# LoRA retard-friendly train_network script v1.13 by anon # Last update: 24.01.2023 UTC+3 # Up to date as of sd-scripts 0.4.0 # https://github.com/cloneofsimo/lora # https://github.com/kohya-ss/sd-scripts # https://rentry.org/2chAI_LoRA_Dreambooth_guide_english param([int]$ChainedRun = 0, [int]$TestRun = 0) <# ##### Config start ##### #> # Path variables $sd_scripts_dir = "X:\git-repos\sd-scripts\" # Path to kohya-ss/sd-scripts repository $ckpt = "X:\SD-models\checkpoint.safetensors" # Path to checkpoint (ckpt / safetensors) $is_sd_v2_ckpt = 0 # '1' if loading SD 2.x ckeckpoint $is_sd_v2_768_ckpt = 0 # '1', if loading SD 2.x-768 checkpoint $image_dir = "X:\training_data\img\" # Path to training images folder. N_ConceptName inside $output_dir = "X:\LoRA\" # LoRA network saving path $output_name = "" # LoRA network file name (no extension) # (optional) Additional paths $reg_dir = "" # Path to regularization folder $vae_path = "" # Path to VAE # Main variables $max_train_epochs = 10 # Number of epochs. Have no power if $desired_training_time > 0 $max_train_steps = 0 # (optional) Custom training steps number. desired_training_time and max_train_epochs must be equal zero for this variable to work $train_batch_size = 1 # How much images to train simultaneously # Higher number = less training steps (faster), higher VRAM usage $resolution = 512 # Training resolution (px) $save_every_n_epochs = 1 # Save every n epochs $save_last_n_epochs = 999 # Save only last n epochs $max_token_length = 75 # Max token length. Possible values: 75 / 150 / 225 $clip_skip = 1 # Use output of text encoder from the end of N-th layer # (optional) Custom training time $desired_training_time = 0 # If greater than 0, ignore number of images with repetitions when calculating training steps and train network for N minutes $gpu_training_speed = "1.23it/s | 1.23s/it" # Average training speed, depending on GPU. Possible values are XX.XXit/s or XX.XXs/it # Advanced variables $learning_rate = 1e-3 # Learning rate $unet_lr = $learning_rate # U-Net learning rate $text_encoder_lr = $learning_rate # Text encoder learning rate $scheduler = "linear" # Scheduler to use for learning rate. Possible values: linear, cosine, cosine_with_restarts, polynomial, constant (default), constant_with_warmup $lr_warmup_ratio = 0.0 # Ratio of warmup steps in the learning rate scheduler to total training steps (0 to 1) $network_dim = 128 # Size (rank) of network. Higher number = higher accuracy, output file size and VRAM usage $network_alpha = 1 # Default value - 1 # If you want to reproduce the old behavior of the script (before sd-scripts version 0.3.2), set the value equal to network_dim (not recommended, may cause underflow of weights values) $is_random_seed = 1 # Seed for training. 1 = random seed, 0 = static seed $shuffle_caption = 1 # Shuffle comma-separated captions $keep_tokens = 0 # Keep heading N tokens when shuffling caption tokens # Script chain running # Here you specify the paths where the scripts for sequential execution are located # There could be any number of paths (don't forget to remove < and >) $script_paths = @( "", "<.\script.ps1>", "" ) # Additional settings <# $device = "cuda" #> # What device to use for training. Posiible values: cuda, cpu $gradient_checkpointing = 0 # https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/perf_train_gpu_one#gradient-checkpointing $gradient_accumulation_steps = 1 # https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/perf_train_gpu_one#gradient-accumulation $max_data_loader_n_workers = 8 # Max number of CPU threads for DataLoader # The lower the number, the less is RAM consumptiong, faster epoch start and slower data loading # Lower numbers can negatively affect training speed $save_precision = "fp16" # Whether to use custom precision for saving, and its type. Possible values: no, float, fp16, bf16 $mixed_precision = "fp16" # Whether to use mixed precision for training, and its type. Possible values: no, fp16, bf16 $do_not_interrupt = 0 # Do not interrupt script on questionable moments. Enabled by default if running in a chain $logging_dir = "" # (optional) $log_prefix = "$output_name" + "_" $debug_dataset = 0 # Other settings $test_run = 0 # Do not launch main script $do_not_clear_host = 1 # Don't clear console on launch $dont_draw_flags = 0 # Do not render flags <# ##### Config end ##### #> [console]::OutputEncoding = [text.encoding]::UTF8 $current_version = "1.13" if ($do_not_clear_host -le 0) { Clear-Host } function Is-Numeric ($value) { return $value -match "^[\d\.]+$" } function WCO($BackgroundColor, $ForegroundColor, $NewLine) { $fc = $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor if ($args) { if ($NewLine -eq 1) { Write-Host $args -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor -NoNewLine } else { Write-Output $args } } else { $input | Write-Output } $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $fc } function Get-Changelog { $changelog_link = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anon-1337/LoRA-scripts/main/english/script_changelog.txt" $changelog = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $changelog_link).Content | Out-String $changelog = $changelog -split "\r?\n" $max_version = "0.0" $last_version_string_index = 0; $index = 0 foreach ($line in $changelog) { if ($line -match "`#+ v\d+[\.,]\d+") { $max_version = [float]($line -replace "^#+ +v"); $last_version_string_index = $index } $index += 1 } $max_version_date = $changelog[$last_version_string_index + 1] -replace "#+ +" if ($max_version -gt $current_version) { Write-Output "" Write-Output "Full changelog:" WCO black blue 0 "$changelog_link `n" Write-Output "Changes in v${max_version} from ${max_version_date}:" while (($last_version_string_index + 3) -le $changelog.Length) { Write-Output "$($changelog[$last_version_string_index + 2])"; $last_version_string_index += 1 } } } # Autism case #1 if ($dont_draw_flags -le 0) { $strl = 0 $version_string = "RetardScript v$current_version" $version_string_length = $version_string.Length while ($strl -lt ($([system.console]::BufferWidth))) { $strl += 1; WCO white white 1 " " }; Write-Output ""; $strl = 0; while ($version_string_length -lt $(($([system.console]::BufferWidth) + $version_string.Length) / 2)) { WCO darkred white 1 " "; $version_string_length += 1 }; WCO darkred white 1 $version_string; $version_string_length = $version_string.Length; while ($version_string_length -lt $(($([system.console]::BufferWidth) + $version_string.Length) / 2 - $version_string.Length % 2 + $([system.console]::BufferWidth) % 2)) { WCO darkred white 1 " "; $version_string_length += 1 }; while ($strl -lt ($([system.console]::BufferWidth))) { $strl += 1; WCO white white 1 " " } } Write-Output " " Write-Output "If something not werks or not werks correctly, leave a message here:" WCO black blue 0 "https://github.com/anon-1337/LoRA-scripts/issues" Write-Output " " # updater $internet_available = 0 $script_origin = (get-location).path Get-NetConnectionProfile | foreach { if ($_.IPv4Connectivity -eq "Internet") { $internet_available = 1 } } sleep 1 if ($internet_available -eq 1 -and $TestRun -le 0 -and $ChainedRun -eq 0 -and $do_not_interrupt -le 0) { $script_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anon-1337/LoRA-scripts/main/english/train_network.ps1" $script_github = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $script_url).Content | Out-String -Stream $script_github = $script_github -Split "\r?\n" $new_version = [float]$($script_github[$script_github.Length - 1] -replace "#[a-zA-Z=]+") if ([float]$current_version -lt $new_version -and (Is-Numeric $new_version)) { Write-Output "Update available (v$current_version => v$new_version):" WCO black blue 0 $script_url Get-Changelog $stopwatch = New-Object -TypeName System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch $stopwatch.Start() do { $do_update = Read-Host "Do you wish to update? Warning: script will be overwrited (y/N)" } until ($stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds -ge 5 -or $do_update -eq "y" -or $do_update -ceq "N") if ($do_update -eq "y") { $restart = 1 Set-Location -Path $script_origin curl -s $script_url -o "$PSCommandPath" WCO black green 0 "Updated to v$new_version!" Write-Output "Restarting..." sleep 2 } } } if ($restart -ne 1) { $total = 0 $is_structure_wrong = 0 $abort_script = 0 $iter = 0 # paths check Write-Output "Checking paths..." $all_paths = @( $sd_scripts_dir, $ckpt, $image_dir ) if ($reg_dir -ne "") { $all_paths += $reg_dir } if ($use_vae -ge 1) { $all_paths += $vae_path } foreach ($path in $all_paths) { if ($path -ne "" -and !(Test-Path $path)) { $is_structure_wrong = 1 Write-Output "Path $path does not exist" } } if ($is_chained_run -ge 1) { $do_not_interrupt = 1 } # images if ($is_structure_wrong -eq 0) { Get-ChildItem -Path $image_dir -Directory | ForEach-Object { if ($iter -eq 0) { Write-Output "Calculating number of images in folders" } $parts = $_.Name.Split("_") if (!(Is-Numeric $parts[0])) { WCO black red 0 "Error in $($_):`n`t$($parts[0]) is not a number" $is_structure_wrong = 1 return } if ([int]$parts[0] -le 0) { WCO black red 0 "Error in $($_):`nNumber of repeats in folder name must be >0" $is_structure_wrong = 1 return } $repeats = [int]$parts[0] $imgs = Get-ChildItem $_.FullName -Depth 0 -File -Include *.jpg, *.png, *.webp | Measure-Object | ForEach-Object { $_.Count } if ($iter -eq 0) { Write-Output "Training images:" } $img_repeats = ($repeats * $imgs) Write-Output "`t$($parts[1]): $repeats repeats * $imgs images = $($img_repeats)" $total += $img_repeats $iter += 1 } } $iter = 0 # regs if ($is_structure_wrong -eq 0 -and $reg_dir -ne "") { Get-ChildItem -Path $reg_dir -Directory | % { if ($abort_script -ne "y") { ForEach-Object { $parts = $_.Name.Split("_") if (!(Is-Numeric $parts[0])) { WCO black red 0 "Error in $($_):`n`t$($parts[0]) is not a number" $is_structure_wrong = 1 return } if ([int]$parts[0] -le 0) { WCO black red 0 "Error in $($_):`nNumber of repeats in folder name must be >0" $is_structure_wrong = 1 return } $repeats = [int]$parts[0] $reg_imgs = Get-ChildItem $_.FullName -Depth 0 -File -Include *.jpg, *.png, *.webp | Measure-Object | ForEach-Object { $_.Count } if ($iter -eq 0) { Write-Output "Regularization images:" } if ($reg_imgs -eq 0 -and $do_not_interrupt -le 0) { WCO black darkyellow 0 "Warning: regularization images folder exists, but is empty" do { $abort_script = Read-Host "Abort script? (y/N)" } until ($abort_script -eq "y" -or $abort_script -ceq "N") return } else { $img_repeats = ($repeats * $reg_imgs) Write-Output "`t$($parts[1]): $repeats repeats * $reg_imgs images = $($img_repeats)" $iter += 1 } } } } } if ($is_structure_wrong -eq 0 -and $abort_script -ne "y") { Write-Output "Training images number with repeats: $total" # steps if ($desired_training_time -gt 0) { Write-Output "desired_training_time > 0" Write-Output "Using desired_training_time for calculation of training steps, considering the speed of the GPU" if ($gpu_training_speed -match '^(?:\d+\.\d+|\d+|\.\d+)(?:(?:it|s)(?:\\|\/)(?:it|s))') { $speed_value = $gpu_training_speed -replace '[^.0-9]' if ([regex]::split($gpu_training_speed, '[\/\\]') -replace '\d+.\d+' -eq 's') { $speed_value = 1 / $speed_value } $max_train_steps = [float]$speed_value * 60 * $desired_training_time if ($reg_imgs -gt 0) { $max_train_steps *= 2 $max_train_steps = [int]([math]::Round($max_train_steps)) Write-Output "Number of regularization images greater than 0" if ($do_not_interrupt -le 0) { do { $reg_img_compensate_time = Read-Host "Would you like to halve the number of training steps to make up for the increased time? (y/N)" } until ($reg_img_compensate_time -eq "y" -or $reg_img_compensate_time -ceq "N") } if ($reg_img_compensate_time -eq "y" -or $do_not_interrupt -ge 1) { $max_train_steps = [int]([math]::Round($max_train_steps / 2)) WCO black gray 1 "Total training steps: $([math]::Round($($speed_value * 60), 2)) it/min * $desired_training_time minute(-s) ≈"; WCO white black 1 "$max_train_steps training step(-s)`n" } else { Write-Output "Your choice is no. Increased time will not be compensated, duration of training is doubled" WCO black gray 1 "Total training steps: $([math]::Round($($speed_value * 60), 2)) it/min * $desired_training_time minute(-s) * 2 ≈"; WCO white black 1 "$max_train_steps training step(-s)`n" } } else { $max_train_steps = [int]([math]::Round($max_train_steps)) WCO black gray 1 "Total training steps: $([math]::Round($($speed_value * 60), 2)) it/min * $desired_training_time minute(-s) ≈"; WCO white black 1 "$max_train_steps training step(-s)`n" } } else { WCO black red 0 "The learning rate is incorrect in gpu_training_speed variable!" $abort_script = "y" } } elseif ($max_train_epochs -ge 1) { Write-Output "Using number of training images to calculate total training steps" Write-Output "Number of epochs: $max_train_epochs" Write-Output "Training batch size: $train_batch_size" if ($reg_imgs -gt 0) { $total *= 2 Write-Output "Number of regularization images is greater than 0: total train steps doubled" } $max_train_steps = [int]($total / $train_batch_size * $max_train_epochs) WCO black gray 1 "Total training steps: $total / $train_batch_size * $max_train_epochs = "; WCO white black 1 "$max_train_steps`n" } else { Write-Output "Using custom training steps number" WCO black gray 1 "Total training steps: "; WCO white black 1 "$max_train_steps`n" } # run parameters $run_parameters = "--network_module=networks.lora --train_data_dir=`"$image_dir`"" # paths $image_dir = $image_dir.TrimEnd("\", "/") $reg_dir = $reg_dir.TrimEnd("\", "/") $output_dir = $output_dir.TrimEnd("\", "/") $logging_dir = $logging_dir.TrimEnd("\", "/") if ($reg_dir -ne "") { $run_parameters += " --reg_data_dir=`"$reg_dir`"" } $run_parameters += " --output_dir=`"$output_dir`" --output_name=`"$output_name`" --pretrained_model_name_or_path=`"$ckpt`"" if ($is_sd_v2_ckpt -le 0) { Write-Output "Stable Diffusion 1.x checkpoint" } if ($is_sd_v2_ckpt -ge 1) { if ($is_sd_v2_768_ckpt -ge 1) { $v2_resolution = "768" $run_parameters += " --v_parameterization" } else { $v2_resolution = "512" } Write-Output "Stable Diffusion 2.x ($v2_resolution) checkpoint" $run_parameters += " --v2" if ($clip_skip -eq -not 1 -and $do_not_interrupt -le 0) { WCO black darkyellow 0 "Warning: training results of SD 2.x checkpoint with clip_skip other than 1 might be unpredictable" do { $abort_script = Read-Host "Abort script? (y/N)" } until ($abort_script -eq "y" -or $abort_script -ceq "N") } } if ($vae_path -ne "") { $run_parameters += " --vae=`"$vae_path`"" } # main if ($desired_training_time -gt 0) { $run_parameters += " --max_train_steps=$([int]$max_train_steps)" } elseif ($max_train_epochs -ge 1) { $run_parameters += " --max_train_epochs=$max_train_epochs" } else { $run_parameters += " --max_train_steps=$max_train_steps" } $run_parameters += " --train_batch_size=$train_batch_size --resolution=$resolution --save_every_n_epochs=$save_every_n_epochs --save_last_n_epochs=$save_last_n_epochs" if ($max_token_length -eq 75) { } else { if ($max_token_length -eq 150 -or $max_token_length -eq 225) { $run_parameters += " --max_token_length=$($max_token_length)" } else { WCO black darkyellow 0 "max_token_length is incorrect! Using value 75" } } $run_parameters += " --clip_skip=$clip_skip" # advanced $run_parameters += " --learning_rate=$learning_rate" if ($unet_lr -ne $learning_rate) { $run_parameters += " --unet_lr=$unet_lr" } if ($text_encoder_lr -ne $learning_rate) { $run_parameters += " --text_encoder_lr=$text_encoder_lr" } $run_parameters += " --lr_scheduler=$scheduler" if ($scheduler -ne "constant") { if ($lr_warmup_ratio -lt 0.0) { $lr_warmup_ratio = 0.0 } if ($lr_warmup_ratio -gt 1.0) { $lr_warmup_ratio = 1.0 } $lr_warmup_steps = [int]([math]::Round($max_train_steps * $lr_warmup_ratio)) $run_parameters += " --lr_warmup_steps=$lr_warmup_steps" } $run_parameters += " --network_dim=$network_dim" if ($network_alpha -ne 1) { $run_parameters += " --network_alpha=$network_alpha" } if ($is_random_seed -le 0) { $seed = 1337 } else { $seed = Get-Random } $run_parameters += " --seed=$seed" if ($shuffle_caption -ge 1) { $run_parameters += " --shuffle_caption" } $run_parameters += " --keep_tokens=$keep_tokens" # additional <# $run_parameters += " --device=`"$device`"" #> # wtf if ($gradient_checkpointing -ge 1) { $run_parameters += " --gradient_checkpointing" } if ($gradient_accumulation_steps -gt 1) { $run_parameters += " --gradient_accumulation_steps=$gradient_accumulation_steps" } $run_parameters += " --max_data_loader_n_workers=$max_data_loader_n_workers" if ($mixed_precision -eq "fp16" -or $mixed_precision -eq "bf16") { $run_parameters += " --mixed_precision=$mixed_precision" } if ($save_precision -eq "float" -or $save_precision -eq "fp16" -or $save_precision -eq "bf16") { $run_parameters += " --save_precision=$save_precision" } if ($logging_dir -ne "") { $run_parameters += " --logging_dir=`"$logging_dir`" --log_prefix=`"$log_prefix`"" } if ($debug_dataset -ge 1) { $run_parameters += " --debug_dataset" } $run_parameters += " --caption_extension=`".txt`" --prior_loss_weight=1 --enable_bucket --min_bucket_reso=256 --max_bucket_reso=1024 --use_8bit_adam --xformers --save_model_as=safetensors --cache_latents" if ($TestRun -ge 1) { $test_run = 1 } # main script if ($abort_script -ne "y") { sleep -s 0.3 WCO black green 0 "Launching script with parameters:" sleep -s 0.3 Write-Output "$($run_parameters -split '--' | foreach { if ($_ -ceq '') { Write-Output '' } else { Write-Output --`"$_`n`" } } | foreach { $_ -replace '=', ' = ' })" if ($test_run -le 0) { Set-Location -Path $sd_scripts_dir .\venv\Scripts\activate powershell accelerate launch --num_cpu_threads_per_process $max_data_loader_n_workers train_network.py $run_parameters deactivate Set-Location -Path $script_origin } } } } # chain if ($restart -ne 1 -and $abort_script -ne "y") { foreach ($script_string in $script_paths) { $path = $script_string -replace "^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$" if ($path -ne "" -and $path -match "^(?:[a-zA-Z]:[\\\/]|\.[\\\/])(?:[^\\\/:*?`"<>|+][^^:*?`"<>|+]+[^.][\\\/])+[^:\\*?`"<>|+]+(?:[^.:\\*?`"<>|+]+)$") { if (Test-Path -Path $path -PathType "leaf") { if ([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($path) -eq ".ps1") { if ($TestRun -ge 1) { Write-Output "Launching next script in a chain (test run): $path" powershell -ChainedRun 1 -TestRun 1 -File $path } else { Write-Output "Launching next script in a chain: $path" powershell -ChainedRun 1 -File $path } } else { WCO black red 0 "Error: $path is not a valid script file" } } else { WCO black red 0 "Error: $path is not a file" } } } } # Autism case #2 Write-Output "" if ($dont_draw_flags -le 0) { $strl = 0 $version_string_length = $version_string.Length while ($strl -lt ($([system.console]::BufferWidth))) { $strl += 1; WCO white white 1 " " }; Write-Output ""; $strl = 0; while ($version_string_length -lt $(($([system.console]::BufferWidth) + $version_string.Length) / 2)) { WCO darkblue white 1 " "; $version_string_length += 1 }; WCO darkblue white 1 $version_string; $version_string_length = $version_string.Length; while ($version_string_length -lt $(($([system.console]::BufferWidth) + $version_string.Length) / 2 - $version_string.Length % 2 + $([system.console]::BufferWidth) % 2)) { WCO darkblue white 1 " "; $version_string_length += 1 }; while ($strl -lt ($([system.console]::BufferWidth))) { $strl += 1; WCO darkred white 1 " " } Write-Output "`n" } sleep 3 if ($restart -eq 1) { powershell -File $PSCommandPath } #24.01.23 #ver=1.13