Follow the steps below to install Archcraft on a BIOS system (with optional encryption).

  1. After creating a bootable USB, boot system with it & select "Archcraft install medium".

  2. Responsive image

  3. On login screen, enter "liveuser" as the password & login to openbox desktop.

  4. Responsive image

  5. Press Window or Alt + F1 key to open launcher, select "Install Archcraft" & launch installer.

  6. Responsive image

  7. Select the language & press Enter. You'll see some messages like "All checks passed!"

  8. Responsive image

  9. Each step must be followed in ORDER. Now, select "Prepare Installation" & press Enter.

  10. Responsive image

  11. Select "Set Virtual Console" & press Enter.

  12. Responsive image

  13. I'm selecting "US". Choose whichever you prefer & press Enter.

  14. Responsive image

  15. Select "Set Desktop Keyboard Layout" & press Enter.

  16. Responsive image

  17. Again, whichever you prefer. I'm selecting "US".

  18. Responsive image

  19. Select "List Devices (optional)" & press Enter.

  20. Responsive image

  21. Here, you can see a list of devices and partitions on your system. Remember the name of device or partition on which you want to install Archcraft.

  22. Responsive image

  23. Now, go ahead and select "Partition Disk" & press Enter.

  24. Responsive image

  25. Select the device/disk you want to partition & press Enter. I'm going to install Archcraft on first HD, /dev/sda.

  26. Responsive image

  27. Select "cfdisk" & press Enter. You can also use "gparted" if you prefer GUI.

  28. Responsive image

  29. I'm installing it on an empty disk, so let's create a partiton table first. Select "dos" & press Enter.

  30. Responsive image

  31. You can create root, boot, home and swap partitions. When done partitioning, write the changes.

  32. Responsive image

  33. I created boot and root partitions. I'm going to use encryption, that's why I need a separate boot partition.

  34. Responsive image

  35. Let's setup encryption. Select "LUKS Encryption" & press Enter. If you don't want to use encryption, you can skip these steps & jump to Step 28 "Mount Partitions".

  36. Responsive image

  37. I am selecting "Automatic LUKS Encryption". Again choice is yours, select whichever you prefer & press Enter.

  38. Responsive image

  39. Select root partition & press Enter. (In my case it's /dev/sda2)

  40. Responsive image

  41. Set the name for encrypted partition. I choose the default.

  42. Responsive image

  43. Enter the password used to encrypt/decrypt the partition & press Enter.

  44. Responsive image

  45. Re-enter the same password & press Enter. Wait & ignore any warnings like /run/cryptsetup is missing.

  46. Responsive image

  47. Now the partition is open and ready for mounting. Press Enter to exit.

  48. Responsive image

  49. Select "back" to exit this screen.

  50. Responsive image

  51. If you want to use LVM, select "Logical Volume Management" & press Enter.

  52. Responsive image

  53. Here you can setup LVM settings. I'm skipping this step as I don't want to use it.

  54. Responsive image

  55. Mount the partitions we've created. Select "Mount Partitions" & press Enter.

  56. Responsive image

  57. If you've setup encryption, choose "/dev/mapper/cryptroot", otherwise just select "/dev/sda2" to mount as ROOT & press Enter.

  58. Responsive image

  59. Select "ext4" & press Enter.

  60. Responsive image

  61. Select "Yes" & press Enter.

  62. Responsive image

  63. Press Cancel and ignore it. Or, if you know what you're doing, choose what you want.

  64. Responsive image

  65. You'll see Mount Successful! message when mounted successfully.

  66. Responsive image

  67. Now, mount swap partition (if you've created any). I'm using a swapfile here.

  68. Responsive image

  69. Enter the size of swap file (must be equal to "System Memory (RAM)") & press Enter.

  70. Responsive image

  71. Now let's mount the boot partition. If you haven't created one, just use Done and move to step 42. Otherwise select it ("/dev/sda1" in my case) & press Enter.

  72. Responsive image

  73. Select "ext4" & press Enter.

  74. Responsive image

  75. Select "Yes" & press Enter.

  76. Responsive image

  77. Type "/boot" & press Enter. If you've created a separate home partition, you can mount it this way.

  78. Responsive image

  79. Again, ignore that.

  80. Responsive image

  81. Select "Done" & press Enter.

  82. Responsive image

  83. Select "Back" & move to next step.

  84. Responsive image

  85. Select "Install Base" & press Enter.

  86. Responsive image

  87. Select "Install Base Packages" & press Enter. It will copy the rootfs to your root partition.

  88. Responsive image

  89. Wait till it finishes.

  90. Responsive image

  91. Now, select "Run Mkinitcpio" & press Enter.

  92. Responsive image

  93. It'll generate the initramfs and fallback initramfs images.

  94. Responsive image

  95. Select "Install Bootloader" & press Enter.

  96. Responsive image

  97. Select "grub" (recommended) & press Enter. You can choose syslinux if you want.

  98. Responsive image

  99. Select the disk & press Enter. Wait till it's installed.

  100. Responsive image

  101. Go back to the main menu.

  102. Responsive image

  103. Select "Configure Base" & press Enter.

  104. Responsive image

  105. Select "Generate FSTAB" & press Enter.

  106. Responsive image

  107. Select "Device UUID" & press Enter.

  108. Responsive image

  109. Select "Set Hostname" & press Enter.

  110. Responsive image

  111. Enter the hostname (default is archcraft) & press Enter.

  112. Responsive image

  113. Select "Set System Locale" & press Enter.

  114. Responsive image

  115. I'm selecting "en_US.UTF-8". Choose the one you want & press Enter.

  116. Responsive image

  117. Select "Set Timezone and Clock" & press Enter.

  118. Responsive image

  119. Select your continent. Mine's "Asia".

  120. Responsive image

  121. Select the city. Mine's "Kolkata"

  122. Responsive image

  123. Select "Yes" & press Enter.

  124. Responsive image

  125. Use "localtime" if you're dualbooting with Windows, otherwise UTC.

  126. Responsive image

  127. Select "Set Root Password" & press Enter.

  128. Responsive image

  129. Enter the password for the root account.

  130. Responsive image

  131. Select "Add New User(s)" & press Enter. You can create multiple user accounts here.

  132. Responsive image

  133. Type your username, must be lowercase. This will be your regular user account.

  134. Responsive image

  135. Enter the password for the new user.

  136. Responsive image

  137. And a regular user will be created.

  138. Responsive image

  139. Select "Security and systemd Tweaks" & press Enter.

  140. Responsive image

  141. Choose whichever tweaks you like. When you're done, hit Back.

  142. Responsive image

  143. Select "Review Configuration Files" & press Enter.

  144. Responsive image

  145. Here's a list of all config files you can review and modify.

  146. Responsive image

  147. When you're done reviewing & modifying config files, select "BACK" & press Enter.

  148. Responsive image

  149. Finally Select "Done" & press Enter.

  150. Responsive image

  151. Select "Yes" & exit the installer.

  152. Responsive image

That's it! Archcraft is installed on your system. Reboot the machine & enjoy your new OS.