# pastery **pastery** is a Sublime Text plugin for [pastery][p] - *the sweetest pastebin in the world.* ## Installation Through [Package Control][pc]. ## Usage **Do once**: Pastery requires an API key. Get yours from your [Pastery.net account page][account]. Open the Pastery's settings in Sublime Text (`Sublime Text 2/3` > `Preferences` > `Package Settings` > `Pastery` > `Settings - User`) and enter the code snippet below replacing `foo` with your API key. Save the file and that's it. { "api_key": "foo" } **Now you can use Pastery for Sublime Text.** Select any text, hit `cmd` + `option` + `c` and the pastery link will be ready to be pasted from your clipboard. If you don't select any text, the entire file will be pasted. ## License MIT [p]: http://pastery.net [account]: https://www.pastery.net/account/ [pc]: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Pastery