<%-- Document : index Created on : Dec 9, 2013, 9:55:45 AM Author : aqfaridi --%> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %> <%@page import="java.sql.*,connection.Config" %> CodeShare <% String User =(String) session.getAttribute("username"); // out.print(User); if(User != null) {%> <%@include file="header1.jsp" %> <% } else {%> <%@ include file="header.jsp" %> <% } %>


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CodeShare is a type of web application where anyone can share codes in any programming language and add any programming question for discussion . This type of website is mainly used by programmers to store pieces of source code or configuration information. The idea behind CodeShare is to make it more convenient for people to share large amounts of codes online.

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<% Config c = new Config(); Connection con = c.getcon(); Statement st = con.createStatement(); int i=0; String[] str = {"dynammic","divide","greedy","backtracking","maxflow","graph","tree","searching","sorting","recursion","number","analysis","advanced","other"}; String[] cat = {"DYNAMMICPROGRAMMING","DIVIDECONQUER","GREEDY","BACKTRACKING","MAXFLOW","GRAPH","TREE","SEARCHING","SORTING","RECURSION","NUMBERTHEORY","ANALYSISOFALGO","ADVANCEDDS","OTHER"}; %> <% for(int x=0;x<=13;x++) { out.println("
"); String qry = "SELECT * FROM tutorials WHERE category='"+cat[x]+"'"; ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(qry); i=0; %> <% while(rs.next()) { i++; %> <% } out.println("
S No. Tutorial Code Tutorial Name Category
<%=i%> <%=rs.getString("tutorialcode")%> " > <%=rs.getString("tutorialname")%> <%=rs.getString("category")%>
"); } %>
<%@include file="footer.jsp" %>