#! /bin/sh # # Download microgateway OS="$(uname)" if [ "x${OS}" = "xDarwin" ] ; then arch="$(uname -m)" if [ "y${arch}" = "yx86_64" ]; then OSEXT="Darwin_x86_64" else OSEXT="Darwin_386" fi else # TODO we should check more/complain if not likely to work, etc... arch="$(uname -m)" if [ "y${arch}" = "yx86_64" ]; then OSEXT="Linux_x86_64" else OSEXT="Linux_386" fi fi tag=$1 if [[ "$tag" == "" ]]; then if [ "x${EDGEMICRO_VERSION}" = "x" ] ; then EDGEMICRO_VERSION=$(curl -L -s https://api.github.com/repos/apigee-internal/microgateway/releases/latest | \ grep tag_name | sed "s/ *\"tag_name\": *\"\(.*\)\",*/\1/") fi else if [ "x${EDGEMICRO_VERSION}" = "x" ] ; then EDGEMICRO_VERSION=$(curl -L -s https://api.github.com/repos/apigee-internal/microgateway/releases/tags/$tag | \ grep tag_name | sed "s/ *\"tag_name\": *\"\(.*\)\",*/\1/") fi fi NAME="microgateway_${EDGEMICRO_VERSION}_${OSEXT}" URL="https://github.com/apigee-internal/microgateway/releases/download/${EDGEMICRO_VERSION}/${NAME}.tar.gz" echo "Downloading $NAME from $URL ..." curl -L "$URL" | tar xz && cd $NAME && mkdir -p bin && mv edgemicroctl bin/edgemicroctl # TODO: change this so the version is in the tgz/directory name (users trying multiple versions) echo "Downloaded into $NAME:" BINDIR="$(cd bin; pwd)" echo "Add $BINDIR to your path; e.g copy paste in your shell and/or ~/.profile:" echo "export PATH=\"\$PATH:$BINDIR\""