# Apache SeaTunnel SeaTunnel Logo [![Build Workflow](https://github.com/apache/seatunnel/actions/workflows/build_main.yml/badge.svg?branch=dev)](https://github.com/apache/seatunnel/actions/workflows/build_main.yml) [![Join Slack](https://img.shields.io/badge/slack-%23seatunnel-4f8eba?logo=slack)](https://s.apache.org/seatunnel-slack) [![Twitter Follow](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/ASFSeaTunnel.svg?label=Follow&logo=twitter)](https://twitter.com/ASFSeaTunnel) ## Table of Contents - [Overview](#overview) - [Why Choose SeaTunnel](#why-choose-seatunnel) - [Key Features](#key-features) - [SeaTunnel Workflow](#seatunnel-workflow) - [Supported Connectors](#supported-connectors) - [Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Use Cases](#use-cases) - [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct) - [Contributors](#contributors) - [How to Compile](#how-to-compile) - [Contact Us](#contact-us) - [Landscapes](#landscapes) - [Apache SeaTunnel Web Project](#apache-seaTunnel-web-project) - [Our Users](#our-users) - [License](#license) - [Frequently Asked Questions](#frequently-asked-questions) ## Overview SeaTunnel is a next-generation, high-performance, distributed data integration tool, capable of synchronizing vast amounts of data daily. It's trusted by numerous companies for its efficiency and stability. ## Why Choose SeaTunnel SeaTunnel addresses common data integration challenges: - **Diverse Data Sources**: Seamlessly integrates with hundreds of evolving data sources. - **Complex Synchronization Scenarios**: Supports various synchronization methods, including real-time, CDC, and full database synchronization. - **Resource Efficiency**: Minimizes computing resources and JDBC connections for real-time synchronization. - **Quality and Monitoring**: Provides data quality and monitoring to prevent data loss or duplication. ## Key Features - **Diverse Connectors**: Offers support for over 100 connectors, with ongoing expansion. - **Batch-Stream Integration**: Easily adaptable connectors simplify data integration management. - **Distributed Snapshot Algorithm**: Ensures data consistency across synchronized data. - **Multi-Engine Support**: Works with SeaTunnel Zeta Engine, Flink, and Spark. - **JDBC Multiplexing and Log Parsing**: Efficiently synchronizes multi-tables and databases. - **High Throughput and Low Latency**: Provides high-throughput data synchronization with low latency. - **Real-Time Monitoring**: Offers detailed insights during synchronization. - **Two Job Development Methods**: Supports coding and visual job management with the [SeaTunnel Web Project](https://github.com/apache/seatunnel-web). ## SeaTunnel Workflow ![SeaTunnel Workflow](docs/images/architecture_diagram.png) Configure jobs, select execution engines, and parallelize data using Source Connectors. Easily develop and extend connectors to meet your needs. ## Supported Connectors - [Source Connectors](https://seatunnel.apache.org/docs/category/source-v2) - [Sink Connectors](https://seatunnel.apache.org/docs/category/sink-v2) - [Transform Connectors](docs/en/transform-v2) For a list of connectors and their health status, visit the [Connector Status](docs/en/Connector-v2-release-state.md). ## Getting Started Download SeaTunnel from the [Official Website](https://seatunnel.apache.org/download). Choose your runtime execution engine: - [SeaTunnel Zeta Engine](https://seatunnel.apache.org/docs/start-v2/locally/quick-start-seatunnel-engine/) - [Spark](https://seatunnel.apache.org/docs/start-v2/locally/quick-start-spark) - [Flink](https://seatunnel.apache.org/docs/start-v2/locally/quick-start-flink) ## Use Cases Explore real-world use cases of SeaTunnel, such as Weibo, Tencent Cloud, Sina, Sogou, and Yonghui Superstores. More use cases can be found on the [SeaTunnel Blog](https://seatunnel.apache.org/blog). ## Code of Conduct Participate in this project in accordance with the Contributor Covenant [Code of Conduct](https://www.apache.org/foundation/policies/conduct). ## Contributors We appreciate all developers for their contributions. See the [List Of Contributors](https://github.com/apache/seatunnel/graphs/contributors). ## How to Compile Refer to this [Setup](docs/en/contribution/setup.md) for compilation instructions. ## Contact Us - Mail list: **dev@seatunnel.apache.org**. Subscribe by sending an email to `dev-subscribe@seatunnel.apache.org`. - Slack: [Join SeaTunnel Slack](https://s.apache.org/seatunnel-slack) - Twitter: [ASFSeaTunnel on Twitter](https://twitter.com/ASFSeaTunnel) ## Landscapes SeaTunnel enriches the [CNCF CLOUD NATIVE Landscape](https://landscape.cncf.io/?landscape=observability-and-analysis&license=apache-license-2-0). ## Apache SeaTunnel Web Project SeaTunnel Web is a web project that provides visual management of jobs, scheduling, running and monitoring capabilities. It is developed based on the SeaTunnel Connector API and the SeaTunnel Zeta Engine. It is a web project that can be deployed independently. It is also a sub-project of SeaTunnel. For more information, please refer to [SeaTunnel Web](https://github.com/apache/seatunnel-web) ## Our Users Companies and organizations worldwide use SeaTunnel for research, production, and commercial products. Visit our [Users](https://seatunnel.apache.org/user) for more information. ## License [Apache 2.0 License](LICENSE) ## Frequently Asked Questions ### 1. How do I install SeaTunnel? Follow the [Installation Guide](https://seatunnel.apache.org/docs/2.3.3/start-v2/locally/deployment/) on our website to get started. ### 2. How can I contribute to SeaTunnel? We welcome contributions! Please refer to our [Contribution Guidelines](https://github.com/apache/seatunnel/blob/dev/docs/en/contribution/coding-guide.md) for details. ### 3. How do I report issues or request features? You can report issues or request features on our [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/apache/seatunnel/issues). ### 4. Can I use SeaTunnel for commercial purposes? Yes, SeaTunnel is available under the Apache 2.0 License, allowing commercial use. ### 5. Where can I find documentation and tutorials? Our [Official Documentation](https://seatunnel.apache.org/docs) includes detailed guides and tutorials to help you get started. ### 7. Is there a community or support channel? Join our Slack community for support and discussions: [SeaTunnel Slack](https://s.apache.org/seatunnel-slack).