# Default values for the starboard-operator Helm chart, these are used to render
# the templates into valid k8s Resources.

# managedBy is similar to .Release.Service but allows to overwrite the value
managedBy: Helm

# targetNamespace defines where you want starboard-operator to operate. By
# default, it's a blank string to select all namespaces, but you can specify
# another namespace, or a comma separated list of namespaces.
targetNamespaces: ""

# excludeNamespaces is a comma separated list of namespaces (or glob patterns)
# to be excluded from scanning. Only applicable in the all namespaces install
# mode, i.e. when the targetNamespaces values is a blank string.
excludeNamespaces: "kube-system,{{ .Release.Namespace }}"

nameOverride: ""
fullnameOverride: ""

  # replicas the number of replicas of the operator's pod
  replicas: 1

  # leaderElectionId determines the name of the resource that leader election
  # will use for holding the leader lock.
  leaderElectionId: "starboard-lock"

  # logDevMode the flag to enable development mode (more human-readable output, extra stack traces and logging information, etc)
  logDevMode: false

  # scanJobTimeout the length of time to wait before giving up on a scan job
  scanJobTimeout: 5m

  # scanJobsConcurrentLimit the maximum number of scan jobs create by the operator
  scanJobsConcurrentLimit: 10

  # scanJobsRetryDelay the duration to wait before retrying a failed scan job
  scanJobsRetryDelay: 30s

  # vulnerabilityScannerEnabled the flag to enable vulnerability scanner
  vulnerabilityScannerEnabled: true
  # vulnerabilityScannerReportTTL the flag to set how long a vulnerability report should exist. "" means that the vulnerabilityScannerReportTTL feature is disabled
  vulnerabilityScannerReportTTL: ""
  # configAuditScannerEnabled the flag to enable configuration audit scanner
  configAuditScannerEnabled: false
  # configAuditScannerBuiltIn the flag to enable built-in configuration audit scanner
  configAuditScannerBuiltIn: true
  # kubernetesBenchmarkEnabled the flag to enable CIS Kubernetes Benchmark scanner
  kubernetesBenchmarkEnabled: true
  # clusterComplianceEnabled the flag to enable CIS Kubernetes Benchmark scanner
  clusterComplianceEnabled: true
  # batchDeleteLimit the maximum number of config audit reports deleted by the operator when the plugin's config has changed.
  batchDeleteLimit: 10
  # vulnerabilityScannerScanOnlyCurrentRevisions the flag to only create vulnerability scans on the current revision of a deployment.
  vulnerabilityScannerScanOnlyCurrentRevisions: false
  # batchDeleteDelay the duration to wait before deleting another batch of config audit reports.
  batchDeleteDelay: 10s
  repository: "docker.io/aquasec/starboard-operator"
  # tag is an override of the image tag, which is by default set by the
  # appVersion field in Chart.yaml.
  tag: ""
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  pullSecrets: []

# service only expose a metrics endpoint for prometheus to scrape,
# starboard-operator does not have a user interface.
  type: ClusterIP
  metricsPort: 80
    prometheus.io/scrape: "true"
    prometheus.io/path: /metrics

  # vulnerabilityReportsPlugin the name of the plugin that generates vulnerability reports. Either `Trivy` or `Aqua`.
  vulnerabilityReportsPlugin: "Trivy"
  # configAuditReportsPlugin the name of the plugin that generates config audit reports. Either `Polaris` or `Conftest`.
  configAuditReportsPlugin: "Polaris"

  # scanJobTolerations tolerations to be applied to the scanner pods so that they can run on nodes with matching taints
  scanJobTolerations: []
  # If you do want to specify tolerations, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the
  # square brackets after 'scanJobTolerations:'.
  # - key: "key1"
  #   operator: "Equal"
  #   value: "value1"
  #   effect: "NoSchedule"

  # scanJobAnnotations comma-separated representation of the annotations which the user wants the scanner pods to be
  # annotated with. Example: `foo=bar,env=stage` will annotate the scanner pods with the annotations `foo: bar` and `env: stage`
  scanJobAnnotations: ""

  # scanJobPodTemplateLabels comma-separated representation of the labels which the user wants the scanner pods to be
  # labeled with. Example: `foo=bar,env=stage` will labeled the scanner pods with the labels `foo: bar` and `env: stage`
  scanJobPodTemplateLabels: ""

  # createConfig indicates whether to create config objects
  createConfig: true

  # imageRef the Trivy image reference.
  imageRef: docker.io/aquasec/trivy:0.24.2

  # mode is the Trivy client mode. Either Standalone or ClientServer. Depending
  # on the active mode other settings might be applicable or required.
  mode: Standalone

  # httpProxy is the HTTP proxy used by Trivy to download the vulnerabilities database from GitHub.
  # httpProxy:

  # httpsProxy is the HTTPS proxy used by Trivy to download the vulnerabilities database from GitHub.
  # httpsProxy:

  # noProxy is a comma separated list of IPs and domain names that are not subject to proxy settings.
  # noProxy:

  # Registries without SSL. There can be multiple registries with different keys.
  nonSslRegistries: {}
  #  pocRegistry: poc.myregistry.harbor.com.pl
  #  qaRegistry: qa.registry.aquasec.com
  #  internalRegistry: registry.registry.svc:5000

  # severity is a comma separated list of severity levels reported by Trivy.

  # ignoreUnfixed is the flag to show only fixed vulnerabilities in
  # vulnerabilities reported by Trivy. Set to "true" to enable it.
  ignoreUnfixed: "false"

  # timeout is the duration to wait for scan completion.
  timeout: "5m0s"

  # ignoreFile can be used to tell Trivy to ignore vulnerabilities by ID (one per line)
  # ignoreFile: |
  #   CVE-1970-0001
  #   CVE-1970-0002

  # resources resource requests and limits
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 100M
      cpu: 500m
      memory: 500M

  # githubToken is the GitHub access token used by Trivy to download the vulnerabilities
  # database from GitHub. Only applicable in Standalone mode.
  # githubToken: "*****"

  # serverURL is the endpoint URL of the Trivy server. Required in ClientServer mode.
  # serverURL: "https://trivy.trivy:4975"

  # serverInsecure is the flag to enable insecure connection to the Trivy server.
  # serverInsecure: true
  # serverToken is the token to authenticate Trivy client with Trivy server. Only
  # applicable in ClientServer mode.
  # serverToken: "*****"

  # serverTokenHeader is the name of the HTTP header used to send the authentication
  # token to Trivy server. Only application in ClientServer mode when
  # trivy.serverToken is specified.
  serverTokenHeader: "Trivy-Token"

  # serverCustomHeaders is a comma separated list of custom HTTP headers sent by
  # Trivy client to Trivy server. Only applicable in ClientServer mode.
  # serverCustomHeaders: "foo=bar"

  imageRef: docker.io/aquasec/kube-bench:v0.6.6

  # createConfig indicates whether to create config objects
  createConfig: true

  # imageRef the image reference
  imageRef: quay.io/fairwinds/polaris:4.2

  # resources resource requests and limits
      cpu: 50m
      memory: 50M
      cpu: 300m
      memory: 300M

      # reliability
      multipleReplicasForDeployment: ignore
      priorityClassNotSet: ignore
      # resources
      cpuRequestsMissing: warning
      cpuLimitsMissing: warning
      memoryRequestsMissing: warning
      memoryLimitsMissing: warning
      # images
      tagNotSpecified: danger
      pullPolicyNotAlways: ignore
      # healthChecks
      readinessProbeMissing: warning
      livenessProbeMissing: warning
      # networking
      hostNetworkSet: warning
      hostPortSet: warning
      # security
      hostIPCSet: danger
      hostPIDSet: danger
      notReadOnlyRootFilesystem: warning
      privilegeEscalationAllowed: danger
      runAsRootAllowed: warning
      runAsPrivileged: danger
      dangerousCapabilities: danger
      insecureCapabilities: warning
      - controllerNames:
        - kube-apiserver
        - kube-proxy
        - kube-scheduler
        - etcd-manager-events
        - kube-controller-manager
        - kube-dns
        - etcd-manager-main
        - hostPortSet
        - hostNetworkSet
        - readinessProbeMissing
        - livenessProbeMissing
        - cpuRequestsMissing
        - cpuLimitsMissing
        - memoryRequestsMissing
        - memoryLimitsMissing
        - runAsRootAllowed
        - runAsPrivileged
        - notReadOnlyRootFilesystem
        - hostPIDSet
      - controllerNames:
        - kube-flannel-ds
        - notReadOnlyRootFilesystem
        - runAsRootAllowed
        - notReadOnlyRootFilesystem
        - readinessProbeMissing
        - livenessProbeMissing
        - cpuLimitsMissing
      - controllerNames:
        - cert-manager
        - notReadOnlyRootFilesystem
        - runAsRootAllowed
        - readinessProbeMissing
        - livenessProbeMissing
      - controllerNames:
        - cluster-autoscaler
        - notReadOnlyRootFilesystem
        - runAsRootAllowed
        - readinessProbeMissing
      - controllerNames:
        - vpa
        - runAsRootAllowed
        - readinessProbeMissing
        - livenessProbeMissing
        - notReadOnlyRootFilesystem
      - controllerNames:
        - datadog
        - runAsRootAllowed
        - readinessProbeMissing
        - livenessProbeMissing
        - notReadOnlyRootFilesystem
      - controllerNames:
        - nginx-ingress-controller
        - privilegeEscalationAllowed
        - insecureCapabilities
        - runAsRootAllowed
      - controllerNames:
        - dns-controller
        - datadog-datadog
        - kube-flannel-ds
        - kube2iam
        - aws-iam-authenticator
        - datadog
        - kube2iam
        - hostNetworkSet
      - controllerNames:
        - aws-iam-authenticator
        - aws-cluster-autoscaler
        - kube-state-metrics
        - dns-controller
        - external-dns
        - dnsmasq
        - autoscaler
        - kubernetes-dashboard
        - install-cni
        - kube2iam
        - readinessProbeMissing
        - livenessProbeMissing
      - controllerNames:
        - aws-iam-authenticator
        - nginx-ingress-default-backend
        - aws-cluster-autoscaler
        - kube-state-metrics
        - dns-controller
        - external-dns
        - kubedns
        - dnsmasq
        - autoscaler
        - tiller
        - kube2iam
        - runAsRootAllowed
      - controllerNames:
        - aws-iam-authenticator
        - nginx-ingress-controller
        - nginx-ingress-default-backend
        - aws-cluster-autoscaler
        - kube-state-metrics
        - dns-controller
        - external-dns
        - kubedns
        - dnsmasq
        - autoscaler
        - tiller
        - kube2iam
        - notReadOnlyRootFilesystem
      - controllerNames:
        - cert-manager
        - dns-controller
        - kubedns
        - dnsmasq
        - autoscaler
        - insights-agent-goldilocks-vpa-install
        - datadog
        - cpuRequestsMissing
        - cpuLimitsMissing
        - memoryRequestsMissing
        - memoryLimitsMissing
      - controllerNames:
        - kube2iam
        - kube-flannel-ds
        - runAsPrivileged
      - controllerNames:
        - kube-hunter
        - hostPIDSet
      - controllerNames:
        - polaris
        - kube-hunter
        - goldilocks
        - insights-agent-goldilocks-vpa-install
        - notReadOnlyRootFilesystem
      - controllerNames:
        - insights-agent-goldilocks-controller
        - livenessProbeMissing
        - readinessProbeMissing
      - controllerNames:
        - insights-agent-goldilocks-vpa-install
        - kube-hunter
        - runAsRootAllowed

  # createConfig indicates whether to create config objects
  createConfig: true

  # imageRef the image reference
  imageRef: docker.io/openpolicyagent/conftest:v0.30.0

  # resources resource requests and limits
      cpu: 50m
      memory: 50M
      cpu: 300m
      memory: 300M
  library: {}
    # kubernetes.rego: |
    #   << REGO >>
    # utils.rego: |
    #   << REGO >>
  policy: {}
    # access_to_host_pid:
    #   rego: |
    #     << REGO >>
    #   kinds: Workload
    # configmap_with_sensitive_data:
    #   rego: |
    #     << REGO >>
    #   kinds: ConfigMap

  # imageRef Aqua scanner image reference. The tag determines the version of the scanner binary executable and it must
  # be compatible with version of Aqua server.
  imageRef: docker.io/aquasec/scanner:5.3
  # serverURL the endpoint URL of Aqua management console
  # username the Aqua management console username
  # password the Aqua management console password

  create: true
  # Specifies whether a service account should be created.
  create: true
  annotations: {}
  # name specifies the name of the k8s Service Account. If not set and create is
  # true, a name is generated using the fullname template.
  name: ""

# podAnnotations annotations added to the operator's pod
podAnnotations: {}

podSecurityContext: {}
  # fsGroup: 2000

  privileged: false
  allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
  readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
      - ALL

resources: {}
  # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
  # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
  # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following
  # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
  # limits:
  #   cpu: 100m
  #   memory: 128Mi
  # requests:
  #   cpu: 100m
  #   memory: 128Mi

nodeSelector: {}

tolerations: []

affinity: {}