DELIMITERS = "<.>" "" "" ; SOFT-DELIMITERS = "<,>" ; LIST BOS = (>>>) sent ; # Beginning of sentence LIST EOS = (<<<) sent ; # End of sentence LIST Lpar = lpar; LIST Rpar = rpar ; LIST N = n ; LIST V = v ; LIST Prop = np ; LIST Pron = prn ; LIST Num = num ; LIST A = adj ; LIST Det = det ; LIST Adv = adv ; LIST CC = cnjcoo ; LIST CS = cnjsub ; LIST Interj = ij ; LIST Post = post ; LIST Cop = cop ; LIST IV = iv ; LIST TV = tv ; LIST Poss = px1sg px2sg px3sg px1pl px2pl px3pl ; LIST Poss3 = px3sg px3sp px3pl ; LIST Poss2 = px2sg ; LIST Past = past ; LIST Px3Sp = px3sp ; LIST Px2Sg = px2sg ; LIST 3PS = p3 sg ; LIST Nom = nom ; LIST Gen = gen ; LIST Abe = abe ; LIST Acc = acc ; LIST Dat = dat ; LIST Subst = subst ; LIST Attr = attr ; LIST Advl = advl ; LIST Ant = (np ant); LIST Cog = (np cog); LIST Recip = rec ; LIST Caus = caus ; LIST Ger = ger1 ger2 ger3 ger4 ger5 gna2 gna3 gna4; LIST Imper = imp ; SET FINITE = V - Ger ; SET PRE-N = Det | Num | Attr | A | Gen | ("-") ; # CC SET NOMINAL-HEAD = N | Ger | Subst ; SET WORD = N | V | A | Post | Pron | Det | Adv | CC | CS | Interj | Num | ("\?") ; SET MARK = (",") | ("\\") | ("\;") ; #" SET WORDMARK = WORD | MARK ; #To be fixed, ugly REMOVE Imper IF (NOT 0C Imper) ; #There can be no gerund at the end of a sentence REMOVE Ger IF (1 EOS OR Lpar); # Two nominatives in a row are pretty rare REMOVE N + Nom IF (0 Attr OR Nom) (1C Nom) ; SELECT Attr (0 Nom) (1C Px3Sp + Nom) ; # Do not read Copula if the following item is not the end of sentence REMOVE Cop IF (NOT 1C EOS); SELECT Cop IF (1 EOS) ; #SInce the 3 singular can be mute in some cases, better to remove it if it is not the end of the sentence! REMOVE 3PS IF (NOT 1 EOS) ; # REMOVE the Intransitive if the previous item is in accusative form REMOVE IV IF (-1C Acc) ; SELECT TV IF (-1C Acc) ; #If following item is an ADV, then select Pron reading SELECT Pron IF (0C Det OR Pron) (1 Adv) ; # Select Proper noun if it starts with a capital letter while not being after a full stop SELECT Prop IF (0 N)(0 Prop) (0 ("[:upper:]+[:lower:]*"r))(NOT -1 BOS) ; # IF there is a Noun which is both np and n, and the following name is a cog, then the first one may be as well a proper noun SELECT Prop IF (0 N) (0 Ant)(1 Cog) (-1 BOS); #If we have a form which is both present as N1 or derivative gerund, select N1 SELECT N IF (0 N) (0 Ger) ; #In case we have an item present both as Noun and Adjective, select adjective if 1 is a noun. REMOVE N + Nom IF (0 Attr OR Nom) (1C Nom) ; #Construction gen + poss (ataturk'un cumhuriyeti) SELECT Poss3 IF (-1 Gen) ; SELECT Gen IF (1C Poss3) ; #### POSTPOSITIONS ###### "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Ger + Poss) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Dat) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Nom) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Abe) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Dat) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Dat) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Dat) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Dat) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Dat) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Dat) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Dat) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Dat) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Dat) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Abe) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Abe) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Abe) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Abe) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Abe) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Abe) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Abe) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Abe) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Gen) ; "" SELECT N IF (-1 Num) ; "" SELECT Post IF (-1 Dat) ; # ATTRIBUTIVE ADJ #If an adjective is right before a finite verb, select its adverbial reading SELECT Advl IF (1C FINITE) ; #If an adjective is right before the end of a sentence, we can safely expect it to be an adjective. REMOVE Advl IF (0 A)(1 EOS) ; #If the following item does not include a copula in its reading, discard subst from the adjective. REMOVE Subst IF (0 A) (1 EOS) (NOT 1 Cop) ; #If an adjective is right before a numeral + noun it is an adjective for sure SELECT A IF (1C Num) (2C N) ; # 2nd Singular Possessive REMOVE Poss2 IF (NOT 0 Gen)(1 Poss3) ; #VERBS #Select FINITE FORM (in this case past) if it is the last word of the sentence SELECT Past IF (1 EOS) ; #Remove V + V reading REMOVE V IF (1 FINITE) (2 EOS) ; REMOVE Attr IF (1C Cop); ## Shu bilan birga kamolchilik inqilobi kator salbiy xususiyatlarga xam ega edi.