uid); if (!file_exists($userInfo['dir'].'/.autodl/autodl.cfg')) { throw new Exception('Zeroconfig autodl.cfg not not found'); } if (!is_readable($userInfo['dir'].'/.autodl/autodl.cfg')) { throw new Exception('Zeroconfig autodl.cfg not readable'); } $config = parse_ini_file($userInfo['dir'].'/.autodl/autodl.cfg'); if ($config === false) { throw new Exception('Zeroconfig failed to parse autodl.cfg'); } return $config; } // Checks if there are missing PHP modules, and if so returns JSON data with an // error message saying exactly which PHP modules are missing. function checkPhpModules() { $missing = ""; foreach (Array('xml', 'sockets', 'json') as $module) { if (!extension_loaded($module)) $missing = "$missing $module"; } if ($missing === "") return; $jsonData = "{\"error\":\"Missing PHP modules:$missing\"}"; header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'); echo $jsonData; exit(0); } // Sends a 304 if it's the same file (and exits) or returns if the file has changed // with added ETag HTTP header. function checkSameFile($etag, $mtime) { header("ETag: $etag"); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) && trim($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) === $etag) { header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified"); exit; } } function getSocketError($socket) { $code = socket_last_error($socket); return "($code) " . socket_strerror($code); } function socketWriteAllData($socket, $data) { while (strlen($data)) { $lenWritten = socket_write($socket, $data, strlen($data)); if ($lenWritten === false || $lenWritten <= 0) throw new Exception("Could not write to socket: " . getSocketError($socket)); $data = substr($data, $lenWritten); } } function socketReadAllData($socket) { $data = ""; while (1) { $val = socket_read($socket, 4096); if ($val === false) throw new Exception("Could not read from socket: " . getSocketError($socket)); if ($val === "") break; $data .= $val; } return $data; } function sendAutodlCommand($data) { global $autodlPort, $autodlPassword; try { if ($autodlPort <= 0 || $autodlPort > 65535) throw new Exception("Invalid port ($autodlPort)! Initialize port in conf.php"); $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); if ($socket === false) throw new Exception("Could not create socket: " . getSocketError()); if (!socket_connect($socket, "", $autodlPort)) throw new Exception("Could not connect: " . getSocketError($socket)); $data['password'] = $autodlPassword; socketWriteAllData($socket, json_encode($data)); $response = utf8_decode(socketReadAllData($socket)); socket_close($socket); $jsonData = json_decode($response); if (is_null($jsonData)) throw new Exception("Could not decode json string"); if (!isset($jsonData->error)) $jsonData->error = ""; return $jsonData; } catch (Exception $ex) { $obj = (object)0; $obj->error = 'Error: ' . $ex->getMessage(); return $obj; } }