## Overview **This package is for Sublime Text 3+**. An old version for Sublime Text 2 is accessible via the [`st2` branch](https://github.com/SublimeText/BetterCoffeeScript/tree/st2). ## Description CoffeeScript plug-in was originally created by @Xavura. As I, @aponxi, began writing a lot of code in CoffeeScript, I felt the need for side-by-side view for compiled CoffeeScript. Since Xavura's repository have been inactive I decided to branch out my own version. The biggest change in my branch is the Watch Mode which updates the compiled JavaScript view whenever you modify the CoffeeScript thus enabling you to view your progress side-by-side. ## Contributing - Please use the [issues page](https://github.com/SublimeText/BetterCoffeeScript/issues) to make requests or report bugs. - Please make _pull requests_ to the `master` branch only. ST2 is not supported anymore. # Installation ## via Package Control > This is the recommended installation method. If you have [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/), you know what to do. If not, well: it's a package manager for Sublime Text 3. Installation guide can be [found here](https://packagecontrol.io/installation). After installing the package manager: * Open the Command Pallete (`ctrl+shift+P` or `cmd+shift+P`). * Type "Install Package" and hit return. * Type "CoffeeScript" and hit return. ## via Source Control > If you plan to contribute, then you should install via this method. Otherwise it is recommended that you install the package via Package Control, see above. Sublime stores packages in the following locations: Nix: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/packages Mac: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages Win: %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages When using Sublime Text 4 or higher, the directory without the "3" (and the preceding separator character) will be preferred. ### As a repository within the packages directory Open a Terminal/Console and run the following commands, replacing `PACKAGE_PATH` with the path corresponding to your OS above. cd PACKAGE_PATH git clone https://github.com/SublimeText/BetterCoffeeScript.git "CoffeeScript" ### As a repository outside of the packages directory If you use Github for Mac/Windows which store repositories in a specific location, or if you just don't want a repository in your packages directory, then instead you can use a link. If you don't yet have the repository, then grab it via your GUI program or via the command line: cd WHEREVER_YOU_WANT git clone https://github.com/SublimeText/BetterCoffeeScript.git Once that is done, we will create the link: #### Windows: cd PACKAGE_PATH mklink /D "CoffeeScript" ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_REPOSITORY #### Nix/Mac: cd PACKAGE_PATH ln -s ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_REPOSITORY "CoffeeScript" # Commands/Shortcuts You can access the commands either using the command palette (`ctrl+shift+P` or `cmd+shift+P`) or via shortcuts. alt+shift+t - Run a Cake task alt+shift+r - Run some CoffeeScript (prints output to a panel on the bottom) alt+shift+s - Run a syntax check alt+shift+c - Compile a file alt+shift+d - Display compiled JavaScript alt+shift+l - Display lexer tokens alt+shift+n - Display parser nodes alt+shift+w - Toggle watch mode alt+shift+p - Toggle output panel Context menu has `Compile Output` that compiles the current CoffeeScript and outputs the javascript code that is run, in a panel. **Note:** Some of the commands use the Status Bar for output, so you'll probably want to enable it (View » Show Status Bar). # Snippets - Use `TAB` to run a snippet after typing the trigger. - Use `TAB` and `shift+TAB` to cycle forward/backward through fields. - Use `ESC` to exit snippet mode. ### Snippet Triggers **Comprehension** Array: forin Object: forof Range: fori (inclusive) Range: forx (exclusive) **Statements** If: if Else: el If Else: ifel Else If: elif Switch: swi Ternary: ter Try Catch: try Unless: unl **Classes** Class - cla Class extends SuperClass - clx **Other** Function: - Function: = (bound) Interpolation: # # Building > When using the build system, it is assumed that your `.sublime-project` file lives in your project's base directory (due to limitations with the build system). Hitting `F7` (Tools » Build) will run the Cake task 'sbuild'. If you're not quite sure what the point of this is then read on. Let's say before distributing your project that you would like to combine all of your `.js` files into one and then minify them them using UglifyJS or something. That's what this is for! You would create a `Cakefile` and inside it you would write a task: task 'sbuild', 'Prepare project for distribution.', -> # ... # Settings Go to `Preferences > Package Settings > CoffeeScript > Settings - User` to change settings. ```Javascript { /* The directories you would like to include in $PATH environment variable. Use this if your node installation is at a separate location and getting errors such as `cannot find node executable` example: "envPATH": "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" */ "envPATH": "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", /* The directory containing your coffee binary. Usually /usr/local/bin. */ "binDir": "/usr/local/bin" /* Compile without the top-level function wrapper (coffee -b). */ , "noWrapper": true /* Enable or disable refresh the compiled Output on Save. Only available for watch mode. */ , "watchOnSave": true /* Enable refreshing compiled JS when CoffeeScript is modified. Put false to disable Put a number of seconds to delay the refresh */ , "watchOnModified": 0.5 /* Enable Compiling on save. It will compile into the same folder. */ , "compileOnSave": true /* ## Enable outputting the results of the compiled coffeescript in a panel */ , "showOutputOnSave": false /* ## Enable compiling to a specific directory. #### Description if it is a string like 'some/directory' then `-o some/directory` will be added to `coffee` compiler. if it is false or not string then it will compile your `script.coffee` to the directory it is in. #### Example: Directory is relative to the file you are editing if specified such as compileDir": "out" Directory is absolute if specified such as compileDir": "/home/logan/Desktop/out" */ , "compileDir": false /* ## Enable compiling to a specific relative directories. #### Example: Set absolute path for compile dir: "compileDir": "/home/user/projects/js" And specified folders "relativeDir": "/home/user/projects/coffee" "compilePaths": { "/home/user/projects/coffee": "/home/user/projects/first/js", "/home/user/projects/second/coffee": "../js", } So "/home/user/projects/coffee/app.coffee" will compile to "/home/user/projects/first/js/app.js" "/home/user/projects/coffee/models/prod.coffee" will compile to "/home/user/projects/first/js/models/prod.js" "/home/user/projects/coffee/second/coffee/app2.coffee" will compile to "/home/user/projects/second/js/app2.js" "/home/user/projects/main.coffee" will compile to "/home/user/projects/js/main.js" */ , "compilePaths": false } ``` ## Project settings Go to `Project > Edit Project` to change project settings. ```Javascript { "folders": [ ... ], "settings": { "CoffeeScript": { "noWrapper": true, "compileOnSave": true, "compileDir": "out" } } } ``` # FAQ Most of the linux terminal commands written here can be run via [cygwin](http://cygwin.com/install.html) - aka Linux Terminal in Windows. - Most of the problems are related to configurations. Remember to configure `binDir` after you install! - Do I have coffee-script installed? Try finding coffee-script in your global npm list with `npm ls -g | grep coffee` which will output something like: ```bash npm ls -g | grep coffee # will output: #├── coffee-script@1.6.3 #├─┬ coffeelint@0.5.6 #│ ├── coffee-script@1.6.3 #├── UNMET DEPENDENCY generator-coffee * #│ │ ├── coffee-script@1.3.3 ``` - Where can I find out the path to coffee binary? In Linux `which` command will tell you where a command originates from. In terminal type: ```bash which coffee # /usr/bin/coffee ``` This path will go into the `binDir` setting. - I'm getting the error message `'coffee' is not recognized as an internal or external command,` when saving. The coffee-script binary probably is not installed. Either install coffee-script or set `checkSyntaxOnSave` and `compileOnSave` to `false` in `Preferences > Package Settings > CoffeeScript > Settings - User`. # Latest Changelog ### v0.7.0 01/June/2013 - merged st3 with master branch - now the sublime text 2 support is in st2 branch - fixed the @ highlight in language definitions - fixed an error you would get when it was looking for project settings when it wasn't a project we were editing # Special Thanks Thanks to [everyone who has contributed to this project](https://github.com/SublimeText/BetterCoffeeScript/graphs/contributors). You guys rock!