openapi: 3.0.0 info: version: 10.9.0 title: Connector API description: "Welcome to the Connector API.\n\nYou can use this API to access all Connector API endpoints.\n\n## Base URL\n\nThe base URL for all API requests is ``\n\n## Headers\n\nCustom headers that are expected as part of the request. Note that [RFC7230]( states header names are case insensitive.\n\n| Name | Type | Required | Description |\n| --------------------- | ------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |\n| x-apideck-consumer-id | String | Yes | The id of the customer stored inside Apideck Vault. This can be a user id, account id, device id or whatever entity that can have integration within your app. |\n| x-apideck-service-id | String | No | Describe the service you want to call (e.g., pipedrive). Only needed when a customer has activated multiple integrations for the same Unified API. |\n| x-apideck-raw | Boolean | No | Include raw response. Mostly used for debugging purposes. |\n| x-apideck-app-id | String | Yes | The application id of your Unify application. Available at |\n| Authorization | String | Yes | Bearer API KEY |\n\n## Authorization\n\nYou can interact with the API through the authorization methods below.\n\n\n\n## Pagination\n\nAll API resources have support for bulk retrieval via list APIs. Apideck uses cursor-based pagination via the optional `cursor` and `limit` parameters.\n\nTo fetch the first page of results, call the list API without a `cursor` parameter. Afterwards you can fetch subsequent pages by providing a cursor parameter. You will find the next cursor in the response body in ``. If `` is `null` you're at the end of the list.\n\nIn the REST API you can also use the `links` from the response for added convenience. Simply call the URL in `` to get the next page of results.\n\n### Query Parameters\n\n| Name | Type | Required | Description |\n| ------ | ------ | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |\n| cursor | String | No | Cursor to start from. You can find cursors for next & previous pages in the meta.cursors property of the response. |\n| limit | Number | No | Number of results to return. Minimum 1, Maximum 200, Default 20 |\n\n### Response Body\n\n| Name | Type | Description |\n| --------------------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |\n| meta.cursors.previous | String | Cursor to navigate to the previous page of results through the API |\n| meta.cursors.current | String | Cursor to navigate to the current page of results through the API |\n| | String | Cursor to navigate to the next page of results through the API |\n| meta.items_on_page | Number | Number of items returned in the data property of the response |\n| links.previous | String | Link to navigate to the previous page of results through the API |\n| links.current | String | Link to navigate to the current page of results through the API |\n| | String | Link to navigate to the next page of results through the API |\n\n⚠️ `meta.cursors.previous`/`links.previous` is not available for all connectors.\n\n## SDKs and API Clients\n\nWe currently offer a [Node.js](, [PHP](, [Python]( and [.NET]( SDK.\nNeed another SDK? [Request the SDK of your choice](\n\n## Debugging\n\nBecause of the nature of the abstraction we do in Apideck Unify we still provide the option to the receive raw requests and responses being handled underlying. By including the raw flag `?raw=true` in your requests you can still receive the full request. Please note that this increases the response size and can introduce extra latency.\n\n## Errors\n\nThe API returns standard HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure of the API requests. For errors, we also return a customized error message inside the JSON response. You can see the returned HTTP status codes below.\n\n| Code | Title | Description |\n| ---- | -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |\n| 200 | OK | The request message has been successfully processed, and it has produced a response. The response message varies, depending on the request method and the requested data. |\n| 201 | Created | The request has been fulfilled and has resulted in one or more new resources being created. |\n| 204 | No Content | The server has successfully fulfilled the request and that there is no additional content to send in the response payload body. |\n| 400 | Bad Request | The receiving server cannot understand the request because of malformed syntax. Do not repeat the request without first modifying it; check the request for errors, fix them and then retry the request. |\n| 401 | Unauthorized | The request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target resource. |\n| 402 | Payment Required | Subscription data is incomplete or out of date. You'll need to provide payment details to continue. |\n| 403 | Forbidden | You do not have the appropriate user rights to access the request. Do not repeat the request. |\n| 404 | Not Found | The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists. |\n| 409 | Conflict | The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource. |\n| 422 | Unprocessable Entity | The server understands the content type of the request entity, and the syntax of the request entity is correct but was unable to process the contained instructions. |\n| 429 | Too Many Requests | You sent too many requests in a given amount of time (\"rate limit\"). Try again later |\n| 5xx | Server Errors | Something went wrong with the Unify API. These errors are logged on our side. You can contact our team to resolve the issue. |\n\n### Handling errors\n\nThe Unify API and SDKs can produce errors for many reasons, such as a failed requests due to misconfigured integrations, invalid parameters, authentication errors, and network unavailability.\n\n### Error Types\n\n#### RequestValidationError\n\nRequest is not valid for the current endpoint. The response body will include details on the validation error. Check the spelling and types of your attributes, and ensure you are not passing data that is outside of the specification.\n\n#### UnsupportedFiltersError\n\nFilters in the request are valid, but not supported by the connector. Remove the unsupported filter(s) to get a successful response.\n\n#### UnsupportedSortFieldError\n\nSort field (`sort[by]`) in the request is valid, but not supported by the connector. Replace or remove the sort field to get a successful response.\n\n#### InvalidCursorError\n\nPagination cursor in the request is not valid for the current connector. Make sure to use a cursor returned from the API, for the same connector.\n\n#### ConnectorExecutionError\n\nA Unified API request made via one of our downstream connectors returned an unexpected error. The `status_code` returned is proxied through to error response along with their original response via the error detail.\n\n#### UnauthorizedError\n\nWe were unable to authorize the request as made. This can happen for a number of reasons, from missing header params to passing an incorrect authorization token. Verify your Api Key is being set correctly in the authorization header. ie: `Authorization: 'Bearer sk_live_***'`\n\n#### ConnectorCredentialsError\n\nA request using a given connector has not been authorized. Ensure the connector you are trying to use has been configured correctly and been authorized for use.\n\n#### ConnectorDisabledError\n\nA request has been made to a connector that has since been disabled. This may be temporary - You can contact our team to resolve the issue.\n\n#### ConnectorRateLimitError\n\nYou sent too many request to a connector. These rate limits vary from connector to connector. You will need to try again later.\n\n#### RequestLimitError\n\nYou have reached the number of requests included in your Free Tier Subscription. You will not be able to make further requests until you upgrade your subscription. Please reach out to to continue making requests.\n\n#### EntityNotFoundError\n\nYou've made a request for a resource or route that does not exist. Verify your path parameters or any identifiers used to fetch this resource.\n\n#### OAuthCredentialsNotFoundError\n\nWhen adding a connector integration that implements OAuth, both a `client_id` and `client_secret` must be provided before any authorizations can be performed. Verify the integration has been configured properly before continuing.\n\n#### IntegrationNotFoundError\n\nThe requested connector integration could not be found associated to your `application_id`. Verify your `application_id` is correct, and that this connector has been added and configured for your application.\n\n#### ConnectionNotFoundError\n\nA valid connection could not be found associated to your `application_id`. Something _may_ have interrupted the authorization flow. You may need to start the connector authorization process again.\n\n#### ConnectionSettingsError\n\nThe connector has required settings that were not supplied. Verify `connection.settings` contains all required settings for the connector to be callable.\n\n#### ConnectorNotFoundError\n\nA request was made for an unknown connector. Verify your `service_id` is spelled correctly, and that this connector is enabled for your provided `unified_api`.\n\n#### OAuthRedirectUriError\n\nA request was made either in a connector authorization flow, or attempting to revoke connector access without a valid `redirect_uri`. This is the url the user should be returned to on completion of process.\n\n#### OAuthInvalidStateError\n\nThe state param is required and is used to ensure the outgoing authorization state has not been altered before the user is redirected back. It also contains required params needed to identify the connector being used. If this has been altered, the authorization will not succeed.\n\n#### OAuthCodeExchangeError\n\nWhen attempting to exchange the authorization code for an `access_token` during an OAuth flow, an error occurred. This may be temporary. You can reattempt authorization or contact our team to resolve the issue.\n\n#### OAuthConnectorError\n\nIt seems something went wrong on the connector side. It's possible this connector is in `beta` or still under development. We've been notified and are working to fix this issue.\n\n#### MappingError\n\nThere was an error attempting to retrieve the mapping for a given attribute. We've been notified and are working to fix this issue.\n\n#### ConnectorMappingNotFoundError\n\nIt seems the implementation for this connector is incomplete. It's possible this connector is in `beta` or still under development. We've been notified and are working to fix this issue.\n\n#### ConnectorResponseMappingNotFoundError\n\nWe were unable to retrieve the response mapping for this connector. It's possible this connector is in `beta` or still under development. We've been notified and are working to fix this issue.\n\n#### ConnectorOperationMappingNotFoundError\n\nConnector mapping has not been implemented for the requested operation. It's possible this connector is in `beta` or still under development. We've been notified and are working to fix this issue.\n\n#### ConnectorWorkflowMappingError\n\nThe composite api calls required for this operation have not been mapped entirely. It's possible this connector is in `beta` or still under development. We've been notified and are working to fix this issue.\n\n#### ConnectorOperationUnsupportedError\n\nYou're attempting a call that is not supported by the connector. It's likely this operation is supported by another connector, but we're unable to implement for this one.\n\n#### PaginationNotSupportedError\n\nPagination is not yet supported for this connector, try removing limit and/or cursor from the query. It's possible this connector is in `beta` or still under development. We've been notified and are working to fix this issue.\n\n## API Design\n\n### API Styles and data formats\n\n#### REST API\n\nThe API is organized around [REST](, providing simple and predictable URIs to access and modify objects. Requests support standard HTTP methods like GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE and standard status codes. JSON is returned by all API responses, including errors. In all API requests, you must set the content-type HTTP header to application/json. All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over HTTP will fail.\n\n##### Available HTTP methods\n\nThe Apideck API uses HTTP verbs to understand if you want to read (GET), delete (DELETE) or create (POST) an object. When your web application cannot do a POST or DELETE, we provide the ability to set the method through the query parameter \\_method.\n\n```\nPOST /messages\nGET /messages\nGET /messages/{messageId}\nPATCH /messages/{messageId}\nDELETE /messages/{messageId}\n```\n\nResponse bodies are always UTF-8 encoded JSON objects, unless explicitly documented otherwise. For some endpoints and use cases we divert from REST to provide a better developer experience.\n\n### Schema\n\nAll API requests and response bodies adhere to a common JSON format representing individual items, collections of items, links to related items and additional meta data.\n\n### Meta\n\nMeta data can be represented as a top level member named “meta”. Any information may be provided in the meta data. It’s most common use is to return the total number of records when requesting a collection of resources.\n\n### Request IDs\n\nEach API request has an associated request identifier. You can find this value in the response headers, under Request-Id. You can also find request identifiers in the URLs of individual request logs in your Dashboard. If you need to contact us about a specific request, providing the request identifier will ensure the fastest possible resolution.\n\n### Fixed field types\n\n#### Dates\n\nThe dates returned by the API are all represented in UTC (ISO8601 format).\n\nThis example\_`2019-11-14T00:55:31.820Z`\_is defined by the\_ISO 8601\_standard. The\_T\_in the middle separates the year-month-day portion from the hour-minute-second portion. The\_Z\_on the end means UTC, that is, an offset-from-UTC of zero hours-minutes-seconds. The\_Z\_is pronounced \"Zulu\" per military/aviation tradition.\n\nThe ISO 8601 standard is more modern. The formats are wisely designed to be easy to parse by machine as well as easy to read by humans across cultures.\n\n#### Prices and Currencies\n\nAll prices returned by the API are represented as integer amounts in a currency’s smallest unit. For example, $5 USD would be returned as 500 (i.e, 500 cents).\n\nFor zero-decimal currencies, amounts will still be provided as an integer but without the need to divide by 100. For example, an amount of ¥5 (JPY) would be returned as 5.\n\nAll currency codes conform to [ISO 4217](\n\n## Support\n\nIf you have problems or need help with your case, you can always reach out to our Support.\n\n## Static IP\n\nSome of the APIs you want to use can require a static IP. Apideck's static IP feature allows you to use Apideck with a fixed IP avoiding the need for you to set up your own infrastructure. This feature is currently available to all Apideck customers.\nTo use this feature, the API Vendor will need to whitelist the associated static IP addresses.\nThe provided static IP addresses are fixed to their specified region and shared by all customers who use this feature.\n\n- EU Central 1: ****, ****, ****\n- Other: upcoming\n\n More info about our data security can be found at [](\n\n" contact: email: url: x-logo: url: license: name: Apache 2.0 url: x-apideck-api: connector x-apideck-sdk-support: true externalDocs: description: Apideck Developer Docs url: servers: - url: components: parameters: id: in: path name: id schema: type: string required: true description: ID of the record you are acting upon. applicationId: name: x-apideck-app-id in: header required: true description: The ID of your Unify application schema: type: string example: dSBdXd2H6Mqwfg0atXHXYcysLJE9qyn1VwBtXHX x-speakeasy-name-override: appId x-speakeasy-globals-hidden: true resourceId: in: path name: resource_id schema: type: string required: true description: ID of the resource you are acting upon. limit: name: limit in: query description: Number of results to return. Minimum 1, Maximum 200, Default 20 schema: type: integer minimum: 1 maximum: 200 default: 20 cursor: name: cursor in: query description: Cursor to start from. You can find cursors for next/previous pages in the meta.cursors property of the response. schema: type: string nullable: true apiId: in: path name: api_id schema: type: string required: true description: ID of the Unified API doc_id: in: path name: doc_id schema: type: string required: true description: ID of the Doc example: application_owner+oauth_credentials unifiedApi: in: query name: unified_api schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UnifiedApiId' required: false description: Specify unified API for the connector resource. This is useful when a resource appears in multiple APIs connectors_filter: name: filter in: query description: Apply filters style: deepObject explode: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectorsFilter' apis_filter: name: filter in: query description: Apply filters style: deepObject explode: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApisFilter' responses: BadRequestResponse: description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BadRequestResponse' GetApiResponse: description: Apis content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetApiResponse' GetApisResponse: description: Apis content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetApisResponse' GetConnectorResourceResponse: description: ConnectorResources content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetConnectorResourceResponse' GetConnectorResourceExampleResponse: description: Connector Resource Example content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetConnectorResourceExampleResponse' GetConnectorResourceSchemaResponse: description: Connector Resource Schema content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetConnectorResourceSchemaResponse' GetApiResourceResponse: description: ApiResources content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetApiResourceResponse' GetApiResourceCoverageResponse: description: ApiResources content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetApiResourceCoverageResponse' GetConnectorResponse: description: Connectors content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetConnectorResponse' GetConnectorDocResponse: description: Connectors content: text/markdown: schema: type: string format: markdown GetConnectorsResponse: description: Connectors content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetConnectorsResponse' NotFoundResponse: description: The specified resource was not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotFoundResponse' PaymentRequiredResponse: description: Payment Required content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaymentRequiredResponse' TooManyRequestsResponse: description: Too Many Requests content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TooManyRequestsResponse' UnauthorizedResponse: description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UnauthorizedResponse' UnexpectedErrorResponse: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UnexpectedErrorResponse' schemas: Api: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: Api properties: id: type: string description: ID of the API. example: file-storage readOnly: true type: type: string description: Indicates whether the API is a Unified API. If unified_api is false, the API is a Platform API. enum: - platform - unified name: type: string description: Name of the API. example: File Storage API description: type: string description: Description of the API. example: Manage API keys, access tokens, OAuth flows and integrations. nullable: true status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiStatus' spec_url: type: string description: Link to the latest OpenAPI specification of the API. example: api_reference_url: type: string description: Link to the API reference of the API. example: postman_collection_id: type: string description: ID of the Postman collection of the API. example: 1311564-00e7266b-a3d6-4f40-b172-baaa66a3ed6f nullable: true categories: type: array description: List of categories the API belongs to. example: - files - file-storage - cloud-storage - object-storage items: type: string resources: type: array description: List of resources supported in this API. items: type: object properties: id: type: string description: ID of the resource, typically a lowercased version of its name. example: companies name: type: string description: Name of the resource (plural) example: Companies status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceStatus' excluded_from_coverage: type: boolean description: Exclude from mapping coverage example: false events: type: array description: List of event types this API supports. example: - - accounting.invoice.created items: type: string ApiResource: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: ApiResource properties: id: type: string description: ID of the resource, typically a lowercased version of name. example: companies name: type: string description: Name of the resource (plural) example: Companies status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceStatus' linked_resources: type: array description: List of linked resources. items: type: object properties: id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceId' unified_property: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UnifiedProperty' schema: type: object description: JSON Schema of the resource in our Unified API example: required: - name - company_name x-pii: - name - email - first_name - last_name additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string example: '12345' readOnly: true name: type: string example: Elon Musk minLength: 1 updated_at: type: string example: '2020-09-30T07:43:32.000Z' readOnly: true created_at: type: string example: '2020-09-30T07:43:32.000Z' readOnly: true x-json-schema: true ApiResourceCoverage: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: ApiResourceCoverage properties: id: type: string description: ID of the resource, typically a lowercased version of name. example: companies name: type: string description: Name of the resource (plural) example: Companies status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceStatus' coverage: type: array items: type: object properties: downstream_id: type: string description: ID of the resource in the Connector's API (downstream) example: accounts downstream_name: type: string description: Name of the resource in the Connector's API (downstream) example: Accounts pagination_supported: type: boolean description: Indicates if pagination (cursor and limit parameters) is supported on the list endpoint of the resource. pagination: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaginationCoverage' supported_operations: type: array description: List of supported operations on the resource. example: - all - one - add - update - delete items: type: string supported_filters: type: array description: Supported filters on the list endpoint of the resource. example: - name - email items: type: string supported_sort_by: type: array description: Supported sorting properties on the list endpoint of the resource. example: - updated_at - created_at - name items: type: string supported_fields: type: array description: Supported fields on the detail endpoint. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SupportedProperty' supported_list_fields: type: array description: Supported fields on the list endpoint. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SupportedProperty' ApisFilter: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: ApisFilter example: status: beta properties: status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiStatus' additionalProperties: false ApiStatus: type: string enum: - live - beta - development - considering description: Status of the API. APIs with status live or beta are callable. BadRequestResponse: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: BadRequest properties: status_code: type: number description: HTTP status code example: 400 error: type: string description: Contains an explanation of the status_code as defined in HTTP/1.1 standard (RFC 7231) example: Bad Request type_name: type: string description: The type of error returned example: RequestValidationError message: type: string description: A human-readable message providing more details about the error. example: Invalid Params x-speakeasy-error-message: true detail: anyOf: - type: string example: Missing property foobar - type: object additionalProperties: true example: missing: - foobar: required description: Contains parameter or domain specific information related to the error and why it occurred. ref: type: string description: Link to documentation of error type example: Connector: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: Connector properties: id: type: string description: ID of the connector. example: crm+salesforce readOnly: true name: type: string description: Name of the connector. example: Salesforce status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectorStatus' description: type: string title: Description description: A description of the object. example: A description nullable: true icon_url: type: string format: uri description: Link to a small square icon for the connector. example: logo_url: type: string format: uri description: Link to the full logo for the connector. example: website_url: type: string format: uri description: Link to the connector's website. example: signup_url: type: string format: uri description: Link to the connector's signup page. example: partner_signup_url: type: string format: uri description: Link to the connector's partner program signup page. example: free_trial_available: type: boolean description: Set to `true` when the connector offers a free trial. Use `signup_url` to sign up for a free trial auth_type: type: string x-apideck-enum-id: auth_types enum: - oauth2 - apiKey - basic - custom - none example: oauth2 description: Type of authorization used by the connector readOnly: true auth_only: type: boolean description: Indicates whether a connector only supports authentication. In this case the connector is not mapped to a Unified API, but can be used with the Proxy API example: true readOnly: true blind_mapped: type: boolean description: Set to `true` when connector was implemented from downstream docs only and without API access. This state indicates that integration will require Apideck support, and access to downstream API to validate mapping quality. example: true readOnly: true oauth_grant_type: type: string x-apideck-enum-id: oauth_grant_types enum: - authorization_code - client_credentials - password example: authorization_code description: 'OAuth grant type used by the connector. More info:' readOnly: true oauth_credentials_source: type: string x-apideck-enum-id: oauth_credentials_source enum: - integration - connection example: integration description: Location of the OAuth client credentials. For most connectors the OAuth client credentials are stored on integration and managed by the application owner. For others they are stored on connection and managed by the consumer in Vault. readOnly: true oauth_scopes: type: array description: List of OAuth Scopes available for this connector. items: type: object properties: id: type: string description: ID of the OAuth scope. example: contacts:all label: type: string description: Label of the OAuth scope. example: Read/write on the Contacts resource default_apis: type: array description: List of Unified APIs that request this OAuth Scope by default. Application owners can customize the requested scopes. items: type: string description: ID of the Unified API. example: crm custom_scopes: type: boolean description: Set to `true` when connector allows the definition of custom scopes. example: true readOnly: true has_sandbox_credentials: type: boolean description: Indicates whether Apideck Sandbox OAuth credentials are available. example: true settings: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectorSetting' service_id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ServiceId' unified_apis: type: array description: List of Unified APIs that feature this connector. items: type: object properties: id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UnifiedApiId' name: type: string description: Name of the API. example: File Storage API auth_only: type: boolean description: Indicates whether a connector only supports authentication. In this case the connector is not mapped to a Unified API, but can be used with the Proxy API example: true readOnly: true oauth_scopes: type: array items: type: object description: OAuth scopes required for the connector. Add these scopes to your OAuth app. example: id: contacts:all label: Read/write on the Contacts resource properties: id: type: string description: ID of the OAuth scope. example: contacts:all label: type: string description: Label of the OAuth scope. example: Read/write on the Contacts resource supported_resources: type: array description: List of resources that are supported on the connector. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LinkedConnectorResource' downstream_unsupported_resources: type: array description: List of resources that are not supported on the downstream. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceId' supported_events: type: array description: List of events that are supported on the connector for this Unified API. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectorEvent' supported_resources: type: array description: List of resources that are supported on the connector. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LinkedConnectorResource' configurable_resources: type: array description: List of resources that have settings that can be configured. example: - leads - companies items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceId' supported_events: type: array description: List of events that are supported on the connector across all Unified APIs. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectorEvent' webhook_support: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WebhookSupport' schema_support: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SchemaSupport' docs: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectorDoc' tls_support: type: object properties: type: type: string description: type: string description: Description of the TLS support ConnectorDoc: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: ConnectorDoc properties: id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Id' name: type: string description: Name of the doc. example: connection audience: type: string description: Audience for the doc. enum: - application_owner - consumer format: type: string description: Format of the doc. enum: - markdown url: type: string format: uri description: Link to fetch the content of the doc. example: ConnectorEvent: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: ConnectorEvent description: Unify event that is supported on the connector. Events are delivered via Webhooks. properties: event_type: type: string description: Unify event type example: employee.created event_source: type: string description: Unify event source example: native enum: - native - virtual downstream_event_type: type: string description: Downstream event type example: person_created resources: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceId' entity_type: type: string description: Unify entity type example: employee ConnectorResource: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: ConnectorResource properties: id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceId' name: type: string description: Name of the resource (plural) example: Companies downstream_id: type: string description: ID of the resource in the Connector's API (downstream) example: accounts downstream_name: type: string description: Name of the resource in the Connector's API (downstream) example: Accounts status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceStatus' pagination_supported: type: boolean description: Indicates if pagination (cursor and limit parameters) is supported on the list endpoint of the resource. pagination: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaginationCoverage' custom_fields_supported: type: boolean description: Indicates if custom fields are supported on this resource. supported_operations: type: array description: List of supported operations on the resource. example: - all - one - add - update - delete items: type: string downstream_unsupported_operations: type: array description: List of operations that are not supported on the downstream. example: - upload items: type: string supported_filters: type: array description: Supported filters on the list endpoint of the resource. example: - name - email items: type: string supported_sort_by: type: array description: Supported sorting properties on the list endpoint of the resource. example: - updated_at - created_at - name items: type: string supported_fields: type: array description: Supported fields on the detail endpoint. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SupportedProperty' supported_list_fields: type: array description: Supported fields on the list endpoint. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SupportedProperty' ConnectorResourceExample: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: ConnectorResourceExample ConnectorResourceSchema: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: ConnectorResourceSchema ConnectorSetting: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: ConnectorSetting properties: id: type: string example: pipeline_id label: type: string example: Pipeline type: enum: - text - checkbox - tel - email - url - textarea - select - filtered-select - multi-select - datetime - date - time - number - password example: select ConnectorsFilter: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: ConnectorsFilter example: unified_api: file-storage properties: unified_api: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UnifiedApiId' status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectorStatus' additionalProperties: false ConnectorStatus: type: string enum: - live - beta - development - considering description: Status of the connector. Connectors with status live or beta are callable. GetApiResourceCoverageResponse: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: GetApiResourceCoverageResponse required: - status_code - status - data properties: status_code: type: integer description: HTTP Response Status Code example: 200 status: type: string description: HTTP Response Status example: OK data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiResourceCoverage' meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta' links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links' GetApiResourceResponse: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: GetApiResourceResponse required: - status_code - status - data properties: status_code: type: integer description: HTTP Response Status Code example: 200 status: type: string description: HTTP Response Status example: OK data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiResource' meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta' links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links' GetApiResponse: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: GetApiResponse required: - status_code - status - data properties: status_code: type: integer description: HTTP Response Status Code example: 200 status: type: string description: HTTP Response Status example: OK data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Api' meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta' links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links' GetApisResponse: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: GetApisResponse required: - status_code - status - data properties: status_code: type: integer description: HTTP Response Status Code example: 200 status: type: string description: HTTP Response Status example: OK data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Api' meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta' links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links' GetConnectorResourceExampleResponse: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: GetConnectorResourceExampleResponse required: - status_code - status - data properties: status_code: type: integer description: HTTP Response Status Code example: 200 status: type: string description: HTTP Response Status example: OK data: type: object properties: unified_api: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UnifiedApiId' service_id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ServiceId' resource: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LinkedConnectorResource' example_response: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectorResourceExample' GetConnectorResourceResponse: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: GetConnectorResourceResponse required: - status_code - status - data properties: status_code: type: integer description: HTTP Response Status Code example: 200 status: type: string description: HTTP Response Status example: OK data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectorResource' meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta' links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links' GetConnectorResourceSchemaResponse: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: GetConnectorResourceSchemaResponse required: - status_code - status - data properties: status_code: type: integer description: HTTP Response Status Code example: 200 status: type: string description: HTTP Response Status example: OK data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectorResourceSchema' GetConnectorResponse: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: GetConnectorResponse required: - status_code - status - data properties: status_code: type: integer description: HTTP Response Status Code example: 200 status: type: string description: HTTP Response Status example: OK data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Connector' meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta' links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links' GetConnectorsResponse: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: GetConnectorsResponse required: - status_code - status - data properties: status_code: type: integer description: HTTP Response Status Code example: 200 status: type: string description: HTTP Response Status example: OK data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Connector' meta: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Meta' links: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Links' Id: type: string title: ID description: A unique identifier for an object. example: '12345' readOnly: true LinkedConnectorResource: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: LinkedConnectorResource properties: id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceId' name: type: string description: Name of the resource (plural) example: Companies status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourceStatus' downstream_id: type: string description: ID of the resource in the Connector's API (downstream) example: accounts downstream_name: type: string description: Name of the resource in the Connector's API (downstream) example: Accounts Links: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: Links description: Links to navigate to previous or next pages through the API properties: previous: type: string description: Link to navigate to the previous page through the API example: nullable: true current: type: string description: Link to navigate to the current page through the API example: next: type: string description: Link to navigate to the previous page through the API example: nullable: true Meta: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: Meta description: Response metadata properties: items_on_page: type: integer description: Number of items returned in the data property of the response example: 50 cursors: type: object description: Cursors to navigate to previous or next pages through the API properties: previous: type: string description: Cursor to navigate to the previous page of results through the API example: em9oby1jcm06OnBhZ2U6OjE= nullable: true current: type: string description: Cursor to navigate to the current page of results through the API example: em9oby1jcm06OnBhZ2U6OjI= nullable: true next: type: string description: Cursor to navigate to the next page of results through the API example: em9oby1jcm06OnBhZ2U6OjM= nullable: true NotFoundResponse: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: NotFound properties: status_code: type: number description: HTTP status code example: 404 error: type: string description: Contains an explanation of the status_code as defined in HTTP/1.1 standard (RFC 7231) example: Not Found type_name: type: string description: The type of error returned example: EntityNotFoundError message: type: string description: A human-readable message providing more details about the error. example: Unknown Widget x-speakeasy-error-message: true detail: anyOf: - type: string example: "Could not find widget with id: '123'" - type: object additionalProperties: true example: not_found: entity: widget id: '123' description: Contains parameter or domain specific information related to the error and why it occurred. ref: type: string description: Link to documentation of error type example: PaginationCoverage: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: ConnectorResource properties: mode: type: string enum: - native - virtual description: How pagination is implemented on this connector. Native mode means Apideck is using the pagination parameters of the connector. With virtual pagination, the connector does not support pagination, but Apideck emulates it. example: native paging_support: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the connector supports paging through results using the cursor parameter. limit_support: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the connector supports changing the page size by using the limit parameter. PaymentRequiredResponse: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: PaymentRequired properties: status_code: type: number description: HTTP status code example: 402 error: type: string description: Contains an explanation of the status_code as defined in HTTP/1.1 standard (RFC 7231) example: Payment Required type_name: type: string description: The type of error returned example: RequestLimitError message: type: string description: A human-readable message providing more details about the error. example: Request Limit Reached x-speakeasy-error-message: true detail: type: string description: Contains parameter or domain specific information related to the error and why it occurred. example: You have reached your limit of 2000 ref: type: string description: Link to documentation of error type example: ResourceId: type: string description: ID of the resource, typically a lowercased version of name. example: companies ResourceStatus: x-apideck-enum-id: connector.resource.status type: string enum: - live - beta - development - upcoming - considering description: Status of the resource. Resources with status live or beta are callable. ServiceId: type: string description: Service provider identifier example: close SchemaSupport: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: SchemaSupport description: When a connector has schema_support, a call can be made to retrieve a json schema that describes a downstream resource. properties: supported: type: boolean description: Can a resource schema be retrieved for this connector? example: true SupportedProperty: type: object properties: unified_property: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UnifiedProperty' child_properties: type: array description: List of child properties of the unified property. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SupportedProperty' TooManyRequestsResponse: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: TooManyRequests properties: status_code: type: number description: HTTP status code example: 429 error: type: string description: Contains an explanation of the status_code as defined in HTTP/1.1 standard (RFC 6585) example: Too Many Requests type_name: type: string description: The type of error returned example: ConnectorRateLimitError message: type: string description: A human-readable message providing more details about the error. example: Connector Rate Limit Error x-speakeasy-error-message: true detail: type: object properties: context: type: string error: type: object additionalProperties: true ref: type: string description: Link to documentation of error type example: UnauthorizedResponse: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: Unauthorized properties: status_code: type: number description: HTTP status code example: 401 error: type: string description: Contains an explanation of the status_code as defined in HTTP/1.1 standard (RFC 7231) example: Unauthorized type_name: type: string description: The type of error returned example: UnauthorizedError message: type: string description: A human-readable message providing more details about the error. example: Unauthorized Request x-speakeasy-error-message: true detail: anyOf: - type: string example: Missing authentication - type: object additionalProperties: true example: statusCode: 401 error: Unauthorized message: Missing authentication description: Contains parameter or domain specific information related to the error and why it occurred. ref: type: string description: Link to documentation of error type example: UnexpectedErrorResponse: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: Error properties: status_code: type: number description: HTTP status code example: 400 error: type: string description: Contains an explanation of the status_code as defined in HTTP/1.1 standard (RFC 7231) example: Bad Request type_name: type: string description: The type of error returned example: RequestHeadersValidationError message: type: string description: A human-readable message providing more details about the error. example: Invalid Params x-speakeasy-error-message: true detail: anyOf: - type: string example: 'Missing Header: x-apideck-consumer-id' - type: object additionalProperties: true example: missing: - x-apideck-consumer-id: required description: Contains parameter or domain specific information related to the error and why it occurred. ref: type: string description: Link to documentation of error type example: UnifiedApiId: description: Name of Apideck Unified API x-apideck-enum-id: unified_api enum: - accounting - ats - calendar - crm - csp - customer-support - ecommerce - email - email-marketing - expense-management - file-storage - form - hris - lead - payroll - pos - procurement - project-management - script - sms - spreadsheet - team-messaging - issue-tracking - time-registration - transactional-email - vault - data-warehouse example: crm type: string UnifiedProperty: type: string description: Name of the property in our Unified API. example: owner_id WebhookSupport: type: object x-apideck-schema-id: WebhookSupport description: How webhooks are supported for the connector. Sometimes the connector natively supports webhooks, other times Apideck virtualizes them based on polling. properties: mode: type: string description: Mode of the webhook support. example: native enum: - native - virtual - none subscription_level: type: string description: Received events are scoped to connection or across integration. example: integration enum: - connection - integration managed_via: type: string description: How the subscription is managed in the downstream. example: api enum: - manual - api virtual_webhooks: type: object title: Virtual Webhooks description: Virtual webhook config for the connector. required: - request_rate additionalProperties: false properties: request_rate: type: object title: Request Rate description: The rate at which requests for resources will be made to downstream. required: - rate - size - unit additionalProperties: false properties: rate: type: integer title: Rate description: The number of requests per window unit. size: type: integer title: Size of rate window description: Size of request window. unit: type: string title: Unit description: The window unit for the rate. enum: - second - minute - hour - day resources: type: object title: Resources description: The resources that will be requested from downstream. additionalProperties: type: object properties: events: type: array items: type: string securitySchemes: apiKey: type: apiKey in: header name: Authorization description: | To access our API, you need to sign up and obtain your unique API key. Each Unify application is assigned a single API key. You can locate your API key in the Configuration Settings section of your Apideck application. Additionally, your application’s application_id is available on the same page. Authenticate your API requests by including your test or live secret API key in the request header. - Bearer authorization header: `Authorization: Bearer "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"` - Application id header: `x-apideck-app-id: "YOUR_APP_ID_HERE"` You should use the public keys on the SDKs and the secret keys to authenticate API requests. **Do not share or include your secret API keys on client side code.** Your API keys carry significant privileges. Please ensure to keep them 100% secure and be sure to not share your secret API keys in areas that are publicly accessible like GitHub. Learn how to set the Authorization header inside Postman Go to Unify to grab your API KEY security: - apiKey: [] tags: - name: Connectors description: '' x-apideck-model: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Connector' - name: Connector Docs description: '' x-apideck-model: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectorDoc' - name: APIs description: '' x-apideck-model: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Api' - name: Connector Resources description: '' x-apideck-model: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectorResource' - name: API Resources description: '' x-apideck-model: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiResource' - name: Connector Resource Schema description: '' x-apideck-model: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectorResourceSchema' paths: /connector/connectors: get: tags: - Connectors operationId: connectorsAll summary: List Connectors description: List Connectors parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/applicationId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/cursor' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/limit' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/connectors_filter' security: - apiKey: [] responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/GetConnectorsResponse' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequestResponse' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedResponse' '402': $ref: '#/components/responses/PaymentRequiredResponse' default: $ref: '#/components/responses/UnexpectedErrorResponse' x-apideck-api: connector x-codeSamples: - lang: TypeScript label: Node source: | import { Apideck } from '@apideck/node' const apideck = new Apideck({ apiKey: 'REPLACE_WITH_API_KEY', appId: 'REPLACE_WITH_APP_ID' }) try { const { data } = await apideck.connector.connectorsAll({}) console.log('API called successfully', data) } catch (error) { console.error(error) } /connector/connectors/{id}: get: tags: - Connectors operationId: connectorsOne summary: Get Connector description: Get Connector parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/applicationId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/id' security: - apiKey: [] responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/GetConnectorResponse' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedResponse' '402': $ref: '#/components/responses/PaymentRequiredResponse' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFoundResponse' default: $ref: '#/components/responses/UnexpectedErrorResponse' x-apideck-api: connector x-codeSamples: - lang: TypeScript label: Node source: | import { Apideck } from '@apideck/node' const apideck = new Apideck({ apiKey: 'REPLACE_WITH_API_KEY', appId: 'REPLACE_WITH_APP_ID' }) try { const { data } = await apideck.connector.connectorsOne({ id: 'id_example' }) console.log('API called successfully', data) } catch (error) { console.error(error) } /connector/connectors/{id}/docs/{doc_id}: get: tags: - Connector Docs operationId: connectorDocsOne summary: Get Connector Doc content description: Get Connector Doc content parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/applicationId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/doc_id' security: - apiKey: [] responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/GetConnectorDocResponse' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedResponse' '402': $ref: '#/components/responses/PaymentRequiredResponse' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFoundResponse' default: $ref: '#/components/responses/UnexpectedErrorResponse' x-apideck-api: connector x-codeSamples: - lang: TypeScript label: Node source: | import { Apideck } from '@apideck/node' const apideck = new Apideck({ apiKey: 'REPLACE_WITH_API_KEY', appId: 'REPLACE_WITH_APP_ID' }) const params = { id: 'id_example', docId: 'application_owner+oauth_credentials' } try { const { data } = await apideck.connector.connectorDocsOne(params) console.log('API called successfully', data) } catch (error) { console.error(error) } /connector/connectors/{id}/resources/{resource_id}: get: tags: - Connector Resources operationId: connectorResourcesOne summary: Get Connector Resource description: Get Connector Resource parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/applicationId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/resourceId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/unifiedApi' security: - apiKey: [] responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/GetConnectorResourceResponse' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedResponse' '402': $ref: '#/components/responses/PaymentRequiredResponse' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFoundResponse' default: $ref: '#/components/responses/UnexpectedErrorResponse' x-apideck-api: connector x-codeSamples: - lang: TypeScript label: Node source: | import { Apideck } from '@apideck/node' const apideck = new Apideck({ apiKey: 'REPLACE_WITH_API_KEY', appId: 'REPLACE_WITH_APP_ID' }) const params = { id: 'id_example', resourceId: 'resource_id_example' } try { const { data } = await apideck.connector.connectorResourcesOne(params) console.log('API called successfully', data) } catch (error) { console.error(error) } /connector/connectors/{id}/resources/{resource_id}/unified_api/{api_id}/schema: get: tags: - Connector Resource Schema operationId: connectorResourcesSchema summary: Get Connector Resource Schema description: Get Connector Resource Schema x-sdk-exclude: true x-internal: true parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/applicationId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/resourceId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/apiId' security: - apiKey: [] responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/GetConnectorResourceSchemaResponse' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedResponse' '402': $ref: '#/components/responses/PaymentRequiredResponse' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFoundResponse' default: $ref: '#/components/responses/UnexpectedErrorResponse' x-apideck-api: connector x-codeSamples: - lang: TypeScript label: Node source: | import { Apideck } from '@apideck/node' const apideck = new Apideck({ apiKey: 'REPLACE_WITH_API_KEY', appId: 'REPLACE_WITH_APP_ID' }) const params = { id: 'id_example', resourceId: 'resource_id_example', apiId: 'api_id_example' } try { const { data } = await apideck.connector.connectorResourcesSchema(params) console.log('API called successfully', data) } catch (error) { console.error(error) } /connector/connectors/{id}/resources/{resource_id}/unified_api/{api_id}/example: get: tags: - Connector Resource Example operationId: connectorResourcesExample summary: Get Connector Resource Example description: Get Connector Resource Example x-sdk-exclude: true x-internal: true parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/applicationId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/resourceId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/apiId' security: - apiKey: [] responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/GetConnectorResourceExampleResponse' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedResponse' '402': $ref: '#/components/responses/PaymentRequiredResponse' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFoundResponse' default: $ref: '#/components/responses/UnexpectedErrorResponse' x-apideck-api: connector x-codeSamples: - lang: TypeScript label: Node source: | import { Apideck } from '@apideck/node' const apideck = new Apideck({ apiKey: 'REPLACE_WITH_API_KEY', appId: 'REPLACE_WITH_APP_ID' }) const params = { id: 'id_example', resourceId: 'resource_id_example', apiId: 'api_id_example' } try { const { data } = await apideck.connector.connectorResourcesExample(params) console.log('API called successfully', data) } catch (error) { console.error(error) } /connector/apis: get: tags: - APIs operationId: apisAll summary: List APIs description: List APIs parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/applicationId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/cursor' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/limit' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/apis_filter' security: - apiKey: [] responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/GetApisResponse' '400': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequestResponse' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedResponse' '402': $ref: '#/components/responses/PaymentRequiredResponse' default: $ref: '#/components/responses/UnexpectedErrorResponse' x-apideck-api: connector x-codeSamples: - lang: TypeScript label: Node source: | import { Apideck } from '@apideck/node' const apideck = new Apideck({ apiKey: 'REPLACE_WITH_API_KEY', appId: 'REPLACE_WITH_APP_ID' }) try { const { data } = await apideck.connector.apisAll({}) console.log('API called successfully', data) } catch (error) { console.error(error) } /connector/apis/{id}: get: tags: - APIs operationId: apisOne summary: Get API description: Get API parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/applicationId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/id' security: - apiKey: [] responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/GetApiResponse' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedResponse' '402': $ref: '#/components/responses/PaymentRequiredResponse' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFoundResponse' default: $ref: '#/components/responses/UnexpectedErrorResponse' x-apideck-api: connector x-codeSamples: - lang: TypeScript label: Node source: | import { Apideck } from '@apideck/node' const apideck = new Apideck({ apiKey: 'REPLACE_WITH_API_KEY', appId: 'REPLACE_WITH_APP_ID' }) try { const { data } = await apideck.connector.apisOne({ id: 'id_example' }) console.log('API called successfully', data) } catch (error) { console.error(error) } /connector/apis/{id}/resources/{resource_id}: get: tags: - API Resources operationId: apiResourcesOne summary: Get API Resource description: Get API Resource parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/applicationId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/resourceId' security: - apiKey: [] responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/GetApiResourceResponse' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedResponse' '402': $ref: '#/components/responses/PaymentRequiredResponse' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFoundResponse' default: $ref: '#/components/responses/UnexpectedErrorResponse' x-apideck-api: connector x-codeSamples: - lang: TypeScript label: Node source: | import { Apideck } from '@apideck/node' const apideck = new Apideck({ apiKey: 'REPLACE_WITH_API_KEY', appId: 'REPLACE_WITH_APP_ID' }) const params = { id: 'id_example', resourceId: 'resource_id_example' } try { const { data } = await apideck.connector.apiResourcesOne(params) console.log('API called successfully', data) } catch (error) { console.error(error) } /connector/apis/{id}/resources/{resource_id}/coverage: get: tags: - API Resources operationId: apiResourceCoverageOne summary: Get API Resource Coverage description: Get API Resource Coverage parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/applicationId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/id' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/resourceId' security: - apiKey: [] responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/GetApiResourceCoverageResponse' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/UnauthorizedResponse' '402': $ref: '#/components/responses/PaymentRequiredResponse' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFoundResponse' default: $ref: '#/components/responses/UnexpectedErrorResponse' x-apideck-api: connector x-codeSamples: - lang: TypeScript label: Node source: | import { Apideck } from '@apideck/node' const apideck = new Apideck({ apiKey: 'REPLACE_WITH_API_KEY', appId: 'REPLACE_WITH_APP_ID' }) const params = { id: 'id_example', resourceId: 'resource_id_example' } try { const { data } = await apideck.connector.apiResourceCoverageOne(params) console.log('API called successfully', data) } catch (error) { console.error(error) }