--- title: "Practical R: R Markdown" author: Abhijit Dasgupta date: BIOF 339 --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE, child=here::here('slides/templates/setup.Rmd')} ``` ```{r setup1, include=FALSE} library(pander) library(emo) ``` layout: true
--- class: middle, center, inverse # RMarkdown --- ![](../img/rmd1.png) --- ## R Markdown .left-column30[ + There are some choices you might need to make + Document is like a paper + Presentation is like PowerPoint + Shiny is an interactive web app developed in R. May talk about it towards the end + Various packages also provide templates for RMarkdown documents ] .right-column30[ ![](../img/rmd2.png) ] --- .left-column30[ + Elements on the right are output formats - Documents produce Word, PDF or HTML - Presentations produce PowerPoint, PDF, or HTML ] .right-column30[ ![](../img/rmd2.png) ] --- ``` --- title: "Untitled" author: "Abhijit Dasgupta" date: "9/11/2019" output: html_document --- ``` This determines the title and author, and the output type. Typically don't modify the entry in `output` for now -- ````markdown `r ''````{r cars} summary(cars) ``` ```` This is a code chunk. RMarkdown evaluates this chunk of code and replaces the code with the results. This code chunk happens to be named "cars". The naming is optional but useful. --- .pull-left[ ### RMarkdown ````markdown `r ''````{r cars} summary(cars) ``` ```` ] .pull-right[ ### Results ```{r 01-intro-22} summary(cars) ``` ] --- .pull-left[ ### RMarkdown ````markdown `r ''````{r} library(tableone) # Use a package kableone(CreateTableOne(data=airquality), format='html') ``` ```` ] .pull-right[ ### Results ```{r 01-intro-23} library(tableone) # Use a package kableone(CreateTableOne(data=airquality), format='html') ``` ]

The code chunk on the left gets **replaced** by the table on the right in your document --- ![](../img/rmd5.png) --- ## Inline code evaluation .pull-left[ ### RMarkdown The airquality data set has `` `r nrow(airquality)` `` observations The average ozone level is `` `r mean(airquality$Ozone)` `` parts per billion ] .pull-right[ ### Results The airquality data set has `r nrow(airquality)` observations The average ozone level is `r mean(airquality$Ozone, na.rm=T)` `` parts per billion ]