module Uber module InheritableAttr def inheritable_attr(name, options={}) instance_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name}=(v) @#{name} = v end def #{name} return @#{name} if instance_variable_defined?(:@#{name}) @#{name} = InheritableAttribute.inherit_for(self, :#{name}, #{options}) end RUBY end def self.inherit_for(klass, name, options={}) return unless klass.superclass.respond_to?(name) value = klass.superclass.send(name) # could be nil return value if options[:clone] == false Clone.(value) # this could be dynamic, allowing other inheritance strategies. end class Clone # The second argument allows injecting more types. def, uncloneable=uncloneable()) uncloneable.each { |klass| return value if value.kind_of?(klass) } value.clone end def self.uncloneable [Symbol, TrueClass, FalseClass, NilClass] end end end InheritableAttribute = InheritableAttr end