(formerly known as Maven Repository Manager Feature Matrix)

This is the reincarnation of the (now dead) Maven Repository Manager Feature Matrix (http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVENUSER/Maven+Repository+Manager+Feature+Matrix) It picks up exactly where the old doc left it.

This page is collaboratly edited by the maintainers of Archiva, Artifactory, Sonatype Nexus, Eclipse Package Drone, making it the most complete, upt to date and non-biased comparison of Binary Repository Managers.

Feature Archiva Artifactory Nexus 2 Nexus 3 Package Drone











Latest Version






Release History

Release History

New Releases History (Bintray)

Early Releases History (SourceForge)

Release History

Release History

Release History

Early Release History (GitHub)

License History

All versions: Apache License 2.0

Lesser GNU General Public License 3.0 (up to v4.8.1)
GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 (from v4.8.1)

Eclipse Public License Version 1.0

Eclipse Public License Version 1.0

Eclipse Public License Version 1.0

Public Instances



Embedded Jetty. JSW launch scripts - runs as a service on windows and unix

Bundled Tomcat - runs as a service on Windows and Unix. Complete script for installation as a service on unix, includes: user creation, permission settings and service config. Complete script for installing a standalone Tomcat service on Unix.

Embedded Jetty. JSW launch scripts - runs as a service on windows and unix. Also Native Solaris Service Manager Scripts.


Eclipse Equinox OSGi Application with Jetty 9. Start by shell script or "java -jar". Startup scripts for SystemV, Ubuntu Upstart, systemd.


"Drop the War" - deploy into existing Tomcat installation with zero configuration.

no container configuration required to run the war.

OS packages


  • RPM for installing on YUM-enabled OSes.

  • Debian package

  • Debian distribution for Xenial (Ubuntu 16.04)

  • Docker images for OSS and Pro versions. Special image preconfigured to use as Docker Registry.

  • Bitnami (OSS only):

    • Windows

    • OS X

    • Linux


  • Windows

  • Mac

  • Linux

  • RPM/YUM for CentOS/RHEL 6/7

  • RPM for openSUSE 13.x+

  • DEB/APT for Ubuntu 14.04+

Cloud-based SaaS

Artifactory Online - private Artifactory instance in the cloud with full self service, pay-per-use model and always up-to-date with all the latest features

OpenShift Quickstart - private Package Drone instance in the cloud with full self service

Artifacts and Metadata Storage

Artifacts storage


  • Filesystem

  • Database (not reccomeneded for large repositories),

  • Cached NFS,

  • HDFS,

  • Google Cloud Storage (GCS),

  • Google S3 storage

  • Cached S3 and compatible storage (Enterprise)
    with support of server side encryption


File system-based blob storage


Filestore sharding


Metadata storage


Indexed and querible database


ravendb (not replacable)



UI configurable


Fully configurable via Ajax UI with extensive online help, or REST API

100% configuration with Ajax UI or REST API

Fully configurable via mobile friendly UI

Config Storage


Database, with XML import/export

h2 embedded database, XML and other files

ravendb database (not exportable)






Google Guice



Partially (with 1.4-M1)

Extensive coverage. Document-first design (not UI coupled, so changes in UI do not break existing REST clients). Uses Jersey. Can be used via strongly-typed Java API. Supports WADL.

Uses Restlet.org servlet. UI communicates with server via REST to ensure 100% api support

Deploy plug-ins without recompilation

Extensible with custom Groovy plugins - schedule tasks, deploy artifacts, change resolution rules and download content, tend to any storage events etc. Plugin source files are redeployed on the fly during development and can be edited and debugged in your favorite IDE.

Fully extensible across the core components, REST API and UI. See the book and this post for more info.

Backed by OSGI and Eclipse P2

Proxying and Cache

Hosted Repositories

Proxy Repositories

Aggregate Repositories into single logical repo

Nest and reuse Repository Groups


Groups can contain other groups


Inclusion/exclusion rules per remote proxy

Checksum checking

fix bad checksums

block bad checksums

ignore bad checksums

repair hosted checksums

calculate missing checksums

validate client-side checksums


on deploy

Maven Metadata.xml repair

Not required. Artifactory’s Maven metadata.xml is server calculated and is inherently up-to-date.

Not required. Package Drones’s Maven metadata.xml is server calculated and is inherently up-to-date.

Auto-cleanup of repositories declared in POMs

On the fly conversion of M1 to M2

with custom mappings for ambiguous paths

On the fly conversion of M2 to M1

Eager parallel download of related artifacts

Can download jars in parallel as soon as poms are requested, and sources in parallel when jars are requested.

Shared Remote Repository Definitions

Share remote repository definitions and import preconfigured definitions for most common remote repositories, save the configuration hassle.

Eclipse Update Site Proxying


Eclipse OSGI / P2 Proxying


OBR (OSGI Bundle Repository)





Maven Site Hosting

Built in Remote Repository Browsing (html)

Built in Remote Repository Browsing (s3)

UI supported import workflow from remote repository




With automatic dependency resolution and manual intervention


Index Format


Database metadata indexing


Global Search by any query

Artifactory Query Language

Identify unknown artifact via checksum

On the fly indexing

Immediate and transactional

Scheduled Indexing

Not needed - indexes are always up-to-date

(Not needed in most cases, but manual reindex is available in case changes are made directly to storage external to the app)

Search in selected repositories

Search for non-Maven artifacts


Indexes any file in any format

Relies on maven-indexer which only indexes artifacts in Maven format

- maven 2
- docker
- nuget
- raw

Search for artifacts on Central index


Uses immediate search in JCenter (superset of Central)

Search for artifacts in Bintray JCenter

Index Publishing for External Consumption

Only version compliant with all IDEs

Group Index Publishing


Download Index from Remote Repositories for Local searching and proxying to consumers


Known Indexes publishing compatible Index: Central, Apache, Java.Net, more here

Incremental Index Downloads


Remote repositories only

Incremental Index Publishing


Remote repositories only

Connection to external indexing and impact analysis systems

- JFrog Xray

Class search

Includes search for any jar resource, and showing the actual class found

GAVC search

POM/XML search

Includes XPath search of any XML metadata. No need to customize anything for XML indexing

Ivy modules search

Properties search

Search custom properties. Attach props to both files and folders via the UI (Pro) or via REST (OSS). No need for custom RDF uploads. Search results are can be manipulated as a bundle

Custom metadata may be attached via the UI, Rest or by uploading an RDF file as part of your build. The metadata is indexed and searchable for files in Maven layout. (Pro)

Group Index Publishing





Report for Problem Artifacts

By default blocks bad poms in runtime instead of polluting your repository and reporting after the fact (policy is configurable via UI)

RSS Feeds and UI viewer for bad checksums and artifacts with bad poms. Bad poms are allowed through by default because many times Maven can still use them. We don’t believe that simply inserting a repo manager should cause things to suddenly fail from Central. The repo man should for the most part be transparent by default

Repository Statistics

Per repository or as a comparison among multiple repositories

- Binaries Count
- Binaries Size
- Artifacts Size
- Optimization
- Items Count
- Artifacts Count

Binaries Count, Binaries Size

Artifact Statistics


- Download count
- Last downloaded and by whom
- Deployed by
- Age

- Last Modified
- Deployed by
- Age

- Last Modified

RSS Feeds for New Artifacts

SS feeds available both for new artifacts in the repository and for newly deployed/discovered versions of a specific artifact

Feeds for:
- Newly Proxied Artifacts
- Newly Deployed Artifacts
- System Configuration Changes
- Checksum errors
- Authentication Events

Artifact Watching

Supports watching any repository path for add/remove/update and receiving email notifications (Pro)

Audit Logs

currently viewable from text file only

etailed audit logs for all actions and their sources in access.log

External log analytics integration

seamless integration with a dedicated app in SumoLogic

User Interface

UI Technology

Ajax - Single Page Application - knockoutjs bootstrap

Ajax - uses Apache Wicket

ExtJs - Ajax


Bootstrap 3.x - Mobile friendly

Repository Browsing

html and webdav

Ajax tree view, simple HTML view and WebDAV

Ext Tree View, html, REST:xml, REST:json



Viewing of Artifact Information

POM information, dependencies, dependency tree and used by; artifact (including pom, sources, javadocs, etc.) can also be downloaded from artifact info page

POM view, size, deployed by, age, last downloaded and by whom, times downloaded, dependency info, permissions, metadata and properties, virtual repositories association, actions, builds + build information


Delete Artifacts

with a trash can that prevents accidental deletion


Move Artifacts

(via REST Api only)

Move artifacts between repositories + dry-run to check for warnings + auto metadata recalculation. Also available via REST in Pro

Copy Artifacts

(1.4-M1) via REST api only

Cheap-copy of artifacts between repositories + dry-run to check for warnings + auto metadata recalculation (no extra space used due to pointer-based storage).
Copying is often the best approach for exposing the same artifact under different secure locations. Also available via REST in Pro

Upload Artifacts

With our without pom (will generate one if needed)

- With our without pom (will generate one if needed)
- Upload multiple artifacts in one go
- Edit the pom before deployment
- Deploy to arbitrary (non-maven) paths via the UI

With our without pom (will generate one if needed) Upload multiple artifacts (classifiers) at once


Upload any binary by form based upload or drag and drop

Syntax Highlighting

Syntax highlighting + copy to clipboard support for dozens of known file types directly form the repository (including zip/jar sources)

Jar Browsing

Supports viewing the content of jar files, including show source for class files

Via a plugin in Pro

Shows OSGi information for Bundles and Eclipse Features

Dynamic Resources

Serve dynamic repository content based on textual filtering (Pro)

On the fly creation of:
- Eclipse Source Bundles from maven source attachments
- Eclipse Features and Categories
- Maven POM Files from OSGi Bundles or embedded
- Extraction of zipped P2 repositories

Mount Repositories as WebDAV Shares

depoyment thru webdav

Artifact deployment, browsing, moving, copying and deleting over WebDAV mounts, using native file explorers

Configure deployed plug-ins

proxy policies, artifact processors

Extension points to UI, request processing, scheduling, storage events etc

Plugins can contribute REST, UI and components

UI Branding

Upload or link your logo image + preview, add custom footer text

Branding with Logo is available (Pro)

Repository Support

Maven 2

Maven 1



Only with Maven layout

Maven and non-maven layouts

Only with Maven layout


Only with Maven layout


Only with Maven layout

Maven and non-maven layouts

Only with Maven layout


Only with Maven layout



(OSS) searching and custom metadata aren’t supported


With GPG signing (Pro)



With GPG signing


Reuses native remote repositories for effective caching and expiry management

Uses a separate mirroring mechanism where underlying list of repositories isn’t under user control


Based on Maven Tycho deployed meta data or natively extracted



(OSS) browsing, searching and custom metadata aren’t supported

read only



(OSS) browsing, searching and custom metadata aren’t supported




With GPG signing









Debian packages


With GPG signing

Python Eggs (PyPI)




Vagrant (Atlas)


VCS as a Remote Repo


Git LFS implementation

Allows storing artifacts in Artifactory and retrive them using Git client API.
Supports remote and virtual Git LFS repositories and SSH Authentication.

Custom Layouts

Supports any custom layout with the ability to "understand" per layout what is a module. Defaults layouts can be extended in Pro

By implementing an adapter plugin

Repository Storage

File System

Database (configurable) or file system + full system import/export and automated backups

File System - Uses Maven repo layout on disk meaning no import or export required to get access to your artifacts


File System

Repository Replication/Syncing

* Supports repository or folder-level replication via rsync-like REST API, including support for syncing deletes and controlling overwrites. Supports scheduled or event-driven push mode and pull mode (in Pro).
* Supports multi-site pull replication (collecting from multiple remotes) (in Pro) and multi-site push replication (event-driven or scheduled pushing of artifacts to multiple remotes) (in Enterprise)
* Supports additional features if the remote repository proxies Artifactory – syncronization of properties, statistics, delete notifications, etc.

Smart Proxy enables cache invalidation and pre-emptive fetching between Nexus instances (Pro)


Manual process of export and import

Store same binary only once

Artifacts with the same hash are stored a single time, no matter in how many repositories it appears in

Highly Available Active-Active cluster

Enterprise-level HA cluster support for zero-downtime deployments and unlimited scalability.

Deploy Artifacts via UI

Includes snapshots and ability to auto-generate POMs and tweak POMs in the UI before deployment

can auto-generate poms.Accepts multiple files in one operation to accept classified/attached artifacts


Single file Form based or multiple file drag and drop. Can auto-generate POMs.

Deploy Artifact Bundles (multiple artifacts in one go)

in future plans


Import local repositories


Import repositories and separate RELEASE and SNAPSHOT artifacts



Centrally controlled snapshot policy


Can choose between unique, non-unique (to save space and artifacts clutter) or respect deployer’s settings

Respect deployer’s settings (from the pom)

Artifacts Metadata

Persistent metadata about artifacts


Download stats (when by whom), original deployer, age


User attached custom metadata

On both files or folders - no need to customize anything


Searchable custom metadata

Including unique moving, copying & exporting of search results


Strongly-typed user-defined Properties

Tag files and folders with you user defined searchable properties via the UI.
Prop-sets defined through UI as single/multi select or open, with the ability to assign default values, and associated with selected repos (Pro)

Custom metadata plugin

Attach metadata as part of deployment

Attach metadata during Maven deployment or via simple REST - uploading external documents not required

Full RDF metadata support


Schema-less properties

Any property of any type can be added on-the-fly without any pre-configuration

Proxy remote metadata

Metadata for remote artifacts on another Artifactory is synced and proxied

User-defined metadata on non-maven layout artifacts

Since Artifactory is not maven-layout centric, metadata can be attached and queried on artifact in any layout




Redback (database required)

Spring Security

Apache Shiro



Role Based


Default Roles


Supports auto-join roles for newly created users, including ones from external realms

Users inherit default roles when they sign up


Viewer, Manager, Admin

Permissions per repository


Permissions per subset of repository or individual artifact

in future plans


Administrators per subset of repository



Authentication by API key





Allow external security

via Spring Security

via Shiro realm


Allow external authentication

via Spring security or via pluggable realms written in Groovy;
Atlassian Crowd/JIRA;
- Google
- Open ID
- GitHub Enterprise

via Shiro


Built-in enterprise user management features

via intuitive Ajax console

via Shiro + ExtJs user console. Full role based with the ability to specify permissions based on the path of the artifact (group/artifact/version) using regex if desired


Support Prevention of Redeploy


Control over who can populate caches


Fully featured procurement support included in the pro version. This allows absolute control over the artifacts allowed through based on the artifact and user


Caches are not supported

Support Protection of Sources /
javadoc etc


Using Ant-like simple to understand patterns + OOTB templates for common include/excludes. Supports inclusion and exclusion so no need to used negative patterns for protecting sources etc

Using the regex to control the paths, it is possible to secure separately any artifacts you want. Comes configured with targets to specify sources, which would allow you for example to have jars be downloaded anonymously but not the sources, even though they are sitting in the same repository


Out of the box LDAP support

partially for authz

Configurable via the web UI

Including role mappings, Active Directory support and more


Able to use LDAP groups (authorization from ldap)


Including highly optimized caching and comprehensive UI integration in Pro

(Open Sourced in 1.5+)


Supports multiple realms in order (ie LDAP then fallback to internal)


With control of whether to fallback to internal users or not.
Including Kerberos and native NTLM in Pro

ordered control of cascading though configured realms — as many as you have installed


Atlassian Crowd integration

Delegate authentication requests to your Crowd server, get transparent SSO in a Crowd-enabled SSO environment, sync and manage permissions for Crowd groups in Pro

Security integration with Atlassian Crowd provided by Pro plugin


SAML integration

SSO with any SAML IdP (Identity Provider). Artifactory can act as a SAML Service Provider

Secured settings.xml passwords

functionality already available in Maven 2.1.0

Centrally-controlled encrypted password policy so admins do not have to rely on clients security policy. Auto-generated encrypted passwords can be used in your settings.xml or with non Maven REST clients, such as Ivy, Gradle etc.
Overcomes Maven drawbacks (including Maven 2.1+) - Maven decrypts the password to clear-text on the client, and keeps a clear-text master password on the filesystem

Via the User Token feature. The token is a random api key and is not reversible to your corporate password, even by Nexus administrators. This was co-developed with a stock market that needed higher security than was is available elsewhere


functionality already available in Maven 2.1.0

Configuration files protection

Full encryption of passwords in configuration files

Encrypted user passwords

UI for GPG key management




Client features

Client settings generation (settings.xml etc.)

Out of the box generation of downloadable from the UI Maven’s settings.xml, Ivy’s settings.xml and Gradle’s initial build script

with template management


provided in automatic help pages for:
- Debian/APT - Eclipse P2
- Maven 2

Client settings provisioning

"Set Me Up" screens with detailed instructions, copy-paste configuration snippets and downloadble configuration files for any repository type.

Maven settings can be templatized and provisioned using Nexus Maven plugin (Pro)


Dedicated client plugins

All client plugins allow generation of build BOM on any CI server (inc. cloud-based and non-pluggable ones) or without using a CI server. Existing plugins:

- Artifactory Gradle Plugin (with custom DSL)
- Artifactory Maven Plugin
- Artifactory MsBuild Plugin (works with and without NuGet dependency management)

Nexus Maven Plugin


Jenkins Deploy Plugin

Dedicated CLI clients

Artifactory CLI client

CI Integration

Multiple CI servers support

Supports Jenkins/Hudson, TeamCity and Bamboo with full UI integration and any other CI server (inc. cloud-based and non-pluggable ones) by using Maven/Gradle plugins.
Supports Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) for working with .NET builds with and without NuGet

Custom Plugin for Jenkins and any other CI server (inc. cloud-based and non-pluggable ones) by using Maven/Gradle plugins.
Can show build information/links for Hudson and Jenkins

Trace build environment

Captures all build environment vars and system properties + CI-server specific vars (build, parent build, agent details etc.)

Captures selected build environment vars and links to the builds.

Trace published build artifacts and dependencies

Captures all published artifacts and effective build dependencies (after final version resolution) from all scopes (including plug-ins) + visual view of per-module artifacts & dependencies in Pro

Bi-directional links from/to CI sevrer

Can link from any build to its captured build info in Artifactory and from any artifact to the builds it is associated with in the CI server

CI-Build Promotion

Can promote CI builds to target repositories with selective scopes (e.g. promote all artifacts and all compile-time dependencies). Also via REST (Pro)

Optimized Deployment

Deploys all artifacts in one go only at the end of a successful build (Maven deploys partial modules for a broken multi-module build)

Custom deploy plugin works with Staging to stage locally and deploy/promote at the end of the build


Can deploy zipped P2 repository with server side expansion


Supported DBMS

  • Apache Derby (default)

  • MySQL

  • PostgreSQL

  • Bundled with Apache Derby

  • MySQL

  • PostgreSQL

  • Oracle

  • MS SQL Server

Bundled with H2 and non-replaceable


Database available for querying

configurable by datasources. Lucene index and REST api provided for searching

Can be queried, but can also use REST API

n/a - Lucene index and REST api provided for searching


Can run without database

Use by default an embedded Derby DB

Can use file-system storage. Database usage is recommended for fully transactional behavior of metadata not extractable from the artifact file itself

Uses H2 for metadata, not for artifacts



  • available docs: site,

  • live instance that includes searchable Central repository

Simple "one-click" push to distribution repository



Repository Purge

Snapshot Purge

configurable by: retention count, # of days old and if released snapshots are to be deleted

configurable by retention count

configurable by: retention count, # of days old and if released snapshots are to be deleted


configurable by: any meta data field, retention count

Unused Proxy artifact purge

Can evict unused artifacts from the proxy cache to conserve disk space

Can evict unused artifacts from the proxy cache to conserve disk space


Bulk Removal of Old Module Versions

Select multiple artifacts across directories, by version and clean them all up in one go, or select any section of the repository tree to delete

You can select any section of the repository tree to delete, just like you would do on a file system


Web Services

XMLRPC support in 1.2

(REST in 1.4-M1)


- full support: The Ajax communicates with the server via REST so all operations are available for Web service integration


Plugins Available

Pluggable repository consumers (ex. indexing consumer, repository purge consumer)

  • Build Integration - Use the Hudson Artifactory Plugin, TeamCity Plugin or Bamboo Plugin to deploy builds to Artifactory from Hudson/TeamCity together with build-time information. View builds in Artifactory with information about the deployed artifacts and dependencies (all scopes) and runtime environment per build, and link back to the CI Server to obtain fully-reproducible builds (some functions only in Pro).

  • High Availability (Enterprise) - Full active-active cluster with live fail-over.

  • S3 and Compatible Object Storage (Enterprise) - Binary filestore can reside on the cloud providing unlimited scalability, security and disaster recovery capabilities. The solution uses read and write-behind caches for brining the performance to a filesystem level.

  • License Control (Pro) - Take full control over licenses used by third-party dependencies as part of your builds and/or any file. Receive immediate notifications about any libraries that violate your organization’s license policy, so you can deal with licensing issues early on during development.

  • The information about licenses may be harvested from pom and ivy descriptors or from Black Duck Code Center.

  • Replication (Pro) - Eagerly synchronize you repository content and metadata

  • Multi-push replication (Enterprise) - simultaneously push-replicate from one source repository to multiple target repositories in Enterprise installations

  • Smart Searches and Promotion (Pro) to aggregate multiple search results and operate them in one go.

  • Properties (Pro) - Define custom searchable property sets and apply them to artifacts and folders.

  • P2 (Pro) - Proxy and host all your Eclipse® plugins via an Artifactory P2 repository, allowing users to have a single-access-point for all Eclipse® updates.

  • Yum (Pro) - Host and proxy RPMs directly in Artifactory, acting as fully-featured YUM repository with auto-updating repo metadata.

  • Nuget (Pro) - Host and proxy NuGet packages in Artifactory and pull libraries from Artifactory into your various Visual Studio .NET applications.

  • Ruby Gems (Pro) - Host and proxy Ruby Gems in Artifactory with full gem bundler and rake support

  • NPM (Pro) - Host and proxy node.js npm packages in Artifactory with npm tools support

  • Python Eggs (Pro) - Host and proxy Python Eggs in Artifactory with pypi support

  • Debian (Pro) - Distribute deb files directly from your Artifactory server, acting as fully-featured Debian repository with auto-updating repo metadata.

  • Docker (Pro) - Host and proxy Docker images. Distribute and share your images among teams across your organization, whether on-site or at remote locations with docker tool support, including secure pull and search. Proxy remote Docker registries, including DockerHub for locality and network independence. Use virtual repositories to simplify pull process.

  • Vagrant (Pro) - Host your Vagrant images in Artifactory with Atlas protocol support.

  • Bower (Pro) - Provision Bower packages directly from Artifactory to the Bower command line tool. Enjoy reliable and consistent access to remote Bower packages, and automatic calculation of metadata for Bower packages stored in our local repositories. Access multiple Bower registries through a single URL.

  • VCS Repositories (Pro) - Proxy a plain version control system as remote repository in Artifactory.

  • Git LFS (Pro) - Host your artifacts in a true artifact repository and work with them as they were commited in Git repos. More info on Git LFS.

  • Advanced REST (Pro) - Bundles a set of power REST commands, such as: Build Promotion, repository replication, aggregated folder tree file-listing, move/copy, sophisticated range searches, etc.

  • Filtered Resources - Server dynamic textual resources based on item properties and request context

  • Custom (Non-Maven) Layouts (Pro) - Define the layout by which modules are identified for automatic version management, cleanup and cross-repository layout conversion

  • LDAP Groups (Pro) leverage your existing organizational LDAP structure for managing group-based permissions with super-fast caching and flexible mapping strategies.

  • Atlassian Crowd Integration (Pro) - Delegate authentication requests to your Crowd server, get transparent SSO in a Crowd-enabled SSO environment, sync and manage permissions for Crowd groups.

  • Watches (Pro) - Watch any repository path and receive focused email notifications.

  • Pluggable HTTP SSO (Pro) - Reuse exiting SSO infrastructures, such as Apache mod_ntlm, mod_kerberos, etc.

  • Web Start/Jar Signing (Pro) to sign jars upon request and deploy, host and serve dynamic modular Web Start applications.

  • Pluggable security realms

Full list here



Commercial Support

Each CI server agent and build tool considered a "user"

US$2,750 per server for unlimited users on unlimited hardware with Artifactory Pro

- US$1,200 for 10 users included with Nexus Pro

- US$6,000 for 50 users included with Nexus Pro

- US$10,200 for 100 users included with Nexus Pro

All with unlimited servers.


Trial period for commercial versions


30 days. Extensions available on request

14 days automatically. Extensions available on request



Support terms and SLA

24/7 with 4 hours acknowledgement time

24/7 available
