#! /usr/bin/perl # nagios: -epn # Check Varnish Custom Statistics for number of misses # Alert if number of misses for one URL is particularly high # anders@fupp.net 2013-11-25 use LWP::Simple; use JSON; use Getopt::Std; use Data::Dumper; getopts('w:c:u:'); if ($opt_u) { $missurl = $opt_u; } else { die("Use -u <url>"); } $misstxtj = get($missurl); $warntxt = ""; $crittxt = ""; %ignoreurls = ( "/foo/poll.jsp" => 1, "bar.baz.com/thisaintcached/" => 1, ); if (!$misstxtj) { print "Could not fetch $missurl.\n"; exit(3); } if (!$opt_w && !$opt_c) { print "Please use -w <warning level> or -c <critical level>\n"; exit(3); } $missurls = decode_json $misstxtj; %missurlhash = %$missurls; #print Dumper($missurls); $highest = 0; URL: foreach $key (keys %missurlhash) { # print "key=$key\n"; # print "$key=" . $missurlhash{"$key"} . "\n"; $url = $key; $url =~ s@^missbaseurl:@@; foreach $iurl (keys %ignoreurls) { next URL if ($url =~ /$iurl/); } if ($opt_c && $missurlhash{"$key"} > $opt_c) { $crittxt .= "$url (" . $missurlhash{"$key"} . ") "; } elsif ($opt_w && $missurlhash{"$key"} > $opt_w) { $warntxt .= "$url (" . $missurlhash{"$key"} . ") "; } if ($missurlhash{"$key"} > $highest) { # print "Found highest url $url.\n"; $highest = $missurlhash{"$key"}; $highesturl = $url; } } $warntxt =~ s@\s+$@@; $crittxt =~ s@\s+$@@; if ($crittxt ne "") { print "Top cache misses url(s) above critical level $opt_c: $crittxt |$warntxt\n"; exit(2); } elsif ($warntxt ne "") { print "Top cache misses url(s) above warning level $opt_w: $warntxt\n"; exit(1); } else { print "Top cache misses url $highesturl at $highest within boundaries.\n"; exit(0); } #print Dumper($missurlref);