package main import ( "fmt" "os" "runtime" "strconv" "" "strings" "os/user" "log" ) const ( PW_MAGIC = 0xA3 PW_FLAG = 0xFF ) func main() { args := os.Args[1:] if len(args) != 3 && len(args) != 2 { fmt.Println("WinSCP stored password finder\n") fmt.Println("Registry:") fmt.Println(" Open regedit and navigate to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Martin Prikryl\\WinSCP 2\\Sessions] to get the hostname, username and encrypted password\n") if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { fmt.Println(" Usage winscppasswd.exe ") } else { fmt.Println(" Usage ./winscppasswd ") } fmt.Println("\n\nWinSCP.ini:") if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { fmt.Println(" Usage winscppasswd.exe ini []") } else { fmt.Println(" Usage ./winscppasswd ini []") } fmt.Printf(" Default value : %s\n", defaultWinSCPIniFilePath()); return } if args[0] == "ini" { if (len(args) == 2) { decryptIni(args[1]); } else { decryptIni(defaultWinSCPIniFilePath()); } } else { fmt.Println(decrypt(args[0], args[1], args[2])) } } func defaultWinSCPIniFilePath() string { usr, err := user.Current() if err != nil { log.Fatal( err ) } return usr.HomeDir + "\\AppData\\Roaming\\winSCP.ini" } func decryptIni(filepath string) { cfg, err := ini.InsensitiveLoad(filepath) if (err != nil) { panic(err); } for _, c := range cfg.Sections() { if c.HasKey("Password") { fmt.Printf("%s\n", strings.TrimPrefix(c.Name(), "sessions\\")); fmt.Printf(" Hostname: %s\n", c.Key("HostName").Value()) fmt.Printf(" Username: %s\n", c.Key("UserName").Value()) fmt.Printf(" Password: %s\n", decrypt(c.Key("HostName").Value(), c.Key("UserName").Value(), c.Key("Password").Value())); fmt.Println("========================") } } } func decrypt(host, username, password string) string { key := username + host passbytes := []byte{} for i := 0; i < len(password); i++ { val, _ := strconv.ParseInt(string(password[i]), 16, 8) passbytes = append(passbytes, byte(val)) } var flag byte flag, passbytes = dec_next_char(passbytes) var length byte = 0 if flag == PW_FLAG { _, passbytes = dec_next_char(passbytes) length, passbytes = dec_next_char(passbytes) } else { length = flag } toBeDeleted, passbytes := dec_next_char(passbytes) passbytes = passbytes[toBeDeleted*2:] clearpass := "" var ( i byte val byte ) for i = 0; i < length; i++ { val, passbytes = dec_next_char(passbytes) clearpass += string(val) } if flag == PW_FLAG { clearpass = clearpass[len(key):] } return clearpass } func dec_next_char(passbytes []byte) (byte, []byte) { if len(passbytes) <= 0 { return 0, passbytes } a := passbytes[0] b := passbytes[1] passbytes = passbytes[2:] return ^(((a << 4) + b) ^ PW_MAGIC) & 0xff, passbytes }