archetype-descriptor ArchetypeDescriptor This is a reference for the Archetype descriptor used to describe archetypes's metadata.

The metadata about an archetype is stored in the archetype-metadata.xml file located in the META-INF/maven directory of its jar file.

package org.apache.maven.archetype.metadata ArchetypeDescriptor 1.0.0+ AbstractArchetypeDescriptor name 1.0.0+ String true Name of the Archetype, that will be displayed to the user when choosing an archetype. partial 1.0.0+ boolean false Is this archetype representing a full Maven project or only parts? requiredProperties 1.0.0+ List of required properties to generate a project from this archetype. RequiredProperty * ModuleDescriptor 1.0.0+ AbstractArchetypeDescriptor id 1.0.0+ String true The module's artifactId. dir 1.0.0+ String true The module's directory. name 1.0.0+ String true The module's name. AbstractArchetypeDescriptor 1.0.0+ fileSets 1.0.0+ FileSet * true File sets definition. modules 1.0.0+ ModuleDescriptor * false Modules definition. FileSet 1.0.0+ __property__ pattern, it is replaced with corresponding property value. ]]> filtered 1.0.0+ boolean false Velocity templates. They can be non-filtered, which means the selected files will be copied without modification. ]]> packaged 1.0.0+ boolean false Filesets can be packaged, which means the selected files will be generated/copied in a directory structure that is prepended by the package property. They can be non-packaged, which means that the selected files will be generated/copied without that prepend. encoding 1.0.0+ String false Encoding to use when filtering content. directory 1.0.0+ String true The directory where the files will be searched for, which is also the directory where the project's files will be generated. includes 1.0.0+ String * false Inclusion definition "à la" Ant. excludes 1.0.0+ String * false Exclusion definition "à la" Ant. RequiredProperty 1.0.0+ Definition of a property required when generating a project from this archetype. key 1.0.0+ String true Key value of the property. defaultValue String false Default value of the property. validationRegex 1.1.0+ String false A regular expression used to validate the property.