[antlr-interest] Need quick ANTLR/ST3 hack

Bill Andersen bill.andersen at mac.com
Wed Sep 14 11:25:50 PDT 2011


I want to write a template containing a conditional expansion for a multi-valued attribute that does one thing if the attribute is singleton and another if there are more than 1 element

For example, in an ANTLR grammar with ST output

  : FOO (bars+=bar)+ -> foo(args={$bars})

where the template looks like

foo(args) ::= <<
  something else

I want some expression for ??? to test for args being singleton.

Is this possible in ST3?  Else I imagine I could write:

  : FOO (bars+=bar)+ -> foo(args={$bars},singleton={$bars.size() == 1})


foo(args,singleton) ::= <<
  something with args
  something else with args

... but I would really rather not.

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