Quick instructions for using the prebuilt Arkime packages, see https://arkime.com/install Please report any bugs or feature requests by opening an issue at https://github.com/arkime/arkime/issues Basic Arkime Installation steps: 1) Download an Arkime build for your OS from https://arkime.com/downloads 2) Install the downloaded package 3) Configure basic arkime items by running the Configure script (this needs to be done only once) /opt/arkime/bin/Configure 4) The Configure script can install OpenSearch/Elasticsearch for you or you can install yourself 5) Initialize/Upgrade OpenSearch/Elasticsearch Arkime configuration a) If this is the first install, or want to delete all data /opt/arkime/db/db.pl http://ESHOST:9200 init b) If this is an update to an Arkime package /opt/arkime/db/db.pl http://ESHOST:9200 upgrade 6) Add an admin user if a new install or after an init /opt/arkime/bin/arkime_add_user.sh admin "Admin User" THEPASSWORD --admin 7) Start everything systemctl start arkimecapture.service systemctl start arkimeviewer.service 8) Look at log files for errors /opt/arkime/logs/viewer.log /opt/arkime/logs/capture.log 9) Visit http://arkimeHOST:8005 with your favorite browser. user: admin password: THEPASSWORD from step #6 If you want IP -> Geo/ASN to work, you need to setup a maxmind account and the geoipupdate program. See https://arkime.com/faq#maxmind Any configuration changes can be made to /opt/arkime/etc/config.ini See https://arkime.com/faq#arkime-is-not-working for issues Additional information can be found at: * https://arkime.com/install * https://arkime.com/faq * https://arkime.com/settings