#!/bin/bash function output () { echo -e "\e[31m[WARNING] Suspected to be vulnerable, files with name\e[0m" echo -e "\e[31m:- $RESULT\e[0m" } echo -e "\e[32m\n Scanning for log4j vulnerability.............\e[0m \n" RESULT="$(locate log4j|grep -v log4js)" if [ "$RESULT" ]; then output fi; RESULT="$(dpkg -l|grep log4j|grep -v log4js)" if [ "$RESULT" ]; then output fi; if [ "$(command -v java)" ]; then echo -e "\e[31m[WARNING] It seems java is installed, libraries are inside jar/war/ear files, suspected to have log4j in such applications.\e[0m"; fi; echo -e "\e[33m\n Congratulations It Seems you are safe, if you see any results above Please check the listed files and packages\e[0m\n ";