10 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:41.11 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:50.7 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:50.8 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:76.30 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:76.31 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:76.44 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:80.2 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:9.12 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:9.33 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:9.38 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:9.8 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg027:9.9 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T gap from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.02s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Excerpta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Canticum Canticorum\n", " | 0.02s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Canticum Canticorum\n", " | 0.02s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Canticum Canticorum\n", " | 0.02s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Canticum Canticorum\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Canticum Canticorum\n", " | 0.00s T paragraph from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Canticum Canticorum\n", " | 0.02s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Canticum Canticorum\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Canticum Canticorum\n", " | 0.02s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Canticum Canticorum\n", " | 0.02s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Canticum Canticorum\n", " | 0.02s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Canticum Canticorum\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.06s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.06s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.02s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, paragraph\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, paragraph\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Canticum Canticorum\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Canticum Canticorum\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Canticum Canticorum\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Canticum Canticorum\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Canticum Canticorum\n", " | 0.02s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Canticum Canticorum\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Canticum Canticorum\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.00s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg002:15.25 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg002:20.4 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg002:28.30 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg002:31.1 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Exodum\n", " | 0.03s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.50s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.22s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.23s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T paragraph from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.23s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.23s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.23s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.26s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | | 0.01s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 1.33s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.04s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 1.34s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.07s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.33s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, paragraph\n", " | | 0.01s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, paragraph\n", " | 0.03s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T gap from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.17s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Selecta In Psalmos [Dub]\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.20s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T part from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.03s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.03s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.03s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.03s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.03s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.03s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.47s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 1.50s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, part, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, part, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-pr from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.1 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.10 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.11 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.12 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.13 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.14 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.22 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.23 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.24 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.25 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.26 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.27 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.3 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.36 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.4 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.5 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.63 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.7 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.8 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.9 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:10.10 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:10.11 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:10.38 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:10.39 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:10.40 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:10.41 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:10.42 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:11.2 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:11.3 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:11.34 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:11.35 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:11.36 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:11.5-11.7 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:11.51 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:12.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:12.7 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:13.20 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:13.21 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:13.29 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:14.12 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:14.13 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:14.14 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:14.16 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:14.19 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:14.20 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:15.23 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:16.16 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:17.12 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:17.13 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:18.20 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:19.29 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:19.30 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:19.31 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:19.32 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:19.33 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:19.34 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:19.35 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:19.36 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:2.49 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:20.19 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:20.20 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:20.21 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:20.22 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:20.23 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:20.24 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:20.25 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:20.26 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:3.1 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:3.11 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:3.3 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:3.5 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:4.40 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:4.9 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:7.22 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:8.16 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:8.17 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:8.38 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:8.39 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:8.48 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:8.52 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:8.53 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:9.26 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:9.28 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:9.29 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:9.30 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:9.31 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:9.35 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:9.36 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:9.42 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:9.43 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:9.44 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:9.56 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:9.58 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T gap from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.02s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Lucam (Fragmenta E Cod Venet 28)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.16s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.02s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.02s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.02s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.02s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.02s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.02s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.40s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 1.39s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-pr from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:1.10 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:1.18 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:1.19 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:19.1 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:19.3 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:19.4 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:19.5 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:19.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:19.7 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:2.10 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:2.11 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:2.12 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:2.13 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:2.2 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:2.9 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:20.10 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:20.13 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:20.15 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:20.17 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:20.18 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:20.20 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:20.22 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:20.24 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:20.25 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:20.27 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:20.29 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:20.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:20.7 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:21.10 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:21.11 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:21.12 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:21.13 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:21.5 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:21.7 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:21.8 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:21.9 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.10 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.11 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.12 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.13 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.14 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.15 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.16 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.18 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.19 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.2 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.20 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.22 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.23 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.24 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.25 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.26 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.28 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.4 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.5 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.7 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:22.9 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:23.2 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:24.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:27.1 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:27.2 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:27.5 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:27.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:28.12 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:28.15 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:28.16 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:28.18 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:28.21 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:29.10 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:29.11 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:29.12 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:29.15 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:29.16 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:29.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:29.7 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:29.9 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:3.1 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:32.1 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:32.10 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:32.11 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:32.19 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:32.20 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:32.22 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:32.7 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:35.10 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:35.11 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:35.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:35.7 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:40.10 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:40.11 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:40.25 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:40.26 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:40.3 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:40.5 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:40.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:40.7 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:40.8 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:41.10 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:41.13 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:41.14 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:41.15 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:41.4 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:41.5 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:41.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:42.10 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T gap from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.02s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Homiliae In Job (Fragmenta In Catenis Typus Ii)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.00s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg006:3.14 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg006:6.15-6.16 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg006:8.2 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg006:8.26 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Jesu Filium Nave (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.02s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.30s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.13s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.15s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.14s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.15s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.15s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.14s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.93s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.02s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 1.09s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.20s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.11s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/The Philocalia Of Origen\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.00s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg003:12.2 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg003:13.45 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg003:23.2 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg003:23.40 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg003:27.15 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg003:27.16 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg003:4.27 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg003:4.28 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Leviticum (Fragmenta E Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.03s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.07s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.12s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:1.18 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:11.11 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:11.12 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:12.14 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:12.15 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:13.44 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:13.47 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:18.20 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:18.21 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:18.5 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:21.33 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:24.45 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:25.1 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:27.11 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:27.45 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:28.18 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:7.5 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:7.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:7.9 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:8.11 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T gap from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Scholia In Matthaeum\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.01s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T div from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg001:19.25-19.26 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg001:23.15 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg001:37.10 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg001:43.22 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg001:46.34 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg001:7.16 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Adnotationes In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.00s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg053:30.25 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg053:32.23 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg053:32.6 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg053:44.1 from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Fragmenta In Ezechielem\n", " | 0.03s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 12-17)\n", " | 0.35s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 12-17)\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 12-17)\n", " | 0.19s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 12-17)\n", " | 0.22s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 12-17)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 12-17)\n", " | 0.21s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 12-17)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 12-17)\n", " | 0.22s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 12-17)\n", " | 0.21s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 12-17)\n", " | 0.20s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 12-17)\n", " | | 0.01s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 1.04s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.03s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 1.12s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.04s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.31s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 12-17)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 12-17)\n", " | 0.01s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origen/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 12-17)\n", " | 0.00s T milestone from 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Cantico Canticorum)\n", " | 0.00s T fragment from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Cantico Canticorum)\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Cantico Canticorum)\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Cantico Canticorum)\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Cantico Canticorum)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Cantico Canticorum)\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Cantico Canticorum)\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Cantico Canticorum)\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Cantico Canticorum)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.00s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, fragment\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, fragment\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Cantico Canticorum)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Cantico Canticorum)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Cantico Canticorum)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Cantico Canticorum)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Cantico Canticorum)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Cantico Canticorum)\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Cantico Canticorum)\n", " | 0.00s T q from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Cantico Canticorum)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Exodum\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Exodum\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Exodum\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T paragraph from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Exodum\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Exodum\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Exodum\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Exodum\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Exodum\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.02s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.02s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, paragraph\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, paragraph\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Exodum\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Exodum\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Exodum\n", " | 0.05s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.97s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.01s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.38s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.44s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.38s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.00s T _book from 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add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.00s T bibl from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.00s T pb-M from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.00s T pb-P from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.00s T pb-alt from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.00s T pb-r from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.00s T pb-v from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.31s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.01s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Contra Celsum\n", " | 0.04s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 1.26s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.00s T fragment from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.31s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.35s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.34s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.00s T _book from 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__structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, section, fragment\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.01s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-altref from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-hnumbering from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-manuscriptpage from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-rnumbering from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.01s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.27s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.02s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis\n", " | 0.00s T quote from 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_book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lucam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lucam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.03s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lucam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.03s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lucam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.03s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lucam (In Catenis)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.16s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.01s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.22s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.04s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, fragment\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, fragment, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lucam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lucam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lucam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lucam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lucam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lucam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lucam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.03s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lucam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lucam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)\n", " | 0.00s T fragment from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.00s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, fragment\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, fragment\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmentum In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Octateucho)\n", " | 0.01s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.11s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.05s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.06s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.05s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.06s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.06s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.00s T homilia from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.05s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.31s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.01s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.34s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.08s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, homilia, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, homilia, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-altnumbering from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-mspage from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.04s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T paragraph from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Judices\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.00s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, paragraph\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, paragraph\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Judices\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Judices\n", " | 0.01s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Homiliae In Lucam\n", " | 0.18s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Homiliae In Lucam\n", " | 0.11s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Homiliae In Lucam\n", " | 0.12s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Homiliae In Lucam\n", " | 0.12s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Homiliae In Lucam\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Homiliae In Lucam\n", " | 0.13s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Homiliae In Lucam\n", " | 0.12s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Homiliae In Lucam\n", " | 0.00s T homilia from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Homiliae In Lucam\n", " | 0.11s T beta from 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| 0.01s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Homiliae In Lucam\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Homiliae In Lucam\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Homiliae In Lucam\n", " | 0.09s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Homiliae In Lucam\n", " | 0.01s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Homiliae In Lucam\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Numeros\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T paragraph from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Numeros\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Numeros\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.02s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, paragraph\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, paragraph\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Numeros\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Deuteronomium\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Deuteronomium\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Deuteronomium\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Deuteronomium\n", " | 0.00s T paragraph from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Deuteronomium\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Deuteronomium\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Deuteronomium\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Deuteronomium\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Deuteronomium\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Deuteronomium\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.02s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.02s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, paragraph\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, paragraph\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Deuteronomium\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Deuteronomium\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Deuteronomium\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Deuteronomium\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Deuteronomium\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Deuteronomium\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Deuteronomium\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | 0.00s T paragraph from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | 0.00s T epistle from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.04s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.04s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, epistle, paragraph\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, epistle, paragraph\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Epistula Ad Africanum\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Job\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Job\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Job\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Job\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Job\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Job\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Job\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Job\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Job\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Job\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.02s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.02s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Job\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Job\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Job\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Job\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Job\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Job\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.04s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.04s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-altnumbering from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-mspage from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Engastrimytho\n", " | 0.01s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.14s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.06s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.07s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.07s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.07s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.07s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.00s T homilia from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.07s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.37s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.01s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.54s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.09s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, homilia, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, homilia, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-altnumbering from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-mspage from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.06s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/In Jeremiam (Homiliae 12-20)\n", " | 0.01s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 10-11)\n", " | 0.10s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 10-11)\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 10-11)\n", " | 0.05s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 10-11)\n", " | 0.05s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 10-11)\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 10-11)\n", " | 0.05s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 10-11)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 10-11)\n", " | 0.05s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 10-11)\n", " | 0.05s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 10-11)\n", " | 0.05s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 10-11)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.30s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.01s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.31s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.07s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 10-11)\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 10-11)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 10-11)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 10-11)\n", " | 0.00s T milestone from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 10-11)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib 10-11)\n", " | 0.00s T p from 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beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.05s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.05s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.05s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.05s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.05s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.27s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.01s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.28s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.07s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, fragment\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, fragment\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T milestone from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.04s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T q from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Evangelium Joannis (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.01s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.10s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.06s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.07s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.06s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.07s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.06s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.06s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.29s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.01s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.40s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.08s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.00s T div from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-altnumbering from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-manuscriptpage from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.05s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/De Oratione\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Exhortatio Ad Martyrium\n", " | 0.04s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Exhortatio Ad Martyrium\n", " | 0.03s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Exhortatio Ad Martyrium\n", " | 0.03s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Exhortatio Ad Martyrium\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Exhortatio Ad Martyrium\n", " | 0.03s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Exhortatio Ad Martyrium\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Exhortatio Ad Martyrium\n", " | 0.03s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Exhortatio Ad Martyrium\n", " | 0.03s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Exhortatio Ad Martyrium\n", " | 0.03s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Exhortatio Ad Martyrium\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.11s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.11s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Exhortatio Ad Martyrium\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Exhortatio Ad Martyrium\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Exhortatio Ad Martyrium\n", " | 0.00s T milestone from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Exhortatio Ad Martyrium\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Exhortatio Ad Martyrium\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Exhortatio Ad Martyrium\n", " | 0.02s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Exhortatio Ad Martyrium\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Exhortatio Ad Martyrium\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Genesim\n", " | 0.03s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Genesim\n", " | 0.02s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Genesim\n", " | 0.02s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T paragraph from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Genesim\n", " | 0.02s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Genesim\n", " | 0.02s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Genesim\n", " | 0.02s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Genesim\n", " | 0.02s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Genesim\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.08s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.09s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, paragraph\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, paragraph\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Genesim\n", " | 0.02s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Genesim\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Leviticum\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Leviticum\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Leviticum\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Leviticum\n", " | 0.00s T paragraph from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Leviticum\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Leviticum\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Leviticum\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Leviticum\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Leviticum\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Leviticum\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.02s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, paragraph\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, paragraph\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Leviticum\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Leviticum\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Leviticum\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Leviticum\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Leviticum\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Leviticum\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Leviticum\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.05s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.00s T fragment from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.02s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.03s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.02s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.02s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.02s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.02s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.12s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.21s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, fragment\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, fragment\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.00s T milestone from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.02s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.00s T q from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Lamentationes (In Catenis De Prophetis)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.04s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T fragment from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.02s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.02s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.02s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.02s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.02s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.02s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.13s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.13s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.02s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, fragment\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, fragment\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-altnumbering from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-altref from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T q from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (In Catenis)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Jesum Nave\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Jesum Nave\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Jesum Nave\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Jesum Nave\n", " | 0.00s T paragraph from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Jesum Nave\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Jesum Nave\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Jesum Nave\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Jesum Nave\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Jesum Nave\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Jesum Nave\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.01s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, paragraph\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, paragraph\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Jesum Nave\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Jesum Nave\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Jesum Nave\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Jesum Nave\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Jesum Nave\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Selecta In Jesum Nave\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Samuelis Et Regnorum)\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Samuelis Et Regnorum)\n", " | 0.00s T fragment from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Samuelis Et Regnorum)\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Samuelis Et Regnorum)\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Samuelis Et Regnorum)\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Samuelis Et Regnorum)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Samuelis Et Regnorum)\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Samuelis Et Regnorum)\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Samuelis Et Regnorum)\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Samuelis Et Regnorum)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.02s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.02s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, fragment\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, fragment\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Samuelis Et Regnorum)\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Samuelis Et Regnorum)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Samuelis Et Regnorum)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Samuelis Et Regnorum)\n", " | 0.00s T milestone from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Samuelis Et Regnorum)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Librum Primum Regnorum (In Catenis De Samuelis Et Regnorum)\n", " | 0.00s T p from 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~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.01s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, fragment, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, fragment, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | 0.00s T milestone from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Origenes/Fragmenta In Jeremiam (E Philocalia)\n", " | 0.01s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Philostorgius/Historia Ecclesiastica (Fragmenta Ap Photium)\n", " | 0.14s T oslots from 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(Fragmenta Ap Photium)\n", " | 0.08s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Philostorgius/Historia Ecclesiastica (Fragmenta Ap Photium)\n", " | 0.08s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Philostorgius/Historia Ecclesiastica (Fragmenta Ap Photium)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.40s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.01s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.42s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.02s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.10s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, paragraph\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, paragraph\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Philostorgius/Historia Ecclesiastica (Fragmenta Ap Photium)\n", " | 0.00s T head from 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| 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Philostorgius/Historia Ecclesiastica (Fragmenta Ap Photium)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pinytus/De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pinytus/De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium\n", " | 0.00s T fragment from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pinytus/De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pinytus/De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pinytus/De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pinytus/De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pinytus/De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pinytus/De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pinytus/De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pinytus/De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.00s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, fragment\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, fragment\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pinytus/De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pinytus/De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pinytus/De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pinytus/De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pinytus/De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pinytus/De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pinytus/De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pinytus/De Epistola Pinyti Ad Dionysium\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Polycarp/Epistula Ad Philippenses\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Polycarp/Epistula Ad Philippenses\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Polycarp/Epistula Ad Philippenses\n", " | 0.01s T orig from 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from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Polycarp/Epistula Ad Philippenses\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Polycarp/Epistula Ad Philippenses\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Polycarp/Epistula Ad Philippenses\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Polycarp/Epistula Ad Philippenses\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Polycarp/Epistula Ad Philippenses\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Polycarp/Epistula Ad Philippenses\n", " | 0.00s T q from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Polycarp/Epistula Ad Philippenses\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Justinus Martyr/Epistula Ad Diognetum\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Justinus Martyr/Epistula Ad Diognetum\n", " | 0.01s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Justinus Martyr/Epistula Ad Diognetum\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Justinus Martyr/Epistula Ad Diognetum\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Justinus Martyr/Epistula Ad Diognetum\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Justinus Martyr/Epistula Ad Diognetum\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Justinus Martyr/Epistula Ad Diognetum\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Justinus Martyr/Epistula Ad Diognetum\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Justinus Martyr/Epistula Ad Diognetum\n", " | 0.01s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Justinus Martyr/Epistula Ad Diognetum\n", " | 0.01s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Justinus Martyr/Epistula Ad Diognetum\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.03s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.02s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.01s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Justinus Martyr/Epistula Ad Diognetum\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Justinus Martyr/Epistula Ad Diognetum\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Justinus Martyr/Epistula Ad Diognetum\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Justinus Martyr/Epistula Ad Diognetum\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Justinus Martyr/Epistula Ad Diognetum\n", " | 0.01s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Justinus Martyr/Epistula Ad Diognetum\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Menander, Gregory Nazianzus/Sententiae = (Carmen Morale Xxx)\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Menander, Gregory Nazianzus/Sententiae = (Carmen Morale Xxx)\n", " | 0.00s T sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Menander, Gregory Nazianzus/Sententiae = (Carmen Morale Xxx)\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Menander, Gregory Nazianzus/Sententiae = (Carmen Morale Xxx)\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Menander, Gregory Nazianzus/Sententiae = (Carmen Morale Xxx)\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Menander, Gregory Nazianzus/Sententiae = (Carmen Morale Xxx)\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Menander, Gregory Nazianzus/Sententiae = (Carmen Morale Xxx)\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Menander, Gregory Nazianzus/Sententiae = (Carmen Morale Xxx)\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Menander, Gregory Nazianzus/Sententiae = (Carmen Morale Xxx)\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Menander, Gregory Nazianzus/Sententiae = (Carmen Morale Xxx)\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.00s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, sentence\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, sentence\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Menander, Gregory Nazianzus/Sententiae = (Carmen Morale Xxx)\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Menander, Gregory Nazianzus/Sententiae = (Carmen Morale Xxx)\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Menander, Gregory Nazianzus/Sententiae = (Carmen Morale Xxx)\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Pseudo-Menander, Gregory Nazianzus/Sententiae = (Carmen Morale Xxx)\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.01s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.00s T fragment from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.01s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.01s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.00s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.01s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, fragment\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, fragment\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Seniores Apud Irenaeum/Reliquiae Plurium Anonymorum\n", " | 0.03s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.36s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.21s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.24s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.23s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.24s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.24s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.23s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 1.14s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.04s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 1.27s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.33s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T gap from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T num from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.18s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T q from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Socrates, Scholasticus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.03s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.59s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.26s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.28s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.26s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.27s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.27s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.26s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | | 0.01s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 1.75s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.04s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 1.63s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.07s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.40s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.02s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.02s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T date from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-altedition from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-volume from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.21s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Sozomenus, Salaminius Hermias/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | 0.04s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | 0.02s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | 0.03s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | 0.03s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | 0.02s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | 0.03s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | 0.03s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.10s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.11s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.03s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | 0.00s T milestone from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | 0.02s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | 0.00s T seg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Tatianus/Oratio Ad Graecos\n", " | 0.02s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.36s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.14s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.17s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.16s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.16s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.16s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.15s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.80s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.02s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 1.03s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.04s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.25s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-altref from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-mignepage from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.13s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T q from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.01s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Religiosa\n", " | 0.16s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Religiosa\n", " | 0.13s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Religiosa\n", " | 0.14s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Religiosa\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Religiosa\n", " | 0.11s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Religiosa\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Religiosa\n", " | 0.11s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Religiosa\n", " | 0.10s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Religiosa\n", " | 0.10s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Religiosa\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.39s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.02s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.46s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.02s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.14s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, chapter\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, chapter\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Religiosa\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Religiosa\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Religiosa\n", " | 0.00s T milestone from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Religiosa\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Religiosa\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Religiosa\n", " | 0.08s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Religiosa\n", " | 0.00s T q from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoret, Bishop Of Cyrus/Historia Religiosa\n", " | 0.02s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.40s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.16s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.17s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.16s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T section from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.16s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.16s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.16s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | | 0.01s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 1.29s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.03s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 1.17s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.05s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.30s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, book, chapter\n", " | | 0.01s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, book, chapter, section\n", " | 0.01s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T l from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T lb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.01s T note from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.12s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.01s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theodoretus/Historia Ecclesiastica\n", " | 0.00s T otype from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theophylacti/In Cyrilli In Xii Prophetas\n", " | 0.00s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theophylacti/In Cyrilli In Xii Prophetas\n", " | 0.00s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theophylacti/In Cyrilli In Xii Prophetas\n", " | 0.00s T orig from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theophylacti/In Cyrilli In Xii Prophetas\n", " | 0.00s T paragraph from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theophylacti/In Cyrilli In Xii Prophetas\n", " | 0.00s T plain from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theophylacti/In Cyrilli In Xii Prophetas\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theophylacti/In Cyrilli In Xii Prophetas\n", " | 0.01s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theophylacti/In Cyrilli In Xii Prophetas\n", " | 0.00s T main from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theophylacti/In Cyrilli In Xii Prophetas\n", " | 0.00s T beta from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theophylacti/In Cyrilli In Xii Prophetas\n", " | | 0.00s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 0.01s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 0.00s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 0.01s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 0.00s C __sections__ from otype, oslots, otext, __levUp__, __levels__, _book, paragraph\n", " | | 0.00s C __structure__ from otype, oslots, otext, __rank__, __levUp__, _book, paragraph\n", " | 0.00s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theophylacti/In Cyrilli In Xii Prophetas\n", " | 0.00s T div from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theophylacti/In Cyrilli In Xii Prophetas\n", " | 0.00s T head from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theophylacti/In Cyrilli In Xii Prophetas\n", " | 0.00s T p from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theophylacti/In Cyrilli In Xii Prophetas\n", " | 0.00s T pb from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theophylacti/In Cyrilli In Xii Prophetas\n", " | 0.00s T post from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theophylacti/In Cyrilli In Xii Prophetas\n", " | 0.00s T pre from ~/github/pthu/patristics/tf/1.0/patristics/Theophylacti/In Cyrilli In Xii Prophetas\n", "WARNING: _book._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: _book.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: _book.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: _book.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: _book.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: _book.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: _sentence._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: _sentence.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: _sentence.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: _sentence.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: _sentence.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: _sentence.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: beta._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: beta.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: beta.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: beta.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: beta.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: 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lemma.coverage ratio metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: lemma.description metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: lemma.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: lemma.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: lemma.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: main._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: main.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: main.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: main.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: main.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: main.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: note._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: note.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: note.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: note.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: note.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: note.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: orig._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: orig.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: orig.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: orig.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: orig.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: orig.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: oslots._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: oslots.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: oslots.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: oslots.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: oslots.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: oslots.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: otext._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: otext.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: otext.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: otext.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: otext.editor metadata varies 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metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: p: valueType varies in volumes; will be str\n", "WARNING: pb._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: pb.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: pb.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: pb.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: pb.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: pb.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: pb: valueType varies in volumes; will be str\n", "WARNING: plain._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: plain.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: plain.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: plain.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: plain.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: plain.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: post._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: post.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: post.availableStructure 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volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone: valueType varies in volumes; will be str\n", "WARNING: bibl._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: bibl.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: bibl.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: bibl.description metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: bibl.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: bibl.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: bibl.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: div2._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: div2.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: div2.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: div2.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: div2.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: div2: valueType varies in volumes; will be str\n", "WARNING: foreign._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: foreign.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: foreign.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: foreign.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: foreign.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: foreign.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: add._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: add.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: add.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: add.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: add.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: add.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: num._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: num.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: num.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: num.description metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: num.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: num.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: num.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: q._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: q.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: q.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: q.description metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: q.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: q.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: q: valueType varies in volumes; will be str\n", "WARNING: q.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: div._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: div.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: div.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: div.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: div.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: div.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: div: valueType varies in volumes; will be str\n", "WARNING: book._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: book.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: book.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: book.description metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: book.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: book.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: book.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: book: valueType varies in volumes; will be str\n", "WARNING: line._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: line.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: line.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: page._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: page.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: page.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: quote._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: quote.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: quote.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: quote.description metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: quote.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: quote.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: quote.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: quote: valueType varies in volumes; will be str\n", "WARNING: subsection._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: subsection.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: subsection.description metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: subsection.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: subsection.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: paragraph._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: paragraph.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: paragraph.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: paragraph.description metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: paragraph.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: paragraph.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: paragraph.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: paragraph: valueType varies in volumes; will be str\n", "WARNING: fragment._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: fragment.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: fragment.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: fragment.description metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: fragment.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: fragment.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: fragment.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: fragment: valueType varies in volumes; will be str\n", "WARNING: haeresis._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: haeresis.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: haeresis.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: haeresis.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: haeresis: valueType varies in volumes; will be str\n", "WARNING: milestone-altnumbering._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-altnumbering.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-altnumbering.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-altnumbering.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-altnumbering.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-altnumbering.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-altnumbering: valueType varies in volumes; will be str\n", "WARNING: milestone-mspage._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-mspage.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-mspage.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-mspage.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-mspage.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-mspage.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: altsection._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: altsection.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: altsection.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: altsection.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: altsection.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: div-pr._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: div-pr.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: div-pr.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-altref._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-altref.author metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-altref.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-altref.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-altref.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-altref.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-altref: valueType varies in volumes; will be str\n", "WARNING: milestone-manuscriptpage._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-manuscriptpage.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-manuscriptpage.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-manuscriptpage.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: milestone-manuscriptpage.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: homilia._book metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: homilia.availableStructure metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: homilia.edition metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: homilia.editor metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: homilia.urn metadata varies across volumes\n", "WARNING: homilia: valueType varies in volumes; will be str\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "data": { "text/plain": [ "True" ] }, "execution_count": 14, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "collect(locations, COMBINE_PATH, silent=True)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 15, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from tf.fabric import Fabric" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 16, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "This is Text-Fabric 9.1.3\n", "Api reference : https://annotation.github.io/text-fabric/tf/cheatsheet.html\n", "\n", "457 features found and 0 ignored\n", " 0.00s loading features ...\n", " | 1.43s T otype from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 26s T oslots from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.01s Dataset without sections in otext:no section functions in the T-API\n", " | 0.01s Dataset without structure sections in otext:no structure functions in the T-API\n", " | 11s T main from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 11s T beta from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 10s T beta_plain from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 12s T orig from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 12s T plain from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 12s T lemma from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | | 0.33s C __levels__ from otype, oslots, otext\n", " | | 1m 14s C __order__ from otype, oslots, __levels__\n", " | | 1.90s C __rank__ from otype, __order__\n", " | | 1m 25s C __levUp__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " | | 3.58s C __levDown__ from otype, __levUp__, __rank__\n", " | | 22s C __boundary__ from otype, oslots, __rank__\n", " 4m 42s All features loaded/computed - for details use TF.isLoaded()\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Feature overview: 455 for nodes; 1 for edges; 1 configs; 8 computed\n", " 0.00s loading features ...\n", " | 0.00s T _book from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.74s T _sentence from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T ab from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T add from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T altsection from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T argument from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T bibl from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s T book from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.02s T chapter from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T comment from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T commentary from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T date from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T del from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.01s T div from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Agathius from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Apostolos from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Basil from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Caesarius from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Chrysologus from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Chrysoremonos from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Chrysostom from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Chysoreithrologus from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Clement from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Cyril from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#D from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Didymus from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Diodorus from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Euthalius from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Gennadius from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Isidore from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Maximus from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Methodius from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Monachus from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Nyssa from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Oecumenius from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Origen from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Patara from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Photius from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Same from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Severianus from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Theodore from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-#Theodoret from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-pr from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:1.18 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:11.11 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:11.12 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:12.14 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:12.15 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:13.44 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:13.47 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:18.20 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:18.21 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:18.5 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:21.33 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:24.45 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:25.1 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:27.11 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:27.45 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:28.18 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:7.5 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:7.6 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:7.9 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg001:8.11 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.1 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.10 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.11 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.12 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.13 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.14 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.22 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0031.tlg003:1.23 from 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~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:29.16 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:29.6 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:29.7 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:29.9 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:3.1 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:32.1 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:32.10 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:32.11 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:32.19 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:32.20 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:32.22 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:32.7 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:35.10 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:35.11 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:35.6 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:35.7 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:40.10 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:40.11 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:40.25 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:40.26 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:40.3 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:40.5 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:40.6 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:40.7 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:40.8 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:41.10 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:41.13 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:41.14 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:41.15 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:41.4 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:41.5 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:41.6 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg032:42.10 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg053:30.25 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg053:32.23 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg053:32.6 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div-urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0527.tlg053:44.1 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s T div2 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T div3 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T epistle from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T foreign from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.01s T fragment from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s T gap from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s T haeresis from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.01s T head from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T hi from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s T homilia from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.01s T l from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.15s T lb from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T letter from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T lg from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T line from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.01s T milestone from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-altedition from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s T milestone-altnumbering from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-altpage1 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-altpage2 from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s T milestone-altref from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-chapter from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-fabrnumbering from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-fabrsection from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-hnumbering from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-manuscriptpage from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-mignepage from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-ms from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-mspage from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.01s T milestone-pageseg from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-rnumbering from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-stephnumbering from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-vignumbering from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T milestone-volume from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.20s T note from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T num from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 15s T ovolume from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.16s T p from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T page from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.01s T paragraph from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T part from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.05s T pb from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T pb-M from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T pb-P from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T pb-alt from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T pb-r from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T pb-v from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 8.69s T post from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.19s T pre from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.01s T q from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s T quote from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.06s T section from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T seg from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T sentence from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T sic from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T sp from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T speaker from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.01s T subsection from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T text from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " | 0.00s T verse from ~/github/pthu/pilot/combined/tf/1.0\n", " 26s All additional features loaded - for details use TF.isLoaded()\n" ] } ], "source": [ "TF = Fabric(locations=COMBINE_PATH)\n", "api = TF.loadAll()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 17, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "This is Text-Fabric 9.1.3\n", "Api reference : https://annotation.github.io/text-fabric/tf/cheatsheet.html\n", "\n", "457 features found and 0 ignored\n", " 0.00s loading features ...\n", " | 0.00s Dataset without sections in otext:no section functions in the T-API\n", " | 0.00s Dataset without structure sections in otext:no structure functions in the T-API\n", " 11s All features loaded/computed - for details use TF.isLoaded()\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Feature overview: 455 for nodes; 1 for edges; 1 configs; 8 computed\n", " 0.00s loading features ...\n" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n", " | 0.00s Missing @valueType. Should be one of str, int\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " 2.29s All additional features loaded - for details use TF.isLoaded()\n" ] } ], "source": [ "TF = Fabric(locations=COMBINE_PATH)\n", "api = TF.loadAll()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 18, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "This is Text-Fabric 9.1.3\n", "Api reference : https://annotation.github.io/text-fabric/tf/cheatsheet.html\n", "\n", "457 features found and 0 ignored\n", " 0.00s loading features ...\n", " | 0.00s Dataset without sections in otext:no section functions in the T-API\n", " | 0.00s Dataset without structure sections in otext:no structure functions in the T-API\n", " 12s All features loaded/computed - for details use TF.isLoaded()\n" ] } ], "source": [ "TF = Fabric(locations=COMBINE_PATH)\n", "api = TF.load('lemma')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.9.7" }, "widgets": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-state+json": { "state": {}, "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 } } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 4 }