# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # The monitoring type category:service-application service monitoring db-database monitoring custom-custom monitoring os-operating system monitoring category: service # The monitoring type eg: linux windows tomcat mysql aws... app: fullsite # The monitoring i18n name name: zh-CN: SiteMap全站 en-US: SITE MAP # The description and help of this monitoring type help: zh-CN: HertzBeat 对网站全部页面的 URL 路径、HTTP 状态码、响应时间及请求反馈进行监测。由于一个网站可能有多个不同服务提供的页面,系统将采集网站暴露的网站地图(SiteMap)来监控全站。
⚠️注意:此功能需要您的网站支持 XML 和 TXT 格式的 SiteMap。
en-US: HertzBeat monitoring all pages of website by URL path, HTTP status code, response times and request feedback. Due to the possibility that a website may have multiple pages provided by different services, Hertzbeat will collect SiteMap which exposed by the website to monitor the entire site.
⚠️Note:HertzBeat support SiteMap in XML or TXT format.
zh-TW: HertzBeat對網站全部頁面的URL路徑、HTTP狀態碼、回應時間及請求迴響進行監測。 由於一個網站可能有多個不同服務提供的頁面,系統將採集網站暴露的網站地圖(SiteMap)來監控全站。
helpLink: zh-CN: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/zh-cn/docs/help/guide/ en-US: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/docs/help/guide/ # Input params define for monitoring(render web ui by the definition) params: # field-param field key - field: host # name-param field display i18n name name: zh-CN: 目标Host en-US: Target Host # type-param field type(most mapping the html input type) type: host # required-true or false required: true # field-param field key - field: port # name-param field display i18n name name: zh-CN: 端口 en-US: Port # type-param field type(most mapping the html input type) type: number # when type is number, range is required range: '[0,65535]' # required-true or false required: true defaultValue: 80 - field: sitemap name: zh-CN: 网站地图 en-US: Site Map type: text limit: 200 required: true placeholder: 'Web SITEMAP EG:/sitemap.xml' - field: ssl name: zh-CN: 启用HTTPS en-US: HTTPS # type-param field type(boolean mapping the html switch tag) type: boolean required: true # collect metrics config list metrics: # metrics - summary - name: summary i18n: zh-CN: 概要信息 en-US: Summary # metrics scheduling priority(0->127)->(high->low), metrics with the same priority will be scheduled in parallel # priority 0's metrics is availability metrics, it will be scheduled first, only availability metrics collect success will the scheduling continue priority: 0 # collect metrics content fields: # field-metric name, type-metric type(0-number,1-string), unit-metric unit('%','ms','MB'), label-whether it is a metrics label field - field: url type: 1 label: true i18n: zh-CN: URL en-US: URL - field: statusCode type: 1 i18n: zh-CN: 响应状态码 en-US: Status Code - field: responseTime type: 0 unit: ms i18n: zh-CN: 响应时间 en-US: Response Time - field: errorMsg type: 1 i18n: zh-CN: 错误信息 en-US: Error Msg # the protocol used for monitoring, eg: sql, ssh, http, telnet, wmi, snmp, sdk protocol: http # the config content when protocol is http http: host: ^_^host^_^ port: ^_^port^_^ url: ^_^sitemap^_^ method: GET ssl: ^_^ssl^_^ parseType: sitemap