# Swift Protobuf Plugin --- The `protoc-gen-swift` program is a _plugin_ to Google's protoc compiler that works with protoc to translate proto files into Swift code. ## Getting Started If you've worked with Protocol Buffers before, adding Swift support is very simple: you just need to build the `protoc-gen-swift` program and copy it into any directory in your PATH. The protoc program will find and use it automatically, allowing you to build Swift sources for your proto files. You will also, of course, need to add the corresponding Swift runtime library to your project. ### System Requirements To use Swift with Protocol buffers, you'll need: * A recent Swift compiler. We recommend using the latest release build from [Swift.org](https://swift.org) or the command-line tools included with the latest version of Xcode. * Google's protoc compiler. You can get recent versions from [Google's github repository](https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf). ### Build and Install Building the plugin should be simple on any supported Swift platform: ``` git clone https://github.com/apple/swift-protobuf cd swift-protobuf swift build -c release ``` This will create a binary called `protoc-gen-swift` in the `.build/release` directory. To install, just copy this one executable anywhere in your PATH. ### Converting .proto files into Swift To generate Swift output for your .proto files, you run the `protoc` command as usual, using the `--swift_out=` option: ``` protoc --swift_out=. my.proto ``` The `protoc` program will automatically look for `protoc-gen-swift` in your `PATH` and use it. Each `.proto` input file will get translated to a corresponding `.pb.swift` file in the output directory. #### How to Specify Code-Generation Options The plugin tries to use reasonable default behaviors for the code it generates, but there are a few things that can be configured to specific needs. You can use the `--swift_opt` argument to `protoc` to pass options to the Swift code generator as follows: ``` protoc --swift_opt=[NAME]=[VALUE] --swift_out:. foo/bar/*.proto mumble/*.proto ``` If you need to specify multiple options, you can use more than one `--swift_opt` argument: ``` protoc \ --swift_opt=[NAME1]=[VALUE1] \ --swift_opt=[NAME2]=[VALUE2] \ --swift_out=. foo/bar/*.proto mumble/*.proto ``` _NOTE:_ protoc 3.2.0 does not recognize `--swift_opt` if you rely on `protoc-gen-swift` being found on the `PATH`. To work around this, you need to explicitly add the argument `--plugin=[PATH-TO-protoc-gen-swift]` to the command line, then the `--swift_opt` argument will be understood. If you are using protoc 3.2.1 or later, then this workaround is _not_ needed. ##### Generation Option: `FileNaming` - Naming of Generated Sources By default, the paths to the proto files are maintained on the generated files. So if you pass `foo/bar/my.proto`, you will get `foo/bar/my.pb.swift` in the output directory. The Swift plugin supports an option to control the generated file names, the option is given as part of the `--swift_opt` argument like this: ``` protoc --swift_opt=FileNaming=[value] --swift_out=. foo/bar/*.proto mumble/*.proto ``` The possible values for `FileNaming` are: * `FullPath` (default): Like all other languages, "foo/bar/baz.proto" makes "foo/bar/baz.pb.swift. * `PathToUnderscores`: To help with things like the Swift Package Manager where someone might want all the files in one directory; "foo/bar/baz.proto" makes "foo_bar_baz.pb.swift". * `DropPath`: Drop the path from the input and just write all files into the output directory; "foo/bar/baz.proto" makes "baz.pb.swift". ##### Generation Option: `Visibility` - Visibility of Generated Types By default, SwiftProtobuf does not specify a visibility for the generated types, methods, and properties. As a result, these will end up with the default (`internal`) access. You can change this with the `Visibility` option: ``` protoc --swift_opt=Visibility=[value] --swift_out=. foo/bar/*.proto mumble/*.proto ``` The possible values for `Visibility` are: * `Internal` (default): No visibility is set for the types, so they get the default internal visibility. * `Package` (Swift 5.9 or later required): The visibility on the types is set to `package` so the types will be exposed across the whole Swift package they belong to. * `Public`: The visibility on the types is set to `public` so the types will be exposed outside the module they are compiled into. ##### Generation Option: `ProtoPathModuleMappings` - Swift Module names for proto paths By default, the code generator assumes all of the resulting Swift files will be put into the same module. However, since protos can reference types from another proto file, those generated files might end up in different modules. This option allows you to specify that the code generated from the proto files will be distributed in multiple modules. This data is used during generation to then `import` the module and scope the types. This option takes the path of a file providing the mapping: ``` protoc --swift_opt=ProtoPathModuleMappings=[path.asciipb] --swift_out=. foo/bar/*.proto ``` The format of that mapping file is defined in [swift_protobuf_module_mappings.proto](../Protos/SwiftProtobufPluginLibrary/swift_protobuf_module_mappings.proto), and files would look something like: ``` mapping { module_name: "MyModule" proto_file_path: "foo/bar.proto" } mapping { module_name: "OtherModule" proto_file_path: "mumble.proto" proto_file_path: "other/file.proto" } ``` The `proto_file_path` values here should match the paths used in the proto file `import` statements. ##### Generation Option: `ImplementationOnlyImports` - `@_implementationOnly`-annotated imports By default, SwiftProtobuf does not annotate any imports with `@_implementationOnly`. However, in some scenarios, such as when distributing an `XCFramework`, imports for types used only internally should be annotated as `@_implementationOnly` to avoid exposing internal symbols to clients. You can change this with the `ImplementationOnlyImports` option: ``` protoc --swift_opt=ImplementationOnlyImports=[value] --swift_out=. foo/bar/*.proto mumble/*.proto ``` The possible values for `ImplementationOnlyImports` are: * `false` (default): The `@_implementationOnly` annotation will never be used. * `true`: Imports of internal dependencies and any modules defined in the module mappings will be annotated as `@_implementationOnly`. **Important:** Modules cannot be imported as implementation-only if they're exposed via public API, so even if `ImplementationOnlyImports` is set to `true`, this will only work if the `Visibility` is set to `internal`. ##### Generation Option: `UseAccessLevelOnImports` - imports preceded by a visibility modifier (`public`, `package`, `internal`) The default behavior depends on the Swift version the plugin is compiled with. For Swift versions below 6.0 the default is `false` and the code generator does not precede any imports with a visibility modifier. You can change this by explicitly setting the `UseAccessLevelOnImports` option: ``` $ protoc --swift_opt=UseAccessLevelOnImports=[value] --swift_out=. foo/bar/*.proto mumble/*.proto ``` The possible values for `UseAccessLevelOnImports` are: * `false`: Generates plain import directives without a visibility modifier. * `true`: Imports of internal dependencies and any modules defined in the module mappings will be preceded by a visibility modifier corresponding to the visibility of the generated types - see `Visibility` option. **Important:** It is strongly encouraged to use `internal` imports instead of `@_implementationOnly` imports. Hence `UseAccessLevelOnImports` and `ImplementationOnlyImports` options exclude each other. ### Building your project After copying the `.pb.swift` files into your project, you will need to add the [SwiftProtobuf library](https://github.com/apple/swift-protobuf) to your project to support the generated code. If you are using the Swift Package Manager, you should first check what version of `protoc-gen-swift` you are currently using: ``` $ protoc-gen-swift --version protoc-gen-swift 1.0.1 ``` And then add a dependency to your Package.swift file. Adjust the `Version()` here to match the `protoc-gen-swift` version you checked above: ```swift dependencies: [ .package(name: "SwiftProtobuf", url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-protobuf.git", from: "1.6.0"), ] ``` If you are using Xcode, then you should: * Add the Swift source files generated from your protos directly to your project. * Add this SwiftPM package as dependency of your Xcode project: [Apple Docs](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift_packages/adding_package_dependencies_to_your_app)