#! /usr/bin/perl # Check if we can reach list of URLs # Only checks for TCP connect to see if we are clear in the firewall. # anders@fupp.net, 2014-01-30 use Getopt::Std; use IO::Socket; use Socket; getopts('u:t:'); sub nexit { my $ret = shift; my $txt = shift; print "$txt\n"; exit($ret); } nexit(3,"Use -u <list of space separated urls>") unless ($opt_u); if ($opt_t) { $timeout = $opt_t; } else { $timeout = 5; } $oktxt=""; $crittxt=""; foreach $url (split(/\s+/, $opt_u)) { if ($url =~ /^(http|https):\/\/([\w\-\.]+)(:\d+)?/) { $proto = $1; $vhost = $2; $port = $3; $port =~ s@^\:@@g; if ($proto eq "http") { if ($port eq "") { $port = 80; } } elsif ($proto eq "https") { if ($port eq "") { $port = 443; } } else { nexit(3,"Unknown protocol $proto specified in url $url."); } # Test connection $sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => $vhost, Proto => 'tcp', PeerPort => $port, Timeout => $timeout, ); if (defined($sock)) { close($sock); $oktxt .= "$url "; } else { $failtext = $!; $packed_ip = gethostbyname($vhost); if (defined($packed_ip)) { $ip = inet_ntoa($packed_ip); } else { $ip = "unresolvable ip"; } $crittxt .= "$url ($failtext [$ip]) "; } } else { nexit(3,"Unfamiliar URL $url specified."); } } # Strip empty space at end $oktxt =~ s@\s+$@@; $crittxt =~ s@\s+$@@; if ($crittxt eq "") { nexit(0, "All URLs OK: $oktxt"); } else { if ($oktxt eq "") { nexit(2, "URLs failing: $crittxt"); } else { nexit(2, "URLs failing: $crittxt| OK URLs: $oktxtAll"); } }