# # Switchres config # # Monitor preset. Sets typical monitor operational ranges: # # generic_15, ntsc, pal Generic CRT standards # arcade_15, arcade_15ex Arcade fixed frequency # arcade_25, arcade_31 Arcade fixed frequency # arcade_15_25, arcade_15_25_31 Arcade multisync # vesa_480, vesa_600, vesa_768, vesa_1024 VESA GTF # pc_31_120, pc_70_120 PC monitor 120 Hz # h9110, polo, pstar Hantarex # k7000, k7131, d9200, d9800, d9400 Wells Gardner # m2929 Makvision # m3129 Wei-Ya # ms2930, ms929 Nanao # r666b Rodotron # # Special presets: # custom Defines a custom preset. Use in combination with crt_range0-9 options below. # lcd Will keep desktop's resolution but attempt variable refresh, use in combination with lcd_range # monitor arcade_15 # Define a custom preset, use monitor custom to activate # crt_range0-9 HfreqMin-HfreqMax, VfreqMin-VfreqMax, HFrontPorch, HSyncPulse, HBackPorch, VfrontPorch, VSyncPulse, VBackPorch, HSyncPol, VSyncPol, ProgressiveLinesMin, ProgressiveLinesMax, InterlacedLinesMin, InterlacedLinesMax # e.g.: crt_range0 15625-15750, 49.50-65.00, 2.000, 4.700, 8.000, 0.064, 0.192, 1.024, 0, 0, 192, 288, 448, 576 crt_range0 auto crt_range1 auto crt_range2 auto crt_range3 auto crt_range4 auto crt_range5 auto crt_range6 auto crt_range7 auto crt_range8 auto crt_range9 auto # Set the operational refresh range for LCD monitor, e.g. lcd_range 50-61 lcd_range auto # Force a custom modeline, in XFree86 format. This option overrides the active monitor preset configuration. modeline auto # Forces an user mode, in the format: width x height @ refresh. Here, 0 can used as a wildcard. At least one of the three values # must be defined. E.g. user_mode 0x240 -> SR can freely choose any width based on the game's requested video mode, but will # force height as 240. user_mode auto # # Display config # # Select target display # auto Pick the default display # 0, 1, 2, ... Pick a display by index # \\.\DISPLAY1, ... Windows display name # VGA-0, ... X11 display name display auto # Choose a custom video backend when more than one is available. # auto Let Switchres decide # adl Windows - AMD ADL (AMD Radeon HD 5000+) # ati Windows - ATI legacy (ATI Radeon pre-HD 5000) # powerstrip Windows - PowerStrip (ATI, Nvidia, Matrox, etc., models up to 2012) # xrandr Linux - X11/Xorg # drmkms Linux - KMS/DRM (WIP) api auto # [Windows] Lock video modes reported as unsupported by your monitor's EDID lock_unsupported_modes 1 # Lock system (non-custom) video modes, only use modes that have full detailed timings available lock_system_modes 0 # Ignore video mode's refresh reported by the OS when checking ranges refresh_dont_care 0 # Keep changes on exit (warning: this skips video mode cleanup) keep_changes 0 # # Modeline generation config # # Enable on-the-fly generation of video modes modeline_generation 1 # Allow interlaced modes (existing or generated) interlace 1 # Allow doublescan modes (warning: doublescan support is broken in most drivers) doublescan 0 # Force a minimum dotclock value, in MHz, e.g. dotclock_min 25.0 dotclock_min 0 # Maximum refresh difference, in Hz, allowed in order to synchronize. Below this value, the mismatch does not involve penalization sync_refresh_tolerance 2.0 # Super resolution width: above this width, fractional scaling on the horizontal axis is applied without penalization super_width 2560 # Physical aspect ratio of the target monitor. Used to compensate aspect ratio when the target monitor is not 4:3 aspect 4:3 # [Experimental] Attempts to compensate consumer TVs vertical centering issues v_shift_correct 0 # Apply geometry correction to calculated modelines h_size 1.0 h_shift 0 v_shift 0 # Calculate horizontal borders with 1-pixel precision, instead of the default 8-pixels blocks that were required by old drivers. # Greatly improves horizontal centering of video modes. pixel_precision 1 # Calculate all vertical values of interlaced modes as even numbers. Required by AMD APU hardware on Linux interlace_force_even 0 # Scale both axes by the same factor, when integer scaling is applied scale_proportional 1 # # Custom video backend config # # [X11] adjusts the crtc position after a new video mode is set, maintaining the relative position of screens in a multi-monitor setup. screen_compositing 0 # [X11] stacks the screens vertically on startup to allow each screen to freely resize up to the maximum width. Useful to avoid video # glitches when using super-resolutions. screen_reordering overrides screen_compositing. screen_reordering 0 # [Windows] dynamically adds new modes or updates existing ones, even on stock AMD drivers*. This feature is experimental and is # disabled by default. It has the following limitations and problems: # - Synchronization is not perfect yet and the new modes may not always be ready on time for mode switching, causing a wrong display # output. # - A plug-n-play audio notification will be present on startup and exit, if the explorer shell is used. # - Refreshing the hardware is an expensive task that takes time, specially if the app has already entered fullscreen mode. This # makes it unpractical for games that switch video modes more than once. # * When used with stock AMD drivers instead of CRT Emudriver, usual limitations apply: no support for low resolutions (below 640x480) # nor low dotclocks. # Not a problem however if you're using a 31 kHz monitor. allow_hardware_refresh 0 # Pass a custom video timing string in the native backend's format. E.g. pstring timing for Powerstrip custom_timing auto # # Logging # # Enables verbose mode (0|1) verbose 0 # Set verbosity level (from 0 to 3) # 0: no messages from SR # 1: only errors # 2: general information # 3: debug messages verbosity 2