Apps4Av Inc. is a registered non-profit organization in the state of MA.
Avare is an open source project on GitHub.
Please donate to keep the project improving. Any amount will be appreciated.
All donations to Apps4Av Inc. are tax deductible under 501(c)(3) code of IRS.
One Time Donation
ALL GPS applications on any handheld non-certified devices like smartphones and tablets are not approved by the FAA for IFR flights. None of the operating systems on such devices are tested according to rigorous FAA standards, hence any software running on them is unfit for use as a primary flight navigation tool. It is unwise to solely rely on any such device or any app running on one, during the critical phases of a flight.
Please do not download any charts/plates that you do not need. Downloading only the needed files will help us keep server hosting costs down, which along with donations helps us keep Avare and chart updates free to all. Thank you.
CAUTION - Before flight the user must always ensure that Avare is updated to and thoroughly tested on the latest version, and ensure that all Avare databases and charts are kept current. If Avare and its databases and charts are not of the exact same version, the GPS position displayed may be inaccurate, because the FAA sometimes changes the format of their materials. Avare does not automatically fetch any databases and charts when they are expired, so it is the user's sole responsibility to update any expired charts and databases. To do so, ensure that your device has an internet connection and then just press the Map, Menu, Preferences, Download, and Update buttons in Avare.
Added Phoenix Flyway
Volume button for camera is now a setting under UI Settings.
Fixed FAA weather location changes
Ability to store ADSB recorded files
Increased map area size to reduce black borders in track up mode
Can start camera by pressing the volume button
SUAs show when pressed on map away from airports
Bug fixes in plan filing
Added multi aircraft settings, moved W&B and Lists under the Acft tab
Added auto pilot control over USB serial
Fix plate tagging
Below is a list of your choices for Help with Avare (pronounced "Ah-vAir" - like "aware" with a "v"). Nearly all are available Offline (without internet access on your device), such as when you are flying or your device is in Airplane Mode.
Note the helpful offline Search feature at the top of this Help screen.
Only the last four Help items on the list below require that your device be Online because they access internet Help videos; our website and Forum for interactive Help; and online FAA chart reference maps to help you select Downloads in Avare.
•Quick Start - Intro
•More - More Details
•Tabs - Main Tab Buttons
•Extras - More Features
•GPS Taxi - Taxi Location
•Fly There - Anywhere
Internet* Required:
• Online* - Videos
Note: Under the Downloads list on the FAA website, select the chart type for which you'd like to see a map legend. For example, to see a map showing the area covered by each of the FAA Sectional charts, click on the "Sectional Raster Charts" link.
•When you first launch Avare, after reading the disclaimer just click OK if you agree to the terms. Before using Avare the first time, you must have an internet connection on your device (WiFi or Data) to Download the free Database and at least one of the free charts. Later you can add any airport diagrams, terminal procedures, and other files you'll need.
Please get only the materials you need because downloading all available materials will use both your online resources and ours, overloading our servers. Help us keep Avare and the FAA resources free for all users.
To get these free resources: Tap the Menu button (square button on the lower left side of the Map screen), press the Download button, select one or more items you need from the list, then press the Get button to begin downloading.
Note that the Menu button is only available in the Map view, so if you don't see it just press the Map button at bottom-left first (scroll left on the bottom row of buttons if needed) and Menu will appear above the Map button.
When you're done Downloading, just hit the Back key on your device to see the Map view. After doing this, no data connection is required to use any of the materials you've downloaded with Avare. Note that you may need to press the Find button, select an airport on a chart you downloaded, and press the Center button before a downloaded chart is displayed.
The main buttons across the bottom of the Avare screen that may lead to other selection buttons, are called "Tabs" that select the various main Avare screens. The left-most Map tab is most commonly used in flight, to display a GPS moving map.
New charts and features are being added frequently, so check often to ensure that you have the latest Avare version and Downloads. In the Downloads screen, any categories containing items that are outdated will be shown in red. Any red items indicate that you need to ensure your device has an internet connection and then press the Update button.
Sometimes after installing or upgrading the free Avare app, you may be taken to the Download screen automatically. After pressing Update to ensure that the Databases file and any other of the free FAA materials you need are current (green Checkmark), press the Back key to exit to the Map screen.
•GPS: If you forgot to ensure that GPS is on in your device's Settings, Avare may remind you to do that because it is unable to display your position accurately without GPS. To explore Avare without GPS press the Map screen's Navigate / Simulation button to put Avare in Simulation mode (this mode disables Avare's GPS functions even with GPS on).
To possibly speed up Android internal GPS acquisition on some devices, you can ensure that all services (WiFi, cell service, and data) are at least temporarily turned on too. Once required data has been Downloaded and GPS location has been acquired, Avare works fine in "Airplane Mode" with cell and data service turned off and only GPS turned on. Airplane Mode can considerably extend battery life.
Note that Android generally wants cell and data always On for data collection and other services. Avare may display a "No GPS" warning even if it is receiving some data from Android's internal GPS receiver. For the most accurate and reliable GPS with good Android battery life, we recommend an external GPS/ADS-B In receiver placed with a clear view of the sky.
For External WiFi GPS recievers: In your Android settings: turn Off GPS, turn On "Airplane Mode" then turn On WiFi, and then connect Android to your external receiver. Once connected in Android, tap the IO tab button at the far right end of the bottom row (scroll if needed). Then select WiFi from the top pulldown list, then Listen.
Once you see a rapidly scrolling list of incoming data, Avare is connected to your external receiver correctly and will display a more accurate and reliable GPS location than your Android's internal receiver can achieve. You can get more details on GPS data by selecting Tools in the IO screen pulldown menu. Note that "0" altitude indicates high accuracy, though the GPS system often inherently disagrees with the Altimeter value required in flight.
Note that some WiFi "GPS/ADS-B In" devices use a number other than Avare's default "4000" in IO WiFi settings (if so, get your device's number and replace "4000" with that number). If you have a Bluetooth external device, the procedure will differ, but once working you'll still see scrolling data.
•Move around or change zoom on the Sectionals simply by holding a single point on the chart and dragging or two finger pinching, just like when viewing photos on your device.
Note: The initial Avare default display mode is vertical "Portrait" mode. Avare's Preferences screen includes options to change the default display to horizontal "Landscape" mode, or "Sensor" mode that responds to the Android device's orientation. Sensor mode may be helpful in flight if for example your flight path changes from N/S to E/W and your mounted device is easily rotated.
Map and the other "Tab" buttons on the bottom row can be scrolled sideways for viewing on smaller screens. After exploring all of the buttons, Map -> Menu -> Preferences -> UI Configuration -> Tab Bar Content menu has options to turn off buttons you don't use, to reduce or eliminate the need to scroll that row to have your choice of Tab buttons always displayed.
•The green Center button at the bottom of the screen will center the location icon and continue tracking your current GPS location (if the GPS is on and has acquired your location) on the "moving map" chart.
While GPS is acquired in Avare, the map will constantly track from your currently displayed location. This is very handy in flight, because you can drag the map to place the location indicator icon at any spot on the screen (or even completely off the screen) and the map will continue tracking beneath it.
So, for example,if you are flying northwest, you can put the location icon nearer the southeast corner of the screen and see a greater distance ahead on the map at any given zoom level. To instantly center your location icon again, just press the green button. You can also long-press the green button to toggle between North Up and Track Up views of your chart.
•The "Pan" (Pan/Draw) button allows you to jot quick notes on charts. In the Map screen, tap the Pan button at the lower-right.
When the button changes to the Draw button, the charts will not pan, and touches on the Map screen become a touch-operated pen for writing or drawing on charts. Draw or write notes on the screen with your finger. Notes length is limited due to memory size.
To temporarily hide your notes/drawings and return to normal Map functioning (Pan mode), just tap the Draw (Pan) button again.
To erase all notes and drawings in Draw mode,press the Clear button.
NOTE: If you inadvertently touch the Pan button in flight your screen stops tracking position. Just tap the Draw button, and then if needed the Center button, to display your location again.
•Long-press two points simultaneously with one point on your approximate current location, plus any other point on the chart (with GPS acquired).
This will display text at the top of the screen, giving your approximate compass direction and distance From, followed by approximate GPS bearing To, that point in relation to your GPS location. This may be helpful when contacting ATC or making CTAF calls.
•Destination in Avare can be set in the Find screen (see below), but also set after a long-press anywhere on the Map screen chart. Long-press a Map point and tap the green >D button that pops up. This will draw a course line to that new Destination.
You can also tap the Plan button to send that point to your active flight plan. If you change your mind, you can instantly return your Destination to any previous selection(s) via the Find button, which displays a list arranged with the most recent at the top.
•The "Find" button in the bottom Menu activates a search box for a 3 or 4-digit Destination Airport code (or Navaid code, Fix code, GPS coordinates, etc.) that Avare uses to display a course, bearing, etc.
This code also determines the Destination airport Avare uses when you display Chart Supplement info. If you do not remember the airport code for an airport, enter part of its facility name to search for it.
Avare offers some capability for offline facility search (try just the first letter and scrolling down the list). When online, Avare automatically taps into Google Maps if needed to search for airports and even cities or complete street addresses (see "Fly There" in the Help menu above).
You can also specify radial/DME pairs in a Destination like BOS275010 for BOS VOR, 275 degree radial, 10 miles. To select a Destination, simply tap on that line in the Find screen.
Note that if you do NOT tap an identifier in the list, no new Destination is selected as the current Destination.
The Find screen has an option to add a helpful label to any GPS coordinates you’ve added to the Find list, by long-pressing on that list item. To add a label to GPS coordinates in the Find screen, long-press the item and then press the Label button that appears in the row next to Save and Delete buttons.
Once a Destination is listed on the Find page, you can long-press on that Find page item to get the scrollable METAR and ADS-B In or other data if available, for that location. You can also list such data with a long-press on the chart. In either case you can optionally get the data without then selecting that as the current Destination.
To Delete a Destination from the list of previously used destinations in the search list, long-press it and a list of buttons will appear. Select "Delete" to delete that destination.
Note that familiar symbols are used to indicate the various types of Destination codes such as VORs and intersections. Airports have an empty round symbol for example.
For convenience in selecting VORs, etc., airports are sorted toward the bottom since they can be quickly selected with a long-press in Map view.
•Menu, the button on the lower left side of the Map screen, displays a list of additional options and configuration items for Avare. Use your Android Back key or gesture to return to the Map screen.
≡ The Preferences button for Avare is accessed via the Menu button, atop the following list of buttons for other features and options.
≡ The Download button displays selections for charts and other free FAA & open source materials.
≡ The Emergency button brings up an emergency procedures menu you can configure in Preferences -> Pilot and Aircraft.
≡ The Help button activates a web browser app to display this in-app Help file along with a few links to online resources.
≡ The Tracks button toggles your option to capture and optionally Save your flight path line. (Default: Tracks are Off).
≡ The Layer button displays your map layer type (default: NEXRAD).
≡ The Navigate/Simulation button in the Menu list toggles Avare's use of GPS for positioning the map. In the default Navigate mode, if GPS is on and location is acquired Avare
will track your location.
≡ The Chart Type button displays the chart type currently selected in a scrollable list. Sectional is the default chart.
•To browse charts freely on the Map screen without reference to your GPS location, tap Menu and select Simulation. Then tap the chart screen and you can zoom in or out, scroll and pan freely, or quickly zip to any location simply by inputting a Destination as described above.
Return to GPS tracking by tapping that Simulation button that then changes to Navigate, and tap the chart. Then tap the Center button if needed.
Notes: Simulation Mode works without any need for cell or data access or GPS. If GPS is on and has acquired a "lock" on your location, it will retain lock in Simulation Mode while Avare is active and the device is on. This is helpful because once internal GPS is lost, some devices won't
re-acquire without a cell or WiFi signal (such as when aloft in many areas).
In Simulation Mode, Find will center the chart display at the airport code you input, and you can then browse from there or input another airport code. After browsing, to re-center the map on the current Destination (if any is set), just tap the Center button.
When you use Menu to toggle from Simulation back to Navigate, the display will return to your current GPS location if available. If not, tap the Center button.
•To track a course to Destination enter a Destination, and a magenta great circle route will appear from your current GPS location to that destination.
Once set, the magenta route line doesn't move with the aircraft location. A dashed black and white Destination track line shows the current bearing, from your aircraft's location, to the destination. Similarly, a red dashed line shows the current aircraft ground track.
Align the two dashed lines with the solid magenta line for the shortest route to your Destination. If your location has diverged from the magenta course line or it's off screen, you can just fly so that the two dashed lines are superimposed in alignment. You can also use Find to re-select your Destination.
•Text information is displayed at the top of the Map display screen, when your GPS position is acquired and you have input a valid Destination.
In the top row: Destination (or chart name if no Destination is selected) at the left; Distance from GPS location, time to Destination direct at current GPS speed, GPS bearing to Destination at the right.
In the second row: GPS elevation MSL at the left; GPS ground speed and GPS heading at the right.
•GPS Status information is available from the Tools screen. This feature is helpful in positioning your GPS device for best reception, and in troubleshooting any GPS problems.
•TFRs that you have recently fetched using Update in
Download via internet from the FAA are automatically displayed as red
graphics on charts by default. If you long-press the red indicator at
the top-center of a TFR shape, text for that TFR will be displayed in
the TFR section. It is user's responsibility to Update the latest
TFRs from the download list under the Databases group.
though Avare gets the TFR data from the FAA website, you must call
your FSS for the latest TFR data, as the FAA TFR website may not be
•Runway Extensions (if set in Preferences) show 6 degree approach to all runways at the airport currently set as Destination. Note that due to variations in the FAA charts, extensions may not line up with airport symbols on charts though Avare's accuracy has been tested.
•The "Plate" Tab displays the FAA airport diagrams, and terminal procedures for the currently selected Destination, selected airports in Flight Plan, Near and Find modes, and auto loads the Plate on landing roll out in Map mode, if that option is selected in Preferences.
To view an Airport Diagram (AD) first Download the collection of ADs that covers the location of your intended Destination. For example, "California" for LAX. Then input the Destination airport code in the Find screen as described above, tap the Plates button, then select AIRPORT-DIAGRAM from the drop down list and Avare will display it, provided that you have downloaded the relevant AD file and the FAA provides a diagram for your selected Destination airport.
Note that the "GPS Taxi" feature in Avare can indicate your current location on an airport (see details in the Airport Diagram section of this Help feature).
•The "CSup" (Chart Supplement) Tab displays all available airport info for the currently selected Destination airport (not nearest your Location) in text format.
To get airport text info, first input a Destination airport in Map view as described above, then tap the "CSup" button and scroll through the info if any (FAA downloads don't cover all airports).
Note that if you have Downloaded the "Chart Supplement Images" file for your Destination airport (e.g. "Chart Supplement SW" for LAX), the drop down Chart Supplement bar on the top of the CSup screen is used to select between the text and graphical versions of the Chart Supplement. The regional graphical Chart Supplement files are typically quite large, but can provide information beyond what's contained in the smaller FAA text version that covers all FAA regions and is included in Avare's required Databases file.
•The "Find" Tab enables you to search for a Destination airport, VOR or waypoint.
•The "Plan" The "Plan" button in the Menu at the bottom of the screen enables you to do flight planning online or offline in flight, and get WX from FAA for the planned route, (see details in that section of this Help file).
The "Filing" feature in the Plan screen allows pilots to file, cancel flight plans, and get weather briefings from the FAA, similar to DUATS and DUAT.
•The "Near" Tab displays a selectable list of airports nearest to your current GPS location, with limited details.
To use the Near feature, first ensure that GPS is on and has acquired your location, then tap the Near button at the bottom of the screen. The airports are listed by increasing distance with nearest at the top. Each airport's name, code, distance, bearing, and 100LL fuel (if available) is displayed (Jet A may be shown as "A" alone, or as 100LLA indicating availability of both fuels).
To select an airport on the list as Avare's current Destination, simply tap the name
of that airport and then tap the button that pops out, to select the code displayed on that button as your Destination.
•The "Tools" Tab at the right end of these scrollable Tab buttons at bottom of the Map screen enables you to connect to and monitor the current status of the GPS system currently in use by Avare on your device. Note that this may differ based on the Preferences setting for using Internal, External or Both GPS sources.
If the center button is gray, you are in Satellite Camera mode.
Your aircraft will be located where green/blue/orange lines intersect.
Several straight lines emerge from your aircraft to show your heading. Orange line shows your current track, and disappears under terrain higher than your altitude. Green line scans the terrain similarly.
If you are receiving ADS-B traffic, you will see other aircraft depicted with red/green wing colors that follow the nav lights convention.
You will see obstacles in the area as red vertical lines.
Your elevation AGL is shown when GPS is locked.
Pinch with two fingers to zoom in and out. Pan left, right, up, and down with finger swipe. Rotate the map with two finger rotate.
If the center button is green, you are in Pilot Camera mode. You can get in/out of this mode by long-pressing the center button.
You will see a view representing that from the front of your aircraft. You will not see your own aircraft, but you will see a miniature orange aircraft.
If you are receiving ADS-B traffic you will see other aircraft with red and white wing colors that follow the Nav lights convention.
You will see obstacles as red vertical lines.
Your elevation AGL is shown when GPS is locked.
Pinch with two fingers to zoom in and out. Look left, right, up, and down with finger swipe.
Compare the device screen with your front view to find the location of traffic in the real world.
The "GPS Taxi" feature can display a location icon at your current GPS location on the FAA Airport Diagram for your current Destination airport. First you must Download the Airport Diagram for the airport where you'd like to use GPS Taxi, and of course GPS must be on with location acquired. Then select "AIRPORT-DIAGRAM" in the Plate screen.
Note: While it can display your location, GPS Taxi on airport diagrams is not "moving map" so your location will not be automatically tracked at the center of the screen. Just scroll and pinch-zoom the Plate screen while on the airport with GPS On, to find the airplane icon tracking your current location.
Using the Find tab, you can add addresses and landmarks like "address,Statue Of Liberty" or "address,800 Boylston St. Boston, MA 02199" (without the quotes, and with "address," as prefix) as your Destination in Avare. If you add a Destination in this way it's added to the list in the Find screen just like airports, coordinates or other Destinations you've set in Avare. To use the Fly There feature, you must be connected to the Internet before entering a new address. Once Avare decodes the address, it subsequently appears in the Find screen list, and then no Internet connection is required for navigation to it. Multiple addresses can be stored in the Find list.
Use the Fly There feature:•With Avare's Find screen. With an Internet connection, tap the Find button and in the Search box enter an address (or a location like "address,1 wtc"), and a pin icon appears in the list of Destinations. Tap the pin icon to select that as your Destination.
•With Google Maps, allowing you to see street and terrain maps and even satellite views when selecting a Destination. With an Internet connection:
•Terrain Maps
Avare can download and display USGS terrain maps. These maps can be downloaded from the download list under "Terrain".
•Shaded Relief Maps
Avare provides USGS shaded
relief maps. These maps can be downloaded from the download list
under "Terrain".
Note: Although the app may show the terrain and the relief maps expired after every new FAA cycle, there is usually very little change to the ground elevation for aviation purposes. Downloading of terrain maps for every FAA cycle is a waste of time and bandwidth.
The Plate screen shows any terminal procedure plates you have Downloaded. To see terminal procedures for an airport, simply enter it as Destination, then tap the Plate screen button at the bottom of the screen. Select the appropriate procedure from the drop down list for that airport.
Plates are distributed in multiple files, one for each state. There are tens of thousands of procedures, making plate files large. For example, the Texas plates download size is about 300 MB. The Plate screen displays take off and alternate minimums, when downloaded.
The Plate files also contain complete pages from the green FAA Chart Supplement book in an image format. Note that Avare's text Chart Supplement is contained in the main Avare Database and does not require downloading the graphical Chart Supplements in the Plates files.
Among the few problems reported with Avare or any of our apps, three categories have emerged:
1. Incomplete or damaged installation. Most of these problems have been related to internet connectivity problems during installation or use of the app, such as during download of the Database or charts for Avare. If you have problems with any of our apps, you might first try checking your internet connection and then deleting and re-installing the file(s) or Avare itself.
2. Software conflicts. Another category of weird and intermittent problems arises from conflicts with other apps. Unlike nearly all apps currently available for Android, our apps use only the bare minimum of Permissions required for operation. Apps you have installed from other developers may use Permissions that enable them to automatically launch their app, display ads, collect and use your personal information or do other operations in the background even when you’re not using their app. Such activity by those apps can cause strange and intermittent problems with other apps. Usually, the apps that come pre-installed on your device won’t cause such problems. Something to try if you have problems with any of our apps, is to disable or uninstall other apps you’ve installed on your device. You might also try a virus scanner from a reputable provider, keeping in mind that some anti-virus apps from disreputable providers have themselves been used to install a virus.
3. Hardware problems. Before going further, consider posting a detailed description of your device, Android version, and problem on the Forum in case it is a known issue that someone else has fixed or possibly get free help from a friendly expert. Depending on your configuration Avare can use more RAM than other apps. Some past problems were caused by failing SD RAM chips. Due to Google changes to the Android OS, SD chips are no longer supported in Avare eliminating that potential cause. It is still possible for your device's internal chips to fail, and a last resort solution for that might be to back up and Factory Reset your device. Since that can be a daunting process, if you have access to another Android device, first check to ensure Avare works properly on that device.
For current and accurate FAA chart maps, please visit the FAA's Digital Products website while you are online. Links to materials such as the VFR Charts, IFR Charts and other materials used in Avare, may also be found listed in the left margin column there.
Note: Under the VFR chart type tabs on this FAA website, select the chart type for which you'd like to see a map legend Chart Index map. For example, to see a map showing the area covered by each of the online FAA Sectional charts, click on the " Sectional Chart Index" link.