# cryptohash A Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile library to provide a set of cryptographic (and not so cryptographic) hashing functions. The following algorithms are supported: ## Cyclic redundancy checks - CRC32, CRC32B, CRC32C ## Checksums - Adler32 ## Non-cryptographic hash functions - CityHash32, CityHash64, CityHash128, CityHashCrc128, CityHashCrc256 - FarmHash32, FarmHash64, FarmHash128 - HighwayHash-64, HighwayHash-128, HighwayHash-256 - MetroHash64, MetroHash128 - MurmurHash1 - MurmurHash2, MurmurHash64A, MurmurHash64B, MurmurHash2A (aka CMurmurHash2A) - MurmurHash3-x86-32, MurmurHash3-x86-128, MurmurHash3-x64-128 - t1ha0-32le - t1ha1-le - t1ha2-atonce, t1ha2-atonce128, t1ha2-stream, t1ha2-stream128 - xxHash-32, xxHash-64 - xxHash3-64, xxHash3-128 - wyhash32, wyhash (aka wyhash64) ## Keyed cryptographic hash functions - Blake2b, Blake2s - Blake3 - HMAC - Skein ## Unkeyed cryptographic hash functions - BLAKE-224, BLAKE-256, BLAKE-384, BLAKE-512 - Blake2b-160, Blake2b-256, Blake2b-384, Blake2b-512, Blake2s-128, Blake2s-160, Blake2s-224, Blake2s-256 - Blake3 - BMW-224, BMW-256, BMW-384, BMW-512 - cSHAKE - CubeHash-224, CubeHash-256, CubeHash-384, CubeHash-512 - ECHO-224, ECHO-256, ECHO-384, ECHO-512 - Fugue-224, Fugue-256, Fugue-384, Fugue-512 - GOST3411-94, GOST3411-2012-256, GOST3411-2012-512 - Groestl-224, Groestl-256, Groestl-384, Groestl-512 - Hamsi-224, Hamsi-256, Hamsi-384, Hamsi-512 - Haraka-256, Haraka-512 - HAVAL-128-3, HAVAL-128-4, HAVAL-128-5, HAVAL-160-3, HAVAL-160-4, HAVAL-160-5, HAVAL-192-3, HAVAL-192-4, HAVAL-192-5, HAVAL-224-3, HAVAL-224-4, HAVAL-224-5, HAVAL-256-3, HAVAL-256-4, HAVAL-256-5 - JH-224, JH-256, JH-384, JH-512 - Keccak-224, Keccak-256, Keccak-288, Keccak-384, Keccak-512 - Kupyna-256 (aka DSTU7564-256), Kupyna-384 (aka DSTU7564-384), Kupyna-512 (aka DSTU7564-512) - Luffa-224, Luffa-256, Luffa-384, Luffa-512 - MD2, MD4, MD5 - PANAMA - RadioGatun32, RadioGatun64 - RIPEMD, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, RIPEMD-256, RIPEMD-320 - SHA-0, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224, SHA-512/256 - SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512 - Shabal-192, Shabal-224, Shabal-256, Shabal-384, Shabal-512 - SHAKE128, SHAKE256 - SHAvite-224, SHAvite-256, SHAvite-384, SHAvite-512 - SIMD-224, SIMD-256, SIMD-384, SIMD-512 - Skein-256-128, Skein-256-160, Skein-256-224, Skein-256-256, Skein-512-128, Skein-512-160, Skein-512-224, Skein-512-256, Skein-512-384, Skein-512-512, Skein-1024-384, Skein-1024-512, Skein-1024-1024 - SM3 - Tiger, Tiger2 - Whirlpool, Whirlpool-0, Whirlpool-T ## Getting started ![badge][badge-android] ![badge][badge-ios] ![badge][badge-watchos] ![badge][badge-tvos] ![badge][badge-mac] ![badge][badge-linux] ![badge][badge-windows] ![badge][badge-jvm] [![Maven Central](https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/com.appmattus.crypto/cryptohash)](https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:com.appmattus.crypto) Include the following dependency in your *build.gradle.kts* file: ```kotlin commonMain { implementation("com.appmattus.crypto:cryptohash:") } ``` To create a hash first create a digest with `Digest.create` providing the name of the hash you wish to use, then update with `update` and create the hash with `digest`: ```kotlin // Create a digest val digest = Algorithm.Blake2b_512.createDigest() // Update the digest with data and generate the hash digest.update(byteArray) val hash: ByteArray = digest.digest() // Alternatively use the shorthand form to update and generate with one function digest.digest(byteArray) // HMAC - For algorithms that support HMAC you can create an HMAC digest with a // key and then use as above val hmac = Algorithm.SHA3_256.createHmac(key) ``` To use the library directly with Swift on iOS, macOS, tvOS or watchOS, follow the same pattern as above. To interact with Darwin's [Data](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/data) class instead of Kotlin's [ByteArray](https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin/-byte-array/), convert the digest into a platform specific implementation with `platform()`: ```swift // Create a digest let digest = Algorithm.Blake2b_512().createDigest().platform() // Update the digest with data and generate the hash digest.update(data) let hash: Data = digest.digest() // Alternatively use the shorthand form to update and generate with one function digest.digest(data) ``` --- Inspired by the Flutter [crypto](https://pub.dev/packages/crypto) package. Pure Kotlin implementations based on [saphir](https://github.com/sfuhrm/saphir-hash), [Bouncy Castle](https://github.com/bcgit/bc-java/), [blake3](https://github.com/rctcwyvrn/blake3). and [HighwayHash](https://github.com/google/highwayhash/). 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