import breeze.linalg._ import com.github.fommil.netlib.BLAS.{ getInstance => blas } object Regression { def backSolve(A: DenseMatrix[Double], y: DenseVector[Double]): DenseVector[Double] = { val yc = y.copy blas.dtrsv("U", "N", "N", A.cols, A.toArray, A.rows,, 1) yc } case class Lm(y: DenseVector[Double], X: DenseMatrix[Double], names: List[String]) { require(y.size == X.rows) require(names.length == X.cols) require(X.rows >= X.cols) val QR = qr.reduced(X) val q = QR.q val r = QR.r val qty = q.t * y val coefficients = backSolve(r, qty) import breeze.stats._ import org.apache.commons.math3.special.Beta def tCDF(t: Double, df: Double): Double = { val xt = df / (t * t + df) 1.0 - 0.5 * Beta.regularizedBeta(xt, 0.5 * df, 0.5) } def fCDF(x: Double, d1: Double, d2: Double) = { val xt = x * d1 / (x * d1 + d2) Beta.regularizedBeta(xt, 0.5 * d1, 0.5 * d2) } lazy val fitted = q * qty lazy val residuals = y - fitted lazy val n = X.rows lazy val pp = X.cols lazy val df = n - pp lazy val rss = sum(residuals ^:^ 2.0) lazy val rse = math.sqrt(rss / df) lazy val ri = inv(r) lazy val xtxi = ri * (ri.t) lazy val se = breeze.numerics.sqrt(diag(xtxi)) * rse lazy val t = coefficients / se lazy val p = { 1.0 - tCDF(_, df) }.map { _ * 2 } lazy val ybar = mean(y) lazy val ymyb = y - ybar lazy val ssy = sum(ymyb ^:^ 2.0) lazy val rSquared = (ssy - rss) / ssy lazy val adjRs = 1.0 - ((n - 1.0) / (n - pp)) * (1 - rSquared) lazy val k = pp - 1 lazy val f = (ssy - rss) / k / (rss / df) lazy val pf = 1.0 - fCDF(f, k, df) def summary: Unit = { println( "Estimate\t S.E.\t t-stat\tp-value\t\tVariable") println( "---------------------------------------------------------") (0 until pp).foreach(i => printf( "%8.4f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.4f %s\t%s\n", coefficients(i), se(i), t(i), p(i), if (p(i) < 0.05) "*" else " ", names(i))) printf( "\nResidual standard error: %8.4f on %d degrees of freedom\n", rse, df) printf( "Multiple R-squared: %6.4f, Adjusted R-squared: %6.4f\n", rSquared, adjRs) printf( "F-statistic: %6.4f on %d and %d DF, p-value: %6.5f\n\n", f, k, df, pf) } } // Main runner method def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val url = "" val fileName = "airfoil.csv" // download the file to disk if it hasn't been already val file = new if (!file.exists) { val s = new val data = data.foreach(l => s.write(l.trim.split(Array(' ','\t')).filter(_ != "").mkString("",",","\n"))) s.close } // read the file from disk val mat = csvread(new println("Dim: " + mat.rows + " " + mat.cols) val y = mat(::, 5) // response is the final column val x = mat(::, 0 to 4) // first fit without an intercept Lm(y,x,List("Freq","Angle","Chord Length","Velocity","Thickness")).summary // add an intercept and re-fit val X = DenseMatrix.horzcat( DenseVector.ones[Double](x.rows).toDenseMatrix.t,x) val mod = Lm(y,X,List("(Intercept)","Freq","Angle","Chord Length","Velocity","Thickness")) mod.summary } // main } // eof