Super ANT Builder for SublimeText 2+ ==================================== This plugin adds the ability to choose a target from an ANT build file in the root of your working folder in Sublime Text 2. About ------------ This build system is based on the idea that you have a project with a single top level folder or multiple folders. At least the first folder should house your project files along with a build.xml and other build files, in the root. Latest Update ------------ - Sublime Text 3 Support - Project Support (SublimeText 3+) -- Project Folder Searching for buildfile -- Project Custom buildfile (buildfile property at root of project) Features ------------ - Added the ability to specify the ant build file. This can be accessed through the preferences menu within Sublime Text or the Command Palette under "Preferences > Package Settings > Super Ant". The settings file will also automatically be opened in the case that SuperAnt cannot file a build file in your project. - It is possible to launch a build.xml file from another folder than the main/first one in your sublime project by selecting the according build.xml and run the build command - ANT Import Traversal for nestest targets. (default: true) - Target Hiding -- Without a description. (default: true) -- Targets with names that begin with "_". (default: true) -- Targets in a project without a project name. (default: true) User Settings ------------ { "build_file" : "build.xml", "use_sorting": "true", "follow_imports": "true", "search_project_folders": "true", "hide_targets_without_project_name": "true", "hide_targets_without_description": "true", "hide_targets_starting_with_underscore": "true", "hide_targets_starting_with_dash": "true" } Prerequisites ------------ ANT - How to Use ------------ 1. Install the plugin 2. Create a single folder project 3. Add Build.xml to the project 4. Select SuperAnt from your Tools -> BuildSystem 5. Select Tools -> Build 6. You will be presented with a list of all your ANT targets 7. Select the ANT target you wish to run 8. Enjoy!