name: AntiAd main: com.github.antiad.AntiAd.AntiAd version: ${project.version} dev-url: website: authors: [XxCoolGamesxX, franzmedia] description: Prevents Advertising of ip's and web-url's and reduces spamming. commands: antiad: description: Base command for AntiAd. permissions: antiad.*: description: Gives all AntiAd permissions children: antiad.bypass.spam: true true antiad.see: true antiad.reload: true antiad.whitelist: true antiad.notify.update: true antiad.bypass.spam: description: Allows a player to bypass Spam restriction. default: op description: Allows a player to bypass Advertising restriction. default: op antiad.see: description: Allows a player to see other players advertising. default: op antiad.reload: description: Allows a player to use the /antiad reload command to reload the antiad config. default: op antiad.whitelist: description: Allows a player to use the /antiad add command. default: op antiad.notify.update: description: Allows a player to recieve information when a new update is available. default: op