## About : /etc/kannel/kannel.conf for testing purposes ## Author : Anton Raharja ## Last update : 2101260300 ## Comments : https://forum.playsms.org/t/kannel-conf-for-testing-purposes/2827 ## CORE ## ================================================================================ group = core # in playSMS: Operational tab, Kannel admin port admin-password = ADMIN_PASSWORD_CHANGE_THIS # in playSMS: Operational tab, Kannel admin port, status only status-password = STATUS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_THIS admin-port = 13000 admin-deny-ip = *.*.*.* admin-allow-ip = # smsbox listener IP (for "group = smsbox" below) smsbox-interface = # smsbox listener port (for "group = smsbox" below) smsbox-port = 13001 box-deny-ip = *.*.*.* box-allow-ip = log-file = /var/log/kannel/kannel.log log-level = 0 access-log = /var/log/kannel/access.log store-type = spool store-location = /var/spool/kannel/store smsbox-max-pending = 100 # more options read reference # remember to give line-spacing between groups # same group must not have line-spacing between options # ref: https://www.kannel.org/download/1.4.5/userguide-1.4.5/userguide.html#AEN490 ## SMSBOX ## ================================================================================ group = smsbox smsbox-id = smsbox1 # IP of Kannel bearerbox, should be localhost bearerbox-host = localhost # smsbox-port on "group = core" above bearerbox-port = 13001 # smsbox-interface on "group = core" above, in playSMS: Send SMS hostname or IP sendsms-interface = # in playSMS: Send SMS port sendsms-port = 13131 sendsms-chars = "0123456789+ " log-file = /var/log/kannel/smsbox1.log log-level = 0 access-log = /var/log/kannel/access.log # more options read reference # ref: https://www.kannel.org/download/1.4.5/userguide-1.4.5/userguide.html#AEN3838 ## SMSC smpp1 - Fake SMSC for testing sending and receiving SMS ## ================================================================================ group = smsc smsc-id = smpp1 smsc = fake port = 10001 group = smsc smsc-id = smpp2 smsc = fake port = 10002 # we can add other type of SMSC here # ref: https://www.kannel.org/download/1.4.5/userguide-1.4.5/userguide.html#AEN1457 ## SMSBOX-ROUTE - Outgoing SMS route ## ================================================================================ group = smsbox-route # route outgoing SMS through smsbox1 smsbox-id = smsbox1 # outgoing SMS using this SMSC will be routed to smsbox-id smsc-id = smpp1 group = smsbox-route # route outgoing SMS through smsbox1 smsbox-id = smsbox1 # outgoing SMS using this SMSC will be routed to smsbox-id smsc-id = smpp2 # we can have multiple routes # ref: https://www.kannel.org/download/1.4.5/userguide-1.4.5/userguide.html#AEN4038 ## SENDSMS-USER - Outgoing SMS ## ================================================================================ group = sendsms-user # set to 'none', don't set default SMSC, playSMS will set it from Additional URL parameter, eg: smsc=smpp1 default-smsc = none # in playSMS: Username and Password username = playsms password = SENDSMS_PASSWORD_CHANGE_THIS max-messages = 6 concatenation = true ## SMS SERVICE - Incoming SMS ## ================================================================================ group = sms-service keyword = default omit-empty = true max-messages = 0 # incoming SMS will be pushed with HTTP GET to this URL, in playSMS this is callback URL for Kannel gateway plugin get-url = "http://localhost/playsms/index.php?app=call&cat=gateway&plugin=kannel&access=geturl&t=%t&q=%q&a=%a&Q=%Q&smsc=%i" # if your playSMS is not accessible or not running on http://localhost/playsms then use your correct playSMS URL # for example your playSMS URL is https://example.com then your get-url would be: # get-url = "https://example.com/index.php?app=call&cat=gateway&plugin=kannel&access=geturl&t=%t&q=%q&a=%a&Q=%Q&smsc=%i" # successful HTTP GET from Kannel will be logged in playsms.log # please watch playsms.log while testing ## END OF kannel.conf