# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # The monitoring type category:service-application service monitoring db-database monitoring custom-custom monitoring os-operating system monitoring category: os # The monitoring type eg: linux windows tomcat mysql aws... app: centos # The monitoring i18n name name: zh-CN: Centos Linux en-US: Centos Linux # The description and help of this monitoring type help: zh-CN: Hertzbeat 使用 SSH 协议 对 Centos 操作系统的通用性能指标 (系统信息、CPU、内存、磁盘、网卡、文件系统、TOP资源进程等) 进行采集监控。
您可以点击“新建 Centos”并配置HOST端口账户等相关参数进行添加,支持SSH账户密码或密钥认证。或者选择“更多操作”,导入已有配置。 en-US: HertzBeat uses SSH protocol to monitors Centos operating system's general performance metrics such as cpu, memory, disk, basic, interface, disk_free, top_process etc.
You can click the "New Centos" and config host port and other related params to add, auth support password or secretKey. Or import an existing setup through the "More Actions" menu. zh-TW: Hertzbeat 使用 SSH 协议 對 Centos 操作系统的通用性能指標 (系統信息、CPU、內存、磁盤、網卡、文件系統、TOP資源進程等) 進行採集監控。
您可以點擊“新建 Centos”並配置HOST端口賬戶等相關參數進行添加,支持SSH賬戶密碼或密鑰認證。或者選擇“更多操作”,導入已有配寘。 helpLink: zh-CN: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/zh-cn/docs/help/centos/ en-US: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/docs/help/centos/ # Input params define for monitoring(render web ui by the definition) params: # field-param field key - field: host # name-param field display i18n name name: zh-CN: 目标Host en-US: Target Host # type-param field type(most mapping the html input type) type: host # required-true or false required: true # field-param field key - field: port # name-param field display i18n name name: zh-CN: 端口 en-US: Port # type-param field type(most mapping the html input type) type: number # when type is number, range is required range: '[0,65535]' # required-true or false required: true # default value defaultValue: 22 # field-param field key - field: timeout # name-param field display i18n name name: zh-CN: 超时时间(ms) en-US: Timeout(ms) # type-param field type(most mapping the html input type) type: number # when type is number, range is required range: '[400,200000]' # required-true or false required: false # default value # 默认值 defaultValue: 6000 # field-param field key - field: reuseConnection # name-param field display i18n name name: zh-CN: 复用连接 en-US: Reuse Connection # type-param field type(most mapping the html input type) type: boolean # required-true or false required: true defaultValue: false # field-param field key - field: username # name-param field display i18n name name: zh-CN: 用户名 en-US: Username # type-param field type(most mapping the html input type) type: text # when type is text, use limit to limit string length limit: 50 # required-true or false required: true # field-param field key - field: password # name-param field display i18n name name: zh-CN: 密码 en-US: Password # type-param field type(most mapping the html input tag) type: password # required-true or false required: false # field-param field key - field: privateKey # name-param field display i18n name name: zh-CN: 私钥 en-US: PrivateKey # type-param field type(most mapping the html input type) type: textarea placeholder: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- # required-true or false required: false # hide param-true or false hide: true # collect metrics config list metrics: # metrics - basic, inner monitoring metrics (responseTime - response time) - name: basic i18n: zh-CN: 系统基本信息 en-US: Basic Info # metrics scheduling priority(0->127)->(high->low), metrics with the same priority will be scheduled in parallel # priority 0's metrics is availability metrics, it will be scheduled first, only availability metrics collect success will the scheduling continue priority: 0 # collect metrics content fields: # field-metric name, type-metric type(0-number,1-string), unit-metric unit('%','ms','MB'), label-whether it is a metrics label field - field: hostname type: 1 label: true i18n: zh-CN: 主机名称 en-US: Host Name - field: version type: 1 i18n: zh-CN: 操作系统版本 en-US: System Version - field: uptime type: 1 i18n: zh-CN: 启动时间 en-US: Uptime # the protocol used for monitoring, eg: sql, ssh, http, telnet, wmi, snmp, sdk protocol: ssh # the config content when protocol is ssh ssh: # ssh host: ipv4 ipv6 domain host: ^_^host^_^ # ssh port port: ^_^port^_^ # ssh username username: ^_^username^_^ # ssh password password: ^_^password^_^ # ssh private key privateKey: ^_^privateKey^_^ timeout: ^_^timeout^_^ reuseConnection: ^_^reuseConnection^_^ # ssh run collect script script: (uname -r ; hostname ; uptime | awk -F "," '{print $1}' | sed "s/ //g") | sed ":a;N;s/\n/^/g;ta" | awk -F '^' 'BEGIN{print "version hostname uptime"} {print $1, $2, $3}' # ssh response data parse type: oneRow, multiRow parseType: multiRow - name: cpu i18n: zh-CN: CPU 信息 en-US: CPU Info priority: 1 fields: - field: info type: 1 i18n: zh-CN: 型号 en-US: Info - field: cores type: 1 i18n: zh-CN: 核数 en-US: Cores - field: interrupt type: 0 i18n: zh-CN: 中断数 en-US: Interrupt - field: load type: 1 i18n: zh-CN: 负载 en-US: Load - field: context_switch type: 0 i18n: zh-CN: 上下文切换 en-US: Context Switch - field: usage type: 0 unit: '%' i18n: zh-CN: 使用率 en-US: Usage # (optional)metrics field alias name, it is used as an alias field to map and convert the collected data and metrics field aliasFields: - info - cores - load - interrupt - context_switch - idle # mapping and conversion expressions, use these and aliasField above to calculate metrics value # eg: cores=core1+core2, usage=usage, waitTime=allTime-runningTime calculates: - info=info - cores=cores - load=load - interrupt=interrupt - context_switch=context_switch - usage=100-idle protocol: ssh ssh: host: ^_^host^_^ port: ^_^port^_^ username: ^_^username^_^ password: ^_^password^_^ privateKey: ^_^privateKey^_^ timeout: ^_^timeout^_^ reuseConnection: ^_^reuseConnection^_^ script: "LANG=C lscpu | awk -F: '$1==\"Model name\" {print $2}';awk '/processor/{core++} END{print core}' /proc/cpuinfo;uptime | sed 's/,/ /g' | awk '{for(i=NF-2;i<=NF;i++)print $i }' | xargs;vmstat 1 1 | awk 'NR==3{print $11}';vmstat 1 1 | awk 'NR==3{print $12}';vmstat 1 2 | awk 'NR==4{print $15}'" parseType: oneRow - name: memory i18n: zh-CN: 内存信息 en-US: Memory Info priority: 2 fields: - field: total type: 1 unit: Mb i18n: zh-CN: 总内存容量 en-US: Total Memory - field: used type: 0 unit: Mb i18n: zh-CN: 用户程序内存量 en-US: User Program Memory - field: free type: 0 unit: Mb i18n: zh-CN: 空闲内存容量 en-US: Free Memory - field: buff_cache type: 0 unit: Mb i18n: zh-CN: 缓存占用内存 en-US: Buff Cache Memory - field: available type: 0 unit: Mb i18n: zh-CN: 剩余可用内存 en-US: Available Memory - field: usage type: 0 unit: '%' i18n: zh-CN: 内存使用率 en-US: Memory Usage aliasFields: - total - used - free - buff_cache - available calculates: - total=total - used=used - free=free - buff_cache=buff_cache - available=available - usage=(used / total) * 100 protocol: ssh ssh: host: ^_^host^_^ port: ^_^port^_^ username: ^_^username^_^ password: ^_^password^_^ privateKey: ^_^privateKey^_^ timeout: ^_^timeout^_^ reuseConnection: ^_^reuseConnection^_^ script: free -m | awk 'BEGIN{print "total used free buff_cache available"} NR==2{print $2,$3,$4,$6,$7}' parseType: multiRow - name: disk i18n: zh-CN: 磁盘信息 en-US: Disk Info priority: 3 fields: - field: disk_num type: 1 i18n: zh-CN: 磁盘总数 en-US: Disk Num - field: partition_num type: 1 i18n: zh-CN: 分区总数 en-US: Partition Num - field: block_write type: 0 i18n: zh-CN: 写磁盘块数 en-US: Block Write - field: block_read type: 0 i18n: zh-CN: 读磁盘块数 en-US: Block Read - field: write_rate type: 0 unit: iops i18n: zh-CN: 磁盘写速率 en-US: Write Rate protocol: ssh ssh: host: ^_^host^_^ port: ^_^port^_^ username: ^_^username^_^ password: ^_^password^_^ privateKey: ^_^privateKey^_^ timeout: ^_^timeout^_^ reuseConnection: ^_^reuseConnection^_^ script: vmstat -D | awk 'NR==1{print $1}';vmstat -D | awk 'NR==2{print $1}';vmstat 1 1 | awk 'NR==3{print $10}';vmstat 1 1 | awk 'NR==3{print $9}';vmstat 1 1 | awk 'NR==3{print $16}' parseType: oneRow - name: interface i18n: zh-CN: 网卡信息 en-US: Interface Info priority: 4 fields: - field: interface_name type: 1 label: true i18n: zh-CN: 网卡名称 en-US: Interface Name - field: receive_bytes type: 0 unit: Mb i18n: zh-CN: 入站数据流量 en-US: Receive Bytes - field: transmit_bytes type: 0 unit: Mb i18n: zh-CN: 出站数据流量 en-US: Transmit Bytes units: - receive_bytes=B->MB - transmit_bytes=B->MB protocol: ssh ssh: host: ^_^host^_^ port: ^_^port^_^ username: ^_^username^_^ password: ^_^password^_^ privateKey: ^_^privateKey^_^ timeout: ^_^timeout^_^ reuseConnection: ^_^reuseConnection^_^ script: cat /proc/net/dev | tail -n +3 | awk 'BEGIN{ print "interface_name receive_bytes transmit_bytes"} {gsub(":", "", $1); print $1,$2,$10}' parseType: multiRow - name: disk_free i18n: zh-CN: 文件系统 en-US: Disk Free priority: 5 fields: - field: filesystem type: 1 i18n: zh-CN: 文件系统 en-US: Filesystem - field: used type: 0 unit: Mb i18n: zh-CN: 已使用量 en-US: Used - field: available type: 0 unit: Mb i18n: zh-CN: 可用量 en-US: Available - field: usage type: 0 unit: '%' i18n: zh-CN: 使用率 en-US: Usage - field: mounted type: 1 label: true i18n: zh-CN: 挂载点 en-US: Mounted protocol: ssh ssh: host: ^_^host^_^ port: ^_^port^_^ username: ^_^username^_^ password: ^_^password^_^ privateKey: ^_^privateKey^_^ timeout: ^_^timeout^_^ reuseConnection: ^_^reuseConnection^_^ script: df -mP | tail -n +2 | awk 'BEGIN{ print "filesystem used available usage mounted"} {print $1,$3,$4,$5,$6}' parseType: multiRow - name: top_cpu_process i18n: zh-CN: Top10 CPU 进程 en-US: Top10 CPU Process priority: 6 fields: - field: pid type: 1 label: true i18n: zh-CN: 进程ID en-US: PID - field: cpu_usage type: 0 unit: '%' i18n: zh-CN: CPU占用率 en-US: CPU Usage - field: mem_usage type: 0 unit: '%' i18n: zh-CN: 内存占用率 en-US: Memory Usage - field: command type: 1 i18n: zh-CN: 执行命令 en-US: Command protocol: ssh ssh: host: ^_^host^_^ port: ^_^port^_^ username: ^_^username^_^ password: ^_^password^_^ privateKey: ^_^privateKey^_^ timeout: ^_^timeout^_^ reuseConnection: ^_^reuseConnection^_^ script: ps aux | sort -k3nr | awk 'BEGIN{ print "pid cpu_usage mem_usage command" } {printf "%s %s %s ", $2, $3, $4; for (i=11; i<=NF; i++) { printf "%s", $i; if (i < NF) printf " "; } print ""}' | head -n 11 parseType: multiRow - name: top_mem_process i18n: zh-CN: Top10 内存进程 en-US: Top10 Memory Process priority: 7 fields: - field: pid type: 1 label: true i18n: zh-CN: 进程ID en-US: PID - field: mem_usage type: 0 unit: '%' i18n: zh-CN: 内存占用率 en-US: Memory Usage - field: cpu_usage type: 0 unit: '%' i18n: zh-CN: CPU占用率 en-US: CPU Usage - field: command type: 1 i18n: zh-CN: 执行命令 en-US: Command protocol: ssh ssh: host: ^_^host^_^ port: ^_^port^_^ username: ^_^username^_^ password: ^_^password^_^ privateKey: ^_^privateKey^_^ timeout: ^_^timeout^_^ reuseConnection: ^_^reuseConnection^_^ script: ps aux | sort -k4nr | awk 'BEGIN{ print "pid cpu_usage mem_usage command" } {printf "%s %s %s ", $2, $3, $4; for (i=11; i<=NF; i++) { printf "%s", $i; if (i < NF) printf " "; } print ""}' | head -n 11 parseType: multiRow