# JellyFish

> _Theme your code editor will love_
![JellyFish](https://img.shields.io/badge/Theme-JellyFish-%23ff0055) ![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/anubhavkrishna1/sublime-jellyfish?color=%23ff0055&label=License&logo=License&style=flat) ![Message](https://img.shields.io/badge/I%20%E2%9D%A4%20-OpenSource-%23ff0055) --- JellyFish: A Dark color sheme For sublime text 4. Inspired from vscode-jellyfish.

### Installation ###### Recommended You can install `JellyFish Color Scheme` via [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/). 1. Press cmd/ctrl + shift + p to open the command palette. 2. Type `install package` and press enter. Then search for `JellyFish Color Sheme` ###### Manual 1. Download the [latest release](https://github.com/anubhavkrishna1/sublime-jellyfish/releases/latest), extract and rename the directory to `sublime-jellyfish`. 2. Move the directory inside your sublime `Packages` directory. *(Preferences > Browse packages...)* ---