Changes with Apache Traffic Server 9.2.5 #11226 - docs: --modify-incoming #11263 - [9.2.x] Terminate H2 connection by COMPRESSION_ERROR (#11222) #11264 - Initialize HistoryEntry array #11268 - [9.2.x] Fix GCC 14.0.1 -std=c++20 build failures (#11189) #11348 - Restore private key passphrase behavior #11351 - Fix case where 206 could be returned for range revalidates (#11308) #11444 - docs: fix header rewrite nexthop sample usage #11595 - Stricten field name check #11596 - Normalize Accept-Encoding header value before cache lookup #11604 - proxy.config.http.drop_chunked_trailers (9.2.x)