# v6.1.1 (Jan 5, 2021) * chore: Updated dependencies. # v6.1.0 (Dec 1, 2020) * chore: Updated dependencies. # v6.0.0 (Aug 25, 2020) * BREAKING CHANGE: Remove old Android SDK and NDK search paths. * chore: Updated dependencies. # v5.0.0 (Jun 22, 2020) * BREAKING CHANGE: Removed Genymotion and VirtualBox support. [(DAEMON-313)](https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/DAEMON-313) * BREAKING CHANGE: Dropped support for Node.js 10.12 and older. * fix: Switched from `errno` to `code` in connect catch due to breaking change in Node.js v13/14. * chore: Updated dependencies. # v4.1.0 (Feb 13, 2020) * feat: Added support for Android NDK (side by side) installs. [(DAEMON-322)](https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/DAEMON-322) * feat: Added `sdk` and `ndk` commands to `androidlib` CLI. * feat: Added `ndk.getNDKs()` to match parity with SDKs. * chore: Updated dependencies. # v4.0.3 (Jan 8, 2020) * chore: Updated dependencies. # v4.0.2 (Jan 8, 2020) * chore: Updated dependencies. # v4.0.1 (Nov 7, 2019) * chore: Updated dependencies. # v4.0.0 (Aug 13, 2019) * BREAKING CHANGE: Updated to `appcd-util@2.0.0` which requires Node.js 8.1.0 or newer. * feat: Registered `androidlib` bin in `package.json`. * chore: Fixed eslint `hasOwnProperty` warnings. * chore: Updated dependencies. # v3.0.0 (Jun 5, 2019) * BREAKING CHANGE: Removed unused 'targets' property from SDKs. * chore: Updated dependencies. # v2.5.0 (Mar 29, 2019) * chore: Updated dependencies. # v2.4.0 (Jan 29, 2019) * fix(connection): Fixed bug when executing adb command over a connection and `bufferUntilClose` is `true` and the results hang because of listening to `close` instead of `end` event. * chore: Upgraded to Gulp 4. * chore: Updated dependencies. # v2.3.6 (Jun 14, 2018) * Fixed verbiage in invalid SDK when directory does not contain an emulator executable. # v2.3.5 (Jun 12, 2018) * Added support for scanning the Android SDK `emulator` directory for the emulator executable. ([TIMOB-26126](https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TIMOB-26126)) * Updated npm dependencies. * Removed `yarn.lock` from distribution. # v2.3.4 (Apr 9, 2018) * Updated npm dependencies. # v2.3.3 (Jan 10, 2018) * Fixed adb socket handling when adb goes away. # v2.3.2 (Jan 4, 2018) * Updated npm dependencies, namely gawk@4.4.5. * Updated copyright year. # v2.3.1 (Jan 4, 2018) * Prevent device changes from being emitted after stop tracking devices. * Clone internal devices array to strip gawk data before emitting. # v2.3.0 (Dec 6, 2017) * Fixed bug where an ADB connection wouldn't wait for data for certain queries such as getting devices. This was especially noticeable when querying devices several times. # v2.2.1 (Dec 6, 2017) * Added missing xmldom dependency. # v2.2.0 (Dec 6, 2017) * Fixed regression where track devices would return emulators along with the connected devices. * Removed unnecessary device call to initialize track devices. * Added better error handling when getting a devices properties. * Added more debug logging. # v2.1.1 (Dec 5, 2017) * Updated appcd npm deps to v1.0.0. # v2.1.0 (Dec 4, 2017) * Fixed bug where multiple simultaneous calls to ADB-related functions would try to start multiple ADB instances at the same time. * Added `close` event to ADB connection and device tracking. * Fixed bug where updated list of devices would only be emitted if devices were connected or disconnected, but not if a device property was changed. * Track devices now emits the initial list of connected devices instead of future changes only. # v2.0.11 (Nov 28, 2017) * Fixed bug in VirtualBox detection when trying to read non-existent `.xml` file. # v2.0.10 (Nov 28, 2017) * Fixed incorrect Genymotion search paths option name. * Default `adb` executable in options to `null`. # v2.0.9 (Nov 22, 2017) * Fixed Android NDK detection on Windows where certain NDK's `ndk-which` program did not include the `.cmd` extension. # v2.0.8 (Nov 22, 2017) * Fixed detection of Android SDK add-ons that use a `manifest.ini` instead of a `source.properties` file. * Fixed `.ini` file line match regular expression to properly handle commented out lines. # v2.0.7 (Nov 22, 2017) * Fixed populating emulator `basedOn`, `description`, `vendor`, and `version` properties. # v2.0.6 (Nov 22, 2017) * Fixed bug with detecting connected devices as emulators. # v2.0.5 (Nov 22, 2017) * Fixed bug with handling of Genymotion emulator ids. # v2.0.4 (Nov 22, 2017) * Updated NPM dependencies. # v2.0.3 (Nov 22, 2017) * Updated unnecessarily async emulator detection functions to sync. * Refactored Genymotion and VirtualBox detection. * Removed Genymotion detection dependency on `deployDir` and `vboxmanage`. # v2.0.2 (Nov 20, 2017) * Fixed bug getting emulators when list of Android SDKs is empty. # v2.0.1 (Nov 17, 2017) * Added missing macOS Genymotion mock files. * Fixed bug with custom Android SDK search paths. # v2.0.0 (Nov 17, 2017) * Initial release of the v2 rewrite. * Updated code to ES2015. * Support for detecting SDKs, NDKs, devices, Android emulators, and Genymotion emulators.