# # This docker file can be used in kubernetes. # It accepts all cluster related parameters at run time. # It means it's very easy to add new containers to the cluster # # Usage: # # * AntMediaServer: Specify the name of the Ant Media Server zip file to install that specify Ant Media Server version to the docker image # --build-arg AntMediaServer='ant-media-server.zip' # # * LicenseKey: Set your license key to this variable to install the latest Ant Media Server automatically to the docker image without needing a zip file. If you use this LicenseKey variable, don't specify AntMediaServer variable (# --build-arg AntMediaServer='ant-media-server.zip') # --build-arg LicenseKey='your-license-key' # # * InstallMediaPush: Set this variable to 'true' to enable headless Chrome on the server for recording and streaming web pages back to Ant Media Server. # --build-arg InstallMediaPush='true' # FROM ubuntu:22.04 ARG AntMediaServer ARG LicenseKey ARG InstallMediaPush ARG BranchName=master #Running update and install makes the builder not to use cache which resolves some updates RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl wget iproute2 cron logrotate ADD ./${AntMediaServer} /home RUN cd home \ && pwd \ && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ant-media/Scripts/${BranchName}/install_ant-media-server.sh \ && chmod 755 install_ant-media-server.sh RUN cd /home \ && pwd \ && if [ -n "$AntMediaServer" ]; then \ ./install_ant-media-server.sh -i ${AntMediaServer} -s false; \ elif [ -n "$LicenseKey" ]; then \ ./install_ant-media-server.sh -l ${LicenseKey} -s false; \ else \ echo "Both AntMediaServer and LicenseKey arguments are not provided. Aborting the build process."; \ exit 1; \ fi RUN if [ "true" = "$InstallMediaPush" ]; then \ echo "test"; \ echo "#!/bin/bash\n\$@" > /usr/bin/sudo; \ chmod +x /usr/bin/sudo; \ wget -O install_media-push-plugin.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ant-media/Plugins/master/MediaPushPlugin/src/main/script/install_media-push-plugin.sh; \ bash ./install_media-push-plugin.sh; \ fi # # Options: # # -g: Use global(Public) IP in network communication. Its value can be true or false. Default value is false. # # -s: Use Public IP as server name. Its value can be true or false. Default value is false. # # -r: Replace candidate address with server name. Its value can be true or false. Default value is false # # -m: Server mode. It can be standalone or cluster. If cluster mode is specified then mongodb host, username and password should also be provided. # There is no default value for mode # # -h: MongoDB or Redist host. It's either IP address or full connection string such as mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1] or mongodb+srv://[username:password@]host1[:port1] or redis://[username:password@]host1[:port1] or redis yaml configuration # # -u: MongoDB username: Deprecated. Just give the username in the connection string with -h parameter # # -p: MongoDB password: Deprecated. Just give the password in the connection string with -h parameter # # -l: Licence Key # -a: TURN/STUN Server URL for the server side. It should start with "turn:" or "stun:" such as stun:stun.l.google.com:19302 or turn:ovh36.antmedia.io # this url is not visible to frontend users just for server side. # # -n: TURN Server Usermame: Provide the TURN server username to get relay candidates. # # -w: TURN Server Password: Provide the TURN server password to get relay candidates. # # -k: Kafka Address: Provide the Kafka URL address to collect data. (It must contain the port number. Example: localhost:9092) # # -j: JVM Memory Options(-Xms1g -Xmx4g): Set the Java heap size. Default value is "-Xms1g". Example usage: ./start.sh -j "-Xms1g -Xmx4g" # # -c: CPU Limit: Set the CPU limit percentage that server does not exceed. Default value is 75. # If CPU is more than this value, server reports highResourceUsage and does not allow publish or play. # Example usage: ./start.sh -c 60 # # -e: Memory Limit: Set the Memory Limit percentage that server does not exceed. Default value is 75 # If Memory usage is more than this value, server reports highResourceUsage and does not allow publish or play # Example usage: ./start.sh -e 60 ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/antmedia/start.sh"]