# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.4 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # THIS DOCKERFILE IS INTENDED FOR PRODUCTION USE AND DEPLOYMENT. # NOTE! IT IS ALPHA-QUALITY FOR NOW - WE ARE IN A PROCESS OF TESTING IT # # # This is a multi-segmented image. It actually contains two images: # # airflow-build-image - there all airflow dependencies can be installed (and # built - for those dependencies that require # build essentials). Airflow is installed there with # ${HOME}/.local virtualenv which is also considered # As --user folder by python when creating venv with # --system-site-packages # # main - this is the actual production image that is much # smaller because it does not contain all the build # essentials. Instead the ${HOME}/.local folder # is copied from the build-image - this way we have # only result of installation and we do not need # all the build essentials. This makes the image # much smaller. # # Use the same builder frontend version for everyone ARG AIRFLOW_EXTRAS="aiobotocore,amazon,async,celery,cncf-kubernetes,common-io,docker,elasticsearch,fab,ftp,google,google-auth,graphviz,grpc,hashicorp,http,ldap,microsoft-azure,mysql,odbc,openlineage,pandas,postgres,redis,sendgrid,sftp,slack,snowflake,ssh,statsd,uv,virtualenv" ARG ADDITIONAL_AIRFLOW_EXTRAS="" ARG ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS="" ARG AIRFLOW_HOME=/opt/airflow ARG AIRFLOW_UID="50000" ARG AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR=/home/airflow # latest released version here ARG AIRFLOW_VERSION="2.10.2" ARG PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE="python:3.9-slim-bookworm" ARG AIRFLOW_PIP_VERSION=24.2 ARG AIRFLOW_UV_VERSION=0.4.24 ARG AIRFLOW_USE_UV="false" ARG UV_HTTP_TIMEOUT="300" ARG AIRFLOW_IMAGE_REPOSITORY="https://github.com/apache/airflow" ARG AIRFLOW_IMAGE_README_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/airflow/main/docs/docker-stack/README.md" # By default we install latest airflow from PyPI so we do not need to copy sources of Airflow # from the host - so we are using Dockerfile and copy it to /Dockerfile in target image # because this is the only file we know exists locally. This way you can build the image in PyPI with # **just** the Dockerfile and no need for any other files from Airflow repository. # However, in case of breeze/development use we use latest sources and we override those # SOURCES_FROM/TO with "." and "/opt/airflow" respectively - so that sources of Airflow (and all providers) # are used to build the PROD image used in tests. ARG AIRFLOW_SOURCES_FROM="Dockerfile" ARG AIRFLOW_SOURCES_TO="/Dockerfile" # By default latest released version of airflow is installed (when empty) but this value can be overridden # and we can install version according to specification (For example ==2.0.2 or <3.0.0). ARG AIRFLOW_VERSION_SPECIFICATION="" # By default PIP has progress bar but you can disable it. ARG PIP_PROGRESS_BAR="on" ############################################################################################## # This is the script image where we keep all inlined bash scripts needed in other segments ############################################################################################## FROM scratch as scripts ############################################################################################## # Please DO NOT modify the inlined scripts manually. The content of those files will be # replaced by pre-commit automatically from the "scripts/docker/" folder. # This is done in order to avoid problems with caching and file permissions and in order to # make the PROD Dockerfile standalone ############################################################################################## # The content below is automatically copied from scripts/docker/install_os_dependencies.sh COPY <<"EOF" /install_os_dependencies.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail if [[ "$#" != 1 ]]; then echo "ERROR! There should be 'runtime' or 'dev' parameter passed as argument.". exit 1 fi if [[ "${1}" == "runtime" ]]; then INSTALLATION_TYPE="RUNTIME" elif [[ "${1}" == "dev" ]]; then INSTALLATION_TYPE="dev" else echo "ERROR! Wrong argument. Passed ${1} and it should be one of 'runtime' or 'dev'.". exit 1 fi function get_dev_apt_deps() { if [[ "${DEV_APT_DEPS=}" == "" ]]; then DEV_APT_DEPS="apt-transport-https apt-utils build-essential ca-certificates dirmngr \ freetds-bin freetds-dev git graphviz graphviz-dev krb5-user ldap-utils libev4 libev-dev libffi-dev libgeos-dev \ libkrb5-dev libldap2-dev libleveldb1d libleveldb-dev libsasl2-2 libsasl2-dev libsasl2-modules \ libssl-dev libxmlsec1 libxmlsec1-dev locales lsb-release openssh-client pkgconf sasl2-bin \ software-properties-common sqlite3 sudo unixodbc unixodbc-dev zlib1g-dev" export DEV_APT_DEPS fi } function get_runtime_apt_deps() { local debian_version local debian_version_apt_deps # Get debian version without installing lsb_release # shellcheck disable=SC1091 debian_version=$(. /etc/os-release; printf '%s\n' "$VERSION_CODENAME";) echo echo "DEBIAN CODENAME: ${debian_version}" echo debian_version_apt_deps="libffi8 libldap-2.5-0 libssl3 netcat-openbsd" echo echo "APPLIED INSTALLATION CONFIGURATION FOR DEBIAN VERSION: ${debian_version}" echo if [[ "${RUNTIME_APT_DEPS=}" == "" ]]; then RUNTIME_APT_DEPS="apt-transport-https apt-utils ca-certificates \ curl dumb-init freetds-bin krb5-user libev4 libgeos-dev \ ldap-utils libsasl2-2 libsasl2-modules libxmlsec1 locales ${debian_version_apt_deps} \ lsb-release openssh-client python3-selinux rsync sasl2-bin sqlite3 sudo unixodbc" export RUNTIME_APT_DEPS fi } function install_docker_cli() { apt-get update apt-get install ca-certificates curl install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/gpg -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc # shellcheck disable=SC1091 echo \ "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian \ $(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" | \ tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null apt-get update apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends docker-ce-cli } function install_debian_dev_dependencies() { apt-get update apt-get install -yqq --no-install-recommends apt-utils >/dev/null 2>&1 apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends curl gnupg2 lsb-release # shellcheck disable=SC2086 export ${ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_ENV?} if [[ ${DEV_APT_COMMAND} != "" ]]; then bash -o pipefail -o errexit -o nounset -o nolog -c "${DEV_APT_COMMAND}" fi if [[ ${ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_COMMAND} != "" ]]; then bash -o pipefail -o errexit -o nounset -o nolog -c "${ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_COMMAND}" fi apt-get update local debian_version local debian_version_apt_deps # Get debian version without installing lsb_release # shellcheck disable=SC1091 debian_version=$(. /etc/os-release; printf '%s\n' "$VERSION_CODENAME";) echo echo "DEBIAN CODENAME: ${debian_version}" echo # shellcheck disable=SC2086 apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends ${DEV_APT_DEPS} ${ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_DEPS} } function install_debian_runtime_dependencies() { apt-get update apt-get install --no-install-recommends -yqq apt-utils >/dev/null 2>&1 apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends curl gnupg2 lsb-release # shellcheck disable=SC2086 export ${ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_APT_ENV?} if [[ "${RUNTIME_APT_COMMAND}" != "" ]]; then bash -o pipefail -o errexit -o nounset -o nolog -c "${RUNTIME_APT_COMMAND}" fi if [[ "${ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_APT_COMMAND}" != "" ]]; then bash -o pipefail -o errexit -o nounset -o nolog -c "${ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_APT_COMMAND}" fi apt-get update # shellcheck disable=SC2086 apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends ${RUNTIME_APT_DEPS} ${ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_APT_DEPS} apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge apt-get clean rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /var/log/* } if [[ "${INSTALLATION_TYPE}" == "RUNTIME" ]]; then get_runtime_apt_deps install_debian_runtime_dependencies install_docker_cli else get_dev_apt_deps install_debian_dev_dependencies install_docker_cli fi EOF # The content below is automatically copied from scripts/docker/install_mysql.sh COPY <<"EOF" /install_mysql.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash . "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/common.sh" set -euo pipefail common::get_colors declare -a packages readonly MYSQL_LTS_VERSION="8.0" readonly MARIADB_LTS_VERSION="10.11" : "${INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT:?Should be true or false}" : "${INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT_TYPE:-mariadb}" install_mysql_client() { if [[ "${1}" == "dev" ]]; then packages=("libmysqlclient-dev" "mysql-client") elif [[ "${1}" == "prod" ]]; then # `libmysqlclientXX` where XX is number, and it should be increased every new GA MySQL release, for example # 18 - MySQL 5.6.48 # 20 - MySQL 5.7.42 # 21 - MySQL 8.0.34 # 22 - MySQL 8.1 packages=("libmysqlclient21" "mysql-client") else echo echo "${COLOR_RED}Specify either prod or dev${COLOR_RESET}" echo exit 1 fi common::import_trusted_gpg "B7B3B788A8D3785C" "mysql" echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Installing Oracle MySQL client version ${MYSQL_LTS_VERSION}: ${1}${COLOR_RESET}" echo echo "deb http://repo.mysql.com/apt/debian/ $(lsb_release -cs) mysql-${MYSQL_LTS_VERSION}" > \ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysql.list apt-get update apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y "${packages[@]}" apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # Remove mysql repository from sources.list.d as MySQL repos have a basic flaw that they put expiry # date on their GPG signing keys and they sign their repo with those keys. This means that after a # certain date, the GPG key becomes invalid and if you have the repository added in your sources.list # then you will not be able to install anything from any other repository. This id unlike any other # repository we have seen (for example Postgres, MariaDB, MsSQL - all have non-expiring signing keys) rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysql.list } install_mariadb_client() { # List of compatible package Oracle MySQL -> MariaDB: # `mysql-client` -> `mariadb-client` or `mariadb-client-compat` (11+) # `libmysqlclientXX` (where XX is a number) -> `libmariadb3-compat` # `libmysqlclient-dev` -> `libmariadb-dev-compat` # # Different naming against Debian repo which we used before # that some of packages might contains `-compat` suffix, Debian repo -> MariaDB repo: # `libmariadb-dev` -> `libmariadb-dev-compat` # `mariadb-client-core` -> `mariadb-client` or `mariadb-client-compat` (11+) if [[ "${1}" == "dev" ]]; then packages=("libmariadb-dev-compat" "mariadb-client") elif [[ "${1}" == "prod" ]]; then packages=("libmariadb3-compat" "mariadb-client") else echo echo "${COLOR_RED}Specify either prod or dev${COLOR_RESET}" echo exit 1 fi common::import_trusted_gpg "0xF1656F24C74CD1D8" "mariadb" echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Installing MariaDB client version ${MARIADB_LTS_VERSION}: ${1}${COLOR_RESET}" echo "${COLOR_YELLOW}MariaDB client protocol-compatible with MySQL client.${COLOR_RESET}" echo echo "deb [arch=amd64,arm64] https://archive.mariadb.org/mariadb-${MARIADB_LTS_VERSION}/repo/debian/ $(lsb_release -cs) main" > \ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.list # Make sure that dependencies from MariaDB repo are preferred over Debian dependencies printf "Package: *\nPin: release o=MariaDB\nPin-Priority: 999\n" > /etc/apt/preferences.d/mariadb apt-get update apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y "${packages[@]}" apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* } if [[ ${INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT:="true"} == "true" ]]; then if [[ $(uname -m) == "arm64" || $(uname -m) == "aarch64" ]]; then INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT_TYPE="mariadb" echo echo "${COLOR_YELLOW}Client forced to mariadb for ARM${COLOR_RESET}" echo fi if [[ "${INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT_TYPE}" == "mysql" ]]; then install_mysql_client "${@}" elif [[ "${INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT_TYPE}" == "mariadb" ]]; then install_mariadb_client "${@}" else echo echo "${COLOR_RED}Specify either mysql or mariadb, got ${INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT_TYPE}${COLOR_RESET}" echo exit 1 fi fi EOF # The content below is automatically copied from scripts/docker/install_mssql.sh COPY <<"EOF" /install_mssql.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash . "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/common.sh" set -euo pipefail common::get_colors declare -a packages : "${INSTALL_MSSQL_CLIENT:?Should be true or false}" function install_mssql_client() { # Install MsSQL client from Microsoft repositories if [[ ${INSTALL_MSSQL_CLIENT:="true"} != "true" ]]; then echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Skip installing mssql client${COLOR_RESET}" echo return fi packages=("msodbcsql18") common::import_trusted_gpg "EB3E94ADBE1229CF" "microsoft" echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Installing mssql client${COLOR_RESET}" echo echo "deb [arch=amd64,arm64] https://packages.microsoft.com/debian/$(lsb_release -rs)/prod $(lsb_release -cs) main" > \ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mssql-release.list apt-get update -yqq apt-get upgrade -yqq ACCEPT_EULA=Y apt-get -yqq install --no-install-recommends "${packages[@]}" rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* } install_mssql_client "${@}" EOF # The content below is automatically copied from scripts/docker/install_postgres.sh COPY <<"EOF" /install_postgres.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash . "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/common.sh" set -euo pipefail common::get_colors declare -a packages : "${INSTALL_POSTGRES_CLIENT:?Should be true or false}" install_postgres_client() { echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Installing postgres client${COLOR_RESET}" echo if [[ "${1}" == "dev" ]]; then packages=("libpq-dev" "postgresql-client") elif [[ "${1}" == "prod" ]]; then packages=("postgresql-client") else echo echo "Specify either prod or dev" echo exit 1 fi common::import_trusted_gpg "7FCC7D46ACCC4CF8" "postgres" echo "deb [arch=amd64,arm64] https://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > \ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list apt-get update apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y "${packages[@]}" apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* } if [[ ${INSTALL_POSTGRES_CLIENT:="true"} == "true" ]]; then install_postgres_client "${@}" fi EOF # The content below is automatically copied from scripts/docker/install_packaging_tools.sh COPY <<"EOF" /install_packaging_tools.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash . "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/common.sh" common::get_colors common::get_packaging_tool common::show_packaging_tool_version_and_location common::install_packaging_tools EOF # The content below is automatically copied from scripts/docker/install_airflow_dependencies_from_branch_tip.sh COPY <<"EOF" /install_airflow_dependencies_from_branch_tip.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash . "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/common.sh" : "${AIRFLOW_REPO:?Should be set}" : "${AIRFLOW_BRANCH:?Should be set}" : "${INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT:?Should be true or false}" : "${INSTALL_POSTGRES_CLIENT:?Should be true or false}" function install_airflow_dependencies_from_branch_tip() { echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Installing airflow from ${AIRFLOW_BRANCH}. It is used to cache dependencies${COLOR_RESET}" echo if [[ ${INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT} != "true" ]]; then AIRFLOW_EXTRAS=${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS/mysql,} fi if [[ ${INSTALL_POSTGRES_CLIENT} != "true" ]]; then AIRFLOW_EXTRAS=${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS/postgres,} fi local TEMP_AIRFLOW_DIR TEMP_AIRFLOW_DIR=$(mktemp -d) # Install latest set of dependencies - without constraints. This is to download a "base" set of # dependencies that we can cache and reuse when installing airflow using constraints and latest # pyproject.toml in the next step (when we install regular airflow). set -x curl -fsSL "https://github.com/${AIRFLOW_REPO}/archive/${AIRFLOW_BRANCH}.tar.gz" | \ tar xz -C "${TEMP_AIRFLOW_DIR}" --strip 1 # Make sure editable dependencies are calculated when devel-ci dependencies are installed ${PACKAGING_TOOL_CMD} install ${EXTRA_INSTALL_FLAGS} ${ADDITIONAL_PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS} \ --editable "${TEMP_AIRFLOW_DIR}[${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS}]" set +x common::install_packaging_tools set -x echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Uninstalling providers. Dependencies remain${COLOR_RESET}" # Uninstall airflow and providers to keep only the dependencies. In the future when # planned https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/11440 is implemented in pip we might be able to use this # flag and skip the remove step. pip freeze | grep apache-airflow-providers | xargs ${PACKAGING_TOOL_CMD} uninstall ${EXTRA_UNINSTALL_FLAGS} || true set +x echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Uninstalling just airflow. Dependencies remain. Now target airflow can be reinstalled using mostly cached dependencies${COLOR_RESET}" echo set +x ${PACKAGING_TOOL_CMD} uninstall ${EXTRA_UNINSTALL_FLAGS} apache-airflow rm -rf "${TEMP_AIRFLOW_DIR}" set -x # If you want to make sure dependency is removed from cache in your PR when you removed it from # pyproject.toml - please add your dependency here as a list of strings # for example: # DEPENDENCIES_TO_REMOVE=("package_a" "package_b") # Once your PR is merged, you should make a follow-up PR to remove it from this list # and increase the AIRFLOW_CI_BUILD_EPOCH in Dockerfile.ci to make sure your cache is rebuilt. local DEPENDENCIES_TO_REMOVE # IMPORTANT!! Make sure to increase AIRFLOW_CI_BUILD_EPOCH in Dockerfile.ci when you remove a dependency from that list DEPENDENCIES_TO_REMOVE=() if [[ "${DEPENDENCIES_TO_REMOVE[*]}" != "" ]]; then echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Uninstalling just removed dependencies (temporary until cache refreshes)${COLOR_RESET}" echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Dependencies to uninstall: ${DEPENDENCIES_TO_REMOVE[*]}${COLOR_RESET}" echo set +x ${PACKAGING_TOOL_CMD} uninstall "${DEPENDENCIES_TO_REMOVE[@]}" || true set -x # make sure that the dependency is not needed by something else pip check fi } common::get_colors common::get_packaging_tool common::get_airflow_version_specification common::get_constraints_location common::show_packaging_tool_version_and_location install_airflow_dependencies_from_branch_tip EOF # The content below is automatically copied from scripts/docker/common.sh COPY <<"EOF" /common.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail function common::get_colors() { COLOR_BLUE=$'\e[34m' COLOR_GREEN=$'\e[32m' COLOR_RED=$'\e[31m' COLOR_RESET=$'\e[0m' COLOR_YELLOW=$'\e[33m' export COLOR_BLUE export COLOR_GREEN export COLOR_RED export COLOR_RESET export COLOR_YELLOW } function common::get_packaging_tool() { : "${AIRFLOW_USE_UV:?Should be set}" ## IMPORTANT: IF YOU MODIFY THIS FUNCTION YOU SHOULD ALSO MODIFY CORRESPONDING FUNCTION IN ## `scripts/in_container/_in_container_utils.sh` local PYTHON_BIN PYTHON_BIN=$(which python) if [[ ${AIRFLOW_USE_UV} == "true" ]]; then echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Using 'uv' to install Airflow${COLOR_RESET}" echo export PACKAGING_TOOL="uv" export PACKAGING_TOOL_CMD="uv pip" if [[ -z ${VIRTUAL_ENV=} ]]; then export EXTRA_INSTALL_FLAGS="--python ${PYTHON_BIN}" export EXTRA_UNINSTALL_FLAGS="--python ${PYTHON_BIN}" else export EXTRA_INSTALL_FLAGS="" export EXTRA_UNINSTALL_FLAGS="" fi export UPGRADE_EAGERLY="--upgrade --resolution highest" export UPGRADE_IF_NEEDED="--upgrade" UV_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS=$(nproc --all) export UV_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS else echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Using 'pip' to install Airflow${COLOR_RESET}" echo export PACKAGING_TOOL="pip" export PACKAGING_TOOL_CMD="pip" export EXTRA_INSTALL_FLAGS="--root-user-action ignore" export EXTRA_UNINSTALL_FLAGS="--yes" export UPGRADE_EAGERLY="--upgrade --upgrade-strategy eager" export UPGRADE_IF_NEEDED="--upgrade --upgrade-strategy only-if-needed" fi } function common::get_airflow_version_specification() { if [[ -z ${AIRFLOW_VERSION_SPECIFICATION=} && -n ${AIRFLOW_VERSION} && ${AIRFLOW_INSTALLATION_METHOD} != "." ]]; then AIRFLOW_VERSION_SPECIFICATION="==${AIRFLOW_VERSION}" fi } function common::get_constraints_location() { # auto-detect Airflow-constraint reference and location if [[ -z "${AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_REFERENCE=}" ]]; then if [[ ${AIRFLOW_VERSION} =~ v?2.* && ! ${AIRFLOW_VERSION} =~ .*dev.* ]]; then AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_REFERENCE=constraints-${AIRFLOW_VERSION} else AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_REFERENCE=${DEFAULT_CONSTRAINTS_BRANCH} fi fi if [[ -z ${AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_LOCATION=} ]]; then local constraints_base="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${CONSTRAINTS_GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/${AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_REFERENCE}" local python_version python_version=$(python -c 'import sys; print(f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}")') AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_LOCATION="${constraints_base}/${AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_MODE}-${python_version}.txt" fi if [[ ${AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_LOCATION} =~ http.* ]]; then echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Downloading constraints from ${AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_LOCATION} to ${HOME}/constraints.txt ${COLOR_RESET}" echo curl -sSf -o "${HOME}/constraints.txt" "${AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_LOCATION}" else echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Copying constraints from ${AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_LOCATION} to ${HOME}/constraints.txt ${COLOR_RESET}" echo cp "${AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_LOCATION}" "${HOME}/constraints.txt" fi } function common::show_packaging_tool_version_and_location() { echo "PATH=${PATH}" echo "Installed pip: $(pip --version): $(which pip)" if [[ ${PACKAGING_TOOL} == "pip" ]]; then echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Using 'pip' to install Airflow${COLOR_RESET}" else echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Using 'uv' to install Airflow${COLOR_RESET}" echo "Installed uv: $(uv --version 2>/dev/null || echo "Not installed yet"): $(which uv 2>/dev/null)" fi } function common::install_packaging_tools() { if [[ "${VIRTUAL_ENV=}" != "" ]]; then echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Checking packaging tools in venv: ${VIRTUAL_ENV}${COLOR_RESET}" echo else echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Checking packaging tools for system Python installation: $(which python)${COLOR_RESET}" echo fi if [[ ${AIRFLOW_PIP_VERSION=} == "" ]]; then echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Installing latest pip version${COLOR_RESET}" echo pip install --root-user-action ignore --disable-pip-version-check --upgrade pip elif [[ ! ${AIRFLOW_PIP_VERSION} =~ [0-9.]* ]]; then echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Installing pip version from spec ${AIRFLOW_PIP_VERSION}${COLOR_RESET}" echo # shellcheck disable=SC2086 pip install --root-user-action ignore --disable-pip-version-check "pip @ ${AIRFLOW_PIP_VERSION}" else local installed_pip_version installed_pip_version=$(python -c 'from importlib.metadata import version; print(version("pip"))') if [[ ${installed_pip_version} != "${AIRFLOW_PIP_VERSION}" ]]; then echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}(Re)Installing pip version: ${AIRFLOW_PIP_VERSION}${COLOR_RESET}" echo # shellcheck disable=SC2086 pip install --root-user-action ignore --disable-pip-version-check "pip==${AIRFLOW_PIP_VERSION}" fi fi if [[ ${AIRFLOW_UV_VERSION=} == "" ]]; then echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Installing latest uv version${COLOR_RESET}" echo pip install --root-user-action ignore --disable-pip-version-check --upgrade uv elif [[ ! ${AIRFLOW_UV_VERSION} =~ [0-9.]* ]]; then echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Installing uv version from spec ${AIRFLOW_UV_VERSION}${COLOR_RESET}" echo # shellcheck disable=SC2086 pip install --root-user-action ignore --disable-pip-version-check "uv @ ${AIRFLOW_UV_VERSION}" else local installed_uv_version installed_uv_version=$(python -c 'from importlib.metadata import version; print(version("uv"))' 2>/dev/null || echo "Not installed yet") if [[ ${installed_uv_version} != "${AIRFLOW_UV_VERSION}" ]]; then echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}(Re)Installing uv version: ${AIRFLOW_UV_VERSION}${COLOR_RESET}" echo # shellcheck disable=SC2086 pip install --root-user-action ignore --disable-pip-version-check "uv==${AIRFLOW_UV_VERSION}" fi fi # make sure that the venv/user in .local exists mkdir -p "${HOME}/.local/bin" } function common::import_trusted_gpg() { common::get_colors local key=${1:?${COLOR_RED}First argument expects OpenPGP Key ID${COLOR_RESET}} local name=${2:?${COLOR_RED}Second argument expected trust storage name${COLOR_RESET}} # Please note that not all servers could be used for retrieve keys # sks-keyservers.net: Unmaintained and DNS taken down due to GDPR requests. # keys.openpgp.org: User ID Mandatory, not suitable for APT repositories # keyring.debian.org: Only accept keys in Debian keyring. # pgp.mit.edu: High response time. local keyservers=( "hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com" "hkps://pgp.surf.nl" ) GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)" export GNUPGHOME set +e for keyserver in $(shuf -e "${keyservers[@]}"); do echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Try to receive GPG public key ${key} from ${keyserver}${COLOR_RESET}" gpg --keyserver "${keyserver}" --recv-keys "${key}" 2>&1 && break echo "${COLOR_YELLOW}Unable to receive GPG public key ${key} from ${keyserver}${COLOR_RESET}" done set -e gpg --export "${key}" > "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/${name}.gpg" gpgconf --kill all rm -rf "${GNUPGHOME}" unset GNUPGHOME } EOF # The content below is automatically copied from scripts/docker/pip COPY <<"EOF" /pip #!/usr/bin/env bash COLOR_RED=$'\e[31m' COLOR_RESET=$'\e[0m' COLOR_YELLOW=$'\e[33m' if [[ $(id -u) == "0" ]]; then echo echo "${COLOR_RED}You are running pip as root. Please use 'airflow' user to run pip!${COLOR_RESET}" echo echo "${COLOR_YELLOW}See: https://airflow.apache.org/docs/docker-stack/build.html#adding-a-new-pypi-package${COLOR_RESET}" echo exit 1 fi exec "${HOME}"/.local/bin/pip "${@}" EOF # The content below is automatically copied from scripts/docker/install_from_docker_context_files.sh COPY <<"EOF" /install_from_docker_context_files.sh . "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/common.sh" function install_airflow_and_providers_from_docker_context_files(){ if [[ ${INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT} != "true" ]]; then AIRFLOW_EXTRAS=${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS/mysql,} fi if [[ ${INSTALL_POSTGRES_CLIENT} != "true" ]]; then AIRFLOW_EXTRAS=${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS/postgres,} fi if [[ ! -d /docker-context-files ]]; then echo echo "${COLOR_RED}You must provide a folder via --build-arg DOCKER_CONTEXT_FILES= and you missed it!${COLOR_RESET}" echo exit 1 fi # This is needed to get package names for local context packages ${PACKAGING_TOOL_CMD} install ${EXTRA_INSTALL_FLAGS} ${ADDITIONAL_PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS} --constraint ${HOME}/constraints.txt packaging if [[ -n ${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS=} ]]; then AIRFLOW_EXTRAS_TO_INSTALL="[${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS}]" else AIRFLOW_EXTRAS_TO_INSTALL="" fi # Find Apache Airflow package in docker-context files readarray -t install_airflow_package < <(EXTRAS="${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS_TO_INSTALL}" \ python /scripts/docker/get_package_specs.py /docker-context-files/apache?airflow?[0-9]*.{whl,tar.gz} 2>/dev/null || true) echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Found airflow packages in docker-context-files folder: ${install_airflow_package[*]}${COLOR_RESET}" echo if [[ -z "${install_airflow_package[*]}" && ${AIRFLOW_VERSION=} != "" ]]; then # When we install only provider packages from docker-context files, we need to still # install airflow from PyPI when AIRFLOW_VERSION is set. This handles the case where # pre-release dockerhub image of airflow is built, but we want to install some providers from # docker-context files install_airflow_package=("apache-airflow[${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS}]==${AIRFLOW_VERSION}") fi # Find Provider packages in docker-context files readarray -t installing_providers_packages< <(python /scripts/docker/get_package_specs.py /docker-context-files/apache?airflow?providers*.{whl,tar.gz} 2>/dev/null || true) echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Found provider packages in docker-context-files folder: ${installing_providers_packages[*]}${COLOR_RESET}" echo if [[ ${USE_CONSTRAINTS_FOR_CONTEXT_PACKAGES=} == "true" ]]; then local python_version python_version=$(python -c 'import sys; print(f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}")') local local_constraints_file=/docker-context-files/constraints-"${python_version}"/${AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_MODE}-"${python_version}".txt if [[ -f "${local_constraints_file}" ]]; then echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Installing docker-context-files packages with constraints found in ${local_constraints_file}${COLOR_RESET}" echo # force reinstall all airflow + provider packages with constraints found in set -x ${PACKAGING_TOOL_CMD} install ${EXTRA_INSTALL_FLAGS} --upgrade \ ${ADDITIONAL_PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS} --constraint "${local_constraints_file}" \ "${install_airflow_package[@]}" "${installing_providers_packages[@]}" set +x echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Copying ${local_constraints_file} to ${HOME}/constraints.txt${COLOR_RESET}" echo cp "${local_constraints_file}" "${HOME}/constraints.txt" else echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Installing docker-context-files packages with constraints from GitHub${COLOR_RESET}" echo set -x ${PACKAGING_TOOL_CMD} install ${EXTRA_INSTALL_FLAGS} \ ${ADDITIONAL_PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS} \ --constraint "${HOME}/constraints.txt" \ "${install_airflow_package[@]}" "${installing_providers_packages[@]}" set +x fi else echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Installing docker-context-files packages without constraints${COLOR_RESET}" echo set -x ${PACKAGING_TOOL_CMD} install ${EXTRA_INSTALL_FLAGS} \ ${ADDITIONAL_PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS} \ "${install_airflow_package[@]}" "${installing_providers_packages[@]}" set +x fi common::install_packaging_tools pip check } function install_all_other_packages_from_docker_context_files() { echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Force re-installing all other package from local files without dependencies${COLOR_RESET}" echo local reinstalling_other_packages # shellcheck disable=SC2010 reinstalling_other_packages=$(ls /docker-context-files/*.{whl,tar.gz} 2>/dev/null | \ grep -v apache_airflow | grep -v apache-airflow || true) if [[ -n "${reinstalling_other_packages}" ]]; then set -x ${PACKAGING_TOOL_CMD} install ${EXTRA_INSTALL_FLAGS} ${ADDITIONAL_PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS} \ --force-reinstall --no-deps --no-index ${reinstalling_other_packages} common::install_packaging_tools set +x fi } common::get_colors common::get_packaging_tool common::get_airflow_version_specification common::get_constraints_location common::show_packaging_tool_version_and_location install_airflow_and_providers_from_docker_context_files install_all_other_packages_from_docker_context_files EOF # The content below is automatically copied from scripts/docker/get_package_specs.py COPY <<"EOF" /get_package_specs.py #!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import annotations import os import sys from pathlib import Path from packaging.utils import ( InvalidSdistFilename, InvalidWheelFilename, parse_sdist_filename, parse_wheel_filename, ) def print_package_specs(extras: str = "") -> None: for package_path in sys.argv[1:]: try: package, _, _, _ = parse_wheel_filename(Path(package_path).name) except InvalidWheelFilename: try: package, _ = parse_sdist_filename(Path(package_path).name) except InvalidSdistFilename: print(f"Could not parse package name from {package_path}", file=sys.stderr) continue print(f"{package}{extras} @ file://{package_path}") if __name__ == "__main__": print_package_specs(extras=os.environ.get("EXTRAS", "")) EOF # The content below is automatically copied from scripts/docker/install_airflow.sh COPY <<"EOF" /install_airflow.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash . "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/common.sh" function install_airflow() { # Remove mysql from extras if client is not going to be installed if [[ ${INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT} != "true" ]]; then AIRFLOW_EXTRAS=${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS/mysql,} echo "${COLOR_YELLOW}MYSQL client installation is disabled. Extra 'mysql' installations were therefore omitted.${COLOR_RESET}" fi # Remove postgres from extras if client is not going to be installed if [[ ${INSTALL_POSTGRES_CLIENT} != "true" ]]; then AIRFLOW_EXTRAS=${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS/postgres,} echo "${COLOR_YELLOW}Postgres client installation is disabled. Extra 'postgres' installations were therefore omitted.${COLOR_RESET}" fi # Determine the installation_command_flags based on AIRFLOW_INSTALLATION_METHOD method local installation_command_flags if [[ ${AIRFLOW_INSTALLATION_METHOD} == "." ]]; then # We need _a_ file in there otherwise the editable install doesn't include anything in the .pth file mkdir -p ./providers/src/airflow/providers/ touch ./providers/src/airflow/providers/__init__.py # Similarly we need _a_ file for task_sdk too mkdir -p ./task_sdk/src/airflow/sdk/ touch ./task_sdk/src/airflow/__init__.py trap 'rm -f ./providers/src/airflow/providers/__init__.py ./task_sdk/src/airflow/__init__.py 2>/dev/null' EXIT # When installing from sources - we always use `--editable` mode installation_command_flags="--editable .[${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS}]${AIRFLOW_VERSION_SPECIFICATION} --editable ./providers --editable ./task_sdk" elif [[ ${AIRFLOW_INSTALLATION_METHOD} == "apache-airflow" ]]; then installation_command_flags="apache-airflow[${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS}]${AIRFLOW_VERSION_SPECIFICATION}" elif [[ ${AIRFLOW_INSTALLATION_METHOD} == apache-airflow\ @\ * ]]; then installation_command_flags="apache-airflow[${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS}] @ ${AIRFLOW_VERSION_SPECIFICATION/apache-airflow @//}" else echo echo "${COLOR_RED}The '${INSTALLATION_METHOD}' installation method is not supported${COLOR_RESET}" echo echo "${COLOR_YELLOW}Supported methods are ('.', 'apache-airflow', 'apache-airflow @ URL')${COLOR_RESET}" echo exit 1 fi if [[ "${UPGRADE_INVALIDATION_STRING=}" != "" ]]; then echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Remove airflow and all provider packages installed before potentially${COLOR_RESET}" echo set -x ${PACKAGING_TOOL_CMD} freeze | grep apache-airflow | xargs ${PACKAGING_TOOL_CMD} uninstall ${EXTRA_UNINSTALL_FLAGS} 2>/dev/null || true set +x echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Installing all packages in eager upgrade mode. Installation method: ${AIRFLOW_INSTALLATION_METHOD}${COLOR_RESET}" echo set -x ${PACKAGING_TOOL_CMD} install ${EXTRA_INSTALL_FLAGS} ${UPGRADE_EAGERLY} ${ADDITIONAL_PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS} ${installation_command_flags} ${EAGER_UPGRADE_ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS=} set +x common::install_packaging_tools echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Running 'pip check'${COLOR_RESET}" echo pip check else echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Installing all packages with constraints. Installation method: ${AIRFLOW_INSTALLATION_METHOD}${COLOR_RESET}" echo set -x # Install all packages with constraints if ! ${PACKAGING_TOOL_CMD} install ${EXTRA_INSTALL_FLAGS} ${ADDITIONAL_PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS} ${installation_command_flags} --constraint "${HOME}/constraints.txt"; then set +x echo echo "${COLOR_YELLOW}Likely pyproject.toml has new dependencies conflicting with constraints.${COLOR_RESET}" echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Falling back to no-constraints installation.${COLOR_RESET}" echo set -x ${PACKAGING_TOOL_CMD} install ${EXTRA_INSTALL_FLAGS} ${UPGRADE_IF_NEEDED} ${ADDITIONAL_PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS} ${installation_command_flags} fi set +x common::install_packaging_tools echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Running 'pip check'${COLOR_RESET}" echo pip check fi } common::get_colors common::get_packaging_tool common::get_airflow_version_specification common::get_constraints_location common::show_packaging_tool_version_and_location install_airflow EOF # The content below is automatically copied from scripts/docker/install_additional_dependencies.sh COPY <<"EOF" /install_additional_dependencies.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail : "${ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS:?Should be set}" . "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/common.sh" function install_additional_dependencies() { if [[ "${UPGRADE_INVALIDATION_STRING=}" != "" ]]; then echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Installing additional dependencies while upgrading to newer dependencies${COLOR_RESET}" echo set -x ${PACKAGING_TOOL_CMD} install ${EXTRA_INSTALL_FLAGS} ${UPGRADE_EAGERLY} \ ${ADDITIONAL_PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS} \ ${ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS} ${EAGER_UPGRADE_ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS=} set +x common::install_packaging_tools echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Running 'pip check'${COLOR_RESET}" echo pip check else echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Installing additional dependencies upgrading only if needed${COLOR_RESET}" echo set -x ${PACKAGING_TOOL_CMD} install ${EXTRA_INSTALL_FLAGS} ${UPGRADE_IF_NEEDED} \ ${ADDITIONAL_PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS} \ ${ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS} set +x common::install_packaging_tools echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Running 'pip check'${COLOR_RESET}" echo pip check fi } common::get_colors common::get_packaging_tool common::get_airflow_version_specification common::get_constraints_location common::show_packaging_tool_version_and_location install_additional_dependencies EOF # The content below is automatically copied from scripts/docker/create_prod_venv.sh COPY <<"EOF" /create_prod_venv.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash . "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/common.sh" function create_prod_venv() { echo echo "${COLOR_BLUE}Removing ${HOME}/.local and re-creating it as virtual environment.${COLOR_RESET}" rm -rf ~/.local python -m venv ~/.local echo "${COLOR_BLUE}The ${HOME}/.local virtualenv created.${COLOR_RESET}" } common::get_colors common::get_packaging_tool common::show_packaging_tool_version_and_location create_prod_venv common::install_packaging_tools EOF # The content below is automatically copied from scripts/docker/entrypoint_prod.sh COPY <<"EOF" /entrypoint_prod.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash AIRFLOW_COMMAND="${1:-}" set -euo pipefail LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/$(uname -m)-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6" export LD_PRELOAD function run_check_with_retries { local cmd cmd="${1}" local countdown countdown="${CONNECTION_CHECK_MAX_COUNT}" while true do set +e local last_check_result local res last_check_result=$(eval "${cmd} 2>&1") res=$? set -e if [[ ${res} == 0 ]]; then echo break else echo -n "." countdown=$((countdown-1)) fi if [[ ${countdown} == 0 ]]; then echo echo "ERROR! Maximum number of retries (${CONNECTION_CHECK_MAX_COUNT}) reached." echo echo "Last check result:" echo "$ ${cmd}" echo "${last_check_result}" echo exit 1 else sleep "${CONNECTION_CHECK_SLEEP_TIME}" fi done } function run_nc() { # Checks if it is possible to connect to the host using netcat. # # We want to avoid misleading messages and perform only forward lookup of the service IP address. # Netcat when run without -n performs both forward and reverse lookup and fails if the reverse # lookup name does not match the original name even if the host is reachable via IP. This happens # randomly with docker-compose in GitHub Actions. # Since we are not using reverse lookup elsewhere, we can perform forward lookup in python # And use the IP in NC and add '-n' switch to disable any DNS use. # Even if this message might be harmless, it might hide the real reason for the problem # Which is the long time needed to start some services, seeing this message might be totally misleading # when you try to analyse the problem, that's why it's best to avoid it, local host="${1}" local port="${2}" local ip ip=$(python -c "import socket; print(socket.gethostbyname('${host}'))") nc -zvvn "${ip}" "${port}" } function wait_for_connection { # Waits for Connection to the backend specified via URL passed as first parameter # Detects backend type depending on the URL schema and assigns # default port numbers if not specified in the URL. # Then it loops until connection to the host/port specified can be established # It tries `CONNECTION_CHECK_MAX_COUNT` times and sleeps `CONNECTION_CHECK_SLEEP_TIME` between checks local connection_url connection_url="${1}" local detected_backend detected_backend=$(python -c "from urllib.parse import urlsplit; import sys; print(urlsplit(sys.argv[1]).scheme)" "${connection_url}") local detected_host detected_host=$(python -c "from urllib.parse import urlsplit; import sys; print(urlsplit(sys.argv[1]).hostname or '')" "${connection_url}") local detected_port detected_port=$(python -c "from urllib.parse import urlsplit; import sys; print(urlsplit(sys.argv[1]).port or '')" "${connection_url}") echo BACKEND="${BACKEND:=${detected_backend}}" readonly BACKEND if [[ -z "${detected_port=}" ]]; then if [[ ${BACKEND} == "postgres"* ]]; then detected_port=5432 elif [[ ${BACKEND} == "mysql"* ]]; then detected_port=3306 elif [[ ${BACKEND} == "mssql"* ]]; then detected_port=1433 elif [[ ${BACKEND} == "redis"* ]]; then detected_port=6379 elif [[ ${BACKEND} == "amqp"* ]]; then detected_port=5672 fi fi detected_host=${detected_host:="localhost"} # Allow the DB parameters to be overridden by environment variable echo DB_HOST="${DB_HOST:=${detected_host}}" readonly DB_HOST echo DB_PORT="${DB_PORT:=${detected_port}}" readonly DB_PORT if [[ -n "${DB_HOST=}" ]] && [[ -n "${DB_PORT=}" ]]; then run_check_with_retries "run_nc ${DB_HOST@Q} ${DB_PORT@Q}" else >&2 echo "The connection details to the broker could not be determined. Connectivity checks were skipped." fi } function create_www_user() { local local_password="" # Warning: command environment variables (*_CMD) have priority over usual configuration variables # for configuration parameters that require sensitive information. This is the case for the SQL database # and the broker backend in this entrypoint script. if [[ -n "${_AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_PASSWORD_CMD=}" ]]; then local_password=$(eval "${_AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_PASSWORD_CMD}") unset _AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_PASSWORD_CMD elif [[ -n "${_AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_PASSWORD=}" ]]; then local_password="${_AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_PASSWORD}" unset _AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_PASSWORD fi if [[ -z ${local_password} ]]; then echo echo "ERROR! Airflow Admin password not set via _AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_PASSWORD or _AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_PASSWORD_CMD variables!" echo exit 1 fi airflow users create \ --username "${_AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_USERNAME="admin"}" \ --firstname "${_AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_FIRSTNAME="Airflow"}" \ --lastname "${_AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_LASTNAME="Admin"}" \ --email "${_AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_EMAIL="airflowadmin@example.com"}" \ --role "${_AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_ROLE="Admin"}" \ --password "${local_password}" || true } function create_system_user_if_missing() { # This is needed in case of OpenShift-compatible container execution. In case of OpenShift random # User id is used when starting the image, however group 0 is kept as the user group. Our production # Image is OpenShift compatible, so all permissions on all folders are set so that 0 group can exercise # the same privileges as the default "airflow" user, this code checks if the user is already # present in /etc/passwd and will create the system user dynamically, including setting its # HOME directory to the /home/airflow so that (for example) the ${HOME}/.local folder where airflow is # Installed can be automatically added to PYTHONPATH if ! whoami &> /dev/null; then if [[ -w /etc/passwd ]]; then echo "${USER_NAME:-default}:x:$(id -u):0:${USER_NAME:-default} user:${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}:/sbin/nologin" \ >> /etc/passwd fi export HOME="${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}" fi } function set_pythonpath_for_root_user() { # Airflow is installed as a local user application which means that if the container is running as root # the application is not available. because Python then only load system-wide applications. # Now also adds applications installed as local user "airflow". if [[ $UID == "0" ]]; then local python_major_minor python_major_minor=$(python -c 'import sys; print(f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}")') export PYTHONPATH="${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}/.local/lib/python${python_major_minor}/site-packages:${PYTHONPATH:-}" >&2 echo "The container is run as root user. For security, consider using a regular user account." fi } function wait_for_airflow_db() { # Wait for the command to run successfully to validate the database connection. run_check_with_retries "airflow db check" } function migrate_db() { # Runs airflow db migrate airflow db migrate || true } function wait_for_celery_broker() { # Verifies connection to Celery Broker local executor executor="$(airflow config get-value core executor)" if [[ "${executor}" == "CeleryExecutor" ]]; then local connection_url connection_url="$(airflow config get-value celery broker_url)" wait_for_connection "${connection_url}" fi } function exec_to_bash_or_python_command_if_specified() { # If one of the commands: 'bash', 'python' is used, either run appropriate # command with exec if [[ ${AIRFLOW_COMMAND} == "bash" ]]; then shift exec "/bin/bash" "${@}" elif [[ ${AIRFLOW_COMMAND} == "python" ]]; then shift exec "python" "${@}" fi } function check_uid_gid() { if [[ $(id -g) == "0" ]]; then return fi if [[ $(id -u) == "50000" ]]; then >&2 echo >&2 echo "WARNING! You should run the image with GID (Group ID) set to 0" >&2 echo " even if you use 'airflow' user (UID=50000)" >&2 echo >&2 echo " You started the image with UID=$(id -u) and GID=$(id -g)" >&2 echo >&2 echo " This is to make sure you can run the image with an arbitrary UID in the future." >&2 echo >&2 echo " See more about it in the Airflow's docker image documentation" >&2 echo " http://airflow.apache.org/docs/docker-stack/entrypoint" >&2 echo # We still allow the image to run with `airflow` user. return else >&2 echo >&2 echo "ERROR! You should run the image with GID=0" >&2 echo >&2 echo " You started the image with UID=$(id -u) and GID=$(id -g)" >&2 echo >&2 echo "The image should always be run with GID (Group ID) set to 0 regardless of the UID used." >&2 echo " This is to make sure you can run the image with an arbitrary UID." >&2 echo >&2 echo " See more about it in the Airflow's docker image documentation" >&2 echo " http://airflow.apache.org/docs/docker-stack/entrypoint" # This will not work so we fail hard exit 1 fi } unset PIP_USER check_uid_gid umask 0002 CONNECTION_CHECK_MAX_COUNT=${CONNECTION_CHECK_MAX_COUNT:=20} readonly CONNECTION_CHECK_MAX_COUNT CONNECTION_CHECK_SLEEP_TIME=${CONNECTION_CHECK_SLEEP_TIME:=3} readonly CONNECTION_CHECK_SLEEP_TIME create_system_user_if_missing set_pythonpath_for_root_user if [[ "${CONNECTION_CHECK_MAX_COUNT}" -gt "0" ]]; then wait_for_airflow_db fi if [[ -n "${_AIRFLOW_DB_UPGRADE=}" ]] || [[ -n "${_AIRFLOW_DB_MIGRATE=}" ]] ; then migrate_db fi if [[ -n "${_AIRFLOW_DB_UPGRADE=}" ]] ; then >&2 echo "WARNING: Environment variable '_AIRFLOW_DB_UPGRADE' is deprecated please use '_AIRFLOW_DB_MIGRATE' instead" fi if [[ -n "${_AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_CREATE=}" ]] ; then create_www_user fi if [[ -n "${_PIP_ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS=}" ]] ; then >&2 echo >&2 echo "!!!!! Installing additional requirements: '${_PIP_ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS}' !!!!!!!!!!!!" >&2 echo >&2 echo "WARNING: This is a development/test feature only. NEVER use it in production!" >&2 echo " Instead, build a custom image as described in" >&2 echo >&2 echo " https://airflow.apache.org/docs/docker-stack/build.html" >&2 echo >&2 echo " Adding requirements at container startup is fragile and is done every time" >&2 echo " the container starts, so it is only useful for testing and trying out" >&2 echo " of adding dependencies." >&2 echo pip install --root-user-action ignore ${_PIP_ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS} fi exec_to_bash_or_python_command_if_specified "${@}" if [[ ${AIRFLOW_COMMAND} == "airflow" ]]; then AIRFLOW_COMMAND="${2:-}" shift fi if [[ ${AIRFLOW_COMMAND} =~ ^(scheduler|celery)$ ]] \ && [[ "${CONNECTION_CHECK_MAX_COUNT}" -gt "0" ]]; then wait_for_celery_broker fi exec "airflow" "${@}" EOF # The content below is automatically copied from scripts/docker/clean-logs.sh COPY <<"EOF" /clean-logs.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail readonly DIRECTORY="${AIRFLOW_HOME:-/usr/local/airflow}" readonly RETENTION="${AIRFLOW__LOG_RETENTION_DAYS:-15}" trap "exit" INT TERM readonly EVERY=$((15*60)) echo "Cleaning logs every $EVERY seconds" while true; do echo "Trimming airflow logs to ${RETENTION} days." find "${DIRECTORY}"/logs \ -type d -name 'lost+found' -prune -o \ -type f -mtime +"${RETENTION}" -name '*.log' -print0 | \ xargs -0 rm -f || true find "${DIRECTORY}"/logs -type d -empty -delete || true seconds=$(( $(date -u +%s) % EVERY)) (( seconds < 1 )) || sleep $((EVERY - seconds - 1)) sleep 1 done EOF # The content below is automatically copied from scripts/docker/airflow-scheduler-autorestart.sh COPY <<"EOF" /airflow-scheduler-autorestart.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash while echo "Running"; do airflow scheduler -n 5 return_code=$? if (( return_code != 0 )); then echo "Scheduler crashed with exit code $return_code. Respawning.." >&2 date >> /tmp/airflow_scheduler_errors.txt fi sleep 1 done EOF ############################################################################################## # This is the build image where we build all dependencies ############################################################################################## FROM ${PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE} as airflow-build-image # Nolog bash flag is currently ignored - but you can replace it with # xtrace - to show commands executed) SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-o", "errexit", "-o", "nounset", "-o", "nolog", "-c"] ARG PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE ENV PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE=${PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE} \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive LANGUAGE=C.UTF-8 LANG=C.UTF-8 LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 \ LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8 LC_MESSAGES=C.UTF-8 \ PIP_CACHE_DIR=/tmp/.cache/pip ARG DEV_APT_DEPS="" ARG ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_DEPS="" ARG DEV_APT_COMMAND="" ARG ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_COMMAND="" ARG ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_ENV="" ENV DEV_APT_DEPS=${DEV_APT_DEPS} \ ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_DEPS=${ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_DEPS} \ DEV_APT_COMMAND=${DEV_APT_COMMAND} \ ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_COMMAND=${ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_COMMAND} \ ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_ENV=${ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_ENV} COPY --from=scripts install_os_dependencies.sh /scripts/docker/ RUN bash /scripts/docker/install_os_dependencies.sh dev ARG INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT="true" ARG INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT_TYPE="mariadb" ARG INSTALL_MSSQL_CLIENT="true" ARG INSTALL_POSTGRES_CLIENT="true" ENV INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT=${INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT} \ INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT_TYPE=${INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT_TYPE} \ INSTALL_MSSQL_CLIENT=${INSTALL_MSSQL_CLIENT} \ INSTALL_POSTGRES_CLIENT=${INSTALL_POSTGRES_CLIENT} COPY --from=scripts common.sh /scripts/docker/ # Only copy mysql/mssql installation scripts for now - so that changing the other # scripts which are needed much later will not invalidate the docker layer here COPY --from=scripts install_mysql.sh install_mssql.sh install_postgres.sh /scripts/docker/ RUN bash /scripts/docker/install_mysql.sh dev && \ bash /scripts/docker/install_mssql.sh dev && \ bash /scripts/docker/install_postgres.sh dev ENV PATH=${PATH}:/opt/mssql-tools/bin # By default we do not install from docker context files but if we decide to install from docker context # files, we should override those variables to "docker-context-files" ARG DOCKER_CONTEXT_FILES="Dockerfile" ARG AIRFLOW_HOME ARG AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR ARG AIRFLOW_UID RUN adduser --gecos "First Last,RoomNumber,WorkPhone,HomePhone" --disabled-password \ --quiet "airflow" --uid "${AIRFLOW_UID}" --gid "0" --home "${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}" && \ mkdir -p ${AIRFLOW_HOME} && chown -R "airflow:0" "${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}" ${AIRFLOW_HOME} COPY --chown=${AIRFLOW_UID}:0 ${DOCKER_CONTEXT_FILES} /docker-context-files USER airflow ARG AIRFLOW_REPO=apache/airflow ARG AIRFLOW_BRANCH=main ARG AIRFLOW_EXTRAS ARG ADDITIONAL_AIRFLOW_EXTRAS="" # Allows to override constraints source ARG CONSTRAINTS_GITHUB_REPOSITORY="apache/airflow" ARG AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_MODE="constraints" ARG AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_REFERENCE="" ARG AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_LOCATION="" ARG DEFAULT_CONSTRAINTS_BRANCH="constraints-main" # By default PIP has progress bar but you can disable it. ARG PIP_PROGRESS_BAR # By default we do not use pre-cached packages, but in CI/Breeze environment we override this to speed up # builds in case pyproject.toml changed. This is pure optimisation of CI/Breeze builds. ARG AIRFLOW_PRE_CACHED_PIP_PACKAGES="false" # This is airflow version that is put in the label of the image build ARG AIRFLOW_VERSION # By default latest released version of airflow is installed (when empty) but this value can be overridden # and we can install version according to specification (For example ==2.0.2 or <3.0.0). ARG AIRFLOW_VERSION_SPECIFICATION # Determines the way airflow is installed. By default we install airflow from PyPI `apache-airflow` package # But it also can be `.` from local installation or GitHub URL pointing to specific branch or tag # Of Airflow. Note That for local source installation you need to have local sources of # Airflow checked out together with the Dockerfile and AIRFLOW_SOURCES_FROM and AIRFLOW_SOURCES_TO # set to "." and "/opt/airflow" respectively. ARG AIRFLOW_INSTALLATION_METHOD="apache-airflow" # By default we do not upgrade to latest dependencies ARG UPGRADE_INVALIDATION_STRING="" ARG AIRFLOW_SOURCES_FROM ARG AIRFLOW_SOURCES_TO RUN if [[ -f /docker-context-files/pip.conf ]]; then \ mkdir -p ${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}/.config/pip; \ cp /docker-context-files/pip.conf "${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}/.config/pip/pip.conf"; \ fi; \ if [[ -f /docker-context-files/.piprc ]]; then \ cp /docker-context-files/.piprc "${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}/.piprc"; \ fi # Additional PIP flags passed to all pip install commands except reinstalling pip itself ARG ADDITIONAL_PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS="" ARG AIRFLOW_PIP_VERSION ARG AIRFLOW_UV_VERSION ARG AIRFLOW_USE_UV ARG UV_HTTP_TIMEOUT ENV AIRFLOW_PIP_VERSION=${AIRFLOW_PIP_VERSION} \ AIRFLOW_UV_VERSION=${AIRFLOW_UV_VERSION} \ UV_HTTP_TIMEOUT=${UV_HTTP_TIMEOUT} \ AIRFLOW_USE_UV=${AIRFLOW_USE_UV} \ AIRFLOW_PRE_CACHED_PIP_PACKAGES=${AIRFLOW_PRE_CACHED_PIP_PACKAGES} \ AIRFLOW_VERSION=${AIRFLOW_VERSION} \ AIRFLOW_INSTALLATION_METHOD=${AIRFLOW_INSTALLATION_METHOD} \ AIRFLOW_VERSION_SPECIFICATION=${AIRFLOW_VERSION_SPECIFICATION} \ AIRFLOW_SOURCES_FROM=${AIRFLOW_SOURCES_FROM} \ AIRFLOW_SOURCES_TO=${AIRFLOW_SOURCES_TO} \ AIRFLOW_REPO=${AIRFLOW_REPO} \ AIRFLOW_BRANCH=${AIRFLOW_BRANCH} \ AIRFLOW_EXTRAS=${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS}${ADDITIONAL_AIRFLOW_EXTRAS:+,}${ADDITIONAL_AIRFLOW_EXTRAS} \ CONSTRAINTS_GITHUB_REPOSITORY=${CONSTRAINTS_GITHUB_REPOSITORY} \ AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_MODE=${AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_MODE} \ AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_REFERENCE=${AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_REFERENCE} \ AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_LOCATION=${AIRFLOW_CONSTRAINTS_LOCATION} \ DEFAULT_CONSTRAINTS_BRANCH=${DEFAULT_CONSTRAINTS_BRANCH} \ PATH=${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}/.local/bin:${PATH} \ PIP_PROGRESS_BAR=${PIP_PROGRESS_BAR} \ ADDITIONAL_PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS=${ADDITIONAL_PIP_INSTALL_FLAGS} \ AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR=${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR} \ AIRFLOW_HOME=${AIRFLOW_HOME} \ AIRFLOW_UID=${AIRFLOW_UID} \ UPGRADE_INVALIDATION_STRING=${UPGRADE_INVALIDATION_STRING} # Copy all scripts required for installation - changing any of those should lead to # rebuilding from here COPY --from=scripts common.sh install_packaging_tools.sh \ install_airflow_dependencies_from_branch_tip.sh create_prod_venv.sh /scripts/docker/ # We can set this value to true in case we want to install .whl/.tar.gz packages placed in the # docker-context-files folder. This can be done for both additional packages you want to install # as well as Airflow and Provider packages (it will be automatically detected if airflow # is installed from docker-context files rather than from PyPI) ARG INSTALL_PACKAGES_FROM_CONTEXT="false" # Normally constraints are not used when context packages are build - because we might have packages # that are conflicting with Airflow constraints, however there are cases when we want to use constraints # for example in CI builds when we already have source-package constraints - either from github branch or # from eager-upgraded constraints by the CI builds ARG USE_CONSTRAINTS_FOR_CONTEXT_PACKAGES="false" # By changing the epoch we can force reinstalling Airflow and pip all dependencies # It can also be overwritten manually by setting the AIRFLOW_CI_BUILD_EPOCH environment variable. ARG AIRFLOW_CI_BUILD_EPOCH="11" ENV AIRFLOW_CI_BUILD_EPOCH=${AIRFLOW_CI_BUILD_EPOCH} # In case of Production build image segment we want to pre-install main version of airflow # dependencies from GitHub so that we do not have to always reinstall it from the scratch. # The Airflow and providers are uninstalled, only dependencies remain # the cache is only used when "upgrade to newer dependencies" is not set to automatically # account for removed dependencies (we do not install them in the first place) and in case # INSTALL_PACKAGES_FROM_CONTEXT is not set (because then caching it from main makes no sense). # By default PIP installs everything to ~/.local and it's also treated as VIRTUALENV ENV VIRTUAL_ENV="${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}/.local" RUN bash /scripts/docker/install_packaging_tools.sh; \ bash /scripts/docker/create_prod_venv.sh; \ if [[ ${AIRFLOW_PRE_CACHED_PIP_PACKAGES} == "true" && \ ${INSTALL_PACKAGES_FROM_CONTEXT} == "false" && \ ${UPGRADE_INVALIDATION_STRING} == "" ]]; then \ bash /scripts/docker/install_airflow_dependencies_from_branch_tip.sh; \ fi COPY --chown=airflow:0 ${AIRFLOW_SOURCES_FROM} ${AIRFLOW_SOURCES_TO} # Add extra python dependencies ARG ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS="" ARG VERSION_SUFFIX_FOR_PYPI="" ENV ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS=${ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS} \ INSTALL_PACKAGES_FROM_CONTEXT=${INSTALL_PACKAGES_FROM_CONTEXT} \ USE_CONSTRAINTS_FOR_CONTEXT_PACKAGES=${USE_CONSTRAINTS_FOR_CONTEXT_PACKAGES} \ VERSION_SUFFIX_FOR_PYPI=${VERSION_SUFFIX_FOR_PYPI} WORKDIR ${AIRFLOW_HOME} COPY --from=scripts install_from_docker_context_files.sh install_airflow.sh \ install_additional_dependencies.sh create_prod_venv.sh get_package_specs.py /scripts/docker/ # Useful for creating a cache id based on the underlying architecture, preventing the use of cached python packages from # an incorrect architecture. ARG TARGETARCH # Value to be able to easily change cache id and therefore use a bare new cache ARG PIP_CACHE_EPOCH="9" # hadolint ignore=SC2086, SC2010, DL3042 RUN --mount=type=cache,id=$PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE-$AIRFLOW_PIP_VERSION-$TARGETARCH-$PIP_CACHE_EPOCH,target=/tmp/.cache/pip,uid=${AIRFLOW_UID} \ if [[ ${INSTALL_PACKAGES_FROM_CONTEXT} == "true" ]]; then \ bash /scripts/docker/install_from_docker_context_files.sh; \ fi; \ if ! airflow version 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then \ bash /scripts/docker/install_airflow.sh; \ fi; \ if [[ -n "${ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS}" ]]; then \ bash /scripts/docker/install_additional_dependencies.sh; \ fi; \ find "${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}/.local/" -name '*.pyc' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f || true ; \ find "${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}/.local/" -type d -name '__pycache__' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf || true ; \ # make sure that all directories and files in .local are also group accessible find "${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}/.local" -executable ! -type l -print0 | xargs --null chmod g+x; \ find "${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}/.local" ! -type l -print0 | xargs --null chmod g+rw # In case there is a requirements.txt file in "docker-context-files" it will be installed # during the build additionally to whatever has been installed so far. It is recommended that # the requirements.txt contains only dependencies with == version specification # hadolint ignore=DL3042 RUN --mount=type=cache,id=additional-requirements-$PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE-$AIRFLOW_PIP_VERSION-$TARGETARCH-$PIP_CACHE_EPOCH,target=/tmp/.cache/pip,uid=${AIRFLOW_UID} \ if [[ -f /docker-context-files/requirements.txt ]]; then \ pip install -r /docker-context-files/requirements.txt; \ fi ############################################################################################## # This is the actual Airflow image - much smaller than the build one. We copy # installed Airflow and all its dependencies from the build image to make it smaller. ############################################################################################## FROM ${PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE} as main # Nolog bash flag is currently ignored - but you can replace it with other flags (for example # xtrace - to show commands executed) SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-o", "errexit", "-o", "nounset", "-o", "nolog", "-c"] ARG AIRFLOW_UID LABEL org.apache.airflow.distro="debian" \ org.apache.airflow.module="airflow" \ org.apache.airflow.component="airflow" \ org.apache.airflow.image="airflow" \ org.apache.airflow.uid="${AIRFLOW_UID}" ARG PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE ENV PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE=${PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE} \ # Make sure noninteractive debian install is used and language variables set DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive LANGUAGE=C.UTF-8 LANG=C.UTF-8 LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 \ LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8 LC_MESSAGES=C.UTF-8 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib ARG RUNTIME_APT_DEPS="" ARG ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_APT_DEPS="" ARG RUNTIME_APT_COMMAND="echo" ARG ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_APT_COMMAND="" ARG ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_APT_ENV="" ARG INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT="true" ARG INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT_TYPE="mariadb" ARG INSTALL_MSSQL_CLIENT="true" ARG INSTALL_POSTGRES_CLIENT="true" ENV RUNTIME_APT_DEPS=${RUNTIME_APT_DEPS} \ ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_APT_DEPS=${ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_APT_DEPS} \ RUNTIME_APT_COMMAND=${RUNTIME_APT_COMMAND} \ ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_APT_COMMAND=${ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_APT_COMMAND} \ INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT=${INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT} \ INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT_TYPE=${INSTALL_MYSQL_CLIENT_TYPE} \ INSTALL_MSSQL_CLIENT=${INSTALL_MSSQL_CLIENT} \ INSTALL_POSTGRES_CLIENT=${INSTALL_POSTGRES_CLIENT} \ GUNICORN_CMD_ARGS="--worker-tmp-dir /dev/shm" \ AIRFLOW_INSTALLATION_METHOD=${AIRFLOW_INSTALLATION_METHOD} COPY --from=scripts install_os_dependencies.sh /scripts/docker/ RUN bash /scripts/docker/install_os_dependencies.sh runtime # Having the variable in final image allows to disable providers manager warnings when # production image is prepared from sources rather than from package ARG AIRFLOW_INSTALLATION_METHOD="apache-airflow" ARG AIRFLOW_IMAGE_REPOSITORY ARG AIRFLOW_IMAGE_README_URL ARG AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR ARG AIRFLOW_HOME # By default PIP installs everything to ~/.local ENV PATH="${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}/.local/bin:${PATH}" \ VIRTUAL_ENV="${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}/.local" \ AIRFLOW_UID=${AIRFLOW_UID} \ AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR=${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR} \ AIRFLOW_HOME=${AIRFLOW_HOME} COPY --from=scripts common.sh /scripts/docker/ # Only copy mysql/mssql installation scripts for now - so that changing the other # scripts which are needed much later will not invalidate the docker layer here. COPY --from=scripts install_mysql.sh install_mssql.sh install_postgres.sh /scripts/docker/ # We run scripts with bash here to make sure we can execute the scripts. Changing to +x might have an # unexpected result - the cache for Dockerfiles might get invalidated in case the host system # had different umask set and group x bit was not set. In Azure the bit might be not set at all. # That also protects against AUFS Docker backend problem where changing the executable bit required sync RUN bash /scripts/docker/install_mysql.sh prod \ && bash /scripts/docker/install_mssql.sh prod \ && bash /scripts/docker/install_postgres.sh prod \ && adduser --gecos "First Last,RoomNumber,WorkPhone,HomePhone" --disabled-password \ --quiet "airflow" --uid "${AIRFLOW_UID}" --gid "0" --home "${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}" \ # Make Airflow files belong to the root group and are accessible. This is to accommodate the guidelines from # OpenShift https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/3.0/creating_images/guidelines.html && mkdir -pv "${AIRFLOW_HOME}" \ && mkdir -pv "${AIRFLOW_HOME}/dags" \ && mkdir -pv "${AIRFLOW_HOME}/logs" \ && chown -R airflow:0 "${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}" "${AIRFLOW_HOME}" \ && chmod -R g+rw "${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}" "${AIRFLOW_HOME}" \ && find "${AIRFLOW_HOME}" -executable ! -type l -print0 | xargs --null chmod g+x \ && find "${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}" -executable ! -type l -print0 | xargs --null chmod g+x ARG AIRFLOW_SOURCES_FROM ARG AIRFLOW_SOURCES_TO COPY --from=airflow-build-image --chown=airflow:0 \ "${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}/.local" "${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}/.local" COPY --from=airflow-build-image --chown=airflow:0 \ "${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}/constraints.txt" "${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}/constraints.txt" # In case of editable build also copy airflow sources so that they are available in the main image # For regular image (non-editable) this will be just Dockerfile copied to /Dockerfile COPY --from=airflow-build-image --chown=airflow:0 "${AIRFLOW_SOURCES_TO}" "${AIRFLOW_SOURCES_TO}" COPY --from=scripts entrypoint_prod.sh /entrypoint COPY --from=scripts clean-logs.sh /clean-logs COPY --from=scripts airflow-scheduler-autorestart.sh /airflow-scheduler-autorestart # Make /etc/passwd root-group-writeable so that user can be dynamically added by OpenShift # See https://github.com/apache/airflow/issues/9248 # Set default groups for airflow and root user RUN chmod a+rx /entrypoint /clean-logs \ && chmod g=u /etc/passwd \ && chmod g+w "${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR}/.local" \ && usermod -g 0 airflow -G 0 # make sure that the venv is activated for all users # including plain sudo, sudo with --interactive flag RUN sed --in-place=.bak "s/secure_path=\"/secure_path=\"$(echo -n ${AIRFLOW_USER_HOME_DIR} | \ sed 's/\//\\\//g')\/.local\/bin:/" /etc/sudoers ARG AIRFLOW_VERSION ARG AIRFLOW_PIP_VERSION ARG AIRFLOW_UV_VERSION ARG AIRFLOW_USE_UV # See https://airflow.apache.org/docs/docker-stack/entrypoint.html#signal-propagation # to learn more about the way how signals are handled by the image # Also set airflow as nice PROMPT message. ENV DUMB_INIT_SETSID="1" \ PS1="(airflow)" \ AIRFLOW_VERSION=${AIRFLOW_VERSION} \ AIRFLOW__CORE__LOAD_EXAMPLES="false" \ PATH="/root/bin:${PATH}" \ AIRFLOW_PIP_VERSION=${AIRFLOW_PIP_VERSION} \ AIRFLOW_UV_VERSION=${AIRFLOW_UV_VERSION} \ AIRFLOW_USE_UV=${AIRFLOW_USE_UV} # Add protection against running pip as root user RUN mkdir -pv /root/bin COPY --from=scripts pip /root/bin/pip RUN chmod u+x /root/bin/pip WORKDIR ${AIRFLOW_HOME} EXPOSE 8080 USER ${AIRFLOW_UID} # Those should be set and used as late as possible as any change in commit/build otherwise invalidates the # layers right after ARG BUILD_ID ARG COMMIT_SHA ARG AIRFLOW_IMAGE_REPOSITORY ARG AIRFLOW_IMAGE_DATE_CREATED ENV BUILD_ID=${BUILD_ID} COMMIT_SHA=${COMMIT_SHA} LABEL org.apache.airflow.distro="debian" \ org.apache.airflow.module="airflow" \ org.apache.airflow.component="airflow" \ org.apache.airflow.image="airflow" \ org.apache.airflow.version="${AIRFLOW_VERSION}" \ org.apache.airflow.uid="${AIRFLOW_UID}" \ org.apache.airflow.main-image.build-id="${BUILD_ID}" \ org.apache.airflow.main-image.commit-sha="${COMMIT_SHA}" \ org.opencontainers.image.source="${AIRFLOW_IMAGE_REPOSITORY}" \ org.opencontainers.image.created=${AIRFLOW_IMAGE_DATE_CREATED} \ org.opencontainers.image.authors="dev@airflow.apache.org" \ org.opencontainers.image.url="https://airflow.apache.org" \ org.opencontainers.image.documentation="https://airflow.apache.org/docs/docker-stack/index.html" \ org.opencontainers.image.version="${AIRFLOW_VERSION}" \ org.opencontainers.image.revision="${COMMIT_SHA}" \ org.opencontainers.image.vendor="Apache Software Foundation" \ org.opencontainers.image.licenses="Apache-2.0" \ org.opencontainers.image.ref.name="airflow" \ org.opencontainers.image.title="Production Airflow Image" \ org.opencontainers.image.description="Reference, production-ready Apache Airflow image" ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "--", "/entrypoint"] CMD []