[comment]: <> "NOTE! Ensure all images are added via the \[label\]\(link\) syntax!" ## 2024-06-28 | What's new | | | :--------- | :-: | | Proposal check severity can now be configured at the variant level. Find this in Checks Config > This Variant > Proposals. With this, you can configure proposal checks to `Error` on a dev variant, but `Warn` on a Prod variant to allow hot fixes to go through, for example. | ![image](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-studio-community/assets/1314446/c05c18cc-016a-47e4-b668-999cdd22b3ce) ## 2024-06-24 | What's new | | | :--------- | :-: | | We are excited to announce a new and improved Operation Checks view in Studio 🎉 You can now see the full list of checked operations including broken, potentially affected, safe, and ignored operations. We also added a convenient search bar for operations and a status filter. | ![image](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-studio-community/assets/9286598/25459bc0-c8fa-4e76-b63c-b781be5f0ea6) ## 2024-06-21 | What's new | | | :--------- | :-: | | [Schema proposals webhook notifications](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/graphos/metrics/notifications/schema-proposal-integration/) - GraphOS can now be configured to send a notification to a webhook endpoint whenever schema proposals are created, revised or if their status changes. Find this in the `Reporting` tab of graph settings. | ![image](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-studio-community/assets/1314446/09f788a7-7e64-46e6-9eee-4401678a2509) ## 2024-03-15 | What's new | | | :--------- | :-: | | [Schema Visualization](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/graphos/graphs/studio-features/#schema-visualization) in Studio is now available. Head over to the Visualization tab on the Schema page to explore a graphical representation of your schema. | ![image](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-studio-community/assets/3953093/9e32c188-2c48-40d4-8028-fe24c53242f5) ## 2024-02-08 | What's new | | | :--------- | :-: | | For Studio Enterprise teams, [Schema Change Proposals](https://apollographql.com/blog/graphos-schema-proposals-a-principled-development-workflow-for-graphql-api-platforms) are now generally available to help teams collaborate on schema changes before laying down code. | ![image](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-studio-community/assets/743976/ce00e365-316a-49f1-aec7-eef3fa95b8e1) ## 2024-01-04 Happy new year! 🥳 | What's new | | | :--------- | :-: | | The operation request latency chart now includes options for viewing changes to individual percentile latencies overtime! | ![image](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-studio-community/assets/9868979/930956d3-aa6a-45f5-8798-5d4564d65759) | --- For entries before 2024 see the [changelog archives](https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-studio-community/tree/main/changelog-archives).