const RISOCOLORS = [ {name: 'BLACK', color: [0, 0, 0]}, {name: 'BURGUNDY', color: [145, 78, 114]}, {name: 'BLUE', color: [0, 120, 191]}, {name: 'GREEN', color: [0, 169, 92]}, {name: 'MEDIUMBLUE', color: [50, 85, 164]}, {name: 'BRIGHTRED', color: [241, 80, 96]}, {name: 'RISOFEDERALBLUE', color: [61, 85, 136]}, {name: 'PURPLE', color: [118, 91, 167]}, {name: 'TEAL', color: [0, 131, 138]}, {name: 'FLATGOLD', color: [187, 139, 65]}, {name: 'HUNTERGREEN', color: [64, 112, 96]}, {name: 'RED', color: [255, 102, 94]}, {name: 'BROWN', color: [146, 95, 82]}, {name: 'YELLOW', color: [255, 232, 0]}, {name: 'MARINERED', color: [210, 81, 94]}, {name: 'ORANGE', color: [255, 108, 47]}, {name: 'FLUORESCENTPINK', color: [255, 72, 176]}, {name: 'LIGHTGRAY', color: [136, 137, 138]}, {name: 'METALLICGOLD', color: [172, 147, 110]}, {name: 'CRIMSON', color: [228, 93, 80]}, {name: 'FLUORESCENTORANGE', color: [255, 116, 119]}, {name: 'CORNFLOWER', color: [98, 168, 229]}, {name: 'SKYBLUE', color: [73, 130, 207]}, {name: 'SEABLUE', color: [0, 116, 162]}, {name: 'LAKE', color: [35, 91, 168]}, {name: 'INDIGO', color: [72, 77, 122]}, {name: 'MIDNIGHT', color: [67, 80, 96]}, {name: 'MIST', color: [213, 228, 192]}, {name: 'GRANITE', color: [165, 170, 168]}, {name: 'CHARCOAL', color: [112, 116, 124]}, {name: 'SMOKYTEAL', color: [95, 130, 137]}, {name: 'STEEL', color: [55, 94, 119]}, {name: 'SLATE', color: [94, 105, 94]}, {name: 'TURQUOISE', color: [0, 170, 147]}, {name: 'EMERALD', color: [25, 151, 93]}, {name: 'GRASS', color: [57, 126, 88]}, {name: 'FOREST', color: [81, 110, 90]}, {name: 'SPRUCE', color: [74, 99, 93]}, {name: 'MOSS', color: [104, 114, 77]}, {name: 'SEAFOAM', color: [98, 194, 177]}, {name: 'KELLYGREEN', color: [103, 179, 70]}, {name: 'LIGHTTEAL', color: [0, 157, 165]}, {name: 'IVY', color: [22, 155, 98]}, {name: 'PINE', color: [35, 126, 116]}, {name: 'LAGOON', color: [47, 97, 101]}, {name: 'VIOLET', color: [157, 122, 210]}, {name: 'ORCHID', color: [170, 96, 191]}, {name: 'PLUM', color: [132, 89, 145]}, {name: 'RAISIN', color: [119, 93, 122]}, {name: 'GRAPE', color: [108, 93, 128]}, {name: 'SCARLET', color: [246, 80, 88]}, {name: 'TOMATO', color: [210, 81, 94]}, {name: 'CRANBERRY', color: [209, 81, 122]}, {name: 'MAROON', color: [158, 76, 110]}, {name: 'RASPBERRYRED', color: [209, 81, 122]}, {name: 'BRICK', color: [167, 81, 84]}, {name: 'LIGHTLIME', color: [227, 237, 85]}, {name: 'SUNFLOWER', color: [255, 181, 17]}, {name: 'MELON', color: [255, 174, 59]}, {name: 'APRICOT', color: [246, 160, 77]}, {name: 'PAPRIKA', color: [238, 127, 75]}, {name: 'PUMPKIN', color: [255, 111, 76]}, {name: 'BRIGHTOLIVEGREEN', color: [180, 159, 41]}, {name: 'BRIGHTGOLD', color: [186, 128, 50]}, {name: 'COPPER', color: [189, 100, 57]}, {name: 'MAHOGANY', color: [142, 89, 90]}, {name: 'BISQUE', color: [242, 205, 207]}, {name: 'BUBBLEGUM', color: [249, 132, 202]}, {name: 'LIGHTMAUVE', color: [230, 181, 201]}, {name: 'DARKMAUVE', color: [189, 140, 166]}, {name: 'WINE', color: [145, 78, 114]}, {name: 'GRAY', color: [146, 141, 136]}, {name: 'CORAL', color: [255, 142, 145]}, {name: 'WHITE', color: [255, 255, 255]}, {name: 'AQUA', color: [94, 200, 229]}, {name: 'MINT', color: [130, 216, 213]}, {name: 'CLEARMEDIUM', color: [242, 242, 242]}, {name: 'FLUORESCENTYELLOW', color: [255, 233, 22]}, {name: 'FLUORESCENTRED', color: [255, 76, 101]}, {name: 'FLUORESCENTGREEN', color: [68, 214, 44]} ]; function _getP5Instance() { return window._p5Instance || p5.instance } class Riso extends p5.Graphics { constructor(channelColor, w, h) { const p = _getP5Instance(); if (!w) w = p.width; if (!h) h = p.height; super(w, h, null, p); let foundColor; if (typeof channelColor === "string") { channelColor = channelColor.trim().replace(/ /g, '').toUpperCase(); foundColor = RISOCOLORS.find(c => === channelColor); } if (foundColor) { this.channelColor = foundColor.color; this.channelName =; } else { this.channelColor = channelColor; this.channelName = null; } // store original versions of fill and stroke this._fill = p5.prototype.fill.bind(this); this._stroke = p5.prototype.stroke.bind(this); this._image = p5.prototype.image.bind(this); this.stroke(this.channelColor[0], this.channelColor[1], this.channelColor[2]); // stroke with channel color by default this.channelIndex = Riso.channels.length; Riso.channels.push(this); } export(filename) { if (!filename) { if (this.channelName) { filename = this.channelName + '.png'; } else { filename = this.channelIndex + '.png'; } } //this.filter(GRAY); const p = _getP5Instance(); let buffer = p.createGraphics(this.width, this.height); buffer.loadPixels(); this.loadPixels(); for (let i=0; i < this.pixels.length; i+=4) { buffer.pixels[i] = 0; buffer.pixels[i+1] = 0; buffer.pixels[i+2] = 0; buffer.pixels[i+3] = this.pixels[i+3]; } buffer.updatePixels();; } cutout(imageMask) { let img = this.get(); img.cutout(imageMask); this.clear(); this.copy(img, 0, 0, this.width, this.height, 0, 0, img.width, img.height); } stroke(c) { this._stroke(this.channelColor[0], this.channelColor[1], this.channelColor[2], c); } fill(c) { this._fill(this.channelColor[0], this.channelColor[1], this.channelColor[2], c); } image(img, x, y, w, h) { const p = _getP5Instance() let alphaValue = p.alpha(this.drawingContext.fillStyle)/255; let newImage = p.createImage(img.width, img.height); img.loadPixels(); newImage.loadPixels(); for (let i=0; i < newImage.pixels.length; i+=4) { newImage.pixels[i] = this.channelColor[0]; newImage.pixels[i+1] = this.channelColor[1]; newImage.pixels[i+2] = this.channelColor[2]; if (img.pixels[i+3] < 255) { newImage.pixels[i+3] = img.pixels[i+3] * alphaValue; } else { newImage.pixels[i+3] = (255 - (img.pixels[i] + img.pixels[i+1] + img.pixels[i+2])/3) * alphaValue; } } newImage.updatePixels(); this._image(newImage, x, y, w, h); return newImage; } draw() { _getP5Instance().image(this, 0, 0); } } function drawRiso() { const p = _getP5Instance(); p.blendMode(p.MULTIPLY); Riso.channels.forEach(c => c.draw()); p.blendMode(p.BLEND); } function exportRiso() { Riso.channels.forEach(c => c.export()); } function clearRiso() { Riso.channels.forEach(c => c.clear()); } function risoNoFill() { Riso.channels.forEach(c => c.noFill()); } function risoNoStroke() { Riso.channels.forEach(c => c.noStroke()); } function rgb2cmyk(r, g, b) { // adapted from let c, m, y, k; r = r / 255; b = b / 255; g = g / 255; k = Math.min(1-r, 1-b, 1-g); c = 1 - (1-r-k) / (1-k); m = 1 - (1-g-k) / (1-k); y = 1 - (1-b-k) / (1-k); k = 1 - k; return [c*255, m*255, y*255, k*255]; } function extractRGBChannel(img, c) { if (c == "r" || c == "red") c = 0; if (c == "g" || c == "green") c = 1; if (c == "b" || c == "blue") c = 2; const p = _getP5Instance(); let channel = p.createImage(img.width, img.height); img.loadPixels(); channel.loadPixels(); for (let i = 0; i < img.pixels.length; i+=4) { channel.pixels[i] = img.pixels[i+c]; channel.pixels[i+1] = img.pixels[i+c]; channel.pixels[i+2] = img.pixels[i+c]; channel.pixels[i+3] = img.pixels[i+3]; } channel.updatePixels(); return channel; } function extractCMYKChannel(img, c) { const p = _getP5Instance(); let desiredCMYKChannels = []; if(typeof c == "number" && c < 4) { desiredCMYKChannels.push(c); } else { c = c.toLowerCase(); if (c == "cyan" || c.includes("c")) desiredCMYKChannels.push(0); if (c == "magenta" || c.includes("m")) desiredCMYKChannels.push(1); if (c == "yellow" || c.includes("y")) desiredCMYKChannels.push(2); if (c == "black" || c.includes("k")) desiredCMYKChannels.push(3); } let channel = p.createImage(img.width, img.height); img.loadPixels(); channel.loadPixels(); for (let i = 0; i < img.pixels.length; i+=4) { let r = img.pixels[i]; let g = img.pixels[i+1]; let b = img.pixels[i+2]; let cmyk = rgb2cmyk(r, g, b); let val = 0; desiredCMYKChannels.forEach(function(channelIndex){ val += cmyk[channelIndex]; }); val /= desiredCMYKChannels.length; channel.pixels[i] = val; channel.pixels[i+1] = val; channel.pixels[i+2] = val; channel.pixels[i+3] = img.pixels[i+3]; } channel.updatePixels(); return channel; } function halftoneImage(img, shape, frequency, angle, intensity) { if (shape === undefined) shape = "circle"; if (frequency === undefined) frequency = 10; if (angle === undefined) angle = 45; if (intensity === undefined) intensity = 127; const halftonePatterns = { line(c, x, y, g, d) { c.rect(x, y, g, g * d); }, square(c, x, y, g, d) { c.rect(x, y, g * d, g * d); }, circle(c, x, y, g, d) { c.ellipse(x, y, d * g, d * g); }, ellipse(c, x, y, g, d) { c.ellipse(x, y, g * d * 0.7, g*d); }, cross(c, x, y, g, d) { c.rect(x, y, g, g*d); c.rect(x, y, g * d, g); }, } patternFunction = typeof shape === "function" ? shape : halftonePatterns[shape]; const w = img.width; const h = img.height; const p = _getP5Instance(); const rotatedCanvas = p.createGraphics(img.width*2, img.height*2); rotatedCanvas.background(255); rotatedCanvas.imageMode(p.CENTER); rotatedCanvas.push(); rotatedCanvas.translate(img.width, img.height); rotatedCanvas.rotate(-angle); rotatedCanvas.image(img, 0, 0); rotatedCanvas.pop(); rotatedCanvas.loadPixels(); const out = p.createGraphics(w*2, h*2); out.background(255); out.ellipseMode(p.CORNER); out.rectMode(p.CENTER); out.fill(0); out.noStroke(); let gridsize = frequency; for (let x=0; x < w*2; x+=gridsize) { for (let y=0; y < h*2; y+=gridsize) { const avg = rotatedCanvas.pixels[(x + y*w*2)* 4]; if (avg < 255) { const darkness = (255 - avg) / 255; patternFunction(out, x, y, gridsize, darkness); } } } rotatedCanvas.background(255); rotatedCanvas.push(); rotatedCanvas.translate(w, h); rotatedCanvas.rotate(angle); rotatedCanvas.image(out, 0, 0); rotatedCanvas.pop(); const result = rotatedCanvas.get(w/2, h/2, w, h); if (intensity === false) { return result; } else { return ditherImage(result, "none", intensity); } } function ditherImage(img, type, threshold) { // source adapted from: if (threshold === undefined) threshold = 128; let out = img.get(); let w = out.width; let newPixel, err; let bayerThresholdMap = [ [ 15, 135, 45, 165 ], [ 195, 75, 225, 105 ], [ 60, 180, 30, 150 ], [ 240, 120, 210, 90 ] ]; let lumR = []; let lumG = []; let lumB = []; out.loadPixels(); for (let i=0; i<256; i++) { lumR[i] = i*0.299; lumG[i] = i*0.587; lumB[i] = i*0.114; } for (let i = 0; i <= out.pixels.length; i += 4) { out.pixels[i] = Math.floor(lumR[out.pixels[i]] + lumG[out.pixels[i+1]] + lumB[out.pixels[i+2]]); } for (let i = 0; i <= out.pixels.length; i+=4) { if (type === "none") { // No dithering out.pixels[i] = out.pixels[i] < threshold ? 0 : 255; } else if (type === "bayer") { // 4x4 Bayer ordered dithering algorithm let x = i/4 % w; let y = Math.floor(i/4 / w); let map = Math.floor( (out.pixels[i] + bayerThresholdMap[x%4][y%4]) / 2 ); out.pixels[i] = (map < threshold) ? 0 : 255; } else if (type === "floydsteinberg") { // Floyd–Steinberg dithering algorithm newPixel = out.pixels[i] < 129 ? 0 : 255; err = Math.floor((out.pixels[i] - newPixel) / 16); out.pixels[i] = newPixel; out.pixels[i + 4 ] += err*7; out.pixels[i + 4*w - 4 ] += err*3; out.pixels[i + 4*w ] += err*5; out.pixels[i + 4*w + 4 ] += err*1; } else { // Bill Atkinson's dithering algorithm newPixel = out.pixels[i] < 129 ? 0 : 255; err = Math.floor((out.pixels[i] - newPixel) / 8); out.pixels[i] = newPixel; out.pixels[i + 4 ] += err; out.pixels[i + 8 ] += err; out.pixels[i + 4*w - 4 ] += err; out.pixels[i + 4*w ] += err; out.pixels[i + 4*w + 4 ] += err; out.pixels[i + 8*w ] += err; } // Set g and b pixels equal to r out.pixels[i + 1] = out.pixels[i + 2] = out.pixels[i]; } out.updatePixels(); return out; } function lookupTable() { // // } p5.Image.prototype.cutout = function(p5Image) { // this is basically the same as mask but without an different compositeoperation if (p5Image === undefined) { p5Image = this; } let currBlend = this.drawingContext.globalCompositeOperation; let scaleFactor = 1; if (p5Image instanceof p5.Renderer) { scaleFactor = p5Image._pInst._pixelDensity; } let copyArgs = [ p5Image, 0, 0, scaleFactor * p5Image.width, scaleFactor * p5Image.height, 0, 0, this.width, this.height ]; this.drawingContext.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out'; p5.Image.prototype.copy.apply(this, copyArgs); this.drawingContext.globalCompositeOperation = currBlend; this.setModified(true); }; Riso.channels = [];