# Default values for the trivy-operator Helm chart, these are used to render # the templates into valid k8s Resources. # -- global values provide a centralized configuration for 'image.registry', reducing the potential for errors. # If left blank, the chart will default to the individually set 'image.registry' values global: image: registry: "" # -- managedBy is similar to .Release.Service but allows to overwrite the value managedBy: Helm # -- targetNamespace defines where you want trivy-operator to operate. By # default, it's a blank string to select all namespaces, but you can specify # another namespace, or a comma separated list of namespaces. targetNamespaces: "" # -- excludeNamespaces is a comma separated list of namespaces (or glob patterns) # to be excluded from scanning. Only applicable in the all namespaces install # mode, i.e. when the targetNamespaces values is a blank string. excludeNamespaces: "" # -- targetWorkloads is a comma seperated list of Kubernetes workload resources # to be included in the vulnerability and config-audit scans # if left blank, all workload resources will be scanned targetWorkloads: "pod,replicaset,replicationcontroller,statefulset,daemonset,cronjob,job" # -- nameOverride override operator name nameOverride: "" # -- fullnameOverride override operator full name fullnameOverride: "" operator: # -- namespace to install the operator, defaults to the .Release.Namespace namespace: "" # -- replicas the number of replicas of the operator's pod replicas: 1 # -- number of old history to retain to allow rollback (if not set, default Kubernetes value is set to 10) revisionHistoryLimit: ~ # -- additional annotations for the operator deployment annotations: {} # -- additional labels for the operator deployment labels: {} # -- additional labels for the operator pod podLabels: {} # -- leaderElectionId determines the name of the resource that leader election # will use for holding the leader lock. leaderElectionId: "trivyoperator-lock" # -- logDevMode the flag to enable development mode (more human-readable output, extra stack traces and logging information, etc) logDevMode: false # -- scanJobTTL the set automatic cleanup time after the job is completed scanJobTTL: "" # -- scanSecretTTL set an automatic cleanup for scan job secrets scanSecretTTL: "" # -- scanJobTimeout the length of time to wait before giving up on a scan job scanJobTimeout: 5m # -- scanJobsConcurrentLimit the maximum number of scan jobs create by the operator scanJobsConcurrentLimit: 10 # -- scanNodeCollectorLimit the maximum number of node collector jobs create by the operator scanNodeCollectorLimit: 1 # -- scanJobsRetryDelay the duration to wait before retrying a failed scan job scanJobsRetryDelay: 30s # -- the flag to enable vulnerability scanner vulnerabilityScannerEnabled: true # -- the flag to enable sbom generation, required for enabling ClusterVulnerabilityReports sbomGenerationEnabled: true # -- the flag to enable cluster sbom cache generation clusterSbomCacheEnabled: false # -- scannerReportTTL the flag to set how long a report should exist. "" means that the ScannerReportTTL feature is disabled scannerReportTTL: "24h" # -- cacheReportTTL the flag to set how long a cluster sbom report should exist. "" means that the cacheReportTTL feature is disabled cacheReportTTL: "120h" # -- configAuditScannerEnabled the flag to enable configuration audit scanner configAuditScannerEnabled: true # -- rbacAssessmentScannerEnabled the flag to enable rbac assessment scanner rbacAssessmentScannerEnabled: true # -- infraAssessmentScannerEnabled the flag to enable infra assessment scanner infraAssessmentScannerEnabled: true # -- clusterComplianceEnabled the flag to enable cluster compliance scanner clusterComplianceEnabled: true # -- batchDeleteLimit the maximum number of config audit reports deleted by the operator when the plugin's config has changed. batchDeleteLimit: 10 # -- vulnerabilityScannerScanOnlyCurrentRevisions the flag to only create vulnerability scans on the current revision of a deployment. vulnerabilityScannerScanOnlyCurrentRevisions: true # -- configAuditScannerScanOnlyCurrentRevisions the flag to only create config audit scans on the current revision of a deployment. configAuditScannerScanOnlyCurrentRevisions: true # -- batchDeleteDelay the duration to wait before deleting another batch of config audit reports. batchDeleteDelay: 10s # -- accessGlobalSecretsAndServiceAccount The flag to enable access to global secrets/service accounts to allow `vulnerability scan job` to pull images from private registries accessGlobalSecretsAndServiceAccount: true # -- builtInTrivyServer The flag enables the usage of built-in trivy server in cluster. It also overrides the following trivy params with built-in values # trivy.mode = ClientServer and serverURL = http://.:4975 builtInTrivyServer: false # -- builtInServerRegistryInsecure is the flag to enable insecure connection from the built-in Trivy server to the registry. builtInServerRegistryInsecure: false # -- controllerCacheSyncTimeout the duration to wait for controller resources cache sync (default: 5m). controllerCacheSyncTimeout: "5m" # -- trivyServerHealthCheckCacheExpiration The flag to set the interval for trivy server health cache before it invalidate trivyServerHealthCheckCacheExpiration: 10h # -- metricsFindingsEnabled the flag to enable metrics for findings metricsFindingsEnabled: true # -- metricsVulnIdEnabled the flag to enable metrics about cve vulns id # be aware of metrics cardinality is significantly increased with this feature enabled. metricsVulnIdEnabled: false # -- exposedSecretScannerEnabled the flag to enable exposed secret scanner exposedSecretScannerEnabled: true # -- MetricsExposedSecretInfo the flag to enable metrics about exposed secrets # be aware of metrics cardinality is significantly increased with this feature enabled. metricsExposedSecretInfo: false # -- MetricsConfigAuditInfo the flag to enable metrics about configuration audits # be aware of metrics cardinality is significantly increased with this feature enabled. metricsConfigAuditInfo: false # -- MetricsRbacAssessmentInfo the flag to enable metrics about Rbac Assessment # be aware of metrics cardinality is significantly increased with this feature enabled. metricsRbacAssessmentInfo: false # -- MetricsInfraAssessmentInfo the flag to enable metrics about Infra Assessment # be aware of metrics cardinality is significantly increased with this feature enabled. metricsInfraAssessmentInfo: false # -- MetricsImageInfo the flag to enable metrics about Image Information of scanned images # This information has image os information including os family, name/version, and if end of service life has been reached # be aware of metrics cardinality is significantly increased with this feature enabled. metricsImageInfo: false # -- MetricsClusterComplianceInfo the flag to enable metrics about Cluster Compliance # be aware of metrics cardinality is significantly increased with this feature enabled. metricsClusterComplianceInfo: false # -- serverAdditionalAnnotations the flag to set additional annotations for the trivy server pod serverAdditionalAnnotations: {} # -- webhookBroadcastURL the flag to set reports should be sent to a webhook endpoint. "" means that the webhookBroadcastURL feature is disabled webhookBroadcastURL: "" # -- webhookBroadcastTimeout the flag to set timeout for webhook requests if webhookBroadcastURL is enabled webhookBroadcastTimeout: 30s # -- webhookBroadcastCustomHeaders the flag to set webhook endpoint sent with custom defined headers if webhookBroadcastURL is enabled webhookBroadcastCustomHeaders: "" # -- webhookSendDeletedReports the flag to enable sending deleted reports if webhookBroadcastURL is enabled webhookSendDeletedReports: false # -- privateRegistryScanSecretsNames is map of namespace:secrets, secrets are comma seperated which can be used to authenticate in private registries in case if there no imagePullSecrets provided example : {"mynamespace":"mySecrets,anotherSecret"} privateRegistryScanSecretsNames: {} # -- mergeRbacFindingWithConfigAudit the flag to enable merging rbac finding with config-audit report mergeRbacFindingWithConfigAudit: false # -- httpProxy is the HTTP proxy used by Trivy operator to download the default policies from GitHub. httpProxy: ~ # -- httpsProxy is the HTTPS proxy used by Trivy operator to download the default policies from GitHub. httpsProxy: ~ # -- noProxy is a comma separated list of IPs and domain names that are not subject to proxy settings. noProxy: ~ # -- vaulesFromConfigMap name of a ConfigMap to apply OPERATOR_* environment variables. Will override Helm values. valuesFromConfigMap: "" # -- valuesFromSecret name of a Secret to apply OPERATOR_* environment variables. Will override Helm AND ConfigMap values. valuesFromSecret: "" image: registry: "ghcr.io" repository: "aquasecurity/trivy-operator" # -- tag is an override of the image tag, which is by default set by the # appVersion field in Chart.yaml. tag: "" # -- pullPolicy set the operator pullPolicy pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # -- pullSecrets set the operator pullSecrets pullSecrets: [] # -- service only expose a metrics endpoint for prometheus to scrape, # trivy-operator does not have a user interface. service: # -- if true, the Service doesn't allocate any IP headless: true # -- port exposed by the Service metricsPort: 80 # -- annotations added to the operator's service annotations: {} # -- appProtocol of the monitoring service metricsAppProtocol: TCP # -- the Service type type: ClusterIP # -- the nodeport to use when service type is LoadBalancer or NodePort. If not set, Kubernetes automatically select one. nodePort: # -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor configuration -- to install the trivy operator with the ServiceMonitor # you must have Prometheus already installed and running. If you do not have Prometheus installed, enabling this will # have no effect. serviceMonitor: # -- enabled determines whether a serviceMonitor should be deployed enabled: false # -- The namespace where Prometheus expects to find service monitors namespace: ~ # -- Interval at which metrics should be scraped. If not specified Prometheus’ global scrape interval is used. interval: ~ # -- Additional annotations for the serviceMonitor annotations: {} # -- Additional labels for the serviceMonitor labels: {} # -- HonorLabels chooses the metric’s labels on collisions with target labels honorLabels: true # -- EndpointAdditionalProperties allows setting additional properties on the endpoint such as relabelings, metricRelabelings etc. endpointAdditionalProperties: {} trivyOperator: # -- vulnerabilityReportsPlugin the name of the plugin that generates vulnerability reports `Trivy` vulnerabilityReportsPlugin: "Trivy" # -- configAuditReportsPlugin the name of the plugin that generates config audit reports. configAuditReportsPlugin: "Trivy" # -- scanJobCompressLogs control whether scanjob output should be compressed or plain scanJobCompressLogs: true # -- scanJobAffinity affinity to be applied to the scanner pods and node-collector scanJobAffinity: [] # -- scanJobTolerations tolerations to be applied to the scanner pods so that they can run on nodes with matching taints scanJobTolerations: [] # -- If you do want to specify tolerations, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the # square brackets after 'scanJobTolerations:'. # - key: "key1" # operator: "Equal" # value: "value1" # effect: "NoSchedule" # -- scanJobNodeSelector nodeSelector to be applied to the scanner pods so that they can run on nodes with matching labels scanJobNodeSelector: {} # -- If you do want to specify nodeSelector, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the # square brackets after 'scanJobNodeSelector:'. # nodeType: worker # cpu: sandylake # teamOwner: operators # -- scanJobCustomVolumesMount add custom volumes mount to the scan job scanJobCustomVolumesMount: [] # - name: var-lib-etcd # mountPath: /var/lib/etcd # readOnly: true # -- scanJobCustomVolumes add custom volumes to the scan job scanJobCustomVolumes: [] # - name: var-lib-etcd # hostPath: # path: /var/lib/etcd # -- useGCRServiceAccount the flag to enable the usage of GCR service account for scanning images in GCR useGCRServiceAccount: true # -- scanJobAutomountServiceAccountToken the flag to enable automount for service account token on scan job scanJobAutomountServiceAccountToken: false # -- scanJobAnnotations comma-separated representation of the annotations which the user wants the scanner jobs and pods to be # annotated with. Example: `foo=bar,env=stage` will annotate the scanner jobs and pods with the annotations `foo: bar` and `env: stage` scanJobAnnotations: "" # -- scanJobPodTemplateLabels comma-separated representation of the labels which the user wants the scanner pods to be # labeled with. Example: `foo=bar,env=stage` will labeled the scanner pods with the labels `foo: bar` and `env: stage` scanJobPodTemplateLabels: "" # -- skipInitContainers when this flag is set to true, the initContainers will be skipped for the scanner and node collector pods skipInitContainers: false # -- scanJobPodTemplatePodSecurityContext podSecurityContext the user wants the scanner and node collector pods to be amended with. # Example: # RunAsUser: 10000 # RunAsGroup: 10000 # RunAsNonRoot: true scanJobPodTemplatePodSecurityContext: {} # -- scanJobPodTemplateContainerSecurityContext SecurityContext the user wants the scanner and node collector containers (and their # initContainers) to be amended with. scanJobPodTemplateContainerSecurityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: false capabilities: drop: - ALL privileged: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: true # -- For filesystem scanning, Trivy needs to run as the root user # runAsUser: 0 # -- scanJobPodPriorityClassName Priority class name to be set on the pods created by trivy operator jobs. This accepts a string value scanJobPodPriorityClassName: "" # -- reportResourceLabels comma-separated scanned resource labels which the user wants to include in the Prometheus # metrics report. Example: `owner,app` reportResourceLabels: "" # -- reportRecordFailedChecksOnly flag is to record only failed checks on misconfiguration reports (config-audit and rbac assessment) reportRecordFailedChecksOnly: true # -- skipResourceByLabels comma-separated labels keys which trivy-operator will skip scanning on resources with matching labels skipResourceByLabels: "" # -- metricsResourceLabelsPrefix Prefix that will be prepended to the labels names indicated in `reportResourceLabels` # when including them in the Prometheus metrics metricsResourceLabelsPrefix: "k8s_label_" # -- additionalReportLabels comma-separated representation of the labels which the user wants the scanner pods to be # labeled with. Example: `foo=bar,env=stage` will labeled the reports with the labels `foo: bar` and `env: stage` additionalReportLabels: "" # -- policiesConfig Custom Rego Policies to be used by the config audit scanner # See https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy-operator/blob/main/docs/tutorials/writing-custom-configuration-audit-policies.md for more details. policiesConfig: "" # -- excludeImages is comma separated glob patterns for excluding images from scanning. # Example: pattern: `k8s.gcr.io/*/*` will exclude image: `k8s.gcr.io/coredns/coredns:v1.8.0`. excludeImages: "" trivy: # -- createConfig indicates whether to create config objects createConfig: true image: # -- registry of the Trivy image registry: ghcr.io # -- repository of the Trivy image repository: aquasecurity/trivy # -- tag version of the Trivy image tag: 0.53.0 # -- imagePullSecret is the secret name to be used when pulling trivy image from private registries example : reg-secret # It is the user responsibility to create the secret for the private registry in `trivy-operator` namespace imagePullSecret: ~ # -- pullPolicy is the imge pull policy used for trivy image , valid values are (Always, Never, IfNotPresent) pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # -- mode is the Trivy client mode. Either Standalone or ClientServer. Depending # on the active mode other settings might be applicable or required. mode: Standalone # -- sbomSources trivy will try to retrieve SBOM from the specified sources (oci,rekor) sbomSources: "" # -- includeDevDeps include development dependencies in the report (supported: npm, yarn) (default: false) # note: this flag is only applicable when trivy.command is set to filesystem includeDevDeps: false # -- whether to use a storage class for trivy server or emptydir (one mey want to use ephemeral storage) storageClassEnabled: true # -- storageClassName is the name of the storage class to be used for trivy server PVC. If empty, tries to find default storage class storageClassName: "" # -- storageSize is the size of the trivy server PVC storageSize: "5Gi" # -- labels is the extra labels to be used for trivy server statefulset labels: {} # -- podLabels is the extra pod labels to be used for trivy server podLabels: {} # -- priorityClassName is the name of the priority class used for trivy server priorityClassName: "" # -- additionalVulnerabilityReportFields is a comma separated list of additional fields which # can be added to the VulnerabilityReport. Supported parameters: Description, Links, CVSS, Target, Class, PackagePath and PackageType additionalVulnerabilityReportFields: "" # -- httpProxy is the HTTP proxy used by Trivy to download the vulnerabilities database from GitHub. httpProxy: ~ # -- httpsProxy is the HTTPS proxy used by Trivy to download the vulnerabilities database from GitHub. httpsProxy: ~ # -- noProxy is a comma separated list of IPs and domain names that are not subject to proxy settings. noProxy: ~ # -- Registries without SSL. There can be multiple registries with different keys. nonSslRegistries: {} # pocRegistry: poc.myregistry.harbor.com.pl # qaRegistry: qa.registry.aquasec.com # internalRegistry: registry.registry.svc:5000 # -- sslCertDir can be used to override the system default locations for SSL certificate files directory, example: /ssl/certs sslCertDir: ~ # -- The registry to which insecure connections are allowed. There can be multiple registries with different keys. insecureRegistries: {} # pocRegistry: poc.myregistry.harbor.com.pl # qaRegistry: qa.registry.aquasec.com # internalRegistry: registry.registry.svc:5000 # -- Mirrored registries. There can be multiple registries with different keys. # Make sure to quote registries containing dots registry: mirror: {} # "docker.io": docker-mirror.example.com # -- severity is a comma separated list of severity levels reported by Trivy. severity: UNKNOWN,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL # -- slow this flag is to use less CPU/memory for scanning though it takes more time than normal scanning. It fits small-footprint slow: true # -- ignoreUnfixed is the flag to show only fixed vulnerabilities in # vulnerabilities reported by Trivy. Set to true to enable it. # ignoreUnfixed: false # -- a comma separated list of file paths for Trivy to skip skipFiles: # -- a comma separated list of directories for Trivy to skip skipDirs: # -- offlineScan is the flag to enable the offline scan functionality in Trivy # This will prevent outgoing HTTP requests, e.g. to search.maven.org offlineScan: false # -- timeout is the duration to wait for scan completion. timeout: "5m0s" # -- ignoreFile can be used to tell Trivy to ignore vulnerabilities by ID (one per line) ignoreFile: ~ # ignoreFile: # - CVE-1970-0001 # - CVE-1970-0002 # -- ignorePolicy can be used to tell Trivy to ignore vulnerabilities by a policy # If multiple policies would match, then the most specific one has precedence over the others. # See https://aquasecurity.github.io/trivy/latest/docs/configuration/filtering/#by-open-policy-agent for more details. # See https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy/blob/v0.19.2/contrib/example_policy/basic.rego for more details on ignorePolicy filtering. # # ignorePolicy.application.my-app-.: | # package trivy # import data.lib.trivy # default ignore = true # applies to all workloads in namespace "application" with the name pattern "my-app-*" # ignorePolicy.kube-system: | # package trivy # import data.lib.trivy # default ignore = true # applies to all workloads in namespace "kube-system" # ignorePolicy: | # package trivy # import data.lib.trivy # default ignore = true # applies to all other workloads # -- vulnType can be used to tell Trivy to filter vulnerabilities by a pkg-type (library, os) vulnType: ~ # -- resources resource requests and limits for scan job containers resources: requests: cpu: 100m memory: 100M # ephemeralStorage: "2Gi" limits: cpu: 500m memory: 500M # ephemeralStorage: "2Gi" # -- githubToken is the GitHub access token used by Trivy to download the vulnerabilities # database from GitHub. Only applicable in Standalone mode. githubToken: ~ # -- serverURL is the endpoint URL of the Trivy server. Required in ClientServer mode. # # serverURL: "https://trivy.trivy:4975" # -- clientServerSkipUpdate is the flag to enable skip databases update for Trivy client. # Only applicable in ClientServer mode. clientServerSkipUpdate: false # -- skipJavaDBUpdate is the flag to enable skip Java index databases update for Trivy client. skipJavaDBUpdate: false # -- serverInsecure is the flag to enable insecure connection to the Trivy server. serverInsecure: false # -- serverToken is the token to authenticate Trivy client with Trivy server. Only # applicable in ClientServer mode. serverToken: ~ # -- existingSecret if a secret containing gitHubToken, serverToken or serverCustomHeaders has been created outside the chart (e.g external-secrets, sops, etc...). # Keys must be at least one of the following: trivy.githubToken, trivy.serverToken, trivy.serverCustomHeaders # Overrides trivy.gitHubToken, trivy.serverToken, trivy.serverCustomHeaders values. # Note: The secret has to be named "trivy-operator-trivy-config". # existingSecret: true # -- serverTokenHeader is the name of the HTTP header used to send the authentication # token to Trivy server. Only application in ClientServer mode when # trivy.serverToken is specified. serverTokenHeader: "Trivy-Token" # -- serverCustomHeaders is a comma separated list of custom HTTP headers sent by # Trivy client to Trivy server. Only applicable in ClientServer mode. serverCustomHeaders: ~ # serverCustomHeaders: "foo=bar" dbRegistry: "ghcr.io" dbRepository: "aquasecurity/trivy-db" # -- The username for dbRepository authentication # dbRepositoryUsername: ~ # -- The password for dbRepository authentication # dbRepositoryPassword: ~ # -- javaDbRegistry is the registry for the Java vulnerability database. javaDbRegistry: "ghcr.io" javaDbRepository: "aquasecurity/trivy-java-db" # -- The Flag to enable insecure connection for downloading trivy-db via proxy (air-gaped env) # dbRepositoryInsecure: "false" # -- The Flag to enable the usage of builtin rego policies by default, these policies are downloaded by default from ghcr.io/aquasecurity/trivy-checks # useBuiltinRegoPolicies: "true" # -- The Flag to enable the usage of external rego policies config-map, this should be used when the user wants to use their own rego policies # externalRegoPoliciesEnabled: false # -- To enable the usage of embedded rego policies, set the flag useEmbeddedRegoPolicies. This should serve as a fallback for air-gapped environments. # When useEmbeddedRegoPolicies is set to true, useBuiltinRegoPolicies should be set to false. useEmbeddedRegoPolicies: "false" # -- The Flag is the list of supported kinds separated by comma delimiter to be scanned by the config audit scanner # supportedConfigAuditKinds: "Workload,Service,Role,ClusterRole,NetworkPolicy,Ingress,LimitRange,ResourceQuota" # -- command. One of `image`, `filesystem` or `rootfs` scanning, depending on the target type required for the scan. # For 'filesystem' and `rootfs` scanning, ensure that the `trivyOperator.scanJobPodTemplateContainerSecurityContext` is configured # to run as the root user (runAsUser = 0). command: image # -- imageScanCacheDir the flag to set custom path for trivy image scan `cache-dir` parameter. # Only applicable in image scan mode. imageScanCacheDir: "/tmp/trivy/.cache" # -- filesystemScanCacheDir the flag to set custom path for trivy filesystem scan `cache-dir` parameter. # Only applicable in filesystem scan mode. filesystemScanCacheDir: "/var/trivyoperator/trivy-db" # -- serverUser this param is the server user to be used to download db from private registry serverUser: "" # -- serverPassword this param is the server user to be used to download db from private registry serverPassword: "" # -- serverServiceName this param is the server service name to be used in cluster serverServiceName: "trivy-service" # -- debug One of `true` or `false`. Enables debug mode. debug: false server: # -- resources set trivy-server resource resources: requests: cpu: 200m memory: 512Mi # ephemeral-storage: "2Gi" limits: cpu: 1 memory: 1Gi # ephemeral-storage: "2Gi" # -- podSecurityContext set trivy-server podSecurityContext podSecurityContext: runAsUser: 65534 runAsNonRoot: true fsGroup: 65534 # -- securityContext set trivy-server securityContext securityContext: privileged: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: true # -- the number of replicas of the trivy-server replicas: 1 compliance: # -- failEntriesLimit the flag to limit the number of fail entries per control check in the cluster compliance detail report # this limit is for preventing the report from being too large per control checks failEntriesLimit: 10 # -- reportType this flag control the type of report generated (summary or all) reportType: summary # -- cron this flag control the cron interval for compliance report generation cron: 0 */6 * * * # -- specs is a list of compliance specs to be used by the cluster compliance scanner # - k8s-cis-1.23 # - k8s-nsa-1.0 # - k8s-pss-baseline-0.1 # - k8s-pss-restricted-0.1 # - eks-cis-1.4 # - rke2-cis-1.24 specs: - k8s-cis-1.23 - k8s-nsa-1.0 - k8s-pss-baseline-0.1 - k8s-pss-restricted-0.1 rbac: create: true serviceAccount: # -- Specifies whether a service account should be created. create: true annotations: {} # -- name specifies the name of the k8s Service Account. If not set and create is # true, a name is generated using the fullname template. name: "" # -- podAnnotations annotations added to the operator's pod podAnnotations: {} podSecurityContext: {} # fsGroup: 2000 # -- securityContext security context securityContext: privileged: false allowPrivilegeEscalation: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: true capabilities: drop: - ALL volumeMounts: # do not remove , required for policies bundle - mountPath: /tmp name: cache-policies readOnly: false volumes: # do not remove , required for policies bundle - name: cache-policies emptyDir: {} resources: {} # -- We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. # limits: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi # requests: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi # -- nodeSelector set the operator nodeSelector nodeSelector: {} # -- tolerations set the operator tolerations tolerations: [] # -- affinity set the operator affinity affinity: {} # -- priorityClassName set the operator priorityClassName priorityClassName: "" # -- automountServiceAccountToken the flag to enable automount for service account token automountServiceAccountToken: true policiesBundle: # -- registry of the policies bundle registry: ghcr.io # -- repository of the policies bundle repository: aquasecurity/trivy-checks # -- tag version of the policies bundle tag: 0 # -- registryUser is the user for the registry registryUser: ~ # -- registryPassword is the password for the registry registryPassword: ~ # -- existingSecret if a secret containing registry credentials that have been created outside the chart (e.g external-secrets, sops, etc...). # Keys must be at least one of the following: policies.bundle.oci.user, policies.bundle.oci.password # Overrides policiesBundle.registryUser, policiesBundle.registryPassword values. # Note: The secret has to be named "trivy-operator". existingSecret: false # -- insecure is the flag to enable insecure connection to the policy bundle registry insecure: false nodeCollector: # -- useNodeSelector determine if to use nodeSelector (by auto detecting node name) with node-collector scan job useNodeSelector: true # -- registry of the node-collector image registry: ghcr.io # -- repository of the node-collector image repository: aquasecurity/node-collector # -- tag version of the node-collector image tag: 0.3.1 # -- imagePullSecret is the secret name to be used when pulling node-collector image from private registries example : reg-secret # It is the user responsibility to create the secret for the private registry in `trivy-operator` namespace imagePullSecret: ~ # -- excludeNodes comma-separated node labels that the node-collector job should exclude from scanning (example kubernetes.io/arch=arm64,team=dev) excludeNodes: # -- tolerations to be applied to the node-collector so that they can run on nodes with matching taints tolerations: [] # -- If you do want to specify tolerations, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the # square brackets after 'scanJobTolerations:'. # - key: "key1" # operator: "Equal" # value: "value1" # effect: "NoSchedule" # -- node-collector pod volume mounts definition for collecting config files information volumeMounts: - name: var-lib-etcd mountPath: /var/lib/etcd readOnly: true - name: var-lib-kubelet mountPath: /var/lib/kubelet readOnly: true - name: var-lib-kube-scheduler mountPath: /var/lib/kube-scheduler readOnly: true - name: var-lib-kube-controller-manager mountPath: /var/lib/kube-controller-manager readOnly: true - name: etc-systemd mountPath: /etc/systemd readOnly: true - name: lib-systemd mountPath: /lib/systemd/ readOnly: true - name: etc-kubernetes mountPath: /etc/kubernetes readOnly: true - name: etc-cni-netd mountPath: /etc/cni/net.d/ readOnly: true # -- node-collector pod volumes definition for collecting config files information volumes: - name: var-lib-etcd hostPath: path: /var/lib/etcd - name: var-lib-kubelet hostPath: path: /var/lib/kubelet - name: var-lib-kube-scheduler hostPath: path: /var/lib/kube-scheduler - name: var-lib-kube-controller-manager hostPath: path: /var/lib/kube-controller-manager - name: etc-systemd hostPath: path: /etc/systemd - name: lib-systemd hostPath: path: /lib/systemd - name: etc-kubernetes hostPath: path: /etc/kubernetes - name: etc-cni-netd hostPath: path: /etc/cni/net.d/