# This file is generated by Ansible. Changes will be lost. # Update templates under ansible/templates/ --- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: awxs.awx.ansible.com spec: group: awx.ansible.com names: kind: AWX listKind: AWXList plural: awxs singular: awx scope: Namespaced versions: - name: v1beta1 served: true storage: true subresources: status: {} schema: openAPIV3Schema: description: Schema validation for the AWX CRD properties: spec: properties: deployment_type: description: Name of the deployment type type: string default: awx kind: description: Kind of the deployment type type: string default: AWX api_version: description: apiVersion of the deployment type type: string default: awx.ansible.com/v1beta1 task_privileged: description: If a privileged security context should be enabled type: boolean default: false admin_user: description: Username to use for the admin account type: string default: admin hostname: description: The hostname of the instance type: string admin_email: description: The admin user email type: string admin_password_secret: description: Secret where the admin password can be found type: string postgres_configuration_secret: description: Secret where the database configuration can be found type: string old_postgres_configuration_secret: description: Secret where the old database configuration can be found for data migration type: string postgres_label_selector: description: Label selector used to identify postgres pod for data migration type: string secret_key_secret: description: Secret where the secret key can be found type: string broadcast_websocket_secret: description: Secret where the broadcast websocket secret can be found type: string extra_volumes: description: Specify extra volumes to add to the application pod type: string service_type: description: The service type to be used on the deployed instance type: string enum: - LoadBalancer - loadbalancer - ClusterIP - clusterip - NodePort - nodeport ingress_type: description: The ingress type to use to reach the deployed instance type: string enum: - none - Ingress - ingress - Route - route ingress_annotations: description: Annotations to add to the Ingress Controller type: string ingress_tls_secret: description: Secret where the Ingress TLS secret can be found type: string loadbalancer_annotations: description: Annotations to add to the loadbalancer type: string loadbalancer_protocol: description: Protocol to use for the loadbalancer type: string default: http enum: - http - https loadbalancer_port: description: Port to use for the loadbalancer type: integer default: 80 route_host: description: The DNS to use to points to the instance type: string route_tls_termination_mechanism: description: The secure TLS termination mechanism to use type: string default: Edge enum: - Edge - edge - Passthrough - passthrough route_tls_secret: description: Secret where the TLS related credentials are stored type: string node_selector: description: nodeSelector for the pods type: string service_labels: description: Additional labels to apply to the service type: string tolerations: description: node tolerations for the pods type: string image: description: Registry path to the application container to use type: string image_version: description: Application container image version to use type: string ee_images: description: Registry path to the Execution Environment container to use type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string image: type: string image_pull_policy: description: The image pull policy type: string default: IfNotPresent enum: - Always - always - Never - never - IfNotPresent - ifnotpresent image_pull_secret: description: The image pull secret type: string task_resource_requirements: description: Resource requirements for the task container properties: requests: properties: cpu: type: string memory: type: string storage: type: string type: object limits: properties: cpu: type: string memory: type: string storage: type: string type: object type: object web_resource_requirements: description: Resource requirements for the web container properties: requests: properties: cpu: type: string memory: type: string storage: type: string type: object limits: properties: cpu: type: string memory: type: string storage: type: string type: object type: object service_account_annotations: description: ServiceAccount annotations type: string replicas: description: Number of instance replicas type: integer default: 1 format: int32 garbage_collect_secrets: description: Whether or not to remove secrets upon instance removal default: false type: boolean create_preload_data: description: Whether or not to preload data upon instance creation default: true type: boolean task_args: type: array items: type: string task_command: type: array items: type: string web_args: type: array items: type: string web_command: type: array items: type: string task_extra_env: type: string web_extra_env: type: string ee_extra_volume_mounts: description: Specify volume mounts to be added to Execution container type: string task_extra_volume_mounts: description: Specify volume mounts to be added to Task container type: string web_extra_volume_mounts: description: Specify volume mounts to be added to the Web container type: string redis_image: description: Registry path to the redis container to use type: string redis_image_version: description: Redis container image version to use type: string postgres_image: description: Registry path to the PostgreSQL container to use type: string postgres_image_version: description: PostgreSQL container image version to use type: string postgres_selector: description: nodeSelector for the Postgres pods type: string postgres_tolerations: description: node tolerations for the Postgres pods type: string postgres_storage_requirements: description: Storage requirements for the PostgreSQL container properties: requests: properties: storage: type: string type: object limits: properties: storage: type: string type: object type: object postgres_resource_requirements: description: Resource requirements for the PostgreSQL container properties: requests: properties: cpu: type: string memory: type: string type: object limits: properties: cpu: type: string memory: type: string type: object type: object postgres_storage_class: description: Storage class to use for the PostgreSQL PVC type: string postgres_data_path: description: Path where the PostgreSQL data are located type: string ca_trust_bundle: description: Path where the trusted CA bundle is available type: string development_mode: description: If the deployment should be done in development mode type: boolean ldap_cacert_secret: description: Secret where can be found the LDAP trusted Certificate Authority Bundle type: string projects_persistence: description: Whether or not the /var/lib/projects directory will be persistent default: false type: boolean projects_use_existing_claim: description: Using existing PersistentVolumeClaim type: string enum: - _Yes_ - _No_ projects_existing_claim: description: PersistentVolumeClaim to mount /var/lib/projects directory type: string projects_storage_class: description: Storage class for the /var/lib/projects PersistentVolumeClaim type: string projects_storage_size: description: Size for the /var/lib/projects PersistentVolumeClaim default: 8Gi type: string projects_storage_access_mode: description: AccessMode for the /var/lib/projects PersistentVolumeClaim default: ReadWriteMany type: string extra_settings: description: Extra settings to specify for the API items: properties: setting: type: string value: type: string type: object type: array type: object status: properties: URL: description: URL to access the deployed instance type: string adminUser: description: Admin user of the deployed instance type: string adminPasswordSecret: description: Admin password secret name of the deployed instance type: string postgresConfigurationSecret: description: Postgres Configuration secret name of the deployed instance type: string broadcastWebsocketSecret: description: Broadcast websocket secret name of the deployed instance type: string secretKeySecret: description: Secret key secret name of the deployed instance type: string migratedFromSecret: description: The secret used for migrating an old instance. type: string version: description: Version of the deployed instance type: string image: description: URL of the image used for the deployed instance type: string conditions: description: The resulting conditions when a Service Telemetry is instantiated items: properties: status: type: string type: type: string reason: type: string lastTransitionTime: type: string type: object type: array type: object type: object --- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: awxbackups.awx.ansible.com spec: group: awx.ansible.com names: kind: AWXBackup listKind: AWXBackupList plural: awxbackups singular: awxbackup scope: Namespaced versions: - name: v1beta1 served: true storage: true subresources: status: {} schema: openAPIV3Schema: type: object x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true description: Schema validation for the AWXBackup CRD properties: spec: type: object required: - deployment_name properties: deployment_name: description: Name of the deployment to be backed up type: string backup_pvc: description: Name of the PVC to be used for storing the backup type: string backup_pvc_namespace: description: Namespace PVC is in type: string backup_storage_requirements: description: Storage requirements for the PostgreSQL container type: string backup_storage_class: description: Storage class to use when creating PVC for backup type: string postgres_label_selector: description: Label selector used to identify postgres pod for backing up data type: string --- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: awxrestores.awx.ansible.com spec: group: awx.ansible.com names: kind: AWXRestore listKind: AWXRestoreList plural: awxrestores singular: awxrestore scope: Namespaced versions: - name: v1beta1 served: true storage: true subresources: status: {} schema: openAPIV3Schema: type: object x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true description: Schema validation for the AWXRestore CRD properties: spec: type: object properties: backup_source: description: Backup source type: string enum: - CR - PVC deployment_name: description: Name of the deployment to be restored to type: string backup_name: description: AWXBackup object name type: string backup_pvc: description: Name of the PVC to be restored from, set as a status found on the awxbackup object (backupClaim) type: string backup_pvc_namespace: description: Namespace the PVC is in type: string backup_dir: description: Backup directory name, set as a status found on the awxbackup object (backupDirectory) type: string postgres_label_selector: description: Label selector used to identify postgres pod for backing up data type: string --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRole metadata: creationTimestamp: null name: awx-operator rules: - apiGroups: - route.openshift.io resources: - routes - routes/custom-host verbs: - '*' - apiGroups: - "" - "rbac.authorization.k8s.io" resources: - pods - services - services/finalizers - serviceaccounts - endpoints - persistentvolumeclaims - events - configmaps - secrets - roles - rolebindings verbs: - '*' - apiGroups: - apps - extensions resources: - deployments - daemonsets - replicasets - statefulsets - ingresses verbs: - '*' - apiGroups: - monitoring.coreos.com resources: - servicemonitors verbs: - get - create - apiGroups: - apps resourceNames: - awx-operator resources: - deployments/finalizers verbs: - update - apiGroups: - apps resources: - deployments/scale - statefulsets/scale verbs: - patch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - pods/exec verbs: - create - get - apiGroups: - apps resources: - replicasets verbs: - get - apiGroups: - awx.ansible.com resources: - '*' - awxbackups - awxrestores verbs: - '*' --- kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: awx-operator subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: awx-operator namespace: default roleRef: kind: ClusterRole name: awx-operator apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: awx-operator namespace: default --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: awx-operator spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: name: awx-operator template: metadata: labels: name: awx-operator spec: serviceAccountName: awx-operator containers: - name: awx-operator image: "quay.io/ansible/awx-operator:0.10.0" imagePullPolicy: "Always" volumeMounts: - mountPath: /tmp/ansible-operator/runner name: runner env: # Watch all namespaces (cluster-scoped). - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE value: "" - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.name - name: OPERATOR_NAME value: awx-operator - name: ANSIBLE_GATHERING value: explicit - name: OPERATOR_VERSION value: "0.10.0" - name: ANSIBLE_DEBUG_LOGS value: "false" livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /healthz port: 6789 initialDelaySeconds: 15 periodSeconds: 20 volumes: - name: runner emptyDir: {}