--- title: "Data structures in R" author: Abhijit Dasgupta date: BIOF 339 --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE, child=here::here('slides/templates/setup.Rmd')} ``` layout: true
--- ## A quick refresh + R is a scripting language for data analysis and statistics + R Markdown is a way of combining textual information and R code to produce reproducible documents + RStudio is an integrated environment that makes it easier to work with R .pull-left[ You type commands (_code_) for R to run. - objects like data (_nouns_) - functions that do something to R objects (_verbs_) ] .pull-right[ Examples ```{r 02-DataStructures-1, eval=F} airquality diamonds summary(airquality) ``` ] --- # Objects in R .pull-left[ Let's start with the `airquality` data. - It is an object - of class `class(airquality)` = `r class(airquality)` How about each column? Let's look at the Ozone and Wind columns - We can access them using `airquality$Ozone` and `airquality$Wind` - `class(airquality$Ozone)` = `r class(airquality$Ozone)` - `class(airquality$Wind)` = `r class(airquality$Wind)` ] .pull-right[ ```{r 02-DataStructures-2, echo = F} head(airquality, 25) ``` ] --- # Objects in R ```{r 02-DataStructures-3} head(iris) str(iris) ``` Now we see another type of object, a `factor` --- # Objects in R ```{r 02-DataStructures-4} library(ggplot2) str(midwest) ``` Here we have a `character`. --- # Objects in R The most common types of data we see are `numeric`, `character`, `factor`. You can also see `Date` and `logical` You can test to see if data is of a particular type, or convert from one data type to another ```{r 02-DataStructures-5, echo=F} library(tibble) d <- tribble( ~"Data type", ~"Test", ~"Convert", 'numeric', 'is.numeric','as.numeric', 'character','is.character','as.character', 'factor','is.factor','as.factor' ) knitr::kable(d, format='html') ``` -- This conversion is important. Why? ```{r 02-DataStructures-6, echo=F} countdown(minutes=5) ``` --- # Factors Factors are uniquely an R thing. They are meant to represent categorical data (gender, race, state, phenotype) They look like character vectors, but internally act like integers, so you have to be a bit careful with them -- Whenever you're in doubt, convert them to characters using `as.character`. We'll see the utility of factors when we do data munging, summaries and modeling --- ## Every object in R has a name You give an object a name using the syntax `name <- object` Naming conventions: 1. Snake_case or pothole_case 1. CamelCase 1. Some.people.use.periods I'm partial to `snake_case`. The point here is to make expressive names using English so you know what is stored in the name. --- ## A silly exercise From the iris dataset, save each column into a new object, giving it a name. Then see what kind of data that object contains. ```{r 02-DataStructures-7, echo=F} countdown(minutes = 5) ``` --- ## Bigger objects ### Scalar -> vector (array) -> matrix (2-d array) -- + A scalar is a single number or word + A vector is a bunch of scalars arranged in a row or column + A matrix is a bunch of scalars arranged in rows and columns #### Each of these **must** be of the same data type --- ## Examples ```{r 02-DataStructures-8} 2 ``` -- ```{r 02-DataStructures-9} c(2,3,4,5,6) ``` > `c()` is the concatenate function -- ```{r 02-DataStructures-10} matrix(c(1,2,3,4), byrow = T, nrow = 2) ``` --- class:middle,center # Data comes in many flavors --- ## Heterogeneous data From Excel, we are familiar with keeping different kinds of data together in a spreadsheet + Expression levels (numeric) + Gene names (character) + Date of experiment (Date) In R, the objects that can hold heterogeneous data are `data.frame` and `list` --- class:middle, center # Data sets --- ## Typical data structure + Data is typically in a rectangular format + spreadsheet, database table + CSV (comma-separated values) or TSV (tab-separated values) files + Characteristic + Rows are observations + Columns are variables + Each column has the same number of observations > [__Tidy data__](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tidyr/vignettes/tidy-data.html) is a particularly amenable format for data analysis. --- # The `data.frame` Dataframes are the primary mode of storing datasets in R They were revolutionary in that they kept heterogeneous data together They share properties of both a __matrix__ and a __list__ ```{r 02-DataStructures-11} class(airquality) ``` > Technically, a data.frame is a list of vectors (or objects, generally) of the same length --- class: middle, center # Load some data --- We'll load the `spine` dataset into R. To do this, download the data from the web, and store it in the main folder in your project. Then, in the Environment pane, import it using the **Import Dataset** button. You will use the `From text (readr)` option ```{r 02-DataStructures-12, echo=F} data_spine <- read.csv('../data/Dataset_spine.csv', stringsAsFactors=F) ``` --- ![](img/readr1.png) --- ![](img/readr2.png) --- ![](img/readr3.png) --- class:center, middle # A digression: Lists and Matrices --- # Matrices A __matrix__ is a rectangular array of data _of the same type_ ```{r 02-DataStructures-13} matrix(0, nrow=2, ncol=4) ``` ```{r 02-DataStructures-14} matrix(letters, nrow=2) ``` ```{r 02-DataStructures-15} matrix(letters, nrow=2, byrow=T) ``` --- # Matrices You can create a matrix from a set of _vectors_ of the same length ```{r 02-DataStructures-16} x <- c(1,2,3,4) y <- c(10,20,30,40) ``` Put columns together ```{r 02-DataStructures-17} cbind(c(1,2,3,4), c(10,20,30,40)) ## Column bind ``` --- # Matrices You can create a matrix from a set of _vectors_ of the same length ```{r 02-DataStructures-18} x <- c(1,2,3,4) y <- c(10,20,30,40) ``` Put rows together ```{r 02-DataStructures-19} example_matrix <- rbind(c(1,2,3,4), c(10,20,30,40)) ## Row bind example_matrix ``` --- # Extracting elements ```{r 02-DataStructures-20} example_matrix example_matrix[1,] ## Extracts 1st row example_matrix[,2:3] ## extracts 2nd & 3rd columns example_matrix[1,4] ``` --- # Matrix properties ```{r 02-DataStructures-21} example_matrix nrow(example_matrix) ## Number of rows ncol(example_matrix) ## Number of columns dim(example_matrix) ## shortcut for above ``` --- # Matrix arithmetic ```{r 02-DataStructures-22} example_matrix example_matrix + 5 ## Add 5 to each element example_matrix * 2 ## Multiply each element by 2 ``` --- # Two matrices ```{r 02-DataStructures-23} example_matrix example_matrix2 <- rbind(3:6, 9:12) example_matrix2 example_matrix + example_matrix2 ``` --- # Two matrices ```{r 02-DataStructures-24} example_matrix example_matrix2 example_matrix * example_matrix2 ## Not matrix multiplication, but element-wise multiplication ``` --- # Two matrices ```{r 02-DataStructures-25} rbind(example_matrix, example_matrix2) cbind(example_matrix, example_matrix2) ``` --- # Two matrices ```{r 02-DataStructures-26} dim(example_matrix2) t(example_matrix2) ## Transpose of a matrix example_matrix %*% t(example_matrix2) ## Matrix multiplication ``` --- # Lists Lists are collections of arbitrary objects in R ```{r 02-DataStructures-27} example_list <- list(c('Andy','Brian','Harry'), c(12, 16, 16), c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), matrix(1, nrow=2, ncol=3)) example_list ``` --- # Extracting elements from lists ```{r 02-DataStructures-28} example_list[[3]] ``` ```{r 02-DataStructures-29} example_list[1:2] ``` --- # Extracting elements from lists ```{r 02-DataStructures-30} example_list[[4]] class(example_list[[4]]) example_list[[4]][1,] ``` --- # Named lists ```{r 02-DataStructures-31} example_named_list <- list('Names' = c('Andy','Brian','Harry'), "YearsOfEducation" = c(12, 16, 16), "Married" = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), 'something' = matrix(1, nrow=2, ncol=3)) example_named_list[['Names']] example_named_list$Names example_named_list$Names[3] ``` --- class: middle, center # Back to a Data Frame --- # Data frames A data.frame object is a __named list__ where each element is of the same length You can use both _matrix_ and _list_ functions to operate on data.frame objects!! --- # Data Frames ```{r 02-DataStructures-32} head(data_spine) ``` --- # Data Frames ```{r 02-DataStructures-33} dim(data_spine) nrow(data_spine) data_spine_small <- data_spine[1:4,] ## Matrix operation ``` --- # Data Frames ```{r 02-DataStructures-34} data_spine_small[,2] ## Matrix extraction by position data_spine_small[[2]] ## List extraction by position ``` --- # Data Frames ```{r 02-DataStructures-35} data_spine_small[['Pelvic.tilt']] ## Named list extraction data_spine_small[,'Pelvic.tilt'] ## Data frame named column extraction data_spine_small$Pelvic.tilt ## Dollar sign extraction ``` --- # Data Frames My preference is for 1. _data frame named column extraction_ `data_spine_small[,'Pelvic.tilt']`, 2. _named list extraction_ `data_spine_small[['Pelvic.tilt']]` 3. _Dollar-based extraction_ `data_spine_small$Pelvic.tilt` --- # Data Frames ```{r 02-DataStructures-36} names(data_spine_small) data_spine_small[,c('Pelvic.tilt', 'Pelvic.slope','Class.attribute')] ```