var identity = 0; var classes = []; // list of classes // classes = [ {id:1 , name : "Hello" , count : 0}] var text = "" var uploadedModel = false; console.log("Training Page: For training your custom sign langauge model"); const start = async() => { const trainingCards = document.getElementById("training-cards") const predictions = document.getElementById("predictions") const confidence = document.getElementById("confidence") const createKNNClassifier = async() => { console.log('Loading KNN Classifier'); return await knnClassifier.create(); }; const createMobileNetModel = async() => { console.log('Loading Mobilenet Model'); return await mobilenet.load(); }; const createWebcamInput = async() => { console.log('Loading Webcam Input'); const webcamElement = await document.getElementById('webcam'); return await; }; const mobilenetModel = await createMobileNetModel(); const knnClassifierModel = await createKNNClassifier(); const webcamInput = await createWebcamInput(); var preloader = document.getElementById("loading"); function preLoader() { = 'none'; }; preLoader() const addClass = () => { // const inputClassName = document.getElementById("inputClassName").value Classname = inputClassName.value const found = classes.some(el => === Classname); if (!found) { identity += 1 classes.push({ id: identity, name: Classname, count: 0 }); } trainingCards.innerHTML += '

Class Name : ' + Classname + '

Images : 0

' window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight); document.getElementById(identity.toString()).addEventListener('click', () => addDatasetClass(identity)); inputClassName.value = "" // console.log(classes) } const initializeElements = () => { const inputClassName = document.getElementById("inputClassName").value document.getElementById('add-button').addEventListener('click', () => addClass(inputClassName)); // document.getElementById('btnSpeak').addEventListener('click', () => speak()); document.getElementById('load_button').addEventListener('change', (event) => uploadModel(knnClassifierModel, event)); document.getElementById('save_button').addEventListener('click', async() => downloadModel(knnClassifierModel)); }; const saveClassifier = (classifierModel) => { let datasets = classifierModel.getClassifierDataset(); let datasetObject = {}; let i = 0; Object.keys(datasets).forEach((key) => { let data = datasets[key].dataSync(); datasetObject[classes[i].name] = Array.from(data); i += 1 }); let jsonModel = JSON.stringify(datasetObject); // console.log(jsonModel); let downloader = document.createElement('a'); = "model.json"; downloader.href = 'data:text/text;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(jsonModel); document.body.appendChild(downloader);; downloader.remove(); }; const uploadModel = async(classifierModel, event) => { uploadedModel = true; let inputModel =; console.log("Uploading"); let fr = new FileReader(); if (inputModel.length > 0) { fr.onload = async() => { var dataset = fr.result; var tensorObj = JSON.parse(dataset); Object.keys(tensorObj).forEach((key) => { tensorObj[key] = tf.tensor(tensorObj[key], [tensorObj[key].length / 1024, 1024]); classes.push(key); }); classifierModel.setClassifierDataset(tensorObj); console.log("Classifier has been set up! Congrats! "); }; } await fr.readAsText(inputModel[0]); console.log("Uploaded"); // console.log(classes) }; const downloadModel = async(classifierModel) => { saveClassifier(classifierModel); }; const addDatasetClass = async(classId) => { // Capture an image from the web camera. const img = await webcamInput.capture(); // Get the intermediate activation of MobileNet 'conv_preds' and pass that // to the KNN classifier. const activation = mobilenetModel.infer(img, 'conv_preds'); // Pass the intermediate activation to the classifier. knnClassifierModel.addExample(activation, classId); let classIndex = classes.findIndex(el => === classId) currentCount = classes[classIndex].count currentCount += 1 classes[classIndex].count = currentCount var temp_id = 'images-' + classId.toString() document.getElementById(temp_id).innerHTML = currentCount; // Dispose the tensor to release the memory. img.dispose(); }; const imageClassificationWithTransferLearningOnWebcam = async() => { console.log("Machine Learning on the web is ready"); while (true) { if (knnClassifierModel.getNumClasses() > 0) { const img = await webcamInput.capture(); // Get the activation from mobilenet from the webcam. const activation = mobilenetModel.infer(img, 'conv_preds'); // Get the most likely class and confidences from the classifier module. const result = await knnClassifierModel.predictClass(activation); if (uploadedModel) { predictions.innerHTML = result.label confidence.innerHTML = Math.floor(result.confidences[result.label] * 100) } else { try { predictions.innerHTML = classes[result.label - 1].name confidence.innerHTML = Math.floor(result.confidences[result.label] * 100) } catch (err) { predictions.innerHTML = result.label - 1 confidence.innerHTML = Math.floor(result.confidences[result.label] * 100) } } // Dispose the tensor to release the memory. img.dispose(); } await tf.nextFrame(); } }; var btnSpeak = document.querySelector('#btnSpeak'); btnSpeak.addEventListener('click', () => { var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); msg.text = predictions.innerHTML; window.speechSynthesis.speak(msg); }); await initializeElements(); await imageClassificationWithTransferLearningOnWebcam(); }; window.onload = () => { start(); };