import math import random def log_location(log_type): assert log_type in ['voyages_false', 'voyages_true', 'encounters_false', 'encounters_true', 'ships_available'] if log_type == 'voyages_false': log_location = 'dndsci_pathfinder_player_voyage_log.csv' elif log_type == 'encounters_false': log_location = 'dndsci_pathfinder_player_encounter_log.csv' else: log_location = 'ship_log_{}.csv'.format(log_type) return(log_location) def format_for_log(datapoint): if isinstance(datapoint, str): return(datapoint) if isinstance(datapoint, float): pct = 100*datapoint render_pct = math.ceil(pct - 0.00001) # to handle rounding etc. return('{}%'.format(render_pct)) if isinstance(datapoint, int): return('{}'.format(datapoint)) if isinstance(datapoint, tuple): return('{}{}'.format(datapoint[0], datapoint[1])) if isinstance(datapoint, Hex): datastring ='Hex {}'.format(datapoint.render_coords) if datastring == 'Hex Q6': datastring = 'Hex Q6 (Eastmarch)' elif datastring == 'Hex I3': datastring = 'Hex I3 (Norwatch)' elif datastring == 'Hex G13': datastring = 'Hex G13 (Westengard)' elif datastring == 'Hex P15': datastring = 'Hex P15 (South Point)' return(datastring) if datapoint is None: return('None') print('Object of unexpected type {}:'.format(type(datapoint))) print(datapoint) assert(False) def log(log_type, contents, overwrite=False): location = log_location(log_type) contents = [ format_for_log(c) for c in contents ] message = ",".join(contents) + '\n' file = open(location, 'w' if overwrite else 'a') # a = append mode file.write(message) def setup_logs(): log('voyages_false', [ 'Voyage ID', 'Origin Port', 'Date', 'Planned Route', 'Ship ID', 'Ship Name', 'Ship Type', 'Captain Name', 'Weeks Since Last Voyage', 'Voyage Destination', 'Voyage Purpose', 'Damage Taken' ], overwrite=True) log('voyages_true', [ 'Voyage ID', 'Origin Port', 'Date', 'Planned Route', 'Actual Route', 'Ship ID', 'Ship Name', 'Ship Type', 'Captain Name', 'Weeks Since Last Voyage', 'Voyage Destination', 'Voyage Purpose', 'Starting Health', 'Damage Taken' ], overwrite=True) log('encounters_true', ['Voyage ID', 'Ship ID', 'Ship Name', 'Encounter Hex', 'True Encounter Type', 'Logged Encounter Type', 'Damage Taken'], overwrite=True) log('encounters_false', ['Voyage ID', 'Ship ID', 'Ship Name', 'Encounter Hex', 'Encounter Type', 'Damage Taken'], overwrite=True) log('ships_available', ['Ship ID', 'Ship Name', 'Ship Type' 'Captain Name', 'Weeks Since Last Voyage', 'Seamanship', 'Current Hull'], overwrite=True) def revert_render_coords(coords): assert(len(coords) in [2,3]) alphabet = [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z' ] new_coords = (alphabet.index(coords[0]), int(coords[1:])) return(new_coords) def roll_die(x, num_dice=1): roll = 0 dice_rolled = 0 while dice_rolled < num_dice: rand = random.random() roll = roll + math.ceil(rand * x) dice_rolled = dice_rolled + 1 return(roll) def encounter_iceberg(ship): if roll_die(20) + ship.captain.seamanship < 5: return([roll_die(6), 'Iceberg']) else: return([0, None]) def encounter_sharks(ship): damage= min([roll_die(4) - 1, roll_die(4) - 1]) return([damage, 'Sharks']) def encounter_dragon(ship): dragon_roll = roll_die(6) + roll_die(6) damage = 0 guns_damaged = 0 while dragon_roll > 0 and damage < ship.current_hull: damage_to_dragon = max(0, ship.guns - guns_damaged) dragon_roll = max(0, dragon_roll - damage_to_dragon) damage = damage + dragon_roll if roll_die(3) == 1: guns_damaged = guns_damaged + 1 return([damage, 'Dragon']) def encounter_atlantean_merfolk(ship): sharkmaster = True if (roll_die(2) == 1 and 'Shark Trackers' not in ship.active_effects) else False if sharkmaster == True: # identical to the shark attack except with scouting damage= min([roll_die(4) - 1, roll_die(4) - 1]) if 'Shark Trackers' not in ship.active_effects: ship.active_effects.append('Shark Trackers') return([damage, 'Sharks']) else: # Direct Attack total_damage = 0 while True: damage = max(0,roll_die(8) - ship.guns) # waves of attacks until you fend one off. total_damage = total_damage + damage if damage == 0 or damage >= ship.current_hull: break return([total_damage, 'Merfolk']) def encounter_alexandrian_merfolk(ship): if 'Storm Curse' not in ship.active_effects: ship.active_effects.append('Storm Curse') total_damage = 0 while True: damage = max(0,roll_die(8) - ship.guns) # waves of attacks until you fend one off. total_damage = total_damage + damage if damage == 0: break return([total_damage, 'Merfolk']) def encounter_reef(ship): stuck = True damage= 0 false_lighthouse = True if len([n for n in ship.location.get_neighboring_hexes() if ('False Lighthouse' in n.notes)]) > 0 else False difficulty = 12 if false_lighthouse else 8 while stuck: damage = damage + 1 if roll_die(difficulty) <= ship.captain.seamanship: stuck = False return([damage, 'Reef']) def encounter_pirates(ship, pirate_seamanship=1, pirate_guns=2, pirate_hull=10): pirate_damage_taken = 0 ship_damage_taken = 0 while(True): pirate_roll = roll_die(6) pirate_mod_roll = pirate_roll + pirate_seamanship captain_roll = roll_die(6) captain_mod_roll = captain_roll + ship.captain.seamanship if pirate_mod_roll >= captain_mod_roll: ship_damage_taken = ship_damage_taken + roll_die(3, num_dice=pirate_guns) if ship_damage_taken >= ship.current_hull: return([ship_damage_taken, 'Pirates']) if captain_mod_roll >= pirate_mod_roll: pirate_hull = pirate_hull - roll_die(3, num_dice=ship.guns) if pirate_hull <= 0: return([ship_damage_taken, 'Pirates']) #test for pirate retreat ship_pct_hp = (ship.current_hull - ship_damage_taken) / ship.max_hull pirate_pct_hp = (pirate_hull - pirate_damage_taken)/pirate_hull if(pirate_pct_hp < ship_pct_hp): return([ship_damage_taken, 'Pirates']) def encounter_calamity(ship): ship.active_effects.append('Calamity Withdrawn') return(encounter_pirates(ship, pirate_seamanship=2, pirate_guns=2, pirate_hull=20)) def encounter_harpies(ship): harpy_roll = roll_die(6) damage = max(0,harpy_roll - ship.guns) if damage == 0: ship.active_effects.append('Harpies Afraid') return([damage, 'Harpies']) def encounter_kraken(ship): kraken_roll = roll_die(6) + roll_die(6) damage = 0 while kraken_roll > 0: kraken_roll = max(0, kraken_roll - ship.guns) damage = damage + kraken_roll return([damage, 'Kraken']) def encounter_st_berts_fire(ship): damage = max(0,roll_die(4) - 2) return([damage, 'Wyrd Majick Fyre']) def encounter_warlock(ship): die_size = random.choice([4,6,8,10,12,20]) damage = roll_die(die_size) return([damage, 'Wyrd Majick Fyre']) def encounter_storm(ship): storm_power = roll_die(8) damage = max(0,storm_power - ship.captain.seamanship) ship.active_effects.append('Caught In Storm') if roll_die(20) <= damage and ship.location.cached_distances['distance_from_land'] == 1: # we may get dashed upon rocks run_aground_damage = roll_die(6) + (0 if ship.is_small else roll_die(6)) damage = damage + run_aground_damage # not doing this for annoying reasons # blown off course? # ship.stormblown_hex = blow_location return([damage, 'Storm']) def encounter_maelstrom(ship): if roll_die(10) != 1: #most ships just get hit by storms around the edges and never see the Maelstrom return(encounter_storm(ship)) else: # a few are not so lucky return([999999, 'Maelstrom']) class ShipType: def __init__(self, name, guns, hull, speed, small=False): = name self.hull = hull self.guns = guns self.speed = speed self.is_small = small class Captain: def assign_name(self): if self.noble: first = [ 'Adalbrecht', 'Alberich', 'Dietrich', 'Emerich', 'Ernst', 'Friedrich', 'Gerhart', 'Gottfried', 'Heinrich', 'Karl', 'Konrad', 'Manfred', 'Otto', 'Rudolf', 'Schaeffer', 'Siegfried', 'Ulbrecht', 'Wilhelm', 'Wolfgang' ] last = [ 'Alfeldt', 'Bismarck', 'Chlodwig', 'Grolman', 'Glucksberg', 'Kaulbach', 'Konig', 'Lundorf', 'Reinhardt', 'Schneider', 'Schonbern', 'Walderdorf', 'Zelig'] titles = [ 'Lord', 'Baron', 'Sir', 'Count' ] self.first = random.choice(first) self.last = random.choice(last) self.title = random.choice(titles) = self.title + ' ' + self.first + ' von ' + self.last else: first = [ 'Angus', 'Brandon', 'Bryan', 'Conall', 'Conor', 'Dyllon', 'Erin', 'Fergus', 'Jack', 'Kelly', 'Killian', 'Liam', 'Neil', 'Patrick', 'Rick', 'Ryan', 'Seamus', 'Sean' ] last = [ 'Aubrey', 'Blake', 'Bracken', 'Buchanan', 'Callahan', 'Cullen', 'Darry', 'Flyn', 'Hogan', 'Keating', 'MacArthur', 'MacDougal', 'Malone', "O'Brien", "O'Connell", "O'Malley", "O'Neal", 'Reagan', 'Sweeney', 'Teague' ] self.first = random.choice(first) self.last = random.choice(last) = self.first + ' ' + self.last def __init__(self): self.noble = True if roll_die(3) == 1 else False pass_school = False while pass_school == False: self.seamanship = min([roll_die(3), roll_die(3)]) if self.noble or self.seamanship == 3: pass_school = True elif self.seamanship == 2: pass_school = True if roll_die(2) == 2 else False self.assign_name() class Voyage: def __init__(self, origin_port, destinations, voyage_category, cargo_type=None): self.origin_port = origin_port assert None not in destinations for d in destinations: assert d.terrain_type != 'Land' self.destinations = destinations self.log_destination = destinations[0] #will not be updated during voyage self.category = voyage_category self.cargo_type = cargo_type self.routes = [] self.assign_routes() self.assigned = False self.ship = None self.log = [] = def update_destination(self): self.destinations.remove(self.destinations[0]) self.routes.remove(self.routes[0]) def assign_routes(self): ghost_hex = self.origin_port.location route_string = [ghost_hex.render_coords] total_steps = 0 for dest in self.destinations: dest_route = [] while ghost_hex != dest: valid_moves = ghost_hex.get_valid_moves_towards(dest) ghost_hex = random.choice(valid_moves) dest_route.append(ghost_hex) route_string.append(ghost_hex.render_coords) if ghost_hex.terrain_type != 'Port': total_steps = total_steps + 1 self.routes.append(dest_route) self.route_string = '-'.join(route_string) self.total_steps = total_steps def assign_ship(self, require_optimal=True): valid_ships = [ s for s in self.origin_port.get_ships() if is None ] if require_optimal: # short voyages are assigned to small ships, long ones to large ships if self.total_steps <= 6: valid_ships = [ s for s in valid_ships if s.is_small == True ] elif self.total_steps >=9: valid_ships = [ s for s in valid_ships if s.is_small == False ] # and ships are given 5 weeks to rest, which guarantees at least 50% health valid_ships = [ s for s in valid_ships if s.time_since_voyage >= 5 ] if len(valid_ships): my_ship = random.choice(valid_ships) self.ship = my_ship = self self.assigned = True else: if require_optimal==False: assert(False) class Port: def __init__(self, world, location, cargo_types, hullBonus=0, gunsBonus = 0, speedBonus=0): = world self.location = location self.hullBonus = hullBonus self.gunsBonus = gunsBonus self.speedBonus = speedBonus self.cargo_types = cargo_types self.voyage_plot_overrides = None def get_bonuses(self): return({ 'hull' : self.hullBonus, 'guns' : self.gunsBonus, 'speed' : self.speedBonus, }) def get_ships(self): return( [ s for s in if s.location == self.location ] ) def build_ship(self, force_type=None): types = if force_type is not None: types = [t for t in types if == force_type] else: # try to tend towards variety types_here = [s.shiptype for s in if s.location == self.location] random.shuffle(types_here) for avoid_type in types_here: if len(types) > 1: types = [t for t in types if t != avoid_type] shiptype = random.choice(types) new_ship = Ship(shiptype, self) def create_cargo_voyage(self): cargo_type = random.choice(self.cargo_types) destination_port = None while destination_port is None or destination_port == self or cargo_type in destination_port.cargo_types: destination_port = random.choice( return(Voyage(self, [destination_port.location], 'Cargo: {}'.format(cargo_type), cargo_type=cargo_type)) def create_transfer_voyage(self, target_port): return(Voyage(self, [target_port.location], 'Transfer')) def create_scouting_voyage(self): scout_distance = random.choice([3,4,5]) target_hex = self.location.get_random_hex_at_range(scout_distance, required_terrain_type='Water') assert target_hex.terrain_type == 'Water' assert self.location.terrain_type == 'Port' description = 'Scouting' if scout_distance == 3: description = 'Fishing' if roll_die(2) == 1: description = 'Fishing' return(Voyage(self, [target_hex, self.location], description)) def create_voyage(self): if roll_die(2) == 1: return(self.create_cargo_voyage()) else: return(self.create_scouting_voyage()) def create_voyages(self): if self.voyage_plot_overrides is not None: self.voyages = self.voyage_plot_overrides self.voyage_plot_overrides = None else: voyages_to_assign = roll_die(4) voyages = [] while len(voyages) < voyages_to_assign: voyages.append(self.create_voyage()) for port in if len(self.get_ships()) > 2 * len(port.get_ships()): voyages.append(self.create_transfer_voyage(port)) self.voyages = voyages def assign_voyages(self): for v in self.voyages: v.assign_ship() for v in self.voyages: if v.assigned == False and roll_die(2) == 1: v.assign_ship(require_optimal=False) class Ship: def __init__(self, shiptype, port): self.shiptype = shiptype bonuses = port.get_bonuses() self.max_hull = self.shiptype.hull + bonuses['hull'] self.guns = self.shiptype.guns + bonuses['guns'] self.speed = self.shiptype.speed + bonuses['speed'] self.current_hull = self.max_hull self.is_small = self.shiptype.is_small self.captain = Captain() self.assign_name(port) = = self.location = port.location = None self.active_effects = [] # go away at the end of a voyage self.stormblown_hex = None self.time_since_voyage = 9999 def assign_name(self, port): valid_name = False existing_names = while valid_name == False: prefixes = [ 'White', 'Gray', 'Black', 'Red', 'Green', 'Golden', 'Silver', 'Rusty', 'Purple', 'Orange', 'Bloody', 'Mopey', 'Scurvy', 'Saucy'] suffixes = [ 'Swan', 'Duck', 'Goose', 'Falcon', 'Hind', 'Bottom', 'Pearl', 'Heart', 'Diamond', 'Tortoise' ] prefix = random.choice(prefixes) suffix = random.choice(suffixes) name = prefix + ' ' + suffix if name not in existing_names: valid_name = True = name def describe(self): print( 'The {}. {} under the command of Captain {} (Seamanship {}). Hull: {}/{} after {} weeks in Port.\n'.format(,,, self.captain.seamanship, self.current_hull, self.max_hull, self.time_since_voyage )) def random_encounter(self): encounters = self.location.get_random_encounters(self) for enc in encounters: [ damage_taken, enc_description ] = enc['function'](self) pct_damage_taken = damage_taken / self.max_hull self.current_hull = max(0, self.current_hull - damage_taken) # real log for me log('encounters_true', [,,, self.location, enc['name'], enc_description, pct_damage_taken ]) # delayed log for players if enc_description is not None:[,,, self.location, enc_description, pct_damage_taken ]) def destroy(self): self.location = None = None def finish_and_log_voyage(self): log_damage = 'Destroyed' if self.current_hull == 0 else 1 -(self.current_hull / self.max_hull ) log('voyages_true', [,,,, self.route_string,,,,, self.time_since_voyage if self.time_since_voyage < 9000 else 'Newly Built',,, self.voyage_starting_health, log_damage ]) log('voyages_false', [,,,,,,,, self.time_since_voyage if self.time_since_voyage < 9000 else 'Newly Built',,, log_damage ]) if self.current_hull == 0: self.destroy() else: for entry in log('encounters_false', entry) self.time_since_voyage = 0 self.active_effects = [] def execute_voyage(self): self.route_string = self.location.render_coords self.voyage_starting_health = self.current_hull / self.max_hull while len( and self.current_hull > 0: if self.stormblown_hex is not None: move_hex = self.stormblown_hex self.stormblown_hex = None else: if len( print('Weird has happened') print('Current hex: {}'.format(self.location.coords)) print('Route taken: {}'.format(self.route_string)) enroute_moves = [ m for m in self.location.get_neighboring_hexes() if m in[0] ] if len(enroute_moves): # stay on route, as close to destination as possible enroute_moves.sort(key=lambda h:[0].index(h)) move_hex = enroute_moves[-1] else: # just try to close with destination valid_moves = self.location.get_valid_moves_towards([0]) random.shuffle(valid_moves) valid_moves.sort(key=lambda h: h.get_distance_to_hex([0]), reverse = True) move_hex = valid_moves[-1] if self.captain.seamanship == 1 and roll_die(100) == 1: # mistake in navigation mistake_hexes = [ m for m in self.location.get_neighboring_hexes() if m.get_distance_to_hex(move_hex) == 1 ] #adjacent to both current location and correct move if len(mistake_hexes): move_hex = random.choice(mistake_hexes) if move_hex.terrain_type == 'Land': self.active_effects.append('Run Aground') self.location = move_hex self.route_string = '{}-{}'.format(self.route_string, self.location.render_coords) self.random_encounter() if 'Run Aground' in self.active_effects: self.active_effects.remove('Run Aground') if self.location ==[0]: self.finish_and_log_voyage() class Hex: def __init__(self, x, y, world): self.x = x self.y = y = world self.terrain_type = 'Water' self.cached_distances = {} self.coords = (x,y) self.define_render_coords() self.notes = [] def get_neighboring_hex_coords(self, omit_off_edge=True): output = [ (self.x, self.y+1), (self.x,self.y-1), (self.x+1, self.y), (self.x-1, self.y) ] if self.y%2 == 1: output.append((self.x+1, self.y+1)) output.append((self.x+1, self.y-1)) else: output.append((self.x-1, self.y+1)) output.append((self.x-1, self.y-1)) if omit_off_edge: output = [ h for h in output if h[0] >= 0 ] output = [ h for h in output if h[1] >= 0 ] output = [ h for h in output if h[0] < ] output = [ h for h in output if h[1] < ] return(output) def get_neighboring_hexes(self): coords = self.get_neighboring_hex_coords() output = [] for coord in coords: output.append( return(output) def get_distance_to_hex(self, target_hex): return(self.cached_distances[target_hex.coords]) def get_valid_moves_towards(self, target_hex): neighbors = self.get_neighboring_hexes() valid_moves = [ n for n in neighbors if n.terrain_type in ['Water', 'Port'] ] min_dist = 99999 min_dist_moves = [] for move_hex in valid_moves: move_dist = move_hex.get_distance_to_hex(target_hex) if move_dist < min_dist: min_dist = move_dist min_dist_moves = [] if move_dist == min_dist: min_dist_moves.append(move_hex) valid_moves = min_dist_moves if min_dist != self.get_distance_to_hex(target_hex) - 1: print('Something strange has happened.') print('We are in hex {}, trying to get to hex {} of type {}'.format(self.coords, target_hex.coords, target_hex.terrain_type)) print('We are at distance {}, and think the best neighbor we can find is e.g. {}, at distance {}'.format(self.get_distance_to_hex(target_hex), valid_moves[0].coords, min_dist)) assert min_dist == self.get_distance_to_hex(target_hex) - 1 return(valid_moves) def get_random_hex_at_range(self, range_to_get, required_terrain_type=None): hexes = [ h for h in if ( self.cached_distances[h.coords] == range_to_get ) ] if required_terrain_type is not None: hexes = [ h for h in hexes if h.terrain_type == required_terrain_type ] return(random.choice(hexes)) def reef_probability(self): if self.cached_distances['distance_from_land'] > 1 or self.cached_distances['distance_from_port'] <= 1: return(0) elif len([n for n in self.get_neighboring_hexes() if ('False Lighthouse' in n.notes)]): return(0.4) else: return(0.2) def adjacent_to_warlock(self): necromancer_palace_location = 'Necromancer Summer Palace' if == 'Summer' else 'Necromancer Palace' necro_neighbors = [ n for n in self.get_neighboring_hexes() if necromancer_palace_location in n.notes ] return(True if len(necro_neighbors) else False) def distance_to_atlanteans(self): return( self.get_distance_to_hex( def distance_to_alexandrians(self): return( self.get_distance_to_hex( def get_encounter_list(self, ship): calamity_enabled = True if ((self.cached_distances['distance_from_Calamity_Cove'] <= 2) and ('Calamity Withdrawn' not in ship.active_effects)) else False encounters = [ { 'name' : 'Pirates', 'probability' : 0.0 if calamity_enabled else (0.12 / ship.speed), 'function' : encounter_pirates, }, { 'name' : 'Dread Pirate Calamity', 'probability' : (0.12 / ship.speed) if calamity_enabled else 0.0, 'function' : encounter_calamity, }, { 'name' : 'Harpies', 'probability' : ( 0.0 if 'Harpies Afraid' in ship.active_effects else ( 0.4 if == 'Magefruit' else 0.1 ) ) / ship.speed, # 'function' : encounter_harpies, }, { 'name' : 'Reef', 'probability' : self.reef_probability() / (5 if ship.is_small else 1), 'function' : encounter_reef, }, { 'name' : 'Kraken', 'probability' : 0.3 if self.cached_distances['distance_from_land'] > 2 else 0.0, 'function' : encounter_kraken, }, { 'name' : 'Iceberg', 'probability' : 0.5 if self.get_temperature() == 'Cold' else 0.0, 'function' : encounter_iceberg, }, { 'name' : 'Warlock', 'probability' : 0.4 / ship.speed if self.adjacent_to_warlock() == True else 0.0, 'function' : encounter_warlock, }, { 'name' : 'Atlantean Merfolk', 'probability' : ((0.6 / ship.speed) * (3 if 'Shark Trackers' in ship.active_effects else 1)) if self.distance_to_atlanteans() <= 1 == True else 0.0, 'function' : encounter_atlantean_merfolk, }, { 'name' : 'Alexandrian Merfolk', 'probability' : (0.6 - (self.distance_to_alexandrians() * 0.2)) / ship.speed, 'function' : encounter_alexandrian_merfolk, }, { 'name' : 'Sharks', 'probability' : (0.2 if self.cached_distances['distance_from_land'] > 2 else 0.1) / ship.speed, 'function' : encounter_sharks, }, { 'name' : 'Dragon', 'probability' : 0.02 / ship.speed, 'function' : encounter_dragon, }, { 'name' : 'Storm', 'probability' : 0.07 * (3 if 'Storm Curse' in ship.active_effects else 1), 'function' : encounter_storm, }, { 'name' : 'Maelstrom', 'probability' : 0.1 if 'Maelstrom' in self.notes else 0.0, 'function' : encounter_maelstrom, }, { 'name' : "St. Bert's Fire", 'probability' : 0.01 if 'Caught In Storm' in ship.active_effects else 0, 'function' : encounter_st_berts_fire }, ] # once we get our small chance of fire we remove this if 'Caught In Storm' in ship.active_effects: ship.active_effects.remove('Caught In Storm') return([] if self.terrain_type == 'Port' else encounters) def get_random_encounters(self, ship): encounter_list = self.get_encounter_list(ship) encounters = [] for encounter in encounter_list: if random.random() < encounter['probability']: encounters.append(encounter) return(encounters) def get_temperature(self): season = if season == 'Summer': effective_y = self.y + 4 # lower Y means further north means colder elif season == 'Winter': effective_y = self.y - 4 else: effective_y = self.y if effective_y >= 14: return('Hot') elif effective_y <= 6: return('Cold') else: return('Warm') def define_render_coords(self): coords = self.coords alphabet = [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z' ] x_coord = alphabet[self.coords[0]] y_coord = self.coords[1] self.render_coords = '{}{}'.format(x_coord, y_coord) class World: def __init__(self): print('Setting up map...') self.ships = [] self.ports = [] self.hexes = [] self.voyages = [] self.ship_id_increment = 0 self.voyage_id_increment = 0 self.expected_ships = 80 self.week = 1 self.month = 1 self.year = 1407 self.x_size = 19 self.y_size = 17 self.define_ship_types() self.init_hex_map() self.define_terrain() print('Precalculating distances...') self.calculate_travel_distances() self.build_ships(build_limit=self.expected_ships) def define_ship_types(self): dhow = ShipType('Dhow', 2, 20, 3, small=True) barquentine = ShipType('Barquentine', 4, 20, 3) carrack = ShipType('Carrack', 2, 30, 3) galleon = ShipType('Galleon', 4 ,30, 1) self.ship_types = [ barquentine, carrack, dhow, galleon ] def init_hex_map(self): self.hex_map = [] currentX = 0 while currentX < self.x_size: column = [] currentY = 0 while currentY < self.y_size: new_hex = Hex(currentX, currentY, self) column.append(new_hex) self.hexes.append(new_hex) currentY = currentY + 1 self.hex_map.append(column) currentX = currentX + 1 def define_terrain(self): land_hex_coords = [ (7,16), (8,16), (11,16), (7,15), (15,14), (3,14), (7,14), (14,13), (1,10), (2,10), (12,10), (1,9), (14,9), (9,8), (14,8), (17,8), (17,7), (17,6), (2,5), (3,5), (6,3), (7,3),(11,3), (11,2), (12,2), (16,1), (8,0) ] self.land_hexes = [ self.get_hex_by_coords(c) for c in land_hex_coords ] port_hex_coords = [(15,15), (6,13), (16,6), (8,3)] self.port_hexes = [ self.get_hex_by_coords(c) for c in port_hex_coords ] for port_hex in self.port_hexes: port_hex.terrain_type = 'Port' cargo_types = [] if port_hex.coords == (15,15): cargo_types = [ 'Darkwood', 'Blackwine' ] elif port_hex.coords == (16,6): cargo_types = [ 'Magefruit', 'Scrolls' ] elif port_hex.coords == (6,13): cargo_types = ['Magefruit', 'Redstone' ] elif port_hex.coords == (8,3): cargo_types = [ 'Darkwood', 'Mythril' ] else: assert('False') self.ports.append(Port(self, port_hex, cargo_types)) for land_hex in self.land_hexes: land_hex.terrain_type = 'Land' # ad hoc stuff self.get_hex_by_coords((17,8)).notes.append('False Lighthouse') self.get_hex_by_coords((9,8)).notes.append('Necromancer Palace') self.get_hex_by_coords((16,1)).notes.append('Necromancer Summer Palace') self.alexandrian_location = self.get_hex_by_coords((4,16)) self.atlantean_path = [ (5,5), (6,6), (6,7), (7,8), (7,9), (8,10), (8,11), (9,12), (9,13), # SE path (10,12), (10,11), (11,10), (11,9), (12,8), (12,7), (13,6), (13,5), # NE path (12,5), (11,5), (10,5), (9,5), (8,5), (7,5), (6,5), # W path ] self.atlantean_coords = (8,10) self.atlantean_location = self.get_hex_by_coords(self.atlantean_coords) maelstrom_hexes = [ (11,6), (11,7), (12,6) ] for maelstrom_hex in maelstrom_hexes: self.get_hex_by_coords(maelstrom_hex).notes.append('Maelstrom') self.calamity_coords = (12,10) self.calamity_location = self.get_hex_by_coords(self.calamity_coords) def print_terrain(self): for rowNumber in range(0,self.y_size): rowText = [] for colNumber in range(0,self.x_size): rowText.append(self.get_hex_by_coords((colNumber, rowNumber)).terrain_type[0]) rowText = '-'.join(rowText) if rowNumber%2==1: rowText = '-' + rowText else: rowText = rowText + '-' print(rowText) def get_ship_id(self): self.ship_id_increment = self.ship_id_increment + 1 return(self.ship_id_increment) def get_voyage_id(self): self.voyage_id_increment = self.voyage_id_increment + 1 return(self.voyage_id_increment) def month_as_string(self): months = [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ] return(months[(self.month%12)-1]) def display_date(self): return('{} {} Week {}'.format(self.month_as_string(), self.year, self.week)) # Given an array of one or more hexes, precalculate distance to that hex/hexes for all hexes in the map, store in the cached_distances dictionary of each hex def calculate_distance_to(self, hexes, storage_key, allow_land=False): # initialize to 0 for the hex(es) themselves, 999999 for everything else for iterate_hex in self.hexes: iterate_hex.cached_distances[storage_key] = 999999 for base_hex in hexes: base_hex.cached_distances[storage_key] = 0 iterationNeeded = True while iterationNeeded: iterationNeeded = False for iterate_hex in self.hexes: current_dist = iterate_hex.cached_distances[storage_key] neighbors = iterate_hex.get_neighboring_hexes() if allow_land == False: neighbors = [ n for n in neighbors if n.terrain_type != 'Land' ] for n in neighbors: implied_dist = n.cached_distances[storage_key] + 1 if implied_dist < current_dist: iterationNeeded = True iterate_hex.cached_distances[storage_key] = implied_dist def calculate_travel_distances(self): self.calculate_distance_to(self.land_hexes+self.port_hexes, 'distance_from_land', allow_land=True) self.calculate_distance_to([self.calamity_location], 'distance_from_Calamity_Cove', allow_land=True) self.calculate_distance_to(self.port_hexes, 'distance_from_port') for distance_hex in self.hexes: self.calculate_distance_to([distance_hex], distance_hex.coords) def get_hex_by_coords(self, coords): if type(coords) == 'string': coords = revert_render_coords(coords) return(self.hex_map[coords[0]][coords[1]]) def get_season(self): if self.month in [12, 1, 2]: return('Winter') elif self.month in [3, 4, 5]: return('Spring') elif self.month in [6, 7, 8]: return('Summer') else: return('Fall') def all_ship_names(self): names = [] for ship in self.ships: names.append( return(names) def build_ship(self): building_port = random.choice(self.ports) building_port.build_ship() def build_ships(self, build_limit=-1): if build_limit == -1: build_limit = len(self.ports) missing_ships = self.expected_ships - len(self.ships) ships_to_build = min(missing_ships, build_limit) ships_built = 0 while ships_built < ships_to_build: self.build_ship() ships_built = ships_built + 1 def prepare_voyages(self): for port in self.ports: port.create_voyages() port.assign_voyages() def execute_voyages(self): for voyage in self.voyages: if voyage.ship is not None: voyage.ship.execute_voyage() def clear_voyages(self): self.voyages = [] for port in self.ports: port.voyages = [] for ship in self.ships: = None def repair_ships(self): for ship in self.ships: ship.current_hull = min(ship.max_hull, ship.current_hull + (ship.max_hull / 10)) ship.time_since_voyage = ship.time_since_voyage + 1 def move_atlanteans(self): atlantean_index = self.atlantean_path.index(self.atlantean_location.coords) new_index = (atlantean_index + 1)%(len(self.atlantean_path)) self.atlantean_location = self.get_hex_by_coords(self.atlantean_path[new_index]) def advance_time(self): self.week = self.week + 1 if self.week == 5: self.week = 1 self.month = self.month + 1 if self.month == 13: self.month = 1 print('Finished {}\n'.format(self.year)) self.year = self.year + 1 def print_ship_counts(self): print('Port ship counts: ' + ', '.join([str(len(p.get_ships())) for p in self.ports])) def main_loop(self): self.build_ships() self.prepare_voyages() self.execute_voyages() self.clear_voyages() self.repair_ships() self.move_atlanteans() self.advance_time() def read_log_file(log_type): loc = log_location(log_type) file = open(loc, 'r') data = file.readlines() rows = [] keys = None for entry in data: split_entry = entry.split(',') split_entry = [ s.rstrip('\n') for s in split_entry ] if keys is None: keys = split_entry else: row_dict = {} for i in range(0, len(split_entry)): row_dict[keys[i]] = split_entry[i] rows.append(row_dict) return(rows) def summarize_logs(): voyage_logs = read_log_file('voyages_true') count = len(voyage_logs) dest_voyages = [v for v in voyage_logs if v['Damage Taken'] == 'Destroyed'] dest = len(dest_voyages) print('{} voyages made.'.format(count)) print('{}/{} ships destroyed ({:.1f}%).'.format(dest, count, 100*dest / count)) for ship_type in ['Dhow', 'Barquentine', 'Carrack', 'Galleon']: ship_logs = [v for v in voyage_logs if v['Ship Type'] == ship_type ] ship_count = len(ship_logs) ship_dest_voyages = [v for v in ship_logs if v['Damage Taken'] == 'Destroyed'] ship_dest = len(ship_dest_voyages) print('{}s only: {} voyages made, {}/{} times destroyed ({:.1f}%).'.format(ship_type, ship_count, ship_dest, ship_count, 100*ship_dest / ship_count)) dest_ids = [v['Voyage ID'] for v in dest_voyages] encounter_logs = read_log_file('encounters_true') dest_encounter_logs = [e for e in encounter_logs if e['Voyage ID'] in dest_ids] dest_by = {} for e in dest_encounter_logs: enc_type = e['True Encounter Type'] v_id = e['Voyage ID'] dest_by[v_id] = enc_type dest_by_count = {} for d in dest_by.keys(): e = dest_by[d] if e in dest_by_count.keys(): dest_by_count[e] = dest_by_count[e] + 1 else: dest_by_count[e] = 1 for e in dest_by_count.keys(): print('{} destroyed by {}'.format(dest_by_count[e], e)) damage_count = {} enc_count = {} total_damage = 0 for e in encounter_logs: d_taken = int(e['Damage Taken'].rstrip('%')) d_taken = min(d_taken, 100) total_damage = total_damage + d_taken e_type = e['True Encounter Type'] if e_type in damage_count.keys(): damage_count[e_type] = damage_count[e_type] + d_taken enc_count[e_type] = enc_count[e_type] + 1 else: damage_count[e_type] = d_taken enc_count[e_type] = 1 for e in damage_count.keys(): print('{:.1f}% of total damage done by {}. Average damage {:.1f}% per fight.'.format(damage_count[e]*100/total_damage, e, damage_count[e] / enc_count[e])) ports = ['Hex P15 (South Point)', 'Hex G13 (Westengard)', 'Hex I3 (Norwatch)', 'Hex Q6 (Eastmarch)'] port_pairs = [] for i in range(0, len(ports)): for j in range(0, len(ports)): if j > i: port_pairs.append((ports[i],ports[j])) for port_pair in port_pairs: print('Voyages between {} and {}'.format(port_pair[0], port_pair[1])) pair_voyages = [v for v in voyage_logs if v['Origin Port'] in port_pair and v['Voyage Destination'] in port_pair] pair_lost = [v for v in pair_voyages if v['Damage Taken'] == 'Destroyed'] print('{}/{} successful ({:.1f}% destroyed)'.format(len(pair_voyages) - len(pair_lost), len(pair_voyages), len(pair_lost) * 100 / len(pair_voyages))) def test_voyage(start_port, route_to_coords, ship_type, force_current_hull=None, force_seamanship=None, fixed_route=None, verbose=False, num_to_run=10000): run = 0 passed = 0 partial_passed = 0 failed = 0 assert(start_port.location.coords == (16,6)) progress_pct = num_to_run / 10 while run < num_to_run: if run % progress_pct == 0: print('{}% done'.format(run * 10/progress_pct)) start_port.build_ship(force_type=ship_type) voyaging_ship = myWorld.ships[-1] if force_seamanship is not None: voyaging_ship.captain.seamanship = force_seamanship if force_current_hull is not None: voyaging_ship.current_hull = force_current_hull voyage = Voyage(start_port, [myWorld.get_hex_by_coords(route_to_coords), start_port.location], 'Mission') if fixed_route is not None: reverse_route = list(fixed_route) reverse_route.reverse() voyage.routes = [ [ for c in fixed_route[1:]], [ for c in reverse_route[1:]] ] voyage.ship = voyaging_ship = voyage voyage.assigned = True voyaging_ship.execute_voyage() if voyaging_ship.current_hull > 0: passed = passed + 1 assert(len(voyage.destinations) == 0) voyaging_ship.destroy() else: assert(len(voyage.destinations) >= 1) if len(voyage.destinations) == 2: failed = failed + 1 else: partial_passed = partial_passed + 1 run = run + 1 del(voyaging_ship) assert(run == passed + partial_passed + failed) print('{}/{} voyages made it to the objective ({:.1f}%)'.format(passed + partial_passed, run, 100*(passed + partial_passed) / run)) print('{}/{} voyages made it back as well ({:.1f}%)'.format(passed, run, 100*(passed) / run)) def simulate_test(route, ship_name=None, seamanship=None, shiptype=None, current_hull=None, verbose=False): start_port = myWorld.ports[2] assert(start_port.location.coords == (16,6)) if ship_name is not None: ships = [s for s in myWorld.ships if s.location == start_port.location and == ship_name] assert(len(ships)==1) ship = ships[0] seamanship = ship.captain.seamanship shiptype = current_hull = ship.current_hull split_route = route.split('-') destination = revert_render_coords(split_route[-1]) if current_hull == None: current_hull = 30 if shiptype in ['Carrack', 'Galleon'] else 20 print('Testing the {} (a {} with HP {} and a Seamanship {} captain) on route {}'.format(ship_name if ship_name is not None else 'Test Ship', shiptype, current_hull, seamanship, route)) if split_route[0] == 'Admiralty': test_voyage(start_port, destination, shiptype, force_current_hull = current_hull, force_seamanship=seamanship, fixed_route=None, verbose=verbose) else: split_route = [ revert_render_coords(c) for c in split_route ] test_voyage(start_port, destination, shiptype, force_current_hull=current_hull, force_seamanship=seamanship, fixed_route=split_route, verbose=verbose) random.seed('dndsci_pathfinder') setup_logs() print('Performing world setup:') myWorld = World() while myWorld.year < 1420 or myWorld.month < 6: myWorld.main_loop() # force voyages for one port capitalPort = [ p for p in myWorld.ports if p.location.coords == (16,6) ][ 0 ] v1 = Voyage(capitalPort, [myWorld.get_hex_by_coords((14,7)), capitalPort.location], 'Scouting') v2 = Voyage(capitalPort, [myWorld.get_hex_by_coords((12,4)), capitalPort.location], 'Scouting') # 'Pretend magefruit' for the logs v3 = Voyage(capitalPort, [myWorld.get_hex_by_coords((6,13))], 'Cargo: Magefruit', cargo_type='Pretend Magefruit') v4 = Voyage(capitalPort, [myWorld.get_hex_by_coords((7,4)), myWorld.get_hex_by_coords((8,3))], 'Cargo: Magefruit', cargo_type='Pretend Magefruit') v4.log_destination = myWorld.get_hex_by_coords((8,3)) v4.route_string = 'Q6-P6-O6-N5-M5-L5-K5-K4-J4-I3' # manually add reef encounter on unloading capitalPort.voyage_plot_overrides = [v1,v2,v3,v4] myWorld.main_loop() #require that the last round of plot voyages worked. If this doesn't happen, try a new seed. assert(v1.destinations == [] ) assert(v2.destinations == [] ) assert(v3.destinations == [] ) assert(v4.destinations == [] ) # for hint purposes, add a reef encounter in H4 for v4 if one doesn't exist. #summarize_logs() print('SHIPS AVAILABLE IN CAPITAL:\n') available_ships = [ s for s in myWorld.ships if s.location == capitalPort.location ] for ship in available_ships: log('ships_available', [,,,, ship.time_since_voyage, ship.captain.seamanship, ship.current_hull]) ship.describe() #simulate_test('Q6-P6-O6-N6-M7-M8-L8-K9-K10-K11-L12-L13', 'Saucy Heart')