Host = $Host; } /** Run an XMLRPC command. Name should be a query name and params an array of parameters, eg: * $this->RunXMLRPC("checkAuthentication", array("adam", "qwerty")); * If successful returns back an array of useful information. * * Note that $params["id"] is reserved for query ID, you may set it to something if you wish. * If you do, the same ID will be passed back with the reply from Anope. */ function RunXMLRPC($name, $params) { $xmlquery = xmlrpc_encode_request($name, $params); $context = stream_context_create(array("http" => array( "method" => "POST", "header" => "Content-Type: text/xml", "content" => $xmlquery))); $inbuf = file_get_contents($this->Host, false, $context); $response = xmlrpc_decode($inbuf); if (isset($response)) return $response; return NULL; } /** Do Command on Service as User, eg: * $anope->DoCommand("ChanServ", "Adam", "REGISTER #adam"); * Returns an array of information regarding the command execution, if * If 'online' is set to yes, then the reply to the command was sent to the user on IRC. * If 'online' is set to no, then the reply to the command is in the array member 'return' */ function DoCommand($Service, $User, $Command) { return $this->RunXMLRPC("command", array($Service, $User, $Command)); } /** Check an account/nick name and password to see if they are valid * Returns the account display name if valid */ function CheckAuthentication($Account, $Pass) { $ret = $this->RunXMLRPC("checkAuthentication", array($Account, $Pass)); if ($ret && $ret["result"] == "Success") return $ret["account"]; return NULL; } /* Returns an array of misc stats regarding Anope */ function DoStats() { return $this->RunXMLRPC("stats", NULL); } /* Look up data for a channel * Returns an array containing channel information, or an array of size one * (just containing the name) if the channel does not exist */ function DoChannel($Channel) { return $this->RunXMLRPC("channel", array($Channel)); } /* Like DoChannel(), but different. */ function DoUser($User) { return $this->RunXMLRPC("user", array($User)); } } $anopexmlrpc = new AnopeXMLRPC(""); ?>