import math import random def roll_dice(size, num=1): total = 0 rolled = 0 while rolled < num: total = total + math.ceil(random.random()*size) rolled = rolled + 1 return(total) def roll_die(size): return(roll_dice(size, 1)) profs = [ 'Miner', 'Smith', 'Woodcutter', 'Farmer', 'Brewer', 'Warrior', 'Crafter' ] deposits = [ {'name': 'Adamantine', 'depth': 7, 'abundance' : lambda: 1, 'use' : 'Adamantine'}, {'name': 'Copper', 'depth': 1, 'abundance' : lambda: roll_die(4), 'use' : 'Copper'}, {'name': 'Gold', 'depth': 5, 'abundance' : lambda: roll_die(3), 'use' : 'Gold'}, {'name': 'Hematite', 'depth': 2, 'abundance' : lambda: roll_die(3), 'use' : 'Iron'}, {'name': 'Magnetite', 'depth': 4, 'abundance' : lambda: roll_die(6), 'use' : 'Iron'}, {'name': 'Silver', 'depth': 3, 'abundance' : lambda: roll_die(3), 'use' : 'Silver'}, {'name': 'Tin', 'depth': 3, 'abundance' : lambda: roll_die(3), 'use' : 'Tin'}, ] ores = [ 'Copper', 'Tin', 'Iron', 'Adamantine', 'Silver', 'Gold'] ore_values = { 'Copper' : 1, 'Tin' : 1, 'Iron' : 3, 'Silver' : 3, 'Gold' : 5, 'Steel' : 5, 'Adamantine' : 15, } made_values = { 'Copper' : 5, 'Tin' : 5, 'Bronze' : 10, 'Iron' : 10, 'Silver' : 10, 'Gold' : 20, 'Steel' : 20, 'Adamantine' : 60, } biomes = [ { 'name' : 'Tundra', 'trees' : lambda: roll_die(4) - 1, 'threat': lambda: 2 if roll_die(4) == 4 else 0}, { 'name' : 'Plains', 'trees' : lambda: roll_die(6), 'threat': lambda: 1}, { 'name' : 'Light Forest', 'trees' : lambda: roll_die(6) + 3, 'threat': lambda: roll_die(2)}, { 'name' : 'Jungle', 'trees' : lambda: 100, 'threat': lambda: roll_die(4)}, ] def write_log_row(log_row, mode='a'): log_string = ','.join([str(e) for e in log_row])+"\n" f = open('dwarves_output.csv', mode) f.write(log_string) def setup_logs(): log_row = ['Full Fort Description', 'Fort Name', 'Biome', 'Coal Level' ] for d in deposits: if d['name'] != 'Adamantine': log_row.append(d['name'] + ' available?') log_row.append('Size of Expedition') for p in profs: log_row.append(p + 's sent') log_row.append('Fort Survived?') log_row.append('Fort Value') write_log_row(log_row, mode='w') class Fort: def __init__(self, biome, deposits, coal_level, dwarves, verbose=False): self.verbose = verbose self.biome = biome self.deposits = deposits self.coal_level = coal_level self.dwarf_count = {} self.total_dwarves = 0 for prof in profs: self.dwarf_count[prof] = 0 for d in dwarves: self.dwarf_count[d] = self.dwarf_count[d] + 1 self.total_dwarves = self.total_dwarves + 1 self.setup_empty_hoard() self.exterior_access = True self.alive = True self.age = 0 self.adamant_thickness = roll_die(20) + 1 self.gen_name() def coal_string(self): if self.coal_level == 0: return('No Coal') elif self.coal_level == 1: return('Scarce Coal') elif self.coal_level == 2: return('Some Coal') elif self.coal_level == 3: return('Abundant Coal') else: raise('Coal Level Unexpected') def gen_name(self): prefixes = [ 'Boat', 'Ship', 'Gilded', 'Sorrow', 'Mirror', 'Vault', 'Mountain', 'Ivory', 'Cover', 'Necro', 'Diamond', 'Bolt', 'Tome', 'Relic', 'Release', 'Anvil', 'Handle', 'Sword', 'Mine', 'Gravel', 'Hatchet', 'Shield', 'Clobbered', 'Beaten'] suffixes = [ 'spires', 'murdered', 'peaks', 'syrup', 'bent', 'girder', 'shoots', 'opens', 'rope', 'caves', 'spear', 'law', 'kiss', 'drinker', 'gleams', 'rings', 'rise', 'spray', 'crimson', 'hammer', 'flares', 'fortunes', 'hollow'] self.short_name = random.choice(prefixes) + random.choice(suffixes) self.full_name = self.short_name + " (" + self.biome['name'] + '; ' + self.coal_string() + '; ' self.full_name = self.full_name + '; '.join([d['name'] for d in self.deposits if d['name'] != 'Adamantine']) self.full_name = self.full_name + ')' if self.verbose: print(self.full_name) def setup_empty_hoard(self): self.coin = 0 = self.total_dwarves self.wood = 0 self.coal= 0 self.hoard = {} for o in ores: self.hoard[o] = 0 def get_hoard_amount(self, key): return(self.hoard[key]) def num_prof(self, prof): assert( prof in profs ) count = self.dwarf_count[prof] bonus = 0 if( self.dwarf_count['Brewer'] > 0 ): rolled = 0 while rolled < count: rolled = rolled + 1 if roll_die(10) == 10: bonus = bonus + 1 if self.verbose: print('Fortress has {} {}s ({} + {})'.format(count + bonus, prof, count, bonus)) return(count + bonus) def get_str(self): return(self.num_prof('Warrior')) def exec_enemy(self): threat_level = self.biome['threat']() if self.verbose: print('Threat is {}\n'.format(threat_level)) if self.get_str() >= threat_level: self.exterior_access = True else: self.exterior_access = False if self.verbose: print('Exterior access: {}'.format(self.exterior_access)) def exec_farm(self): num_farm = self.num_prof('Farmer') food_per = 10 if self.exterior_access == True else 4 food_prod = num_farm * food_per = + food_prod if self.verbose: print('Farmers produced {} food ({} each), now have {}\n'.format(food_prod, food_per, def exec_brew(self): num_brew = self.num_prof('Brewer') food_per = 4 food_prod = num_brew * food_per = + food_prod if self.verbose: print('Brewers produced {} food ({} each), now have {}\n'.format(food_prod, food_per, def exec_wood(self): if(self.exterior_access == True): num_woodcutters = self.num_prof('Woodcutter') num_trees = self.biome['trees']() trees_cut = min(num_woodcutters * 2, num_trees) wood_cut = trees_cut if self.verbose: print('Biome has {} trees, we cut {} for {} wood\n'.format(num_trees, trees_cut, wood_cut)) self.wood = self.wood + wood_cut def exec_mine(self): num_miners = self.num_prof('Miner') depth_mined = num_miners accessible_deposits = [d for d in self.deposits if d['depth'] <= depth_mined] for dep in accessible_deposits: amount_mined = dep['abundance']() self.hoard[dep['use']] = self.hoard[dep['use']] + amount_mined if self.verbose: print('Mined {} units of {} from {} deposit, now have {}'.format(amount_mined, dep['use'], dep['name'], self.hoard[dep['use']])) if dep['name'] == 'Adamantine': self.adamant_thickness = self.adamant_thickness - amount_mined if self.verbose: print('Adamantine thickness down to {}...'.format(self.adamant_thickness)) if self.adamant_thickness == 0: self.alive = False if self.verbose: print('DEMONS!') coal_chance = 0.1 * self.coal_level coal_rolls = 0 coal_gained = 0 while(coal_rolls < num_miners): if random.random() < coal_chance: coal_gained = coal_gained + 1 coal_rolls = coal_rolls + 1 self.coal = self.coal + coal_gained if self.verbose: print('Miners gained {} coal, now {}\n'.format(coal_gained, self.coal)) def is_fuel_available(self): if ( self.wood > 0 or self.coal > 0 or (self.coin >= 3 and self.exterior_access == True)): return True else: return False def spend_fuel(self): if self.wood > 0: self.wood = self.wood - 1 elif self.coal > 0: self.coal = self.coal - 1 else: assert(self.coin >= 3) assert(self.exterior_access == True) self.coin = self.coin - 3 def exec_craft(self): num_craft = self.num_prof('Crafter') while num_craft > 0: num_craft = num_craft - 1 if( self.is_fuel_available() == True and self.hoard['Gold'] >= 1): self.spend_fuel() self.hoard['Gold'] = self.hoard['Gold'] - 1 gain_coin = made_values['Gold'] self.coin = self.coin + gain_coin if self.verbose: print('Crafted Gold: now have {} wood, {} coal, {} gold. +{} coin, now {}\n'.format(self.wood, self.coal, self.hoard['Gold'], gain_coin, self.coin)) elif( self.is_fuel_available() == True and self.hoard['Silver'] >= 1): self.spend_fuel() self.hoard['Silver'] = self.hoard['Silver'] - 1 gain_coin = made_values['Silver'] self.coin = self.coin + gain_coin if self.verbose: print('Crafted Silver: now have {} wood, {} coal, {} silver. +{} coin, now {}\n'.format(self.wood, self.coal, self.hoard['Silver'], gain_coin, self.coin)) elif(self.wood > 0 and (self.wood > 5 or self.exterior_access == True)): self.wood = self.wood - 1 profit = 4 self.coin = self.coin + profit if self.verbose: print('Crafted Woodwork: -1 wood, now {}, +{} coin, now {}\n'.format(self.wood, profit, self.coin)) else: if self.verbose: print('Idle Crafter\n') def exec_smith(self): num_smith = self.num_prof('Smith') while num_smith > 0: num_smith = num_smith - 1 if( self.is_fuel_available() == True and self.hoard['Adamantine'] > 0): self.spend_fuel() self.hoard['Adamantine'] = self.hoard['Adamantine'] - 1 gain_coin = made_values['Adamantine'] self.coin = self.coin + gain_coin if self.verbose: print('Crafted Adamantine: now have {} wood, {} coal, {} Adamantine. +{} coin, now {}\n'.format(self.wood, self.coal, self.hoard['Adamantine'], gain_coin, self.coin)) elif( self.hoard['Iron'] > 0 and self.coal > 2): self.coal = self.coal - 2 self.hoard['Iron'] = self.hoard['Iron'] - 1 gain_coin = made_values['Steel'] self.coin = self.coin + gain_coin if self.verbose: print('Crafted Steel: now have {} coal, {} iron. +{} coin, now {}\n'.format(self.coal, self.hoard['Iron'], gain_coin, self.coin)) elif( self.hoard['Copper'] > 0 and self.hoard['Tin'] > 0 and self.is_fuel_available() == True): self.spend_fuel() self.hoard['Copper'] = self.hoard['Copper'] - 1 self.hoard['Tin'] = self.hoard['Tin'] - 1 gain_coin = made_values['Bronze'] self.coin = self.coin + gain_coin if self.verbose: print('Crafted Bronze: now have {} wood, {} coal, {} copper, {} tin. +{} coin, now {}\n'.format(self.wood, self.coal, self.hoard['Copper'], self.hoard['Tin'], gain_coin, self.coin)) elif( self.hoard['Iron'] > 0 and self.is_fuel_available() == True): self.spend_fuel() self.hoard['Iron'] = self.hoard['Iron'] - 1 gain_coin = made_values['Iron'] self.coin = self.coin + gain_coin if self.verbose: print('Crafted Iron: now have {} wood, {} coal, {} iron. +{} coin, now {}\n'.format(self.wood, self.coal, self.hoard['Iron'], gain_coin, self.coin)) elif( self.hoard['Copper'] > 0 and self.is_fuel_available() == True): self.spend_fuel() self.hoard['Copper'] = self.hoard['Copper'] - 1 gain_coin = made_values['Copper'] self.coin = self.coin + gain_coin if self.verbose: print('Crafted Copper: now have {} wood, {} coal, {} copper. +{} coin, now {}\n'.format(self.wood, self.coal, self.hoard['Copper'], gain_coin, self.coin)) elif( self.hoard['Tin'] > 0 and self.is_fuel_available() == True): self.spend_fuel() self.hoard['Tin'] = self.hoard['Tin'] - 1 gain_coin = made_values['Tin'] self.coin = self.coin + gain_coin if self.verbose: print('Crafted Tin: now have {} wood, {} coal, {} tin. +{} coin, now {}\n'.format(self.wood, self.coal, self.hoard['Tin'], gain_coin, self.coin)) else: if self.verbose: print('Idle Smith\n') def exec_eat(self): = - self.total_dwarves if self.verbose: print('Ate {} food, now {}\n'.format(self.total_dwarves, while ( < 0 and self.exterior_access == True and self.coin >= 3): if self.verbose: print('Bought food...\n') self.coin = self.coin - 3 = + 1 if < 0: if self.verbose: print('Starved to Death!') self.alive = False def exec_timestep(self): assert(self.alive == True) self.age = self.age + 1 if self.verbose: print('Executing turn {}\n'.format(self.age)) self.exec_enemy() self.exec_farm() self.exec_brew() self.exec_wood() self.exec_mine() self.exec_craft() self.exec_smith() self.exec_eat() def calc_value(self): value = self.coin if self.verbose: print('Final Value: {} coin...'.format(value)) value = value + ( * 0.1) if self.verbose: print('{} food makes {}...'.format(, value)) value = value + (self.wood * 0.5) if self.verbose: print('{} wood makes {}...'.format(self.wood, value)) value = value + (self.coal) if self.verbose: print('{} coal makes {}...'.format(self.coal, value)) for o in ores: value = value + (ore_values[o] * self.hoard[o]) if self.verbose: print('{} {} makes {}...'.format(self.hoard[o], o, value)) return(value) def save_log_row(self): log_row = [self.full_name, self.short_name, self.biome['name'], self.coal_level] for d in deposits: if d['name'] != 'Adamantine': log_row.append(1 if d in self.deposits else 0) log_row.append(self.total_dwarves) for p in profs: log_row.append(self.dwarf_count[p]) log_row.append(1 if self.alive == True else 0) log_row.append(int(self.calc_value()) if self.alive == True else 0) write_log_row(log_row) def get_random_profs(num_to_send): town_square_people = [] for p in profs: num_in_square = 4 + roll_die(20) town_square_people = town_square_people + ([p] * int(num_in_square)) random.shuffle(town_square_people) expedition = town_square_people[0:num_to_send] return(expedition) def gen_random_fort(): biome = random.choice(biomes) fort_deposits = [] for d in deposits: chance = 0.4 if d['name'] == 'Adamantine' else 0.4 if random.random() <= chance: fort_deposits.append(d) coal_level = roll_die(4) - 1 # some restart possibilities restart = False quality = len([d for d in fort_deposits if d['name'] != 'Adamantine']) + coal_level - (1 if biome['name'] == 'Tundra' else 0) if quality < 4: return(gen_random_fort()) num_to_send = 9 + roll_die(4) + roll_die(4) expedition = get_random_profs(num_to_send) new_fort = Fort(biome, fort_deposits, coal_level, expedition) return(new_fort) def list_teams(num_dwarves, profs_to_consider): if num_dwarves == 0: return([[]]) if len(profs_to_consider) == 0: return([]) possibilities = [] num_first_prof = 0 while num_first_prof <= num_dwarves: sub_perms = list_teams(num_dwarves - num_first_prof, profs_to_consider[1:]) prefix_list = [ profs_to_consider[0] ] * num_first_prof possibilities = possibilities + [ prefix_list + p for p in sub_perms ] num_first_prof = num_first_prof + 1 return(possibilities) def summarize_csv(): f = open('dwarves_output.csv') text = text = text.split('\n') index_row = text[0] cols = index_row.split(',') data = [] row_index = 1 while row_index < len(text): row = text[row_index].split(',') if(len(row) < len(cols)): break row_data = {} col_index = 0 while col_index < len(cols): row_data[cols[col_index]] = row[col_index] col_index= col_index + 1 data.append(row_data) row_index = row_index + 1 data = [d for d in data if d['Hematite available?'] == '1' and d['Gold available?'] == '0' and d['Magnetite available?'] == '0'] for p in profs: print('Performance by {} count:\n'.format(p)) num_col = p + 's sent' n = 0 while n < 9: count_match = [d for d in data if int(d[num_col]) == n] if len( count_match ) > 0: sum_val = sum([float(d['Fort Value']) for d in count_match]) avg_val = sum_val / len(count_match) print('Forts with {} {}s average {}$ (sample size of {})'.format(n, p, avg_val, len(count_match))) n = n + 1 return(data) def main(): setup_logs() count = 1 num_to_run = 167392 while count < num_to_run: if count%50 == 0: print('{}/{}'.format(count, num_to_run)) site = gen_random_fort() while site.alive == True and site.age < 12: site.exec_timestep() site.save_log_row() count = count + 1 def eval_team(team, runs_to_do=100): biome = [ b for b in biomes if b['name'] == 'Light Forest'][0] fort_deposits_ad = [ d for d in deposits if d['name'] in ['Copper', 'Tin', 'Silver', 'Hematite', 'Adamantine']] fort_deposits_no_ad = [ d for d in deposits if d['name'] in ['Copper', 'Tin', 'Silver', 'Hematite']] runs = 0 num_lived = 0 total_profit = 0 while runs < runs_to_do: site = Fort(biome, fort_deposits_no_ad, 1, team) while site.alive == True and site.age < 12: site.exec_timestep() # no-ad runs are pretty similar so we x10 for speed runs = runs + 10 if site.alive == True: num_lived = num_lived + 10 total_profit = total_profit + (site.calc_value()*10) noad_pct_lived = num_lived / runs avg_noad_profit = total_profit / runs runs = 0 num_lived = 0 total_profit = 0 while runs < runs_to_do: site = Fort(biome, fort_deposits_ad, 1, team) while site.alive == True and site.age < 12: site.exec_timestep() runs = runs + 1 if site.alive == True: num_lived = num_lived + 1 total_profit = total_profit + site.calc_value() ad_pct_lived = num_lived / runs avg_ad_profit = total_profit / runs pct_lived = ( 0.6 * noad_pct_lived ) + ( 0.4 * ad_pct_lived ) avg_profit = ( 0.6 * avg_noad_profit ) + ( 0.4 * avg_ad_profit ) info_struct = {'team' : team, 'pct_lived' : pct_lived, 'avg_profit' : avg_profit, 'ad_pct_lived' : ad_pct_lived, 'avg_ad_profit' : avg_ad_profit, 'noad_pct_lived' : noad_pct_lived, 'avg_noad_profit' : avg_noad_profit} for prof in profs: info_struct['num_'+prof] = len([d for d in team if d == prof]) return(info_struct) def test_pc_opt(): possible_teams = list_teams(13, profs) scores = [] i = 1 for team in possible_teams: random.seed('Consistency!') if i%100 == 0: print('{}/{}'.format(i, len(possible_teams))) i = i + 1 info_struct = eval_team(team) scores.append(info_struct) return(scores) random.seed('Boatmurdered') #main() #data = summarize_csv() scores = test_pc_opt() scores.sort(key = lambda e: e['avg_profit'], reverse=True) test_count = 0 test_total_surv = 0 test_total_val = 0 while test_count < 10000: test_team_orig = get_random_profs(13) # reorder for match test_team = [] for prof in profs: test_team = test_team + [t for t in test_team_orig if t == prof] test_team_scores = [s for s in scores if s['team'] == test_team] assert(len(test_team_scores) == 1) test_total_surv = test_total_surv + test_team_scores[0]['avg_profit'] test_total_val = test_total_val + test_team_scores[0]['pct_lived'] test_count = test_count + 1 king_avg_surv = test_total_surv / test_count king_avg_val = test_total_val / test_count