# This compose file defines an Aptos Validator deployment. # Read the README.md files for instruction on how to install aptos-node version: "3.8" services: haproxy: image: haproxy:3.0.2 volumes: - type: bind source: ./haproxy.cfg target: /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg - type: bind source: ./blocked.ips target: /usr/local/etc/haproxy/blocked.ips networks: - shared expose: # Validator network - 6180 # Fullnode access to validators - 6181 # Validator Metrics - 9101 # Haproxy internal stats - 9102 # Disable access to rest API port 80 for validator by default # - 8180 ports: # Expose these to the outside - "6180:6180" - "6181:6181" # Preface these with 127 to only expose them locally - "" - "" # Disable access to rest API port 80 for validator by default # - 8180:8180 validator: image: "${VALIDATOR_IMAGE_REPO:-aptoslabs/validator}:${IMAGE_TAG:-testnet}" networks: shared: volumes: - type: volume source: aptos-validator target: /opt/aptos/data - type: bind source: ./validator.yaml target: /opt/aptos/etc/validator.yaml - type: bind source: ./genesis.blob target: /opt/aptos/genesis/genesis.blob - type: bind source: ./waypoint.txt target: /opt/aptos/genesis/waypoint.txt - type: bind source: ./keys/validator-identity.yaml target: /opt/aptos/genesis/validator-identity.yaml command: ["/usr/local/bin/aptos-node", "-f", "/opt/aptos/etc/validator.yaml"] restart: unless-stopped expose: # These are only exposed on the docker internal network # Validator network - 6180 # Fullnode access to validators - 6181 # Validator Metrics - 9101 # Disable access to rest API port 80 for validator by default # - 8080 networks: shared: name: "aptos-docker-compose-shared" ipam: config: - subnet: volumes: aptos-validator: name: aptos-validator